Please pray for my salvation and that of my family


He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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I thought I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior at about 10 years of age. Thought I was good since I believed. I have since lived a life devoid of Christ. Hated going to church as a teen, had changed feelings about it in my twenties and said the sinner's prayer but I was still steeped in rampant sexual sin all the while thinking I was saved. I am now in my upper thirties and had a spiritual crisis about a year ago. Read a piece by John Piper about Hebrews 10 and habitual sin, in my case masturbation. This and a bunch of self examination led me to believe that I am not saved and do not belong to Christ, therefore putting me at risk of being a Hebrews 6. I promptly gave up the masturbation and made a bevy of other changes out of fear, but that has not accomplished anything. I worry about being able to lead my children and my family. Yet all this and no desire within to run to Christ. My main motivation is the fear of hell. I don't know if I would have ever cared about Jesus if not for hell. My heart is very hard and I have been praying for a year for salvation or a softened heart but God is silent. I read the Bible and get no comfort or assurance. I have come to the conclusion that I am not an honest seeker because, if I was, He would have saved me in an instant. I may have committed the unpardonable sin because I do not sense a genuine desire to give up my sin and go to Jesus, but only to get out of hell. Thus, I'm now in the situation of having heard the gospel for many years and have grown hardened to it. I don't know if I can even honestly pray. I want to keep trying, but without a pure heart, He'll ignore me. I am led to believe that He does not answer the prayers of sinners that are not Spirit inspired. I don't sense that I have the Spirit operating in me, so I can't truly pray. So, I guess I am hoping He might be moved by the prayers of someone else on my behalf. Please anyone pray that He would grant me true repentance and a true desire for Christ, and that He would do the same for my family members. Thank you.

I also don't really buy that just because I have concern that I haven't grieved the Spirit away. I just know there is a hell and if I don't repent that's where I am headed. I just feel trapped with no way out.

I believe different people need different motivation for coming to Christ. I believe this is why the scriptures have several different ways of motivating people to repent. For me it was out of hardship and painful loneliness that I turned to God for help and since then He has blessed me with a wonderful wife and family as well as a better financial situation. I struggled for a while longing to feel actual love for God. It began to torment me until the day I realized that I wouldn’t worry about feeling love for Him if I did not already love Him. Perhaps your not to that point yet but then again perhaps you are and just don’t realize it. I know it’s hard to feel at first because it takes time to grow. If you abide in Him and remain in your faith He will work in you. Keep immersing yourself in His Word and trust that He who began a good work in you will complete it. God bless brother.
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Jul 22, 2019
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I believe different people need different motivation for coming to Christ. I believe this is why the scriptures have several different ways of motivating people to repent. For me it was out of hardship and painful loneliness that I turned to God for help and since then He has blessed me with a wonderful wife and family as well as a better financial situation. I struggled for a while longing to feel actual love for God. It began to torment me until the day I realized that I wouldn’t worry about feeling love for Him if I did not already love Him. Perhaps your not to that point yet but then again perhaps you are and just don’t realize it. I know it’s hard to feel at first because it takes time to grow. If you abide in Him and remain in your faith He will work in you. Keep immersing yourself in His Word and trust that He who began a good work in you will complete it. God bless brother.
Thank you.
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Bought by His Blood
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Mar 25, 2005
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It is about the heart brother. When we apply God's truth in love then He comes and comforts us, when we do things because the accuser has scared the wits out of us with God's wrath then we have to first place ourselves under God's grace and let His loving truth guide us to repentance out of love for Him rather than fear.

Sure the accuser in our guilty conscience will not like it when you place yourself under Christ's protection but it is the only way to get past that fire breathing dragon.

Washed by Christ's blood cleanses our guilty conscience and we are assured of Heaven instead of having to fear hell.

It is about us learning to serving Jesus with all of our hearts but this is not done under duress - no do as you're told or else the frying pan - but out of love growing in our hearts because God is so good to have as Father, Brother, Saviour, King, Lord, Counsellor and Friend.

An Invitation To The Chosen.

God's Love will not take or will
you to conform to rules or demand
which imprison, enslave, burn or kill you.

God's Love will not pervert what's Good
The Lord loves truthfully Wise and Good.
True Love was, is and always will be Good!

In God's Love you are free to be right!
In His love everything is good proper and kind.
He loves all who love good and true to rule!

