The Sanctuary Study



The sanctuary doctrine is unique to Adventism and is critical to understand the whole bible. Much of the bible was written in sanctuary language. For example when Jesus said 'this cup is the new testament of my blood which is shed for many', it is 'impossible' to fully understand it without knowing it's application in the sanctuary services.

The sanctuary was a vivid illustration of God's plan of salvation. Understanding the sanctuary will give us the knowledge to discern truth from error. Unfortunately it has been under enemy's attack and it is no longer clearly taught in our schools. And our ministers don't even know it.

I've had the privillage to have been exposed to the studies of some of the foremost experts on this subject. I have made some images and notes on the study. I want to start a thread/discussion in the traditional section to share them with all of us. And get feedbacks, corrections, inputs... eventually get them into a more comprehansive study...all for the goal that we are ready for the second coming of Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2004
OntheDL said:
The sanctuary doctrine is unique to Adventism and is critical to understand the prophecies and the whole bible. Much of the bible was written in sanctuary language. For example when Jesus said 'this cup is the new testament of my blood which is shed for many', it is 'impossible' to fully understand it without knowing it's application in the sanctuary services.

The sanctuary was a vivid illustration of God's plan of salvation. Understanding the sanctuary will give us the knowledge to discern truth from error. Unfortunately it has been under enemy's attack and it is no longer taught in our schools. And our ministers don't even know it.

I don't claim to be an expert on this myself. But I've had the privillage to have been exposed to the studies of some of the foremost experts on this subject. I have made some images and notes on the study. I want to start a thread/discussion in the traditional section to share them with all of us. And get feedbacks, corrections, inputs... eventually get them into a more comprehansive study...all for one goal that we are ready for the second coming of Jesus.

You are a very brave person as I cannot remember the last time I even heard a church service on this subject.

Maybe at a Prophecy Seminar it might be mentioned, sometimes it is not.

Looking forward to see what you have to say.


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Cliff2 said:
You are a very brave person as I cannot remember the last time I even heard a church service on this subject.

Maybe at a Prophecy Seminar it might be mentioned, sometimes it is not.

Looking forward to see what you have to say.


I have seen many books or computer programs that contain errors. And the ones in the prophecy seminars have errors also. Now that I have quite a bit of notes, material and images from collecting through the years, I want to share them with others and eventually compile them into a book or a computer program.

I'm going to go through my notes and try to make two studies a week. There is enough material and if the Lord willing, we will have on-going studies until Jesus comes back.

Please give your thoughts, inputs and corrections to make it lively. This is one study that Satan doesn't want us to learn.

Be back shortly...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2004
OntheDL said:
Thanks. When I first came to SDA church, an elderly person gave me a study on the sanctuary. It's been a great blessing for me because it gave me a great view from the top to understand our doctrines.

I have never seen a (modern) book or a computer program that I'm completely happy with. And the ones in the prophecy seminars have errors also. Now that I have ton of notes, material and images from collecting through the years, I want to share them with others and eventually compile them into a book or a computer program.

I'm going to go through my notes and try to make two studies a week. There is enough material and if the Lord willing, we will have on-going studies until Jesus comes back.

Again I don't claim to be the expert. I just want to share what I have learned. I'll try to back up every important statement with a quote. And please give your thoughts, inputs and corrections to make it lively. This is one study that Satan doesn't want us to learn.

Be back shortly...

If you could put them on a CD or DVD it would be great for the Church Members to view.

I believe there is so much error being taught now that it is very hard to combat.

Geoff Youlden did preach on the Sanctuary a few years back when I went and heard him at Toowoomba, in Queensland.

I thought he was very good in explaining why we needed to have an Investigative Judgement and how the Sanctuary service supports the IJ.
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Cliff2 said:
If you could put them on a CD or DVD it would be great for the Church Members to view.

I believe there is so much error being taught now that it is very hard to combat.

