Recent content by Lilymay

  1. Lilymay

    Random fact about yourself

    Talking about heights... I have an abnormally intense fear of heights. To the point that even watching things on tv where people are up high, I panic a Was with friends one time.. out enjoying a walk in the woods and I climbed a rock. By the time I got to the top and looked down...
  2. Lilymay

    "Like Any Drug..."

    Well said EZoolander
  3. Lilymay

    Random fact about yourself

    started dyeing my hair at age 21 because my hair started turning gray at that age
  4. Lilymay

    "Like Any Drug..."

    I agree with some of what you said and don't agree with some of what you said. I agree that women and men have voluntarily made the choice to go into the inappropriate content industry... to voluntarily humiliate and degrade themselves and that inappropriate content is a symptom of the problem... problem being an earlier form...
  5. Lilymay

    Spanking - Question

    This one was a bit difficult for me to choose.. but I chose.. Yes - Was Spanked - Parents Did Take It Too Far At Least Once. I can say I was spanked and it was done in a very controlled way. I had to take them the paddle, voluntarily lay across their lap and receive the swats.. so in that...
  6. Lilymay

    lol - thoughts?

    oh my! is about all I have to say about that
  7. Lilymay

    How you feel about your divorce

    female, respondent, no. Like tropical winds, I had concerns. After 22 years of marriage the thought of being alone, living in a different place, the affect on our children, etc... basically dealing with the unknown was fearful. But again like tropical winds, none of that made me think of...
  8. Lilymay

    Tolerable Children's Shows

    when my kids were little some of the shows they watched: Barney Blues Clues Franklin Arthur Magic School Bus I know people like caillou.. but for me personally I would turn the channel when he came on... his whining grated on my nerves.
  9. Lilymay

    Another poll - divorce

    I can speak only speak for myself but I was one of the voters of ... female (respondent) no regrets. But on an average basis I do agree with your prediction.
  10. Lilymay

    Official "Married Couples Off-Topic Thread"

    Got about 7 inches of snow thursday/friday. It is working on about another 6 inches today :) It is so beautiful... let it snow let it snow let it snow
  11. Lilymay

    Would you date a divorced guy?

    Yes I would .. actually I am.. dating a divorced guy.
  12. Lilymay

    For balance-MOST favorite Christmas song

    Oh Holy Night
  13. Lilymay

    Go back to maiden name after divorce?

    I am recently divorced and my decision has been to keep my married name because it is the same as my children.
  14. Lilymay

    Prayer Request: Wife Applying for New Job

    Wonderful blessings... thank you for updating
  15. Lilymay

    marriage in the WEEDs
