Recent content by Julie Carruth

  1. Julie Carruth

    What's Your Biggest Frustration with Hearing God

    Intriguing. I'd love to hear more. Can you elaborate?
  2. Julie Carruth

    What's Your Biggest Frustration with Hearing God

    SO true. I am amazed and saddened at how illiterate our Christian body has become. I am so glad to hear that you are obedient to God's calling on your life to bring others out of the cloudiness.
  3. Julie Carruth

    What's Your Biggest Frustration with Hearing God

    Dave, I love this. Your right. Why should God continue speaking to me if I never respond to what He's saying? Some of my favorite moments in my life have been when I responded to God's voice and had a spiritual encounter that continued for several minutes. God speaks. I respond. God speaks more...
  4. Julie Carruth

    What's Your Biggest Frustration with Hearing God

    I love this part of the story. "Feeling is not religion." I don't have very many emotional experiences in church. I look around and see others that seem to experience more of God than I do, and it makes me wonder if I'm missing something.
  5. Julie Carruth

    What's Your Biggest Frustration with Hearing God

    Wow, Dave! That is really cool. I believe that God will honor your obedience and is preparing you for an encounter.
  6. Julie Carruth

    What's Your Biggest Frustration with Hearing God

    Thank you! I feel so blessed to have found this forum. I have really enjoyed reading people's responses. What a wonderful God we serve. I love how He speaks to these people in so many different ways.
  7. Julie Carruth

    What's Your Biggest Frustration with Hearing God

    Hello, I am thankful and blessed to be a part of this forum. I have been a Christian for many years but was never taught how to hear God's voice in the church. As I raise my two daughters, I realize that they face the same situation. I do my best to teach them how to hear God but feel like I...