Geoff Youlden did preach on the Sanctuary a few years back when I went and heard him at Toowoomba, in Queensland.

I thought he was very good in explaining why we needed to have an Investigative Judgement and how the Sanctuary service supports the IJ.

Yeah, I have not seen one illustration is completely without error. I'm not great at make digital images. I have a bunch of them that don't look very professional. I'll have to work on them. But to get an idea, it might be adequate for now.

Hopefully we will get to discuss all the aspects of the sanctuary and that will cover all the doctrines taught from the Bible.
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00A The meaning of numbers

In Hebrew imagery, the numbers, colors, names, phrases or expression all carry special meanings. The studying of such is vital to understand the language of the Bible and to grasp the underlying meanings.

We will first briefly look into the meanings of certain numbers. This, I think, will help us understand the settings of the sanctuary later on in the study.
  • ONE: unity, the first, the best…
One is a prime number, meaning it’s only divisible by one and itself.

When the jews offered the firstfruits to the LORD, it was also referring to the best of fruits.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
The Hebrew word rayshiyt: in the beginning, means the first. Here the beginning has definite article. This refers the definite beginning of the creation account.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the word… Here the definite article ‘the’ is added in by translation. This refers to the indefinite beginning of God.
  • TWO: witness.
Two is also a prime number.

In jewish court: Sanhedran, it requires minimum of two separate witnesses accounts to establish a court finding.

Deuteronomy 17:6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.

Hebrews 10:28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

Revelation 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses,

The two witnesses in the bible are clearly the Word of God: the New and the Old Testaments, the law and prophet.

  • FOUR: the world, the creation and salvation of the world.
Four rivers flow out of the garden of Eden. The four rivers represent the spiritual and physical aspects of the world. For example, river Euphrates flows into the sea of glass, while the River Hiddekel flows into the lake of fire. More on this later…

The forth book of the Bible is Numbers. The Hebrew word for Numbers is bimidbhar, means ‘the wilderness’. The wilderness experience was an illustration of the salvation for the world in which the plan was clearly demonstrated.

The forth commandment commemorates the creation of the world.

Also, there were 4 posts for the door into the outer court of the sanctuary, 4 posts for the door into the Most Holy Place. There were 4 colors for the veil. There were 4 flags encamped the sanctuary. 4 beasts round about the throne of God. So the number 4 is associated with Christ saving the world. More on this later…
  • FIVE: grace
A prime number.

Five represents grace.

Also the number five corresponds to the 5th Hebrew letter ‘H’ (the transliterated sound ‘h’). ‘H’ also represent grace. Abraham’s name was Abram. After receiving grace and made a covenant with God, his name became Abraham, means Abram with grace.
  • SIX: the number of man.
Man was created on day six. 6 = 7 - 1. Seven means perfection. Man comes short of God’s perfection.

Furthermore, the sound ‘S’ is the hissing sound from a coiling cobra. This is where the words, snake, serpent, satan come from. Also the letter ‘S’ comes from Egyptian letter ‘S’ that symbolizes a twisting snake. The number of the beast is 666. The Greek word for satan: ‘titan’ adds to 666.
  • SEVEN: perfection.
A prime number.
Without a doubt, the number seven means perfection.

There were seven days of creation. Joshua marched for 7 times around Jericho before the walls came down. Naaman washed 7 times in the River Jordan to cure his leprosy. A debt was ordered to be repaid 7 folds if not paid…

When a jew said he planned 7 trees that meant he planned all the trees needed be.

Jesus’s name is Greek is Ieesus. It does not add to 777 but 888. He is above perfection.
  • EIGHT: a new beginning, a new order
The day after the seventh day begins another week. Eight people got into the ark for a new begining.

The Eighth Day of Assembly: Shemini Atzereth, was the type for the new beginning after the 1000 year reign.

After the 7th millennium, the new heaven and new earth will be made.
  • TEN: completion
Ten is the number the completes a decimal system. The biblical times used the decimal system.

