What would happen if same-sex marriage were legalised? (2)


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2003
Well, Art, here are some facts.

The word, in english, for that joining has been marriage and has only been used as man and woman for 700+ years. There are no histories of a marriage of people being used any other way.

Until about 12 years ago, when the alphabet community was forced to make a legal maneuver, if we can legally have a marriage, then the other states would have to allow it. I forget the name of that term where the other states honor the independant moves of another state...

So, I would have to argue that the term you used of evolving language/word, is not as accurate as a group has hijacked the word, trying to redefine it for their selfish personal use.

I understand their position, and I support their attempts. I could care less what you call it, they should have equal rights. Any Xian that says otherwise is errant.

But to make a fallacious about the word, just ticks me off. AT least be intellectually honest and take the high ground. (Said to them, not you personally.) The example I used, where I try to change the meaning of red, and green to avoid being able to say I illegally passed through an intersection, is equivalent to the term "marriage" and how it's applied.

In regards to how we perceive the term marriage today....

There are a small group that wish to hijack the word, to use it in a context that it's never been used before. While their desires for equality is right, the linguistic side of this argument is fallacious. The natural progression of a word in our language, is not followed here. What has happened is, a people has chosen to redefine the word for political moves.

If you support that, then be prepared for NAMBLA to make the same attempt. It's a wrong position to take.

The answer, give them the same rights as married couples hold today.

BTW, if you do change the word to include same sex unions, you have just defined the word. The very thing, you are currently arguing against, the definition of the word. You are changing it for personal reasons from a 700 year old usage, to a biased term for your gain, not linguistic reasons.

I'm against the dishonesty in that, but will stand with the whole community on the basis of equal rights.


Perhaps you ignored the previous post indicating that other cultures have had same-sex marriage. That was thousands of years ago. Marriage, as only 1 man and 1 woman is a modern invention, and fairly exclusive even today, since most 1st world countries outside the US don't define it that way either.
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May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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The first example (but perhaps not the earliest) would be in the Old Testament where marriage could be m/w/w (and even more women in the cases of David and Solomon).

How is that something you could use to say I'm wrong? You might say it was a complex marriage, but it's still a marriage between man and woman, maybe 800 times (solomon?) but it's still man and woman. Produce a source for a man/man, woman/woman "marriage" in antiquity that isn't fiction, although I don't know of one in fiction either.

Not to mention that Concubines were always available for men beyond their wives.

Yeah, that was / is wrong. Has nothing to do with the meaning of the word, or how historically the word was used. It's simply an appeal to emotion. If someone has killed 45 people for being mean to them before, it would not justify me to do it today. Because men took concubines historically, would not mean it was allowed today, nor just today, etc...

And there have been plenty of cultures, both ancient and modern, that also allowed polygamy/polyandry.

so what. has nothing to do with this convo.

If you wish to use it for justification, then I'll use the same principal with, "many cultures did human sacrifice. I will sacrifice you and other's that share your thoughts on this topic until the God's speak and say to stop." Same argument, applied from a different angle. This is the concept of PRECEDENT. If it's just for your position, then it must be a principal that is just in other applications as well.

There have also been cultures that recognized gay marriage. There is evidence of gay marriage in ancient Egypt.

I've never seen it. I'm willing to be corrected, where can I look into that claim. Did they call it the egyptian equivalent of Marriage? If they didn't, it wouldn't apply to the history of the world. No one in this conversation has suggested gay couples never existed, we are discussing the meaning of the word marriage.

Their is evidence of gay marriage in the Chinese Empires. And the Native Americans had gay marriages.

Show me. Show me they used an equivalent term to "marriage". I'm not denying there were unions, couplings, commitments etc...

Marriage has not been unchanging beyond history -- definitely not in the sense of one male one female

Again, I'm willing to be wrong. but I don't think the situations above is apples to apples.

I grant you, fully and forever, there have been homosexual events, and assume relations forever. We agree on that. Show me they were called marriage. You have to for it to apply to this conversation. And you said it happened with a license in one culture, but I'd like to study that before agreeing or disagreeing.
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Active Member
May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Did you know the "LAW" had requirements of men with multiple wives? He failed to keep those I know.

If he made a sincere effort, he would dehydrate very early on.

