The Gryphon

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Sep 26, 2018
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I don't have a problem with vegans or pacifists; to a point. The reason is I have been both for a time. If you want follow that path and are willing to accept all that will result from that path without asking others to intercede on your behalf I am not going to criticize you. I will only say to continue to read and study the Bible to show yourself approved and knowledgeable in the faith. Please do no take verses out of context as a pretext to support your views but keep everything in context for a balanced view. As long as you don't try to force your views on others just as others should not try to force their views on you. Judge not least those same standards be used to judge you remember.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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I don't have a problem with vegans or pacifists; to a point. The reason is I have been both for a time. If you want follow that path and are willing to accept all that will result from that path without asking others to intercede on your behalf I am not going to criticize you. I will only say to continue to read and study the Bible to show yourself approved and knowledgeable in the faith. Please do no take verses out of context as a pretext to support your views but keep everything in context for a balanced view. As long as you don't try to force your views on others just as others should not try to force their views on you. Judge not least those same standards be used to judge you remember.
Wise words Gryph.
A couple issues.
One is that very few people intentionally take verses out of context to support their opinion. Almost all of us have tons of verses that support our position and that position is based on what individuals consider to be the "fundamental verses" or "fundamental truths." Fundamental verses are those scriptures that you use to interpret all other verses in the light of. My fundamental verses may be different than yours. The Jehovah witnesses have different fundamental verses as do Catholics, Calvinists, and Armenians. As long as you and I and them have different fundamental verses, there will be no agreement. We can see this in Hebrews 5 and 6 where Paul tells the confused Jewish believers:

Hebrews 5:
11 Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.
12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need of one to teach you again which [are] the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong food.
13 For every one that useth milk, [is] unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
14 But strong food belongeth to them that are of full age, [even] those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

These believers did not know which scriptures were "controlling" scriptures. They had their priorities messed up. And in doctrine it is the priorities that determine the context. So if a person has different priorities than you... they will also have a different context. When it says "good and evil" here.. it means that which has weight and that which is of less importance. I can pick up two weights and tell which one is heavier. So can you. Same with scripture. If you have your fundamental truths set up correctly, then you will be able to correctly interpret the less important verses. Jesus mentioned this when he referred the Jews to "the weightier matters of the law..."

Matt 23
23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint, and anise, and cummin, and have omitted the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ye ought to have done, and not to leave the others undone

So the point is, I think it is difficult to tell people to not take verses out of context, because what they really need to to have their priorities fixed. Then they will automatically get the correct context.

The other issue is what I call "the theory of strict contextualism
There is the theory that all scripture quoted from the Old Testament must be interpreted in the original context. This is true when actually reading the OT. However this does not appear true when NT writers quote the OT. I did a study a number of years ago checking up on this theory. I started in Matthew and checked every OT quote to see if the NT author was "taking the verse in context." Startling, I discovered the opposite is truth. Most of the OT quotes in the NT would be considered "out of context"
with those OT verses. Most have no contextual agreement, and many more would be considered severely twisted. Many Jewish Scholars who criticism the NT point this out. They take the original OT verses and show how they are taken "out of context" by NT authors who are trying to prove that Christianity can be found in the OT.
My point is the the Holy Spirit had things placed in stories and prophecies and psalms etc that would one day be lifted out by Christian teachers and used to prove Christ. Yes they appear veiled and "out of context" but this was done on purpose to hide them from those without faith. So I refuse the "theory of strict contextualism."

2 Corin 3:
15 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.

Thanks Gryph... but your word is well taken.
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Dec 28, 2014
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Today, it really hit me.

First off, i’m a vegan because i do not want to contribute to the suffering of ANY sentient life (ALL entities with feelings) and have a degree in nutrition to have learned the depths of biochemistry when it comes to the truth of what animal products do in our bodies - creates an acidic/toxic biproduct that actually degrades cells, DNA, and enzymes making the body age faster and become far more prone to pretty much all illnesses and diseases. God also made it clear that telling the truth about this and being a voice for sentient life is a big part of my purpose on earth.