His Love is caring, providing, and sharing.
His Love always enjoys and protects good life.
His love rules even when bad life has being in us!

Hear Jesus call - 'Come join up with us all!
Leave whatever ties you down and be free
loving good life with all God's own to be.'

To the rest in your heart God's asks
how long will you tarry in the darkness?
Please leave such bad existence within.

For life must not, no never should, or would, or could,
be forceful, rude, prideful, arrogant, selfish, lustful
or otherwise be untrue to God's loving truth.

Neither should life be hurting or ill,
hungry, oppressed, despised, hated
or otherwise have existence in wrong.

Please hand your Bad Life over to Jesus
Humbly ask for His Good Life back in return
and go love God, self and neighbour with Joy.

The Church knows that Jesus is coming soon
All bad life will be our shameful past then,
so please leave your bad life while you can!

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Active Member
Jul 22, 2019
United States
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It is about the heart brother. When we apply God's truth in love then He comes and comforts us, when we do things because the accuser has scared the wits out of us with God's wrath then we have to first place ourselves under God's grace and let His loving truth guide us to repentance out of love for Him rather than fear.

Sure the accuser in our guilty conscience will not like it when you place yourself under Christ's protection but it is the only way to get past that fire breathing dragon.

Washed by Christ's blood cleanses our guilty conscience and we are assured of Heaven instead of having to fear hell.

It is about us learning to serving Jesus with all of our hearts but this is not done under duress - no do as you're told or else the frying pan - but out of love growing in our hearts because God is so good to have as Father, Brother, Saviour, King, Lord, Counsellor and Friend.

An Invitation To The Chosen.

God's Love will not take or will
you to conform to rules or demand
which imprison, enslave, burn or kill you.

God's Love will not pervert what's Good
The Lord loves truthfully Wise and Good.
True Love was, is and always will be Good!

In God's Love you are free to be right!
In His love everything is good proper and kind.
He loves all who love good and true to rule!

His Love is caring, providing, and sharing.
His Love always enjoys and protects good life.
His love rules even when bad life has being in us!

Hear Jesus call - 'Come join up with us all!
Leave whatever ties you down and be free
loving good life with all God's own to be.'

To the rest in your heart God's asks
how long will you tarry in the darkness?
Please leave such bad existence within.

For life must not, no never should, or would, or could,
be forceful, rude, prideful, arrogant, selfish, lustful
or otherwise be untrue to God's loving truth.

Neither should life be hurting or ill,
hungry, oppressed, despised, hated
or otherwise have existence in wrong.

Please hand your Bad Life over to Jesus
Humbly ask for His Good Life back in return
and go love God, self and neighbour with Joy.

The Church knows that Jesus is coming soon
All bad life will be our shameful past then,
so please leave your bad life while you can!

The heart is the problem. I am intellectually convinced of everything but yet my heart is stubbornly unrepentant.
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Bought by His Blood
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Mar 25, 2005
One of the Greatest Places on Earth.
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The heart is the problem. I am intellectually convinced of everything but yet my heart is stubbornly unrepentant.

Yes i know because fear kills love and satan has robbed you of your will. Without love you are destitute my dear brother, that is why it so good to choose for Him and trust in His sacrifice. Once you placed yourself under his grace you will begin to love Him for His grace.
1 John 4:9-19
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.:amen:

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.:holy: This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

We love because he first loved us.:preach:

It has to do with the mind set. You can be scared of God because you lost your love or you can repent and acknowledge to God that you have no love for Him but that you nevertheless place yourself under Christ's sacrifice and accept His forgiving grace and His love for you freely. Intellectually you can choose for love's way even if your heart doesn't agree. Feelings follow up on our choices.

We cultivate love by obeying His love command - to love God and neighbour.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2019
United States
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It is impossible to pray with a pure heart before God washes you by His Holy Spirit. God doesn't expect you to pray with a pure heart right now- except in the sense that He wants you to renounce what has made your heart impure and to surrender yourself to His righteous authority so you can be born again, purified, and have an interest in Christ and His redemption (Isaiah 55:6-7). The Spirit comes into one's life after they repent and believe, not before (Acts 2:38-39, Ephesians 1:13 etc prove).

