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Time to stop calling Islam a religion of peace. IT IS NOT!


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Sep 7, 2012
Maybe it's just me, no links are working for me today. I agree, though, in that we should call no religion a religion of peace. None of them are. Even American Catholics seem to have let working for peace fall by the wayside.
With the exception of the saints. You are confusing the teachings of the Church with those who don't follow those teachings. And statistics show that these lapsed Catholics who have traded the solid teachings of the Church for media propaganda and the smooth tongue of a slick politician are more likely to vote Democrat.
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Traditionalist Catholic
Feb 4, 2004
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With the exception of the saints. You are confusing the teachings of the Church with those who don't follow those teachings. And statistics show that these lapsed Catholics who have traded the solid teachings of the Church for media propaganda and the smooth tongue of a slick politician are more likely to vote Democrat.

If you aren't lying, please share the statistics that you claim exist that show that lapsed Catholics (a specific group, be sure to show how they were counted) who have traded the solid teachings of the Church for media propaganda (be sure to include the metric(s) by which it was determined that said lapsed Catholics have demonstrated themselves to have made said trade) are more likely to vote Democrat. I love statistics, but I loathe liars. Please be specific, I'm sure you aren't stretching the truth or overtly fabricating things. Thanks!
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Sep 7, 2012
If you aren't lying, please share the statistics that you claim exist that show that lapsed Catholics (a specific group, be sure to show how they were counted) who have traded the solid teachings of the Church for media propaganda (be sure to include the metric(s) by which it was determined that said lapsed Catholics have demonstrated themselves to have made said trade) are more likely to vote Democrat. I love statistics, but I loathe liars. Please be specific, I'm sure you aren't stretching the truth or overtly fabricating things. Thanks!
"Then finally we come to a white Christian category, the less-observant white Catholics. These people reported attending worship less than once a week. This group has tended to vote Democratic in the past, but in 2008 they were even more Democratic, though not like the religious minorities. It's worth looking down the graph and noting how different this group was from Catholics who reported attending mass once a week or more -- the less-observant were markedly more Democratic. This difference is a good example of the impact of worship attendance on the vote."

"Catholics who attend Mass less than weekly are even more likely to be a Democrat rather than a Republican."

Catholic Data, Catholic Statistics, Catholic Research
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Traditionalist Catholic
Feb 4, 2004
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I figured you wouldn't be able to substantiate your claim about media propaganda. Thanks for confirming:)

"Then finally we come to a white Christian category, the less-observant white Catholics. These people reported attending worship less than once a week. This group has tended to vote Democratic in the past, but in 2008 they were even more Democratic, though not like the religious minorities. It's worth looking down the graph and noting how different this group was from Catholics who reported attending mass once a week or more -- the less-observant were markedly more Democratic. This difference is a good example of the impact of worship attendance on the vote."

"Catholics who attend Mass less than weekly are even more likely to be a Democrat rather than a Republican."

A Look at Religious Voters in the 2008 Election - Pew Research Center
Catholic Data, Catholic Statistics, Catholic Research
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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Fearless Freep, wouldn't that Blaze story about how MNBC tried to report that Romney tried to insert himself into the crowd's chant instead of the real fact that he generously tried to include Ryan in the chant be considered media bias?

And what about the editted tapes on the Trayvon/Zimmerman case? Don't they show media bias?

And the fact that no one reports about how Elizabeth Warren falsely claimed to be Cherokee so that she could teach at Harvard also show it?

Even think about the embassy attacks. Most of the time it's reported as being caused by the silly youtube trailer when anyone with an ounce of sense can see for themselves that it was a staged attack. No other president could get away with it with the media. They'd be all over him with "how dare you try to cover up". If that's not media bias, I don't know what is. Can you imagine if Jimmy Carter claimed "What hostages?" and the media backed him up?

Then think about how the media has covered-up Obama's *many, many* gaffes and only reported on Romney's (even if his weren't gaffes afterall.)

But I think my favorite proof of media bias was the Saturday Night Live spoof of the 2008 vice-presidential debates. In the spoof, the *moderator* was advertising her recently written book at the debates--a book that will come out months later. The book was about Obama's world. The funny thing was that she *actually* wrote such a book and it *was* coming out in months. Just a showing of how *fair* the media debates were.