Ten commandments represent the completeness of God’s law. This law reflects Christ’s character under which we are judged against.
  • TWELVE: leadership
Twelve tribes, twelve apostles. Twelve gates of the new city.

Genesis 14:4 Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.

Twelve represents reign, leadership. It also represents stability.
  • FORTY: probation
The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years after crossing the Red Sea (type of baptism). Christ fasted 40 days after receiving the baptism.
  • SIX SIX SIX: the number of beast
We saw 6 is the number of man. The number of the beast is also the number of a man. There are so many ways to add a name or a title to 666. However there are also many ways to add the name or the title of the beast to 666. We will not discuss it now. However it is interesting to note, in Astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs representing different stars. Each one is divided into 3 periods. That gives us 36 periods. If we write down all 1 to 36 numbers in a masonic 6x6 square, no matter how you add them, they always add to 666.

I think it's quite clear that the number of the beast symbolizes the worship of all the created beings rather than the creator.

There are other numbers that I did not get into. Maybe I will revisit later as I’m running out of steam on this right now. The important and relevant ones are all covered here. I think these are pretty simple and straight forward.
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00B Intro: The Purpose

Exodus 25:8
And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

The Hebrew word dwell ‘shakan’ means to become a permanent resident of a community. The word dwell can also be translated into ‘to tabernacle with’. The tabernacle was placed in the midst of the congregations, Numbers 2:2,3,8,10,25.

Before the fall the human race, Adam and Eve walked with God daily. But the sin severed that relationship. Mankind could no longer have a face-to-face relationship with God. This verse clearly conveyed God’s deep and longing desire to dwell among His people and to become a friend of the sinners.

And when the Israelites left Egypt, the God of their fathers was foreign to them. After the 400 years of living in Egypt, they had forgotten the ways of the LORD. As slaves, they did not read or write. They didn’t even speak the language of Jacob and Joseph. Abraham lived in Babylon. So it’s conceivable he and his children spoke Chaldean. But the generation that came out of Egypt spoke Egyptian-Phoenician phonics: ‘the northern Semitic language’.

God needed to rid the Israelites all the pagan ways they had learned and teach them who the true God is. When they sojourned in the wilderness whenever they stopped to make camps, the sanctuary was constructed first. And it was constructed inside out in the midst of all the tribes. So everyone witnessed.

The tabernacle and its priesthood and various services were object lessons of the plan of salvation to restore that severed relationship.

Paul with inspired insight saw the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world were clearly seen being understood by the thing that are made. Here the apostle stressed the otherwise unknowable aspect of the deity might be discovered by what God has made: the heavens, the Sabbath, the marriage and in fact everything God has made fashioned were designed to reveal some phase of His character and plans for mankind.

So this mosaic tabernacle was made to reveal the deity. Each part of the tabernacle illustrated that ministry of the Godhead was working for man’s redemption and which could be discovered as clearly by no other means. All the truth suggested to the reverent mind by its fabrics and furnishings, functions, festivals, ceremonies and priesthood focused on Jesus and His purposes for the salvation of sinners. David sensed something of it when he sang… in His temple does every one speak of His glary, Psalm 29:9.

What is true is also true concerning the temples.

The sanctuary was a moving tent for the congregation. Later Solomon built a permanent tabernacle on Mount Moriah precisely the site where Abraham offered his son Isaac. This was constant reminder to the Israelites that central element required in the worship: faith. God gave His approval by sending fire down to consume the offerings and His glory filled the temple, 2 Chronicles 5:13,14; 6:1,2. After the Babylonian captivity, the temple was rebuilt by Zerubbabel and later refurbished by Herod. Nowhere in the scripture stated was the glory of God present in the Second Temple. In fact Josephus wrote when the Roman army of Titus forced their way into the Most Holy Place, they found the room empty. What then was the purpose of the Second Temple?
Haggai 2:9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

Jesus was the greater glory that filled the second temple with His presence, Matthew 12:1,6, Mark 11:9-11.