Can you pray like Paul prayed at his conversion in Acts 9:6" Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" If you have reservations, be honest, know that is what is keeping you from the Lord, and consider "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?". But if and when having Christ and being in his favor is something that you are decided on and intent on no matter what sinful pleasure you have to renounce and forsake, no matter who may reject you for being a faithful, holy Christian, no matter what esteem you might lose before others and/or in your own eyes, no matter how you might have to suffer for it- then tell God that and ask Him to show you specifically anything you are overlooking which you ought to deal with Him over and what you ought to do to show repentance. And from there seek to go forward as Christ's disciple (certainly believer's baptism and finding a faithful fellowship are musts). Look at the examples of conversion and ongoing faithfulness in the Bible also. This will help cast down wrong concepts you've likely heard and been influenced by; and help define God's expectations for us in getting on the narrow way that leads to life and remaining on it. If you seek God diligently through the Scriptures, are honest with what you see, and cooperate with that Light- you will be given more and you'll be in Christ on the right path eventually. And from there keep doing the same thing (2 Timothy 3:15-17). You are in my prayers.
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Jul 22, 2019
United States
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It is impossible to pray with a pure heart before God washes you by His Holy Spirit. God doesn't expect you to pray with a pure heart right now- except in the sense that He wants you to renounce what has made your heart impure and to surrender yourself to His righteous authority so you can be born again, purified, and have an interest in Christ and His redemption (Isaiah 55:6-7). The Spirit comes into one's life after they repent and believe, not before (Acts 2:38-39, Ephesians 1:13 etc prove).

Can you pray like Paul prayed at his conversion in Acts 9:6" Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" If you have reservations, be honest, know that is what is keeping you from the Lord, and consider "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?". But if and when having Christ and being in his favor is something that you are decided on and intent on no matter what sinful pleasure you have to renounce and forsake, no matter who may reject you for being a faithful, holy Christian, no matter what esteem you might lose before others and/or in your own eyes, no matter how you might have to suffer for it- then tell God that and ask Him to show you specifically anything you are overlooking which you ought to deal with Him over and what you ought to do to show repentance. And from there seek to go forward as Christ's disciple (certainly believer's baptism and finding a faithful fellowship are musts). Look at the examples of conversion and ongoing faithfulness in the Bible also. This will help cast down wrong concepts you've likely heard and been influenced by; and help define God's expectations for us in getting on the narrow way that leads to life and remaining on it. If you seek God diligently through the Scriptures, are honest with what you see, and cooperate with that Light- you will be given more and you'll be in Christ on the right path eventually. And from there keep doing the same thing (2 Timothy 3:15-17). You are in my prayers.
Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement.
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Jul 22, 2019
United States
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Yes i know because fear kills love and satan has robbed you of your will. Without love you are destitute my dear brother, that is why it so good to choose for Him and trust in His sacrifice. Once you placed yourself under his grace you will begin to love Him for His grace.
1 John 4:9-19
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.:amen:

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.:holy: This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

We love because he first loved us.:preach:

It has to do with the mind set. You can be scared of God because you lost your love or you can repent and acknowledge to God that you have no love for Him but that you nevertheless place yourself under Christ's sacrifice and accept His forgiving grace and His love for you freely. Intellectually you can choose for love's way even if your heart doesn't agree. Feelings follow up on our choices.

We cultivate love by obeying His love command - to love God and neighbour.

Thank you for the encouragement. I will ponder this.
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Robert Sands

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Jul 22, 2019
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Have you ever wondered why Christians or those who think they were and fell away so often? Have you wondered why they focus on sin and the negative aspects about themselves? Do we see fantastic promises in Scripture, but they never seem to happen? Does God the Father seem harsh and cruel, but Jesus seems so loving? It may even seem like Jesus came along to protect you from God the Father. In telling about yourself, you talk about your sin and failure.

The reality is that in the Godhead, the Son and the Father are the same. In the first verse we learn as Christians, we learn that God (the Father) loved the world so much, He sent His own Son. The following verse says the Son did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.

Your honest self evaluation is full of self condemnation. But have you thought very much about the incredible love our Father has for us. Jesus on Earth was simply a reflection of His Father's love and hopes for us.