I’m surrounded by people that don’t care and mock this. They mock that i actually care about the feelings of others and that i love animals so much that i DON’T want to eat them, for their sake (Christ is about LIFE and giving value TO life, that means ALL life, not just human life), and of course for very deep health reasons.

Isaiah 11:6 - When predator lays with their prey and is lead by a little child? God has made it clear to me that the reason a little child would lead this peace is because little children don’t even THINK to kill. God also is really putting it on my heart that, “Thou shalt not kill” is actually meant to be applied to animals too because Jesus says we are to be like little children, little children that are NOT meant to kill, nor contribute to killing, nor contribute to the suffering of ANYONE or ANYTHING. Animals have feelings, and i for one could NEVER look an animal in the eyes and kill it.

Also, before Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, i guarantee the thought to kill anything did NOT exist in their minds or hearts.

But yeah, i get mocked by so many Christians even though God has made it CLEAR he wants me to awaken people to this truth. They go on about animal sacrifices, but don’t realize after Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, there was truly no need for ANY animal sacrifices... God (and Jesus) made it abundance clear that obedience to His Commandments meant more to them than sacrifice, which includes the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” Eating animal flesh/products results in killing animals that ultimately kills ourselves faster.

I have a hard time being on earth because people don’t care about what God sent me to do. People don’t care about feelings (i have been bullied pretty much my entire life). People don’t want to look deeper into genuine truth.

Today was my mom’s birthday so we went to a restaurant where my sister basically mocked me saying that it was “so inconvenient” that i was a vegan (but, i was grateful that the restaurant did make modifications to accommodate that). After dinner my parents and i went to the symphony, and after the symphony there was a man outside asking for money and i watched hordes of people just walk by like he didn’t exist. I gave him the last of my change and prayed for him. Then another man asked my parents as we were approaching our vehicle for something and my dad made a remark like, “they always want more and more.” Yet, while he was saying that i was in the middle of praying for the abundance of homeless people and for them to have the means to get off the street (as i gave the last of my change to the previous man outside of the concert hall).

It’s like, no one even THINKS to treat others as they wish to be treated anymore. It’s at that moment where i really felt like i truly don’t belong on this earth. I really want to go home where people actually care at the level God has taught me to care. From what i can tell, that isn’t anywhere on earth.

Believe me, you are not alone. There are tons of people who follow their hearts just like you do.
I can tell you where you might be going wrong...talking about it. Please remember that when you bring up veganism to an animal eater, you are poking them in the eye with a red hot poker. To them, you are suggesting that THEY are participating in evil actions by caging and killing animals. And that is a bad idea. It never turns out well. You'll likely make no friends advertising that you think something they love to do is immoral.
I normally won't even bring it up, but one time I hesitantly divulged the fact that I do not eat animals in front of a group of people of which I only knew one. I wasn't pushing it...they kept offering me meat stuff at a restaurant and I kept refusing. It started to look like I didn't like anything they ordered. Like I was being snobbish or something. Then I said it....."sorry, I just don't eat meat"
Well, anyone within earshot of my voice stopped talking and one guy spoke up really fast asking "why don't you eat meat?" It was really awkward. I did not bring up morals at all. I just said "because I just don't want to". Had I said that I believe it was immoral, I would have been lambasted and drilled for "biblical" reasons. (a curious side note: the only people that give me problems about it are the religious ones-nobody else even cares)

Trust me, friend....just do what you know is right. There is absolutely no need to tell anyone. God sees you and knows you by your heart...and trust me, that's good enough.
So one of my conservative protestant friends found out about it and now he refuses to talk to me or return any calls because he thinks I have become a liberal or something like that.
Not everybody thinks this way, but a lot do.
Peace and joy comes from just doing what you know is right.
Believe me, people will notice without you saying a word.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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Today, it really hit me.