Exodus 25:9 According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.

The earthly sanctuary was a shadow, a pattern and a miniature model of the heavenly, the true sanctuary.

Daniel and Isaiah were shown visions of the heavenly sanctuary. John also saw the heavenly sanctuary with Ark of Testimony in it in Revelation 11.

After Jesus' ascension to heaven, He became our heavenly high priest. His earthly ministry ended. He now ministers daily in the heavenly sanctuary and intercedes on our behalf.
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01 The General Layout: The 12 tribes’ encampment about the sanctuary


The picture shows the organization of the children of Israel about the sanctuary. The sanctuary itself was 50x100 cubit in dimension. The 12 tribes encamped around the structure in a 4000x4000 cubit square. The tribe of Judah is on the east with two companion tribes. Ruben is on the south with two companions. Ephram is on the west with two companions. Dan is on the north side with two companions. Each side flies a flag/standard: Lion to the east, Man to the south, Ox to the west, Eagle to north.

The cubit here is Royal Egyptian cubit. We know from the SOP writings, 1 cubit is 1.8 foot or about 22 inches.

I’m running out of time now. The sabbath is drawing near. I’ll be back later to touch on some of the spiritual meanings of this layout.
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Revelation 14
1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: 3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

The scene of 144000 in Revelation 14 is depicted in the Israelites' encampment in the wilderness: Christ stood on the throne, with Him the 4 seraphims, the 24 elders and the 144000.

In the Sanctuary, the throne of God stood in the center. The order of priests: the 24 sons of Aaron served in front of the throne daily. The 4 standards/flags were erected on the 4 sides in front of the camps.

The 4 flags with 4 living creatures symbolize Christ's characters:
Lion: Christ the king
Ox: Christ the servant
Man: Christ the man
Eagle: Christ the divine

Lion symbolizes the majestic side of Christ, the king of kings, the Lord of lords...
Ox symbolizes the servitude, the toiling, patient characters of Christ.
Man symbolizes Christ's human nature. 'Behold the man.' Pilate declared.
Eagle symbolized the divine nature of Christ that's far above all else.

The Four reveal what the four gospels convey:
Matthew: Christ the king
Mark: Christ the servant
Luke: Christ the man
John: Christ the divine
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2004
OntheDL said:
The sanctuary doctrine is unique to Adventism and is critical to understand the prophecies and the whole bible. Much of the bible was written in sanctuary language. For example when Jesus said 'this cup is the new testament of my blood which is shed for many', it is 'impossible' to fully understand it without knowing it's application in the sanctuary services.

The sanctuary was a vivid illustration of God's plan of salvation. Understanding the sanctuary will give us the knowledge to discern truth from error. Unfortunately it has been under enemy's attack and it is no longer taught in our schools. And our ministers don't even know it.

I don't claim to be an expert on this myself. But I've had the privillage to have been exposed to the studies of some of the foremost experts on this subject. I have made some images and notes on the study. I want to start a thread/discussion in the traditional section to share them with all of us. And get feedbacks, corrections, inputs... eventually get them into a more comprehansive study...all for one goal that we are ready for the second coming of Jesus.

This is going to be interesting as the Sabbath School Lessons for next Quarter will be on this subject.

Wonder what will happen?

Clifford Goldstien is the editor and is also the man who wrote

"1844 Made Simple"

I have read it and I thought it was a great book.
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Cliff2 said:
This is going to be interesting as the Sabbath School Lessons for next Quarter will be on this subject.

Wonder what will happen?

Clifford Goldstien is the editor and is also the man who wrote

"1844 Made Simple"

I have read it and I thought it was a great book.

Maybe I shouldn't say it too loud. But I haven't done the quarterlies for long time. I just haven't found it useful.

I'll watch for the new one. It might be interesting.

