Recent content by ESK

  1. E

    Does anyone else feel like you don't have any extra time when you have a full time job?

    Sysyphus. Yes. It's a drag. But I am a depressed person (aat least during these MN winters). There is not enough time...
  2. E

    I feel like I'm losing (my) faith..

    Sorry, I missed it. Just didn't fee like meeting with him today.
  3. E

    I feel like I'm losing (my) faith..

    A lot of the stuff I mentioned above. The idea of Hell though seems to be the biggest thing with me right now. I was raised in an Assemblies of God/Evangelical Christian home (though my mother's bipolar illness and my father's upbringing by alcoholic parents hurt his ability to effectively...
  4. E

    I feel like I'm losing (my) faith..

    I get to meetings but the agnosticism/atheistic nature (and cult) of it hasn't always sat well with me. And to top it off at this time in my life I am questioning the existence of God. I'm a walking kind of spiritual/eemotional mess in some ways right now.
  5. E

    I feel like I'm losing (my) faith..

    I already have been dealing with it. ssober for the longest time my adult life on almost 11 months now.
  6. E

    I feel like I'm losing (my) faith..

    Hell. In short, hell. A lot of stuff has hit me lately. Ex is pregnant with someone I don't approve of Mothers suicide. Social anxiety. Lack of stature. Alcoholism. Lack of friends. A lot of that stuff I can deal with, but there are so many people walking around bound for - what I was...
  7. E

    I feel like I'm losing (my) faith..

    I feel like my world is crashing around me, and I'm questioning my belief in God. I am struggling.
  8. E

    Will you still go to hell if you're saved and commit suicide?

    I've wondered about this and struggled with the question for some time. I found my mom hanging two years ago, and she was a devout christian, but was bipolar and went off her meds. I've also thought about ending my life, even before my mother's death. I think Christ would accept us, but maybe not.
  9. E

    How about a 22 for home defense?

    RFK was assassinated with a .22 (Sirhan Sirhan) and the Virginia Tech shooter who killed 32 used two handguns, and one of them was a .22. As I said, I wouldn't be averse to having one for defense, but if you're in a gun fight with someone with a .9mm or .45 that's a game changer. But if you...
  10. E

    What is your favorite verse or verses in the bible?

    Actually it was Isiah 41: 10. Bible Gateway passage: Isaiah 41:10 - New International Version
  11. E

    What is your favorite verse or verses in the bible?

    Isaiah 10 12 or 14 or some such. Can't remember it exactly. Lol
  12. E

    is there a bible scripture that...

    I thought in Revalations. it talked about in the last days in our desperation we would beg to be defeated, or some such.
  13. E

    is there a bible scripture that...

    ...talks about in the last days, the people/masses will beg the government to disarm them? (To take their right to self defense away from them, willingly?)
  14. E

    Why is online dating so dissapointing, so discouraging

    The sad thing about it all is that in the vicinity I'm in (large Metro) I'm certain there are a dozen females within a 10-15 mile radius with me that would be perfect for me and vice versa...yet we might as well be half a world away. Even sadder, if I don't find someone soon I am certain I am...
  15. E

    How about a 22 for home defense?

    "A .22 on your person is better than a .45 at home..." Is the saying. It's not ideal for home defense - heck, even a .38 isn't necessarily ideal for home defense as there was an example of a woman with a .38 revolver who hit her assailant like 5 times in relatively close range and he still...