First off, i’m a vegan because i do not want to contribute to the suffering of ANY sentient life (ALL entities with feelings) and have a degree in nutrition to have learned the depths of biochemistry when it comes to the truth of what animal products do in our bodies - creates an acidic/toxic biproduct that actually degrades cells, DNA, and enzymes making the body age faster and become far more prone to pretty much all illnesses and diseases. God also made it clear that telling the truth about this and being a voice for sentient life is a big part of my purpose on earth.

I’m surrounded by people that don’t care and mock this. They mock that i actually care about the feelings of others and that i love animals so much that i DON’T want to eat them, for their sake (Christ is about LIFE and giving value TO life, that means ALL life, not just human life), and of course for very deep health reasons.

Isaiah 11:6 - When predator lays with their prey and is lead by a little child? God has made it clear to me that the reason a little child would lead this peace is because little children don’t even THINK to kill. God also is really putting it on my heart that, “Thou shalt not kill” is actually meant to be applied to animals too because Jesus says we are to be like little children, little children that are NOT meant to kill, nor contribute to killing, nor contribute to the suffering of ANYONE or ANYTHING. Animals have feelings, and i for one could NEVER look an animal in the eyes and kill it.

Also, before Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, i guarantee the thought to kill anything did NOT exist in their minds or hearts.

But yeah, i get mocked by so many Christians even though God has made it CLEAR he wants me to awaken people to this truth. They go on about animal sacrifices, but don’t realize after Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, there was truly no need for ANY animal sacrifices... God (and Jesus) made it abundance clear that obedience to His Commandments meant more to them than sacrifice, which includes the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” Eating animal flesh/products results in killing animals that ultimately kills ourselves faster.

I have a hard time being on earth because people don’t care about what God sent me to do. People don’t care about feelings (i have been bullied pretty much my entire life). People don’t want to look deeper into genuine truth.

Today was my mom’s birthday so we went to a restaurant where my sister basically mocked me saying that it was “so inconvenient” that i was a vegan (but, i was grateful that the restaurant did make modifications to accommodate that). After dinner my parents and i went to the symphony, and after the symphony there was a man outside asking for money and i watched hordes of people just walk by like he didn’t exist. I gave him the last of my change and prayed for him. Then another man asked my parents as we were approaching our vehicle for something and my dad made a remark like, “they always want more and more.” Yet, while he was saying that i was in the middle of praying for the abundance of homeless people and for them to have the means to get off the street (as i gave the last of my change to the previous man outside of the concert hall).

It’s like, no one even THINKS to treat others as they wish to be treated anymore. It’s at that moment where i really felt like i truly don’t belong on this earth. I really want to go home where people actually care at the level God has taught me to care. From what i can tell, that isn’t anywhere on earth.

This may help:
11 Best Bible Verses about Being Quiet, Controlling Tongue
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Oct 26, 2018
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Believe me, you are not alone. There are tons of people who follow their hearts just like you do.
I can tell you where you might be going wrong...talking about it. Please remember that when you bring up veganism to an animal eater, you are poking them in the eye with a red hot poker. To them, you are suggesting that THEY are participating in evil actions by caging and killing animals. And that is a bad idea. It never turns out well. You'll likely make no friends advertising that you think something they love to do is immoral.
I normally won't even bring it up, but one time I hesitantly divulged the fact that I do not eat animals in front of a group of people of which I only knew one. I wasn't pushing it...they kept offering me meat stuff at a restaurant and I kept refusing. It started to look like I didn't like anything they ordered. Like I was being snobbish or something. Then I said it....."sorry, I just don't eat meat"
Well, anyone within earshot of my voice stopped talking and one guy spoke up really fast asking "why don't you eat meat?" It was really awkward. I did not bring up morals at all. I just said "because I just don't want to". Had I said that I believe it was immoral, I would have been lambasted and drilled for "biblical" reasons. (a curious side note: the only people that give me problems about it are the religious ones-nobody else even cares)

Trust me, friend....just do what you know is right. There is absolutely no need to tell anyone. God sees you and knows you by your heart...and trust me, that's good enough.
So one of my conservative protestant friends found out about it and now he refuses to talk to me or return any calls because he thinks I have become a liberal or something like that.
Not everybody thinks this way, but a lot do.
Peace and joy comes from just doing what you know is right.
Believe me, people will notice without you saying a word.