It's no secret that the media are biased. Bernie Goldberg even wrote a book about it some years ago--"A Slobbering Love Affair"
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Jul 9, 2008
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And the fact that no one reports about how Elizabeth Warren falsely claimed to be Cherokee so that she could teach at Harvard also show it?

Just going to address this one for now (I'm a slow typist on the phone keypad)

As far as I know there is no proof that her claims were false. Her opponent's claim he can tell by looking at her isn't proof. If DNA evidence comes out showing 0% Native ancestry, then we can talk about it being false. Even then I couldn't hold it against her if she was just relating what she was told as a child.

There is also no proof that she intended to get, or got, preferential treatment. She claimed that wasn't her intent, and I believe that no one has come out from Harvard saying otherwise.
If the facts show I'm wrong, then those facts should be published. If it's just speculation and smearing, then the media is better off ethically to not report accusations as facts.
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I close my eyes and see you smile
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"Then finally we come to a white Christian category, the less-observant white Catholics. These people reported attending worship less than once a week. This group has tended to vote Democratic in the past, but in 2008 they were even more Democratic, though not like the religious minorities. It's worth looking down the graph and noting how different this group was from Catholics who reported attending mass once a week or more -- the less-observant were markedly more Democratic. This difference is a good example of the impact of worship attendance on the vote."

"Catholics who attend Mass less than weekly are even more likely to be a Democrat rather than a Republican."

A Look at Religious Voters in the 2008 Election - Pew Research Center
Catholic Data, Catholic Statistics, Catholic Research

Interesting the debates heat up and came to our class on Thursday.
:wave:And i didnt instigate it or say too much.

Anyway - the priest kept saying we must get out and teach others. The classmate said - we are told by our Bishops we cannot vote for Obama and intrinsic evil, and the priest said again we are being told by Vatican to go out and teach others. Not only on intrinsic evil - but also on the actual teachings.

Islam - per the OP - was said by an American moderate Muslim - to be either or. It depends on the personality of the person how they practice. But the opportunity to be on the side of the extremist is certainly what they have the prerogative to do.
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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Just going to address this one for now (I'm a slow typist on the phone keypad)

As far as I know there is no proof that her claims were false. Her opponent's claim he can tell by looking at her isn't proof. If DNA evidence comes out showing 0% Native ancestry, then we can talk about it being false. Even then I couldn't hold it against her if she was just relating what she was told as a child.

There is also no proof that she intended to get, or got, preferential treatment. She claimed that wasn't her intent, and I believe that no one has come out from Harvard saying otherwise.
If the facts show I'm wrong, then those facts should be published. If it's just speculation and smearing, then the media is better off ethically to not report accusations as facts.

First she claimed to be Cherokee because she had "high cheekbone", then there was the "well maybe she's 1/32 Cherokee", then finally some geneologists, after looking over the family tree said that there is *nothing*, absolutely nothing that shows that she was Cherokee in the first place. Now she's back to the "well I have high cheekbones" and "even if there's no proof, as a little girl I wouldn't ask".

As far as the media reporting accusations as facts, fat chance. They are in the bag for the Dems. There *is* media bias. There are very few stories that aren't pro-Dem that get out there. (I've been hearing of complaints even about the search engines Google and Yahoo booting conservative stories off and highlighting liberal stories. And we all know how about Comcast's liberal bent. A shame really since I heard a story about Elizabeth Warren using her Harvard address to practice law without a license. Now I'll never hear about the investigation done about that.)
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Jul 9, 2008
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First she claimed to be Cherokee because she had "high cheekbone", then there was the "well maybe she's 1/32 Cherokee", then finally some geneologists, after looking over the family tree said that there is *nothing*, absolutely nothing that shows that she was Cherokee in the first place. Now she's back to the "well I have high cheekbones" and "even if there's no proof, as a little girl I wouldn't ask".

As far as the media reporting accusations as facts, fat chance. They are in the bag for the Dems. There *is* media bias. There are very few stories that aren't pro-Dem that get out there. (I've been hearing of complaints even about the search engines Google and Yahoo booting conservative stories off and highlighting liberal stories. And we all know how about Comcast's liberal bent. A shame really since I heard a story about Elizabeth Warren using her Harvard address to practice law without a license. Now I'll never hear about the investigation done about that.)

Can you provide a cite for the pair of quotes about high cheekbones?

Here's a story that looks at the issue in a lot of detail. After you read it, I'd like you to point out what you see as the media bias. Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What? - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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