How many times have you heard the passage, "While we are yet sinners, Christ died for us." What about the Romans crucifying Christ, which included Pilate, and Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing?" What about the woman caught in the act of adultery? The religious people wanted her stoned, but think how Jesus was so merciful and loving toward her, even though she did not trust Him or ask for mercy? What about the woman at the well, with her ex-husbands and living with a man who was not her husband, did Jesus condemn her or show her His love?

Are you a worse person than they were? Did you drive the nails in Christ's wrists?

Who are the blessed in the beatitudes of Matthew 5? Were they blessed because of their sinlessness? No, because of their state of being, their characteristics, they were blessed. It was not people with all the characteristics, but some had one trait, and others had a different trait. It was not in what they did or didn't do. Chances are that you have clearly bless-worthy characteristics.

When you were younger, you believed whatever a pastor or radio preacher taught you to do to become a Christian. You did that and thought you were a Christian because you said a prayer or did something else. You simply assumed you were a Christian because you were told you were after your prayer or whatever. And if your view of God our Father was negative, it would be difficult to grow close to Him. But only that very intimate relationship with our Father can help us grow spiritually. Your view of Christ was that He "saved" you, and He expected little more of you.
But then you made a mistake. You read the Bible and found out that He wants much, much more of His followers than doing a few basic rituals and church attendance and giving your church money.

Read John 17 and see that the Father and Son love you so much, they want to be ONE with you. But that deep relationship is more about what you ARE than what you DO.

When you truly surrender everything to Christ, He immediately enters you bringing with Him His new Spirit. That is the initial joy you feel.

His new Spirit in you begins to change your being, and in turn your new inner being begins to change your behavior (your doing). Both take time. But if you are not taught about this Truth and how to change, then you remain a powerless spiritual baby, never able to change anything except some superficial behaviors which accomplish nothing in your life or in the world. Christianity then begins to seem irrelevant, especially when you see the great promises in Scripture.

In its essence, the Christian life is a spiritual Life. And you must be a Christian built on THAT framework. Very few churches teach these mechanics. It is rarely taught because it is rarely understood by the leaders in the modern church.

Read the Words and the promises of Christ very carefully. See what He truly offers and what He truly expects. Go to your Father. Explain everything to Him. Listen for the whisper of His quiet, small voice. Trust Him. Obey Him. And you will not fail. In fact you will find an exceedingly dynamic Life and relationship with your Creator and Father. Stop looking at yourself (what you are and are not), but look to your Father and He will change you into His image and into the image of His Son as His Spirit (not you) does this magnificent work from the inside out.
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Apr 13, 2017
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1) I thought I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior at about 10 years of age. Thought I was good since I believed.
2) I have since lived a life devoid of Christ. Hated going to church as a teen,
3) had changed feelings about it in my twenties and said the sinner's prayer but I was still steeped in rampant sexual sin all the while thinking I was saved.

I believe in starting from the beginning, therefore lets take the first part of your post.

I know this sounds rather personal, but I don't know where you are coming from with your Spiritual background, so.

1) What Denomination were you at age 10?
2) What was the actual process of you Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, during this process were you Baptized at that time, or some time later?
3) When you said the sinners prayer in your 20"s were you Re Baptized?

It sounds as though your Salvation was wearing kinda thin by the time you were in your teens, that's only a few years.

I know you had the mind set of being a Christian, being Saved and that is what has driven you all these years, you felt you had attained something but you could never live up to what you believed you should as a Christian.

This is why I'm asking the questions, you need to definitively answer them in order for you to be able to ascertain at this point in your life, just where it is you stand Spiritually.

After you know where it is you stand, then you will be able to take the necessary steps, to get you to where it is you want to be.

The last thing you should be is, driven into the arms of Jesus out of FEAR.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

This is enough for right now, answer these and we will talk.

The process is more than just someone praying for your Salvation.

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Active Member
Jul 22, 2019
United States
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I believe in starting from the beginning, therefore lets take the first part of your post.

I know this sounds rather personal, but I don't know where you are coming from with your Spiritual background, so.

1) What Denomination were you at age 10?
2) What was the actual process of you Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, during this process were you Baptized at that time, or some time later?
3) When you said the sinners prayer in your 20"s were you Re Baptized?

It sounds as though your Salvation was wearing kinda thin by the time you were in your teens, that's only a few years.

I know you had the mind set of being a Christian, being Saved and that is what has driven you all these years, you felt you had attained something but you could never live up to what you believed you should as a Christian.

