Recent content by stkeokee

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    Jack Van Impe

    jack is an interesting speaker/preacher and he does have to sell his videos on the air to stay on. His many projects that include making these videos are pretty big ticket cost for him... The only thing that is needed for jack to do is change the format big time, because of him coming on late...
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    Just might be hope for peace in the Middle East

    A woman was walking along the beach when she stumbled upon a Genie's lamp. She picked it up and rubbed it, and lo-and-behold a Genie appeared. The amazed woman asked if she got three wishes. The Genie said, "Nope...due to inflation, constant downsizing, low wages in third-world countries...
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    America Online

    lol, well i just went to AOL on the 15th since my billing date is the 17th to cancel again...I've been riding on 2 free months...never using it but maybe a few times to check if anyone is sending me email...and duh they gave me another month free until May 17th now.... sheeesh this aol is...
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    "70 Weeks" of lunar years

    Are you saying that the 69 weeks began in 1947 and will end in 2016 wow.....!!!! The way the palistians and Arabs are it would be possible that a 7 day guarentied peace accord is reached only to be broken on a wednesday afternoon...with a terriost bomb at the temple mount....right before the...
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    The seals, trumpets, bowls of Revelation, are they consecutive are concurrent?

    I believe all three happen not at the same time ...notice that the 144,000 are the representatives of Israel ...God's people choosen to preach all over the world, or whats left after each of the first two judgements...also note that after that second judgement its impossible for anyone to come...
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    GREAT quake of 2002

    Told you I didn't know how to use a poll thingie sheesh here's the post i meant to post What are your opinions on this phophecy ? Countdown to the GREAT quake of 2002 by Timothy Snodgrass - April 13, 2002 NOVEMBER 20, 2001: Received vision of great New Madrid quake in Central U.S...
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    Countdown to the GREAT quake of 2002

    Interesting any comments on this? can be found at Countdown to the GREAT quake of 2002[/SIZE] by Timothy Snodgrass - April 13, 2002 NOVEMBER 20, 2001: Received vision of great New Madrid quake in Central U.S., which divided America in half...
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    Only if you are looking up will you go?

    duh ....I didn't know that posting my views would be attacked i'm pretrib ....big deal .....does this mean every time a subject is brought up that mentions pretrib in here its going to have someone thats post trib post lengthy post debating a reply.... Ok there are pre trib people...
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    America Online

    like i said i had aol only cause wife insisted she loved the graphics......but since a yr ago i've gotten so much junk mail from them it was a waste of time deleting all of them ...My son created an isp for his bosses company and I got a free isp to get on line and was keeping aol for wife but...
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    Only if you are looking up will you go?

    Its by grace of God that we come to believe....and when we do we seem to not only believe but are filled with this desire to read the Word of God....Now with all the writing in the bible many of those that are true believers can read the bible over and over and God in his wisdom shows us veses...
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    America Online

    I tried during summer and they gave me three months free.....then I let it go cause wifie wouldn't let me cancel yet.....then i found a ....user friendly at the email allows us to bloke those pesty know the kind ...sheesh like i need to buy viagra ..i got some once and...
  12. S

    How did you get here?

    this is the third time i've tried to get in lets see if it works and i can post