And also I dont think that David or Solomon could have possbily had all those marriages based on a "sexual union"..or a "sexual courtship "..Im sorry but even WITH viagra I think it would have been humanly impossible for them to have engaged in regular mutually satisfying SEX with 300+ wives..And TBH..I often wonder what all those wives did on all those what would have to have been MAJORITY of lonely nights.

Did they live in a "sexless marriage"?If so isnt that an oxymoron?..How could they have been really "married" to David if it would have been nearly impossible for him to have been sexually active with ALL of them on any kind of regular ongoing basis?

And it also completely debunks the "mating for life" theory.As in haivng one "mate" for your entire life..And David as we know was a man after Gods heart.

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Active Member
May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Perhaps you ignored the previous post indicating that other cultures have had same-sex marriage. That was thousands of years ago. Marriage, as only 1 man and 1 woman is a modern invention, and fairly exclusive even today, since most 1st world countries outside the US don't define it that way either.

perhaps, I hadn't read it yet. I think you'll find I won't ignore anything. I think you'll find in my response that i'm willing to be corrected. I think you'll find no one on the GAY MARRIAGE side of the issue admits to being wrong ever. I think that you'll find very few on the other side will either.

I know for a fact of situations where the alphabet community misrepresented facts, based on assumptions and poor research habits.

So I've done the only thing that can be done. I've asked for some guidance to find some proofs for the claims made.

If you believe I'm supposed to accept any claim, from anyone, without researching it, then, umm, well, errr, ummm, you are eaten with Hubris, or just really optimistic.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2006
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Did you know the "LAW" had requirements of men with multiple wives? He failed to keep those I know.

If he made a sincere effort, he would dehydrate very early on.

Yes it was his "duty" to service her..:)

Um dehydrated?..Yeah he would have been mummified.

So they shouldnt have been allowed to "legally "marry then.And I would suppose techincally since all marriage is ..is "sex" then he wasn't really married to them at all.Maybe some of them were "booty calls" I dont know..

What needs to be done as well..in order to be "legally" married...?To be fair..all heterosexuals need to provide some sort of "proof" in order to recieve the legal benefits of marraige(intercourse) that they are engaging in X amount of intercourse(marriage) over X amount of time.Since Im assuming most would agree we cant walk around engaged in intercourse(marriage) 24/7..then some sort of "minimun" amount should be mandated by the government to be able to continue to recieve the benfits of "marriage"(intercourse) ..


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Active Member
May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Since Im assuming most would agree we cant walk around engaged in intercourse(marriage) 24/7..then some sort of "minimun" amount should be mandated by the government to be able to continue to recieve the benfits of "marriage"(intercourse) ..



Um dehydrated?..Yeah he would have been mummified.

Umm touche.

So they shouldnt have been allowed to "legally "marry then.

its good to be the king?

And I would suppose techincally since all marriage is ..is "sex" then he wasn't really married to them at all.

I don't think the peeps this was directed to have a clue they were just tagged.

To be fair..all heterosexuals need to provide some sort of "proof" in order to recieve the legal benefits of marraige(intercourse) that they are engaging in X amount of intercourse(marriage) over X amount of time.

so to get a divorce all I needs see to, is becoming celibate? And would I be Celibate while at work, and would that make it no longer a marriage? Would I boast, I've been married 48 times this week? (ok, last week, 48 times in a week in my physical condition might require EMTs present).

Since Im assuming most would agree we cant walk around engaged in intercourse(marriage) 24/7..then some sort of "minimun" amount should be mandated by the government to be able to continue to recieve the benfits of "marriage"(intercourse) ..

Under the Americans with disabilities act, if you couldn't provide the minimum, could I get some sort of government official to provide what you couldn't?

Thanks, D.
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Oct 20, 2007
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How is that something you could use to say I'm wrong? You might say it was a complex marriage, but it's still a marriage between man and woman, maybe 800 times (solomon?) but it's still man and woman. Produce a source for a man/man, woman/woman "marriage" in antiquity that isn't fiction, although I don't know of one in fiction either.

