Recent content by Alpine

  1. Alpine

    Does God enjoy revival chat?

    lol some things never change. ^_^
  2. Alpine

    Would God tell someone to declare bankruptcy?

    *sigh* <sarcasm> Better pay them back those insurance companies and medical clinics they will feel so blessed that you paid them back and it will maybe even convert them to Christianity!! Get to work!!! Forget feeding your family and trying to make it through the week! (/sarcasm) The...
  3. Alpine

    Red moons, and John Hagee

    Nope! But us Christians, especially those in the evangelical world are prone to taking any "sign" we can. Whether it be a hole in the wall or an asteroid far far away and thinking it's heaven. We tend to go off the deep end when it comes to this kind of stuff. :cool:
  4. Alpine

    Red moons, and John Hagee

    I like to think of this as Christian astrology. *cough*
  5. Alpine

    Should Christians pray for the dead?

    lol you're so persistant ^_^
  6. Alpine

    Europe is Spiritually dead.....

    ...and that puts it all into perspective. Good point. :preach:
  7. Alpine

    Is ‘Lucifer’ the Planet Venus?

    My favorite planet is Saturn, cause it has all those rings!
  8. Alpine

    Joel Osteen opens up about homosexuality

    Go and sin no more :preach:
  9. Alpine

    Book Review: How to Stay Christian in College

    This is a big issue. How many kids leave their church and go off to college only to have their faith torn to shreds while in college? This happens all too often. I'm not so sure a lot of churches are good at preparing their youth for it either.
  10. Alpine

    What is the biblical definition of a false prophet?

    Simply put, a false prophet is a prophet that is false. :liturgy:
  11. Alpine

    What would the church be like today with no denominations ?

    There's been "denominations" since the beginning. If you want to call them that. Remember when the Corinthian church has problems and Paul talks to them about people who are of Paul, people who are of Peter, etc? It's just human nature to gravitate towards certain shepherds and themes I guess.
  12. Alpine

    Joel Osteen opens up about homosexuality

    I was more disturbed by the other things he said. Where he wants to build people's self esteem and help you reach your dreams. (Rolls eyes) How about preaching Jesus and him crucified? I swear this guy should of went into politics. You notice he always tries to change the subject whenever...
  13. Alpine

    What the heck is going on?

    56 million aborted babies since roe v wade, that's a holocaust.
  14. Alpine

    It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes ...

    Ah! I see things are getting very active at the local mosque! ^_^
  15. Alpine

    What the heck is going on?

    Good to see others feel in some respects the same way. I do wonder if we need to change our thinking to that like the early believers? Living in a pagan society where sexual immorality WAS normal and so was persecution.