The Most Ironic Case Of This Century, And The Media Silence

Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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Some may recall that on October 3rd...journalist, social justice warrior, Democrat supporter and progressive political activist, gay man and staunch LGBTQ ally... Josh Kruger....was murdered in his home in Philly in a baffling case.

There's no shortage of friends and supporters who openly grieved the passing of this man who they greatly respected. This alone would have made this newsworthy outside of Philly because of his extensive social justice "work" and support of progressive causes.

However, the irony of his social media posts ensured his death would hit more conservative media sites was well. Mr Kruger had mocked Dilbert creator and political commentator Scott Adams for stating that liberal Democrat Party policies towards crime and justice reform will get people killed....roughly 3 days before his murder. Adams had recently been canceled for his controversial "hot take" regarding his advice to white people and how they should avoid the racist black people who blame them for everything. Kruger apparently decides to fish through Adams old posts to take a few shots at the guy while he was down. It's not hard for conservatives, or really anyone,to notice the irony of Kruger's post. Conservatives pointing this out were criticized by the left...but frankly, I think they were mostly respectful despite the obvious irony of the situation....

Well now the irony a suspect has been arrested and charged....and the mainstream media seems to not only want to ignore this case and memory hole it, they clearly would prefer to not discuss it at all. Why? Because the suspect is a 19yo black man that Kruger claimed to be helping. After all, this is what he the "marginalized" (a meaningless term) and give a "voice to the voiceless" (something self-aggrandizing and nonsensical, because literally everyone had a voice these days, arguably too many people share their dumb opinions on everything).

Fortunately, at least a couple of outlets have attempted to find out the motive here...and are brave enough to report it.

Turns out Kruger wasn't such a great guy after all....he was a sexual predator victimizing a young, "marginalized", black boy who had been victimized by Kruger since he was 15yo (allegedly). This unfortunate kid probably believed that Kruger was a genuinely good gay social justice activist just interested in helping him out...and Kruger was threatening him with blackmail. Whether it was because Kruger wanted to continue victimizing this guy who wanted out of the situation....or he threatened to out Kruger as a sexual predator and gay pedophile Isn't currently known. What does seem clear is that while this hypocritical sexual predator pretended to be a morally superior advocate for the gay community and mocked the conservative advice/warnings that would have kept him alive had he heeded reality, he was likely a vicious pedophile grooming 15yo black boys who needed help.

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We're Still Here
Sep 25, 2012
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Some may recall that on October 3rd...journalist, social justice warrior, Democrat supporter and progressive political activist, gay man and staunch LGBTQ ally... Josh Kruger....was murdered in his home in Philly in a baffling case.

There's no shortage of friends and supporters who openly grieved the passing of this man who they greatly respected. This alone would have made this newsworthy outside of Philly because of his extensive social justice "work" and support of progressive causes.

However, the irony of his social media posts ensured his death would hit more conservative media sites was well. Mr Kruger had mocked Dilbert creator and political commentator Scott Adams for stating that liberal Democrat Party policies towards crime and justice reform will get people killed....roughly 3 days before his murder. Adams had recently been canceled for his controversial "hot take" regarding his advice to white people and how they should avoid the racist black people who blame them for everything. Kruger apparently decides to fish through Adams old posts to take a few shots at the guy while he was down. It's not hard for conservatives, or really anyone,to notice the irony of Kruger's post. Conservatives pointing this out were criticized by the left...but frankly, I think they were mostly respectful despite the obvious irony of the situation....

Well now the irony a suspect has been arrested and charged....and the mainstream media seems to not only want to ignore this case and memory hole it, they clearly would prefer to not discuss it at all. Why? Because the suspect is a 19yo black man that Kruger claimed to be helping. After all, this is what he the "marginalized" (a meaningless term) and give a "voice to the voiceless" (something self-aggrandizing and nonsensical, because literally everyone had a voice these days, arguably too many people share their dumb opinions on everything).

Fortunately, at least a couple of outlets have attempted to find out the motive here...and are brave enough to report it.

Turns out Kruger wasn't such a great guy after all....he was a sexual predator victimizing a young, "marginalized", black boy who had been victimized by Kruger since he was 15yo (allegedly). This unfortunate kid probably believed that Kruger was a genuinely good gay social justice activist just interested in helping him out...and Kruger was threatening him with blackmail. Whether it was because Kruger wanted to continue victimizing this guy who wanted out of the situation....or he threatened to out Kruger as a sexual predator and gay pedophile Isn't currently known. What does seem clear is that while this hypocritical sexual predator pretended to be a morally superior advocate for the gay community and mocked the conservative advice/warnings that would have kept him alive had he heeded reality, he was likely a vicious pedophile grooming 15yo black boys who needed help.