This is why I'm asking the questions, you need to definitively answer them in order for you to be able to ascertain at this point in your life, just where it is you stand Spiritually.

After you know where it is you stand, then you will be able to take the necessary steps, to get you to where it is you want to be.

The last thing you should be is, driven into the arms of Jesus out of FEAR.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

This is enough for right now, answer these and we will talk.

The process is more than just someone praying for your Salvation.
1) Non denominational.
2)A guest speaker was preaching and I remember being really excited and I wanted to be baptized. I was baptized that night. I felt that I had given my heart to Jesus. But I am sure this was nothing more than a rush of emotion similar to the first soil mentioned in Jesus' parable.
3)I was not re baptized in my twenties. I don't know what I was thinking, but I guess I still thought I was saved all the while. Even if I decided to get re baptized now, I believe it would have no more effect than simply getting wet.

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me about this. I appreciate it.
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Active Member
Jul 22, 2019
United States
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Have you ever wondered why Christians or those who think they were and fell away so often? Have you wondered why they focus on sin and the negative aspects about themselves? Do we see fantastic promises in Scripture, but they never seem to happen? Does God the Father seem harsh and cruel, but Jesus seems so loving? It may even seem like Jesus came along to protect you from God the Father. In telling about yourself, you talk about your sin and failure.

The reality is that in the Godhead, the Son and the Father are the same. In the first verse we learn as Christians, we learn that God (the Father) loved the world so much, He sent His own Son. The following verse says the Son did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.

Your honest self evaluation is full of self condemnation. But have you thought very much about the incredible love our Father has for us. Jesus on Earth was simply a reflection of His Father's love and hopes for us.

How many times have you heard the passage, "While we are yet sinners, Christ died for us." What about the Romans crucifying Christ, which included Pilate, and Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing?" What about the woman caught in the act of adultery? The religious people wanted her stoned, but think how Jesus was so merciful and loving toward her, even though she did not trust Him or ask for mercy? What about the woman at the well, with her ex-husbands and living with a man who was not her husband, did Jesus condemn her or show her His love?

Are you a worse person than they were? Did you drive the nails in Christ's wrists?

Who are the blessed in the beatitudes of Matthew 5? Were they blessed because of their sinlessness? No, because of their state of being, their characteristics, they were blessed. It was not people with all the characteristics, but some had one trait, and others had a different trait. It was not in what they did or didn't do. Chances are that you have clearly bless-worthy characteristics.

When you were younger, you believed whatever a pastor or radio preacher taught you to do to become a Christian. You did that and thought you were a Christian because you said a prayer or did something else. You simply assumed you were a Christian because you were told you were after your prayer or whatever. And if your view of God our Father was negative, it would be difficult to grow close to Him. But only that very intimate relationship with our Father can help us grow spiritually. Your view of Christ was that He "saved" you, and He expected little more of you.
But then you made a mistake. You read the Bible and found out that He wants much, much more of His followers than doing a few basic rituals and church attendance and giving your church money.

Read John 17 and see that the Father and Son love you so much, they want to be ONE with you. But that deep relationship is more about what you ARE than what you DO.

When you truly surrender everything to Christ, He immediately enters you bringing with Him His new Spirit. That is the initial joy you feel.

His new Spirit in you begins to change your being, and in turn your new inner being begins to change your behavior (your doing). Both take time. But if you are not taught about this Truth and how to change, then you remain a powerless spiritual baby, never able to change anything except some superficial behaviors which accomplish nothing in your life or in the world. Christianity then begins to seem irrelevant, especially when you see the great promises in Scripture.

In its essence, the Christian life is a spiritual Life. And you must be a Christian built on THAT framework. Very few churches teach these mechanics. It is rarely taught because it is rarely understood by the leaders in the modern church.

Read the Words and the promises of Christ very carefully. See what He truly offers and what He truly expects. Go to your Father. Explain everything to Him. Listen for the whisper of His quiet, small voice. Trust Him. Obey Him. And you will not fail. In fact you will find an exceedingly dynamic Life and relationship with your Creator and Father. Stop looking at yourself (what you are and are not), but look to your Father and He will change you into His image and into the image of His Son as His Spirit (not you) does this magnificent work from the inside out.
Thank you. I'll read John 17.
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