I have been slacking off on this thread. It's been busy for me lately. I just updated the pictures. Hopefully I'll find some time to put into this subject.
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The Israelites' emcampment about the sanctuary is described in Numbers. And the number of occupants are also given there. Totalled to 603,550 people. These were only the number of males, age one month and up.

When the Israelites stopped in the wilderness to make camps, their camps were about 2000 cubits away from the sanctuary. Before their camps were setup, the sanctuary was set up from inside outwards in front of their eyes. So everyone witnessed the sanctuary and its symbolisms.

The cubit measurements are probably Egyptian Royal cubits. 1 Cubit = 1.8 feet.

2000 cubits is about 1/2 mile long. The ancient Israelites would walk from their camps to the sanctuary on sabbaths totalling 4000 cubits or just over a mile in distance. That's the so called 'sabbath walk'.
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Here's the general layout of the sanctuary itself. I'll give brief descriptions of them then go into details later on.

The court is 100 cubit long by 50 wide. There are 20 posts/pillars on the long side and 10 posts on the short side. They stood up brass sockets and connected by white linens with silver hooks.

The entrance to the court of the sanctuary is on the east. 3 veils guarded the entrance.

If you draw a line in the middle of the court, it divides the east side from the west. The first veil or the outer veil that covers the Holy Place would fall on this line.

The altar of burnt offerings would at the center of the east side. The east side represents the earthly realm of salvation. The altar represents the cross is the center of earthly side. The butchering area is on the north side of the earthly side.

The Most Holy Place would be at the center of the west side. This inner room is a 10x10 cubit square.

The Holy place is 10x20 cubits. In the HP, we will find the Table of Shewbread on the north side, the golden candlesticks stood on the the south side and altar of incense stood in the center before the second veil that shields the Most Holy Place from the outer room.

Let our imagination takes us through the veil into the Most Holy Place or the 2nd apartment, we will find the Ark of Covenant in the middle of the room. Inside the Ark (a wooden box overlayed with pure gold), there is a pot of manna, Aaron's rod that budded and the two tables of stone where God inscribed the 10 commandments on. On top of the Ark is the lid of the box, called the mercy seat. There are two angels standing facing each other. Between their wings, the holy Shekeinah or the glory of God illuminates.
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winslow said:
wasn't the Altar of Incense adjacent to veil between the holy and most holy places? The aroma from the altar rose from it and permeated the most holy place.

There are some very good books written on the subject. I have read the one by M L Andreasen (The Sanctuary Service)a few times. The Tabernacle, by William Brown is also a good read, although I don't agree with his conclusions on the scapegoat.

Exodus 30:6 And thou shalt put it before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee.

The altar of Incense is at the center of the 1st apartment. It's is still before the veil relative to other furnitures in the room.

The altar's location at the center has its significance. I'll bring it up later on in details.
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Ex 25:8 Let them make me a sanctuary that I might dwell among them.

Psalm 29:9 The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to calve, and discovereth the forests: and in his temple doth every one speak of his glory.

Ezekiel 43:10 Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern.

“I saw how little the pattern was studied, how little exhorted before man.” Testimony v1 p155

Ex 25:9 According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.

Ex 26:30 And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was shewed thee in the mount.

1 Chronicles 28
11 Then David gave to Solomon his son the pattern of the porch, and of the houses thereof, and of the treasuries thereof, and of the upper chambers thereof, and of the inner parlours thereof, and of the place of the mercy seat,
12 And the pattern of all that he had by the spirit, of the courts of the house of the LORD, and of all the chambers round about, of the treasuries of the house of God, and of the treasuries of the dedicated things:
The sanctuary was built with gift, free will offering. The materiel cost over 1 million dollars. ST 8/5/1875.

The jewish tabernacle was a type of the Christian church. ST 2/14/1900

Hebrews 8

1 Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;

2 A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.

‘We all need to keep the subject of sanctuary in mind. God forbids the clutter of words coming from human lips should lessen the belief of our people in the truth that there is a sanctuary in heaven. And the pattern of this sanctuary was once built on the earth. God desires His people to become familiar with this pattern keeping ever before their minds where God is all and all.’ Letter 233, 1904.