You miss the point, it is not a traditional marriage, as you say it is a "complex marriage" -- far more complex than the simple idea of two people joining their future together to create a life together. You create complex sub-relationships (today commonly referred to as "sister wives") of two people who are not "married" but in a common marital relationship. It stretches and changes the meaning a whole lot more than two people of the same gender getting married because each "couple" is not a separate and distinct group. rather it is "married" to other people through a subset of the total group.

To me, it seems you are trying to make marriage mean what you want it to mean, which is why you want to ignore other "lesser" meanings of marriage. The fact is, marriage in English has the idea (even among lesser meanings) of two things being permanently joined together.

Not to mention, I don't think there is any English speaking person who doesn't immediately understand what is meant when we talk of two same sex people being married. And it is not gays only that use it that way, precisely because the word (and no other similar word) causes the listener to immediately understand exactly the relationship being talked about.

To me, your arguing that gays shouldn't use the word "marriage" is equivalent to the idea that the word "fly" never should have been used to refer to aviation. People can't "fly" according to the traditional definition. But, like marriage, when aviation came about the word "fit" the new topic. People immediately understood what was being talked about -- the word evolved, much like the word marriage has evolved to include two people of the same sex.

And there have been alternative words invented to refer to gay marriage and the "problem" is no one uses them. Denmark has never had gay "marriage", instead they have had about two decades of civil unions -- and they were years in front of other countries. What happened? People call people who get civil unions married, not because of any gay lobby but rather because it is the word that makes people immediately understand the relationship being talked about.

Yeah, that was / is wrong. Has nothing to do with the meaning of the word, or how historically the word was used. It's simply an appeal to emotion.

Why? Because you think so? The fact is, though, it directly is in conflict with our "English" (language) definition of marriage. There is the who Christian "forsake all others" subtext of marriage in cultures that speak English as a primary language. Having another party that is used for sex is considered adultery. While mistresses are known to exist, they are looked down upon (far different from traditional concubines) as a form of prostitute and home wrecker.

If someone has killed 45 people for being mean to them before, it would not justify me to do it today.

Doesn't matter. Especially since murderers can still marry.

Because men took concubines historically, would not mean it was allowed today, nor just today, etc...

so what. has nothing to do with this convo.

If you wish to use it for justification, then I'll use the same principal with, "many cultures did human sacrifice. I will sacrifice you and other's that share your thoughts on this topic until the God's speak and say to stop." Same argument, applied from a different angle. This is the concept of PRECEDENT. If it's just for your position, then it must be a principal that is just in other applications as well.

The point is, this is tied to our understanding of marriage, even in English speaking countries. True, concubines aren't allowed today, per se (though there have been plenty of men in English speaking history with mistresses, which are essentially the same), it is a part of our historical understanding of the word.

And it doesn't really matter, anyway. As I pointed out, words in language change through time to embrace new concepts, new memes, and new inventions. The word "fly", as I pointed out, is a great example. They took a word that originally was used to talk of a creature who, through its own power, moved through the sky and evolved (first with balloons and later with machines) to include people who use devices in order to move through the sky.

I've never seen it. I'm willing to be corrected, where can I look into that claim. Did they call it the egyptian equivalent of Marriage? If they didn't, it wouldn't apply to the history of the world. No one in this conversation has suggested gay couples never existed, we are discussing the meaning of the word marriage.

Show me. Show me they used an equivalent term to "marriage". I'm not denying there were unions, couplings, commitments etc...

Again, I'm willing to be wrong. but I don't think the situations above is apples to apples.

I grant you, fully and forever, there have been homosexual events, and assume relations forever. We agree on that. Show me they were called marriage. You have to for it to apply to this conversation. And you said it happened with a license in one culture, but I'd like to study that before agreeing or disagreeing.

In the truly ancient cultures we don't know how the relationships were named or how identical or different they were with opposite sex marriage. What we know (from the Egyptians and Chinese) is that they had same sex couples buried and identified in the same manner as opposite sex couples. The fact that they were buried in the same manner suggests they may have been "married" but we have little evidence to go on.

The Romans is really the first culture where we have actual evidence. Most of it stems from the Emperors Nero and Elagabalus, since records about the Emperors have survived better than others. There are records of marriages of other same-sex couples up to the time they were outlawed by the Christian Emperors Constantius II and Constans.

