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Feb 20, 2003
Ostracise? Is disagreement with homosesxuality a form of ostricisation? Why play the victim card when nobody has asked you to leave or anything else derogatory.....apart from asking you to provide evidence for your claims? Why do you people insist upon playing the victim? Don't you ever get tired of it? Why try so hard to gain agreement and acceptance from those who refuse to agree on the basis of bad argumentation and flawed biblical interpretation?
When disagreement is presented the way most anti-gays present it, it is condemnation. And don't you find it ironic, that a Christian is criticizing someone for playing the "persecution" card?

I somehow doubt that anyone has been convinced to compromise absolute Truth.
Why is it that if truth is so absolute, no one on earth agrees on what it is? Claiming that being a homosexual is a sin is far from absolute truth.
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Feb 20, 2003
So much for the power of God, huh?
Take your pick. Either God doesn't have the power to make homosexuals heterosexual, or he chooses not to.

P.S. The argument that the only homosexuals who remain homosexuals choose to be that way, and haven't asked God to "fix" them is not a valid answer.
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Feb 20, 2003
The bottom line is that homosexuality is unnatural lust for the
same sex.
Which logically means that heterosexuality is unnatural lust for the opposite sex.

I'd also say that if I had this tendancy myself, that I'd be seeking
spiritual warfare to see if I didn't have some demonic influence
working in my life - some doorway I opened or something in my
family lines somewhere.
And then i'm guessing you'd eventually realize that demons don't cause one's sexuality, and that you did nothing to end up that way short of being born.

Most people don't think to look into that - but many spirits are at
work against us and many have gained strongholds in their lives.
Most people stopped looking that way when they realized demons don't cause illness. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc. etc. do. Since even by psychological standards, homosexuality is not an illness, the idea that demons cause it has long long long since passed.
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Feb 20, 2003
What I ostracize is false teaching and false teachers who come
bringing other gospels.
I have no problem with lost souls who are gay - they need
the Lord and they need our love and I expect them to be that
way becuz they don't know the Lord.
Nadiine, I find it rather insulting that you have blatantly stated here that anyone who is gay is a lost soul who does not know the Lord. You have no right to question one's committment to God.
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Which logically means that heterosexuality is unnatural lust for the opposite sex.
maybe according to your logic - anything's possible there

And then i'm guessing you'd eventually realize that demons don't cause one's sexuality, and that you did nothing to end up that way short of being born.
They can't?
Kids are also born "psychic" too - I wonder what they did to be born
with supernatural means to contact or know spirits?
And we all know that using this power is forbidden by God -

I can't help that I LOVE hard rock music either - does it make listening
to Nine Inch Nails right when they blaspheme God?
"Well, God wouldn't of made me to love music that glorfies Satan and
evil, so it must be ok then!".

Most people stopped looking that way when they realized demons don't cause illness. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc. etc. do. Since even by psychological standards, homosexuality is not an illness, the idea that demons cause it has long long long since passed.
They don't huh?
I know people who say otherwise - and many books have been
written by those who know demons DO create illness -
we know it from scripture accounts in the gospels also.

I didn't say homosexuality was "an illness" tho did I? I said it can
very easily be a stronghold or generational w/ demonic influence.
The 10 commandments show us this principle -
but maybe your "logic" knows more than people's personal testimonies
and God's word.
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Apr 14, 2006
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Take your pick. Either God doesn't have the power to make homosexuals heterosexual, or he chooses not to.

P.S. The argument that the only homosexuals who remain homosexuals choose to be that way, and haven't asked God to "fix" them is not a valid answer.
take your pick of a faulty question as if that's the ONLY question?
(logic again)

This sounds real similar to the age-old atheist argument about why
evil exists doesn't it?? :scratch:
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Feb 20, 2003
Any adult of lawful age has access, which still makes such establishments public access.

Your home is private because nobody of ANY age can have open access without your consent....because it's otherwise breaking an entering.

Correction: Movie theaters also charge for entrance, but that doesn't mean they aren't public access. Don't make the mistake of confusing monetary charge for access and age restrictions as drawing a line between public access and private disallowance for entry.

Legally speaking, you don't have a legal leg to stand on.

Do you really want to pull the legal card?

Public space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A public venue or space refers to an area or place that is open and accessible to all citizens, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age or socio-economic level. [emphasis added]

A movie theater would be considered "semi-public" as it doesn't bar access to any of the above, but does require payment to enter.

A strip club on the other hand, is not a public venue, because it refuses to accept those not of a certain age, and charges a fee to enter.

Public access refers to streets, parks, hallways, railways, public libraries, etc.

Nothing that requires payment, or bars certain people from it, is by legal definition "public access".

