Recent content by santiagoamr

  1. santiagoamr

    BPD and relationship with God

    Today, I absolutely despise Christ, his mother for giving birth to him. I want to go to hell rather than to be a tool for his Glory. I can't stand him i want to be an Atheist but I can't deny God. The circumstances of my life have put me in a position that i will have to steal in order to care...
  2. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    BTW wheFrom where by the post you replied to would you ever draw a conclusion that I profess one or the other?
  3. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Thank you so much for you input regarding the Dark Night of the Soul.
  4. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    We also call it Baptism of Desire as well. :)
  5. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Tradition is what is not contained in Scripture but it is the sacred Word of God. You are falling miserably not only on an illogical paradox, but also on a Theological error. It is simple and I have already expressed it twice in this forum, without Tradition there is no Bible, there is no way to...
  6. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    I apologise, because I did not understand your premise, I believe it is a matter of redaction, since this part seems overly redundant "The Church's tradition, according to the scriptures, ALONE, is more than all Fathers both" Also if your premise is that there are differences between...
  7. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Like I said it is very laudable, i myself have lost all patience, and for now I am going through what some call the Dark night of the Soul, so my Faith is 99% intact and has been for these past 5 years since it started, but in a cynical form, specially regarding everything material about the...
  8. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    It Comes from Tradition and Theology based on Scripture, from Mathew. It is a cleansing which incorporates the non believer in to the Body of Christ. It is also Just since those who have not heard or known about the Revelation, should be able to become the Body of Christ. I do not believe for...
  9. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Agreed, Theology is not based on Logic it makes use of it, it's purpose is to understand Revelation, not to create revelation, and can not go against or ignore what is our Creed. Example God declared "I AM" that simple statement is full of meaning and at the time and for centuries it was not...
  10. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    I know you are not, nor I was implying that you were, just trying to clarify your post. You said it well "My comments have been that the Faith, as handed to the Apostles, and passed down to the Church, is the basis of everything. Aka Holy Tradition."
  11. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    If we are to follow Christ's example then with the truth there is no tip toe, nor patience, the Truth IS, but your intentions are very laudable.
  12. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    The Fathers of the Church were THE FIRS holders of Scripture and Tradition, without there input there is no Bible, Protestant, Orthodox or Catholic "."
  13. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Numbers brother, numbers, there have been much more Catholics for Theologians to come from.
  14. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Yes the equivocal view of most Protestant beliefs has been thoroughly established, studied and debunked, by scripture alone, thank you for the reminder. Yes that egotistical view that only Christians can attain salvation is not of my taste and like Christ himself said in the Gospel, one must...
  15. santiagoamr

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Do not be afraid of people accusing you of lying, speak without fear, the truth is with you.