As for the North American tribe, they typically occurred when a man chose to live as a woman -- in these cases the "woman" lived as a woman in all ways, including a marriage as a woman to a man. Though it is also clear that in many tribes these "Two Spirit" men (as some tribes called them) had a type of enhanced status, often becoming the shaman for the tribe.

If you want to find out more, you can start with the Wikipedia entry and the citations for that article. Forgive me for not finding my sources as I don't recall the names of the books and don't choose to take the time to find my sources at this time.

But to go back on point, the fact is it doesn't matter that "marriage" has traditionally meant man and woman per the English definition. People are too lazy to want to use some new word, especially when the understanding of the old word (especially when you include the minor definition "an intimate or close union") so easily lends itself. People naturally understand when we talk of two men being married, they don't get blank looks and misunderstand what is being talked about. And most people, even before gay marriage became legal, still commonly referred to couples as civil unions as married.
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It's the name of the "and" symbol.
May 1, 2011
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If you support that, then be prepared for NAMBLA to make the same attempt. It's a wrong position to take.

The obsession people who hate gays have with child molestation is disturbing.
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Sep 26, 2010
United Kingdom
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Son of west, grrr I don't think you know a gay person up.close and him with them. You have.gay churches, gay bingo gay parades, the gay birthday parties are even different, the level of vanity.spilled among gay men, grossly surpasses the Heterodoxical man. (exceptions on both sides of all of this) and the best witness the homosexual community talk of their culture. That does not mean the.two.cultures are not highly interrelated. Your position would say hip top culture and country and classical culture was all the same. That's bunk

You know what's bloody annoying ladies and gentlemen? Why is it that people I meet on the internet have clairvoyant and psychic abilities but I seemingly don't? Seriously was there some sort of LAN party in which psychic powers were handed out to people and I wasn't given the invite?

Or maybe someone's talking out of place. Maybe that. I guess the gay people I've known(and I've known transgenders as well gasp!) were just boring I suppose. But I give you kudos for playing to demeaning stereotypes. It certainly improves my perception of those opposed to gay marriage and leads me to believe their reasoning is both strong and grounded in moral principal. But just for giggles(and actual serious contemplation) lets try something shall we.

Son of west, grrr I don't think you know a black person up.close and him with them. You have.black churches, black bingo black parades, the black birthday parties are even different, the level of vanity.spilled among black men, grossly surpasses the Nonblack man. (exceptions on both sides of all of this) and the best witness the black community talk of their culture. That does not mean the.two.cultures are not highly interrelated. Your position would say hip top culture and country and classical culture was all the same. That's bunk

The changes should be easy to spot.
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Oct 20, 2007
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Note: I have edited the first part and the end of the post quoted to exclude the parts whose ideas I have responded to in a previous post.

In regards to how we perceive the term marriage today....

There are a small group that wish to hijack the word, to use it in a context that it's never been used before. While their desires for equality is right, the linguistic side of this argument is fallacious. The natural progression of a word in our language, is not followed here. What has happened is, a people has chosen to redefine the word for political moves.

If you support that, then be prepared for NAMBLA to make the same attempt. It's a wrong position to take.

I find this disingenuous at best. The fact is, there have been times that the NAMBLA definition of marriage in the English speaking world has been the law than what we call marriage today. At times, because of average life spans, younger people were married (and often it was a younger girl to an older man) so that the couple could have and raise children before they died and the children became orphans. There was, at times, the clear sense that a girl was ready to be married "once she bled".

But beyond that, it doesn't matter how others will attempt to change the definition of the word marriage. Polygamists have been trying for 150 years to change the definition of marriage, yet they have been continually rejected. In the years that NAMBLA has existed, the age people have gotten married have tended to rise, not fall. There are states that allowed marriage as young as 13 just a couple of decades ago that have now raised the minimum marriage age.

The fact is, marriage has changed requirements (even if you believe the changes have been minor) according to people's views, and that won't change regardless of what changes we might make to "marriage".

The answer, give them the same rights as married couples hold today.

The problem is, it doesn't work. We found that out with segregation. Now, I (and most I know) have no problem with changing the word "marriage" in law to another word to fit both same sex and opposite couples, but having two separate laws and two separate legal codes would seeming invite a situation similar to segregation laws (where the segregation was supposed to remain equal between the races). And I can't blame gays for not wanting that type of situation.