Would you care to retract your "you have no legal leg to stand on" statement?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2003
maybe according to your logic - anything's possible there
I don't believe logic can be subjective. It's like math - there is only one answer. Thus, by your definition of homosexuality, heterosexuality must logically refer to the same premise, only the subject being the opposite sex, not the same. Otherwise, since sexual orientations are all equal biologically speaking, what makes homosexuality unnatural lust, and hetersexuality not unnatural lust?

They can't?
Kids are also born "psychic" too - I wonder what they did to be born
with supernatural means to contact or know spirits?
And we all know that using this power is forbidden by God -
Psychic would be an incorrect word, but supernatural abilities aren't forbidden by God. In fact, God gave the apostles supernatural abilities.

I can't help that I LOVE hard rock music either - does it make listening
to Nine Inch Nails right when they blaspheme God?
"Well, God wouldn't of made me to love music that glorfies Satan and
evil, so it must be ok then!".
Please don't compare one's musical preferences to an orientation one is born with based on hormonal imbalances in pre-natal development.

They don't huh?
I know people who say otherwise - and many books have been
written by those who know demons DO create illness -
we know it from scripture accounts in the gospels also.
Many books have also been written claiming aliens have visited Earth. Your point?

Please enlighten us Nadiine, on how they know demons exist. And we don't know it from the gospel accounts, it is believe based on them. Knowledge requires evidence. Lack of evidence precludes knowing.

I didn't say homosexuality was "an illness" tho did I? I said it can
very easily be a stronghold or generational w/ demonic influence.
The 10 commandments show us this principle -
but maybe your "logic" knows more than people's personal testimonies
and God's word.
As one who has dealt with a conflicted orientation as early as 3 years old, yes my logic knows more than one's interpretation of a book.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2003
take your pick of a faulty question as if that's the ONLY question?
(logic again)

This sounds real similar to the age-old atheist argument about why
evil exists doesn't it?? :scratch:
What other option might there be? If evidence shows sexual orientation, in almost all cases is not a choice and can't be changed. And LGBT Christians who have constantly begged God to change them for their entire lives, find that he hasn't nor is likely to, what other question is there?
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Dear Thekla,

Just as non-Orthodox will apply their perception to us and we will feel misunderstood, so do those who identify as gay feel when heterosexuals apply their perception and see only one part of what to them is holistic; and that is what is happening time and again here.

The only wholeness is Christ - a wholeness applied to body soul and spirit; heart, mind, and strength. Lord have mercy +
I can relate to what you're saying, but I also think one cannot truly "understand" what is not lived - this certainly applies to Orthodoxy. So to some extent, it is not too much a concern to be "misunderstood". God can sort it out.
As for persons, I do not pretend to understand anyone, as I believe that is impossible. I can only come to know persons, and even this will have limit.
Sexual encounter and experience is not something I typically discuss with my friends and relatives (gay or straight). Does this mean I don't know my friends and relatives ?

One aspect of homosexual life is being singled out as though it can in some way be separated from the whole. That is where the Golden Rule, at least in the eyes of some of us, is violated.
The whole is only Christ - the aspects of the person are discussed in terms of 'diagnostics' in the ECFs and Saints. This means all who are not yet completed are treated, in part, 'diagnostically'. The diagnostic is considered through report and observation of the spiritual father. Perhaps some of the accounts of those Saints who were given to "see hearts" could be consulted. As one Orthodox writer said, "we are all mentally ill". (This statement does not offend me, though my son is diagnosed and lives with mental illness.)

There is no evidence that suggests St. Paul was condemning something for which a word did not exist - that is long-standing same sex relations based on self-sacrifice and devotion. The homosexual acts condemned are lumped together with heterosexual acts of the same sort: these are selfish and exploitative acts.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, Anglian -as I fear this will. But there has not yet been a compelling support given to that statement. As noted, our present "understanding/construction" of personhood well post-dates the scripture. Is it possible, for this reason, that the scripture is "not for us" in the 21st century ? Nor has it been established that marriages at that time were not "exploitative", or why would Paul need to teach mutual self-sacrifice ?

I have spent a considerable amount of time in research chasing this; I'm trying to find the basis of the argument. I have done this with language, with thematic development ... perhaps you would be willing to join the effort ? Some time ago, it was mentioned that the Laws of Leviticus did not in their entire match Deuteronomy. So today, I had some time to look into this. I was researching so that I could try and figure out which Matthean passages you were referring to; it seemed that either those on marriage or eunuchs were meant.

10The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
11Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriagec]" class="footnote">[c]because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
Matthew 19

Three sorts of eunuch are mentioned; the term has a broad (and sometimes muddy) range of meaning. I have begun to research it in the LXX - then will turn to the Masoretic for the same passages. Perhaps you could assist in the research ?