This is something God actually guided me not to be silent about. But i do appreciate this. I’m one for justice, and the cruelty in injustice towards sentient life is not something i will be quiet about, especially when it comes to our own health. People are hurting animals with feelings and think nothing of it, yet complain and protest about bullying yet don’t realize that’s exactly what their food goes through so they can satisfy their taste buds to ultimately destroy their own bodies faster. It’s a moral obligation that God has delegated to me speak out about. I think God would be more upset if i didn’t speak up about this. How can human consciousness evolve into a better direction if people don’t have any empathy or compassion for entities with feelings? But i do understand where you’re coming from. But when God tells me to do something, i don’t hesitate. I’d honestly rather please God than people.
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Dec 28, 2014
United States
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This is something God actually guided me not to be silent about. But i do appreciate this. I’m one for justice, and the cruelty in injustice towards sentient life is not something i will be quiet about, especially when it comes to our own health. People are hurting animals with feelings and think nothing of it, yet complain and protest about bullying yet don’t realize that’s exactly what their food goes through so they can satisfy their taste buds to ultimately destroy their own bodies faster. It’s a moral obligation that God has delegated to me speak out about. I think God would be more upset if i didn’t speak up about this. How can human consciousness evolve into a better direction if people don’t have any empathy or compassion for entities with feelings? But i do understand where you’re coming from. But when God tells me to do something, i don’t hesitate. I’d honestly rather please God than people.
OK, I get ya.
Maybe another analogy would be a "cat" person debating a "dog" person about why cats are the best pets and superior animals or the other way around.
I do wish you luck.

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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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Today, it really hit me.

First off, i’m a vegan because i do not want to contribute to the suffering of ANY sentient life (ALL entities with feelings) and have a degree in nutrition to have learned the depths of biochemistry when it comes to the truth of what animal products do in our bodies - creates an acidic/toxic biproduct that actually degrades cells, DNA, and enzymes making the body age faster and become far more prone to pretty much all illnesses and diseases. God also made it clear that telling the truth about this and being a voice for sentient life is a big part of my purpose on earth.

I’m surrounded by people that don’t care and mock this. They mock that i actually care about the feelings of others and that i love animals so much that i DON’T want to eat them, for their sake (Christ is about LIFE and giving value TO life, that means ALL life, not just human life), and of course for very deep health reasons.

Isaiah 11:6 - When predator lays with their prey and is lead by a little child? God has made it clear to me that the reason a little child would lead this peace is because little children don’t even THINK to kill. God also is really putting it on my heart that, “Thou shalt not kill” is actually meant to be applied to animals too because Jesus says we are to be like little children, little children that are NOT meant to kill, nor contribute to killing, nor contribute to the suffering of ANYONE or ANYTHING. Animals have feelings, and i for one could NEVER look an animal in the eyes and kill it.

Also, before Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, i guarantee the thought to kill anything did NOT exist in their minds or hearts.

But yeah, i get mocked by so many Christians even though God has made it CLEAR he wants me to awaken people to this truth. They go on about animal sacrifices, but don’t realize after Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, there was truly no need for ANY animal sacrifices... God (and Jesus) made it abundance clear that obedience to His Commandments meant more to them than sacrifice, which includes the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” Eating animal flesh/products results in killing animals that ultimately kills ourselves faster.

I have a hard time being on earth because people don’t care about what God sent me to do. People don’t care about feelings (i have been bullied pretty much my entire life). People don’t want to look deeper into genuine truth.