And to use a real world example, there have been real problems gay people have encountered trying to move. For example, a same sex couple moving from Connecticut (prior to them adopting marriage) to California would lose their "civil union" rights. Rather, they would have to go to California state offices to get a "civil partnership" before their marriage would be recognized. Whereas a couple that is married can move to any state that recognizes same sex marriage and not have to do a thing to maintain their rights.

Also, what has been found is that providing two different systems in other countries has, depending on how you look at it, made marriage less common. For example, in Denmark only opposite couples can marry but all couples can get civil unions. So, many opposite couples have opted out of being married and, instead, gotten civil unions.

Last, again, the real issue is that people tend to refer to people who get civil unions as "married" -- and this isn't just the gays doing it. The fact is the definition people understand of marriage is that of a joining of two things, or a sharing of lives for two people. They use the word marriage because it is a word everybody immediately understands, even when used to describe two people of the same sex. The fact is, calling gay marriage by an alternative term has never caught on, at least in part because often people don't understand what is being referred to.

And even among gays that have tried to use "partner" or "partnership", there is an inherent confusion that results. People often don't understand they mean a marital type relationship but rather assume a business or other type of partnership, and even those who know about "gay partnerships" are often confused which type partnership is being referenced. Marriage is being used to describe same sex couples precisely because it is a concise term that people understand immediately.
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Dec 21, 2005
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Well, Art, here are some facts.

The word, in english, for that joining has been marriage and has only been used as man and woman for 700+ years. There are no histories of a marriage of people being used any other way.

Until about 12 years ago, when the alphabet community was forced to make a legal maneuver, if we can legally have a marriage, then the other states would have to allow it. I forget the name of that term where the other states honor the independant moves of another state...

So, I would have to argue that the term you used of evolving language/word, is not as accurate as a group has hijacked the word, trying to redefine it for their selfish personal use.

I understand their position, and I support their attempts. I could care less what you call it, they should have equal rights. Any Xian that says otherwise is errant.

But to make a fallacious about the word, just ticks me off. AT least be intellectually honest and take the high ground. (Said to them, not you personally.) The example I used, where I try to change the meaning of red, and green to avoid being able to say I illegally passed through an intersection, is equivalent to the term "marriage" and how it's applied.

In regards to how we perceive the term marriage today....

There are a small group that wish to hijack the word, to use it in a context that it's never been used before. While their desires for equality is right, the linguistic side of this argument is fallacious. The natural progression of a word in our language, is not followed here. What has happened is, a people has chosen to redefine the word for political moves.

If you support that, then be prepared for NAMBLA to make the same attempt. It's a wrong position to take.

The answer, give them the same rights as married couples hold today.

BTW, if you do change the word to include same sex unions, you have just defined the word. The very thing, you are currently arguing against, the definition of the word. You are changing it for personal reasons from a 700 year old usage, to a biased term for your gain, not linguistic reasons.

I'm against the dishonesty in that, but will stand with the whole community on the basis of equal rights.


So let me see if I have the gist of your argument correct here. You believe in equal rights for "those alphabet people". You just take umbrance with them using the word "Marriage" because to do so is selfish and not a natural progression of the word. Is that correct?
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Senior Member
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Dec 21, 2005
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Well, Art, here are some facts.

The word, in english, for that joining has been marriage and has only been used as man and woman for 700+ years. There are no histories of a marriage of people being used any other way.

Until about 12 years ago, when the alphabet community was forced to make a legal maneuver, if we can legally have a marriage, then the other states would have to allow it. I forget the name of that term where the other states honor the independant moves of another state...

So, I would have to argue that the term you used of evolving language/word, is not as accurate as a group has hijacked the word, trying to redefine it for their selfish personal use.

I understand their position, and I support their attempts. I could care less what you call it, they should have equal rights. Any Xian that says otherwise is errant.

But to make a fallacious about the word, just ticks me off. AT least be intellectually honest and take the high ground. (Said to them, not you personally.) The example I used, where I try to change the meaning of red, and green to avoid being able to say I illegally passed through an intersection, is equivalent to the term "marriage" and how it's applied.

In regards to how we perceive the term marriage today....