. In Deuteronomy, the Laws that are given are for those who may enter to worship God. Prior to the passages outlining these directives, a list is given about those who may not enter: eunuchs and the castrated may not. Thus, the Laws given in Deuteronomy do not match those in Leviticus likely because they apply to a subset of the first - here again is the theme of "narrowing". I mentioned this in my response to your post, but it seems you have not seen it.

I add this from the prophecy in Isaiah (56):
3 Let no foreigner who has bound himself to the LORD say,
"The LORD will surely exclude me from his people."
And let not any eunuch complain,
"I am only a dry tree." 4 For this is what the LORD says:
"To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths,
who choose what pleases me
and hold fast to my covenant-
5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls
a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
that will not be cut off.
It is interesting in that it does associate childlessness with eunuch. But it also seems to support the second trend I noted in the other post - a ceremonial loosening.

Of course the Fathers do not comment on long term same sex relationships of the type mentioned above, since they too had no knowledge of such;
Perhaps the Theban Band (as I mentioned above) might be a good place to look - try Plutarch, though others wrote of them (as they were well regarded). Note, when considering this, that the age of marriage for females was aprox. 15 in the (early) Byzantine period - thus, this may be useful as an age marker for males as well. (A recent 10 year brain scan study has found that the areas governing executive function do not complete development in males til aprox. age 25 , perhaps younger in females. Thus, we should consider that in our era, even with modern scientific findings, we do not adhere to the age of consent - a degree of loosening would be not unreasonable in applying our own faulty standards to an earlier era. They didn't even have auto insurance companies with the statistics to anticipate the finding. At least the Theban males were old enough to fight.)

one might as well suggest that Biblical comments about blood mean that blood transfusions run contrary to the word of God. Inspired though it is, the Bible cannot comment on what its authors knew nothing about; it can however, as in the case of JWs and blood transfusions, be read as doing such a thing.
It can and does, however, provide an "ethos" when considered as a whole. And the ECFs and Saints do point out that the heart must first be cleansed; this is rather opposite the post-modernist trend of reading against the text, identifying "plagiarism by anticipation", and reconfiguring the subtext as an act of participation in order to create a text 'mutually created by author and reader. A sort of S/Zing the Bible should be warned against, also re-reading the history and "diagnosing" those dead.

Yes, St. Paul might well be condemning all homosexual relations, even as the Marcionites thought he was condemning all marriage and the whole of Torah.
A pre-modern post-modernist ;)
We must be careful also here to not "read away the Torah".

Mankind's ability for eisegesis is considerable. If suggesting that homosexuals should be viewed not simply on the basis of one part of their lives is to contravene God's law, then that will be another sin to be added to my tally.
Yup, that is so. Post-modernism has perfected eisegesis into an anti-art (Warhol won), so that all will crumble under "the gaze" of Tzara's alarm clock droning on and on. (Wonder what post-modernism will do with icons now ...)
But then, there is nothing of substance to keep us from loving people in our daily interactions with them. Nor have I suggested at any time that one not love any person for one aspect of their lives. The very poor, the very rich, all sorts experience this. We're all irritating to someone else. Christ offered mercy for all - our only effort for consent to His mercy is repentance.

Lord have mercy +
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Take your pick. Either God doesn't have the power to make homosexuals heterosexual, or he chooses not to.

P.S. The argument that the only homosexuals who remain homosexuals choose to be that way, and haven't asked God to "fix" them is not a valid answer.

:wave: How about the folks in my family with challenges ?
Did God will that Herod slaughter the infants ?

(yeah, I admit, I think your question may be missing something :))
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Jan 20, 2004
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It does not say that anywhere in Scripture. Neither does it say that allegedly Christian persons should band together to ban civil marriages of same-sex couples, including in some cases by lying to the public about what issues are related to it.
Given the first point then the second is refuted.

God only deals with marriage between a man and a woman. No matter how many times you ignore it, it's a yawning chasm in your argument; the application of the 'love your neighbour' rule to include ignoring sin.

It does on the other hand say that you should treat others as you would choose to be treated, and that you should love your neighbor as yourself.
*sigh* that one again.

So I can't say that someone commits a murder because I've judged him

Further, this is not just some random quite from Scripture but the precise recorded words of our Lord and Savior Himself. I have a very strong feeling that if I were to refer to some of the people who have posted their opposition to gay sex and those who participate in it with the same terms many of them have used to refer to their fellow men and women, I would immediately get chastized for flaming them. He who has ears to hear....
Neither is it 'random' that God only deals with marriage between a man and a woman, and sex only within marriage.
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Jan 20, 2004
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Take your pick. Either God doesn't have the power to make homosexuals heterosexual, or he chooses not to.

