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    • th1bill
      The entire case, all thirty plus ¿sub charges? stem from President Trump paying a Video Hooker who had nothing but her say so to make an...
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      I am sorry but that is not true, you see in your composition you are body, mind, and spirit. The spirit portion of you, I, my wife and...
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      John 8:12 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness...
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      Because I choose not to follow trophy down his never-ending path does not mean I am running... what should a Christian run from other...
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      You are free to be unkinnd and un accepting all you wish
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      I have no problem I know of other than living within a framework built by men while serving our Elohim.
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      I did not say that, you are twisting my statement and this cinversation is over between you and I. I try living by the Word of Yahovah...
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      ah... a catty answer
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      If you were indwelt, making Yehovah's perspective available to you, you would understand what I speak of. My reasoning is straight on...
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      What, may I ask, is so obvious to you?
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread The preachers are all dumb dogs.
      I go to a real Church where every brother and sister are my family. The funny thing is that at better that 300 active members covering...
    • th1bill
      th1bill reacted to Lost4words's post in the thread The preachers are all dumb dogs with Agree Agree.
      Not all dogs are dumb!!
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Just Truth.
      You bark at me as if you want to be the DI here and just as people love doing to scripture you pull a partial statement I made...
    • th1bill
      th1bill replied to the thread Money and wealth..
      Hello brothers. My strong suit has always been the Spiritual Gift of Giving. I will pass over penniless and care less that I made a...
    • th1bill
      The 45th President stopped it cold! President 46, Sleepy, monitor reading Joe, removed the control measures and tied the hands of the...
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