There are a small group that wish to hijack the word, to use it in a context that it's never been used before. While their desires for equality is right, the linguistic side of this argument is fallacious. The natural progression of a word in our language, is not followed here. What has happened is, a people has chosen to redefine the word for political moves.

If you support that, then be prepared for NAMBLA to make the same attempt. It's a wrong position to take.

The answer, give them the same rights as married couples hold today.

BTW, if you do change the word to include same sex unions, you have just defined the word. The very thing, you are currently arguing against, the definition of the word. You are changing it for personal reasons from a 700 year old usage, to a biased term for your gain, not linguistic reasons.

I'm against the dishonesty in that, but will stand with the whole community on the basis of equal rights.


Hmmm. DP. :|
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Existential Good-for-Nothing (See: Philosopher)
Dec 2, 2008
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You know what would happen if gay marriage was legalized? Here's a shocker: gay people would get married. TO EACH OTHER! And then nobody would have to complain because there wouldn't have to be any protests so the people somehow forced to pay attention to the gay rights cause would be able to relax! EVERYBODY WINS!
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Jun 12, 2010
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When will people learn that traditional marriage is defined as one man buying as many wives as he wants from their fathers, and owning them as property? It's even in the Bible. Go ahead and look it up. Nearly every mention of marriage in the Old Testament portrays marriage in this way. Why do Christians want to redefine marriage?
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Jul 1, 2007
Marital Status
Well, Art, here are some facts.

The word, in english, for that joining has been marriage and has only been used as man and woman for 700+ years. There are no histories of a marriage of people being used any other way.

Until about 12 years ago, when the alphabet community was forced to make a legal maneuver, if we can legally have a marriage, then the other states would have to allow it. I forget the name of that term where the other states honor the independant moves of another state...

So, I would have to argue that the term you used of evolving language/word, is not as accurate as a group has hijacked the word, trying to redefine it for their selfish personal use.

I understand their position, and I support their attempts. I could care less what you call it, they should have equal rights. Any Xian that says otherwise is errant.

But to make a fallacious about the word, just ticks me off. AT least be intellectually honest and take the high ground. (Said to them, not you personally.) The example I used, where I try to change the meaning of red, and green to avoid being able to say I illegally passed through an intersection, is equivalent to the term "marriage" and how it's applied.

In regards to how we perceive the term marriage today....

There are a small group that wish to hijack the word, to use it in a context that it's never been used before. While their desires for equality is right, the linguistic side of this argument is fallacious. The natural progression of a word in our language, is not followed here. What has happened is, a people has chosen to redefine the word for political moves.

If you support that, then be prepared for NAMBLA to make the same attempt. It's a wrong position to take.

The answer, give them the same rights as married couples hold today.

BTW, if you do change the word to include same sex unions, you have just defined the word. The very thing, you are currently arguing against, the definition of the word. You are changing it for personal reasons from a 700 year old usage, to a biased term for your gain, not linguistic reasons.

I'm against the dishonesty in that, but will stand with the whole community on the basis of equal rights.


My point is that the word has already been 'hijacked' at various points throughout its history, and that 'hijacking' it again would really be no different to what's already happened in the near past. You suggest that some 'linguistic reason' is required to change the meaning of the term. I don't think so. The linguistic qualities of a term, and what people take that term to mean, can be quite different. Ultimately, if some time in the near future most people come to regard two same-sex individuals in a committed relationship as being in some sense 'married' to one another, then the definition will naturally have changed anyway. This transition probably would have happened long ago if it were not for the fact that most homosexuals felt forced by social pressure to conceal their same-sex attraction from public view.
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David Brider

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Aug 18, 2004
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I don't think it helps that there's a tendency, in attempts to define "traditional marriage," to focus on the external. "Marriage is one man and one woman" is what we're often told, but what does that actually mean? Sure, for the past several hundred years the tradition has tended to be that the two people we allow to get married is a couple consisting of one man and one woman, but it's meaningless to say that marriage is "one man and one woman". What marriage is - at least, in the 21st century western world - is when two adults, normally on the basis of mutual love but sometimes for other reasons, make a decision to commit to spending the rest of their natural lives together; and this commitment is (again, in the 21st century western world) usually celebrated by some kind of ceremony, sometimes religious in nature, sometimes not, conducted in the presence of the friends and family of the two people getting married.