It’s hard to make national news as one single shooting victim, tragic as it is, when there’s so much headline grabbing competition out there these days.

The air of gloating surrounding this death is interesting though. Thanks for sharing that with us.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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It’s hard to make national news as one single shooting victim, tragic as it is, when there’s so much headline grabbing competition out there these days.


The air of gloating surrounding this death is interesting though. Thanks for sharing that with us.

Well, the original stories painted this man as a paragon of virtue, the living embodiment of left wing social justice values. If the suspect's story has any truth to it...he's a vile pedophile who victimized young teens in need of help and then blackmailed them.

I won't pretend I'm sad he's gone. The world and people of the community he swindled are better off without him.

Part of the problem on the left is that folks like the deceased have taken advantage of the idea that he is above criticism and he is to be believed in his claims of "oppression" because he's gay. It's a very weird, sort of cultish way of thinking that puts certain groups of people upon pedestals and calls anyone who criticizes them a bigot (in this case, homophobic). It's groupthink taken to an extreme and as such, allows sexual predators, racial grifters, and attention seeking narcissists to thrive.

I think if any lesson is to be taken from this...that should be it. Nobody is above criticism by virtue of group status or claims of victimhood. That...and of course the idea that people who speak endlessly of their virtuous and moral character probably have something to hide.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Also...for all this man's friends who came forward after his death to speak up for how great a person he was, you'd think at least some of them would have had the foresight to request his Twitter/X page be deleted. There's many a post on there that hasn't aged well...

For example...

Screenshot_20231028_123250_Samsung Internet.png

The old "my friend has been radicalized and now suspects that teachers and gay people who want to talk about sex to little children are groomers and pedophiles" and "Republicans shouldn't associate with bigots aka anyone unwilling to hand their children over to the state or otherwise thinks wanting to talk to children about explicit sexual topics is odd behavior for any grown man...not just those attracted to men or those that dress up like women."

One has to wonder if such a suspicion is bigoted or radical at all, and given the circumstances of this's entirely possible this "friend" had made an impromptu visit to Mr. Kruger's and crossed paths with a drug addled 15yo and simply realized 1+1=2.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Here's another one that aged poorly...

Screenshot_20231028_131118_Samsung Internet.jpg

He's rather strongly against both incarceration for minor drug offenses (possession/distribution) and requiring institutional drug treatment as an alternative. It's a rather rare position...even on the extreme social justice left. It makes a lot more sense when you realize his killer alleges Mr. Kruger used illegal narcotics himself and used them to lure and manipulate his underage victims.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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My personal favorite post of Mr. Kruger....

Screenshot_20231028_132602_Samsung Internet.png

Ironic, right? I've found the "doth protest too much" cliche often applies to these folk. Nobody seems to be seriously suggesting every gay people are pedophiles. That's akin to suggesting all Catholic priests are pedophiles. Yet, despite this being a common trope and accusation towards Catholic priests...I don't see them howl and become defensive about it nearly as much as gay men. The last line where he suggests that those making the accusation probably do so because of their own guilt is just....wildly ironic and one of the most obvious cases of psychological "projection" I've seen. He's literally a man using drugs to manipulate and sexually abuse young teenage boys....while calling people who suggest he's a pedophile bigots and suggesting that they are the pedophiles.

He spent years of his life as a living embodiment of hypocrisy.
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Sep 4, 2005
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This kind of conversation can get really polarizing and really awkward really fast...but none the less, I'll jump in the fray.

To preface this, no I don't think all (or even a significant number of) gay men a pedophiles, and no I don't think being gay, alone, gives anyone a higher propensity for certain "urges". There's data to suggest that the problematic urges & persuasions, themselves, are of equal prevalence among gay and straight people.

What I have observed (and statistics on promiscuity among different orientations reflects this) is that among the homosexual male culture specifically (homosexual females are the opposite in this regard), there's a certain diminishment of feeling the need to control one's impulses due to extended periods in a "no consequences/anything goes/do what feels right" environment.

If we're all being honest, we know the reason why, for instance, promiscuity is more widely accepted in the gay male community than it is in the hetero or gay female communities, it's because guys are horny, guys are more impulsive, and women are the natural "gatekeepers" in such interactions.

Spend enough time in an environment/culture where there's no woman around to say "no", the impulse control will start to diminish.

The same would be true for hetero guys if womens' brains were wired the same way as mens'. Straight guys have more experience with getting sexually "blocked" and having to find more "taking matters into your own hands" outlets for their urges than gay guys do...

And this isn't a unique part of human psychology. A spoiled kid who doesn't get told "no" as often as a kid with stricter parents is going to behave differently once they grow up and be more insistent in their approach to "getting what they want"
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