Recent content by FuegoPentecostes

  1. FuegoPentecostes

    Wearing veils?

    I don't believe women need to wear a veil, however I don't judge those who feel convicted to do so. People need to understand something - just because a church is against something concerning the outward life, whether it be clothing, jewelry, etc, does not make it legalistic! What is legalistic...
  2. FuegoPentecostes

    Wearing veils?

    Just read this - I know the exact kind of church you're talking about. La iglesia del velo, as we call them lol. They are HARMLESS, please believe me. They are holiness Pentecostal. If you don't mind me asking, where are you located? There are tons of Hispanic Pentecostal veil churches where I...
  3. FuegoPentecostes

    Wearing veils?

    I have seen many Pentecostal churches where the women use veils, usually they are holiness churches. It's usually a pastoral decision, I attend a holiness Pentecostal church and although our women don't use veils, we will often share in visiting churches that use the veil (we call them "veil...
  4. FuegoPentecostes

    Praying in tounges in church

    I don't think there's anything wrong with letting the Spirit moving and speaking in tounges in a service if the Lord leads you to, especially in something like a prayer service. Busting out in tounges during a preaching is a different story, but during prayer it's fine. However I've never heard...
  5. FuegoPentecostes

    Interpretation of tongues

    I have spoken in tounges and then given a word of knowledge, though I suppose it could have been the Lord giving me the interpretation? It happened so fast but I guess it could have been interpreting.
  6. FuegoPentecostes

    Is this a correct summary of the Pentecostal view on Communion?

    Pentecostal doctrine varies widely from church to church. Based on my experience, communion is usually something practiced as often as once a month to as little as a few times a year, depending on the church. It is seen as a sacrament, such as baptism. Believers taking communion are usually...
  7. FuegoPentecostes

    Hands Shaking During Prayer: Does the Holy Spirit Make you Shake?

    I don't know where you have been the past 40 years, but they don't sound like real Pentecostal churches. A real Pentecostal church gives liberty to the Holy Spirit so that He may do as He pleases. In my church, and every church that I've ever visited, I've seen church elders, leaders, pastors...
  8. FuegoPentecostes

    Prayer Meeting/Service

    Just curious to see, what is a typical prayer service at your church like? I know some churches do this type of thing differently. Does the congregation pray together (as in for the same thing, taking prayer requests, etc.)? Do you pray out loud or silently? Does one person lead the prayers...
  9. FuegoPentecostes

    A question I don't think creationists will answer.

    I'm 17 years old, Pentecostal, and I go to church by myself and believe in creationism and all other facts the Bible shows me due to the pure grace of the living God who through His Holy Spirit has revealed me these things. No one taught me about creationism, I didn't follow mommy and daddy to...
  10. FuegoPentecostes

    Un Pregunta?

    Si quieres aprender espanol trata de comunicarte con los hermanos que escriben en esta parte del foro porque sinceramente no hay mucho movimiento en esta area lol Dios te guarde hermano espero que aprendas mucho para la gloria de Dios n.n
  11. FuegoPentecostes

    Powerful Testimony

    This is a video of a pastor telling her wonderful testimony about how she came to the ways of the Lord, I truly have felt moved by the Spirit to share this here on Christian Forums. If you have time, I encourage you to watch and just rejoice and praise God for what He has done with her. My...
  12. FuegoPentecostes

    Thoughts on TBN

    I'm Pentecostal and let me just say I am also disgusted with TBN and it's money-hungry agenda. I don't trust them for nothing. I just wanted to say that because a lot of people associate TBN with pentecostal/charismatic churches and let me just set the record straight that the majority of their...
  13. FuegoPentecostes

    the GIFT of tongues

    I used to go to a church where people talked just like you. That church had some nice, godly people there, but let me tell you, that church had no new permanent members the whole time I was there. There were no healings, no miracles like the first century church experienced through the power of...
  14. FuegoPentecostes

    the GIFT of tongues

    About two months I went to a "youth" all-day fasting service and it was absolutely precious. I say "youth" because only about 5 youths and 3 adults showed up so, yeah, there were about 8 of us. It was beautiful. We were in praise and worship and the music stopped and everything but there was...
  15. FuegoPentecostes

    Why are Christians mocked....

    Being a Christian means you are part of the Body of Christ and part of the true Church of God. That church will ALWAYS be persecuted. I believe that when looking from a biblical point of view, many Catholics are not true Christians, I'm sorry. A true Christian believes in salvation through grace...