Today was my mom’s birthday so we went to a restaurant where my sister basically mocked me saying that it was “so inconvenient” that i was a vegan (but, i was grateful that the restaurant did make modifications to accommodate that). After dinner my parents and i went to the symphony, and after the symphony there was a man outside asking for money and i watched hordes of people just walk by like he didn’t exist. I gave him the last of my change and prayed for him. Then another man asked my parents as we were approaching our vehicle for something and my dad made a remark like, “they always want more and more.” Yet, while he was saying that i was in the middle of praying for the abundance of homeless people and for them to have the means to get off the street (as i gave the last of my change to the previous man outside of the concert hall).

It’s like, no one even THINKS to treat others as they wish to be treated anymore. It’s at that moment where i really felt like i truly don’t belong on this earth. I really want to go home where people actually care at the level God has taught me to care. From what i can tell, that isn’t anywhere on earth.
Sounds like you care more about animals then you do people. You want to go home but if you really loved and cared about people you would want to do all you can do to take many of them home with you. Also we receive rewards and we will have treasures in Heaven. So God has a plan and a purpose for us here on this Earth.

Even if you do love animals more then people. I would think that you would want to take as many animals with you to heaven as you can manage to take.
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Oct 26, 2018
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Sounds like you care more about animals then you do people. You want to go home but if you really loved and cared about people you would want to do all you can do to take many of them home with you. Also we receive rewards and we will have treasures in Heaven. So God has a plan and a purpose for us here on this Earth.

Even if you do love animals more then people. I would think that you would want to take as many animals with you to heaven as you can manage to take.

That’s the thing, i care about both a lot. I want people and animals to have healthier and happier lives. Veganism has been proven to prolong our lives and make us far less susceptible to all illnesses and diseases while contributing to the goodness of innocent animals simultaneously. Veganism is a win for people (better health), and a win for animals (enriched lives with minimal/no suffering).
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Mar 12, 2018
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Today, it really hit me.

First off, i’m a vegan because i do not want to contribute to the suffering of ANY sentient life (ALL entities with feelings) and have a degree in nutrition to have learned the depths of biochemistry when it comes to the truth of what animal products do in our bodies - creates an acidic/toxic biproduct that actually degrades cells, DNA, and enzymes making the body age faster and become far more prone to pretty much all illnesses and diseases. God also made it clear that telling the truth about this and being a voice for sentient life is a big part of my purpose on earth.

I’m surrounded by people that don’t care and mock this. They mock that i actually care about the feelings of others and that i love animals so much that i DON’T want to eat them, for their sake (Christ is about LIFE and giving value TO life, that means ALL life, not just human life), and of course for very deep health reasons.

Isaiah 11:6 - When predator lays with their prey and is lead by a little child? God has made it clear to me that the reason a little child would lead this peace is because little children don’t even THINK to kill. God also is really putting it on my heart that, “Thou shalt not kill” is actually meant to be applied to animals too because Jesus says we are to be like little children, little children that are NOT meant to kill, nor contribute to killing, nor contribute to the suffering of ANYONE or ANYTHING. Animals have feelings, and i for one could NEVER look an animal in the eyes and kill it.

Also, before Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, i guarantee the thought to kill anything did NOT exist in their minds or hearts.

But yeah, i get mocked by so many Christians even though God has made it CLEAR he wants me to awaken people to this truth. They go on about animal sacrifices, but don’t realize after Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, there was truly no need for ANY animal sacrifices... God (and Jesus) made it abundance clear that obedience to His Commandments meant more to them than sacrifice, which includes the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” Eating animal flesh/products results in killing animals that ultimately kills ourselves faster.

I have a hard time being on earth because people don’t care about what God sent me to do. People don’t care about feelings (i have been bullied pretty much my entire life). People don’t want to look deeper into genuine truth.

