Recent content by AmericanGirl

  1. AmericanGirl

    Hair removal

    Hi ladies! I have a question for you all :-) I decided to try some hair removal cream for my underarms; y'know, the type where you smear it on, wait for 15 minutes, wipe it back off and viola! no hair! Except, when I tried it it made no difference whatsoever, except to give me a slight rash; I...
  2. AmericanGirl

    I need your advice please

    I have super sensitive skin, as does my mother; Most makeup makes my skin breakout! The one brand that I can use with no problem is Mary Kay. It's a great brand :) And it goes on perfectly without leaving that pasted "hey, I'm wearing foundation!" look. It smooth and looks like you have...
  3. AmericanGirl

    To Y'all (staff)

    Thanks for all the hard work you do keeping CF running and clean! It's appreciated. :hug:
  4. AmericanGirl

    Just wanted to say...

    Thank you so much! You can't imagine how encouraging it is to read something what you wrote.. I'll have to bookmark this page and come back and read your note again when I'm having a bad day. Thank you again! :hug:
  5. AmericanGirl

    'manly' man

    I like masculine guys, and if I ever get married I know that I'll be marrying a masculine guy because I'm not attracted to the other type (personal preference here) :) I must admit I like the 'clean cowboy' (not the heavy drinking, swearing, party boy type) and the soldier type alot because...
  6. AmericanGirl

    Mod hats - which is the BEST hat of them all?

    That's mine :P I really like alot of the ones Red That's Me uses.. they're cute :pink:
  7. AmericanGirl


    I use KJV primarly although I do also have an NIV. KJV seems to be the most accurate (although I'm not a diehard a KJ only person) :)
  8. AmericanGirl

    Please Pray for Me

  9. AmericanGirl

    Narrowly avoided a big mistake

    Funny! :D
  10. AmericanGirl

    Dumb Question

    Thanks for asking that question; I've wondered myself :)
  11. AmericanGirl

    Taking your hubby's last name....

    I have a great last name, but I certainly want to change it to his if/when I get married. I've never considered not :)
  12. AmericanGirl

    Prayers Needed in Child's Death & Your Thoughts

    OMW that's HORRIBLE! I'll be praying for that baby's parents... and the babysitter since no matter what happened there she needs prayer one way or the other. Those poor, poor people :(
  13. AmericanGirl

    Your experiences with having ELDERS

    I can't recall ever being in a church that didn't have elders, so I'm afraid I'd give a rather lopsided opinion. I'd pretty much ditto oscarr though. :wave:
  14. AmericanGirl

    Hi, Extremely Large Site

    Welcome to CF!!!! :wave:
  15. AmericanGirl

    It's official--I am going back to Canada!!

    Neato!!! Praying for your trip :crossrc: :)