Although it's traditional - again, in the western world over the past few centuries, not necessarily outside the western world or in times longer ago than that - for the two people getting married to be one man and one woman, there's no very good reason why the two people getting married can't be two men, or two women. It wouldn't be stretching the definition of marriage particularly to include same-sex couiples as well as opposite-sex couples.

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Aug 13, 2006
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I don't think it helps that there's a tendency, in attempts to define "traditional marriage," to focus on the external. "Marriage is one man and one woman" is what we're often told, but what does that actually mean? Sure, for the past several hundred years the tradition has tended to be that the two people we allow to get married is a couple consisting of one man and one woman, but it's meaningless to say that marriage is "one man and one woman". What marriage is - at least, in the 21st century western world - is when two adults, normally on the basis of mutual love but sometimes for other reasons, make a decision to commit to spending the rest of their natural lives together; and this commitment is (again, in the 21st century western world) usually celebrated by some kind of ceremony, sometimes religious in nature, sometimes not, conducted in the presence of the friends and family of the two people getting married.

Although it's traditional - again, in the western world over the past few centuries, not necessarily outside the western world or in times longer ago than that - for the two people getting married to be one man and one woman, there's no very good reason why the two people getting married can't be two men, or two women. It wouldn't be stretching the definition of marriage particularly to include same-sex couiples as well as opposite-sex couples.


In order to create a good reason..then they have to reduce marriage to the sexual union between a man and and woman i.e intercourse and "procreation" gets thrown in there too..

Even though ironically the very people claiming that..most of them anyway would be highly offended if you defined THEIR marriage as the act of sexual intercourse(penis in the vagina) ..as well as procreation..

As long as they stick to the penis and the vagina combo for the very definition of marriage you cant possibly define two penises..or two vaginas as married to each other..

Why dont heterosexuals just all change their fist names to penis or vagina..

I now pronounce you Penis and Vagina Smith!

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Knight of the Woeful Countenance (in training)
Jun 19, 2006
Here and there.
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When will people learn that traditional marriage is defined as one man buying as many wives as he wants from their fathers, and owning them as property? It's even in the Bible. Go ahead and look it up. Nearly every mention of marriage in the Old Testament portrays marriage in this way. Why do Christians want to redefine marriage?

Now, now, let's not be so exclusive. The Bible also allows capturing them and forcing them into "marriage" (more commonly known as "rape" today) after slaughtering most of their race.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2006
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My understanding is also that "love" had to be "added" in to the meaning of marriage.It originally (or before it was added in ) had nothing to do with it..or lets say wasnt the reason for marriage..Men in particular had to be "instructed" to actually love their wives..its was a new and radical concept ...thats not to say that some men didn't happen to love one of thier wives..but thats not why they married.

Women were basically pieces of property..and part of a mans "portfolio".Women were for the use and needs of a man.In all areas..But usually the wives werent for the purpose of love or even passion (sexual passion)..thats what the prostitutes and concubines were for..Wives were to legitimize his children..and to cook and clean .

Oh and speaking of "redefining marraige"..especially its for "mating for life" or a "sexual courtship"..Look at the Victorian era..Marriage was NOT for sex..in fact the wives were to be the "pure " and sort of an"angelic" "figurehead" of the marriage..the man was like the wild beast that had to be "tamed" ..so the women were told to ABSTAIN i.e have sex as little sex as possible with thier husbands..to control the mans beastly desires..As you may have guessed..of course in that equation NO MENTION of the WIFE havng ANY sexual needs or desires..NONE NOTTA!

How do I handle my husbands beastly desires ???Close your eyes and PRAY for England!

In the mean time it was common practice for the men if they could afford it..to have a completely seperate household where he "kept" his lover..his "2nd wife" so to speak ..He would go to her to unleash his carnal lust!...The ones not so blessed as in wealth..went to the prostitues and the brothels..thats also when a lot of men (married men) integrated "porn" as in photographs of naked and naugthy laidies into their regualr "practices"..

I guess the point is ..the meaning of marriage and what marriage "is" and what it is "for" has indeed had a few add ins and changes over the years it seems.

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