Today was my mom’s birthday so we went to a restaurant where my sister basically mocked me saying that it was “so inconvenient” that i was a vegan (but, i was grateful that the restaurant did make modifications to accommodate that). After dinner my parents and i went to the symphony, and after the symphony there was a man outside asking for money and i watched hordes of people just walk by like he didn’t exist. I gave him the last of my change and prayed for him. Then another man asked my parents as we were approaching our vehicle for something and my dad made a remark like, “they always want more and more.” Yet, while he was saying that i was in the middle of praying for the abundance of homeless people and for them to have the means to get off the street (as i gave the last of my change to the previous man outside of the concert hall).

It’s like, no one even THINKS to treat others as they wish to be treated anymore. It’s at that moment where i really felt like i truly don’t belong on this earth. I really want to go home where people actually care at the level God has taught me to care. From what i can tell, that isn’t anywhere on earth.

I rated your OP optimistic because of how idealistic it is compared to the world. I grew up when teacher told us animals are here for us to eat; those ideologies were taught and passed down.

Having said that, any decent thing is idealistic on this plane of existence. You realize where you are, and you even consider the creatures "under" you. That is a certain type of fruit.
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Dec 28, 2014
United States
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Today, it really hit me.

First off, i’m a vegan because i do not want to contribute to the suffering of ANY sentient life (ALL entities with feelings) and have a degree in nutrition to have learned the depths of biochemistry when it comes to the truth of what animal products do in our bodies - creates an acidic/toxic biproduct that actually degrades cells, DNA, and enzymes making the body age faster and become far more prone to pretty much all illnesses and diseases. God also made it clear that telling the truth about this and being a voice for sentient life is a big part of my purpose on earth.

I’m surrounded by people that don’t care and mock this. They mock that i actually care about the feelings of others and that i love animals so much that i DON’T want to eat them, for their sake (Christ is about LIFE and giving value TO life, that means ALL life, not just human life), and of course for very deep health reasons.

Isaiah 11:6 - When predator lays with their prey and is lead by a little child? God has made it clear to me that the reason a little child would lead this peace is because little children don’t even THINK to kill. God also is really putting it on my heart that, “Thou shalt not kill” is actually meant to be applied to animals too because Jesus says we are to be like little children, little children that are NOT meant to kill, nor contribute to killing, nor contribute to the suffering of ANYONE or ANYTHING. Animals have feelings, and i for one could NEVER look an animal in the eyes and kill it.

Also, before Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, i guarantee the thought to kill anything did NOT exist in their minds or hearts.

But yeah, i get mocked by so many Christians even though God has made it CLEAR he wants me to awaken people to this truth. They go on about animal sacrifices, but don’t realize after Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, there was truly no need for ANY animal sacrifices... God (and Jesus) made it abundance clear that obedience to His Commandments meant more to them than sacrifice, which includes the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.” Eating animal flesh/products results in killing animals that ultimately kills ourselves faster.

I have a hard time being on earth because people don’t care about what God sent me to do. People don’t care about feelings (i have been bullied pretty much my entire life). People don’t want to look deeper into genuine truth.

Today was my mom’s birthday so we went to a restaurant where my sister basically mocked me saying that it was “so inconvenient” that i was a vegan (but, i was grateful that the restaurant did make modifications to accommodate that). After dinner my parents and i went to the symphony, and after the symphony there was a man outside asking for money and i watched hordes of people just walk by like he didn’t exist. I gave him the last of my change and prayed for him. Then another man asked my parents as we were approaching our vehicle for something and my dad made a remark like, “they always want more and more.” Yet, while he was saying that i was in the middle of praying for the abundance of homeless people and for them to have the means to get off the street (as i gave the last of my change to the previous man outside of the concert hall).

It’s like, no one even THINKS to treat others as they wish to be treated anymore. It’s at that moment where i really felt like i truly don’t belong on this earth. I really want to go home where people actually care at the level God has taught me to care. From what i can tell, that isn’t anywhere on earth.

Love your heart and your post.
Unfortunately, we cannot MAKE anyone love. Some do, some don't.
In order to follow the "Greatest Commandment", we need to love the things God loves.
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