So God made the socio-paths, the murderers, etc.
P.S. The argument that the only homosexuals who remain homosexuals choose to be that way, and haven't asked God to "fix" them is not a valid answer.

Either you're compelled to have sex with a same sex partner, or you're not. Which is it?
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Jan 20, 2004
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I don't believe logic can be subjective.

No that's false. People follow through, through logic steps to get different results. Both sides here are applying logic, as best they understand it. It is why I for one keep urging people to think about the consequenes of people's theories.

For e.g. people here say God says on should not judge. They apply that logically to all circumstances when they see 'love' only at work, such as gay unions. However they've mis-applied a rule because otherwise it is to accept a sinful act as approved of by God simply because the participants choose to follow that course.

Many people who follow "Objectivism" for instance assume that all conclusions that they've achieved through logic must therefore be correct because they've followed correct procedure.

One can't assume though that simply because one has followed through certain steps by logic that one has reached an objective truth.
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Jan 20, 2004
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:wave: How about the folks in my family with challenges ?
Did God will that Herod slaughter the infants ?

(yeah, I admit, I think your question may be missing something )
Apparently whatever inclinations we have must be approved of by God and therefore they're valid.

Like whatever unions people come up with then God solemnises it, following man's desire.

Some people have the world turned upside down.
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Feb 20, 2003
Neither is it 'random' that God only deals with marriage between a man and a woman, and sex only within marriage.
Hmm, funny. I seem to recall that God also deals with marriage through blood relatives, and many women at the same time. The Bible kinda disproves the idea that God only deals with marriage between one man and woman. And since the concept of consentual same sex relationships was not common in those days, why would God have any reason to include such information, anymore than he felt a need to include quantum mechanics in the bible?

The authors wrote to an audience in a way in which they could understand and relate. That audience could neither relate to different sexual orientations anymore than it could relate to quantum mechanics - so why include it?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2003
So God made the socio-paths, the murderers, etc.

Isa 44:24

Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I [am] the LORD that maketh all [things]; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

Yup, looks like it. Unless of course, the Lord didn't maketh all things?

Either you're compelled to have sex with a same sex partner, or you're not. Which is it?
This has what to do with the orientation known as homosexual?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2003
No that's false. People follow through, through logic steps to get different results. Both sides here are applying logic, as best they understand it. It is why I for one keep urging people to think about the consequenes of people's theories.
One can have a subjective belief in what constitutes logic, but that doesn't make logic subjective.

There will never be a square circle, no matter how many people want to believe there could be. It is not logically possible, period.

For e.g. people here say God says on should not judge. They apply that logically to all circumstances when they see 'love' only at work, such as gay unions. However they've mis-applied a rule because otherwise it is to accept a sinful act as approved of by God simply because the participants choose to follow that course.
God didn't condone consentual same sex relationships. And sexual orientation, as has been spelled out countless times on this board, is not a choice anymore than skin color is.

Many people who follow "Objectivism" for instance assume that all conclusions that they've achieved through logic must therefore be correct because they've followed correct procedure.

One can't assume though that simply because one has followed through certain steps by logic that one has reached an objective truth.
And again, this doesn't make logic itself subjective, merely one's attempt at interpreting that logic.
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Jan 20, 2004
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Hmm, funny. I seem to recall that God also deals with marriage through blood relatives, and many women at the same time.
How funny, it's already been explained about what was allowed during the time of the OT and what God desires. Else we'd all still be Jews!
The Bible kinda disproves the idea that God only deals with marriage between one man and woman.
I don't feel any great desire going back over the Christian understanding of the fullness of knowledge of God's will following the advent of Jesus Christ as man

And since the concept of consentual same sex relationships was not common in those days, why would God have any reason to include such information, anymore than he felt a need to include quantum mechanics in the bible?
It doesn't matter about whether they held a modern sense of homosexual marriage or not. I've already gone over this one too. If it's not one man and one woman in marriage it's not on. It doesn't matter what you want to badge it. The man might (as some do today) consider himself hetrosexual whilst having occassional homosexual sex.
The authors wrote to an audience in a way in which they could understand and relate. That audience could neither relate to different sexual orientations anymore than it could relate to quantum mechanics - so why include it?

Thank you for your wisdom on what you think the Bible was/is about. Who's to decide then the modern interpretation? You?
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Isa 44:24

Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I [am] the LORD that maketh all [things]; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

Yup, looks like it. Unless of course, the Lord didn't maketh all things?
Then by your logic there's no reason for us to condemn sociopaths. What about people who desire sex with animals, or enjoy sex with an inanimate object?
This has what to do with the orientation known as homosexual?
Well if we're 'made' it by God (according to you) then why condemn it?
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