‘The sanctuary in heaven is the very center of Christ’ work in behalf of man, it concerns very soul living upon the earth. It is of the utmost importance that we should thoroughly investigate the subject and be able to give to everyone that asketh Him a reason for the hope that is in Him.’ RH 11-9-1905.

‘He abode in the sanctuary in the midst of his people, through all their weary wonderings in the desert, the symbols of his presence was with them. So Christ setup his tabernacle in the midst of the tents of man that He might dwell among and make us familiar with his divine character and life.’ Desire of Ages, p23.

Ex 25:22 And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.

  • The different names for sanctuary
- Tabernacle of congregation
Tabernacle of tent of congregation, Ex 39:22, temporary humble, inexpensive

- Sanctuary Ex 25:8 to make holy,
A place in where God dwells: derives from shekinah

- Tent: covering, goat’s hair Ex 24:14, shelter

- Tabernacle of witness

- Tent of testimony, Numbers 9:15 Ex 25:22.
Habitation of testimony

- A pointed time or place for a meeting Ex 29:42. This word means the congregation. 'Moged'. The Hebrew tongue 'armageddon' is Har Moged meaning the mount of congregation. Here we see the strong implication that the final battle, Armageddon is the battle between God and Satan over the house of the LORD: God's professed people.
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I know I'm a little out of sequence...but lets go back alittle to investigate a little further of the general layout of the sanctuary.

The eternal flame led the children of Israel out to the wilderness. And Levites carried the Ark on their shoulders followed. Then all the tribes followed orderly. Whenever the flame stopped in the desert, the whole congregation stopped. The priests placed the ark where the flame stood, and measure the Most Holy Place, then the Holy Place, then the court were all built.

So we see the whole structure was built inside out. By this process, it demonstrated clearly the plan of salvation to all who wished to see.

1 cubit is 1 Egyptian Royal cubit, about 1.8 ft or ~21 inches. So the apartments are 18 feet wide by 18 feet high and 54 feet deep. The outter court is 100 cubit x 50 cubit x 5 cubit. That's 180 ft deep by 90 ft wide by 9 ft tall. The outter court was constructed with 20 posts each in the north and south sides, and 10 posts each in east and west sides. The posts were connect by white linens 9 ft by 9 ft in dimension.

So we see here the outter 'wall' is 9 ft tall. No humans can enter by jumping over 9 ft to get inside except by going through the entrance. Jesus is the door, the way. He's clearly depicted here again.

After we enter the court from the east side through the entrance, we pass through the altar of sacrifice. We notice the butchering area to our right on the north side. The laver on our left on the south side. And the musicians and choir also on the south. We are now facing the Holy Place.

Again, the HP is 18 ft x 18 ft in dimension. It is covered with 4 coverings. The inner most covering was made of materials of 4 different colours: white, purple, red, blue.

They represnet the differen aspects of christ's character: white: christ's righteousness, purple: royal priest, red: blood/life of christ, blue: the law and christ's obedience to the requirements of the law.

The second covering was made of white goat hair.

The third covering was made of ram skin dyed red

The last and outter most covering is black sea seal skin.

The coverings cover the north, south and the west side of HP and MHP completely except the east. They only cover half of the east side. So 9 feet of the entrance of the holy place is clearly visible to the people standing in the court.

Now imagine when the pennitent stood in the court and watched in silence the Holy Place which was dimly lit by the candlesticks. As the light flickers, he can see the reflections of angels which were embroiled in gold on the inner covering as if they were flying, and see the sweet incense rising and filling the holy place and the table where the shewbread and the cup of grape juice were placed on.

When the inner veil was rent in half at the death of Jesus on the cross, we can see with imagination, the glory of God illuminating from the Most Holy.
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