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Play by the Rules... But Whose?

Money is but a tool. It can be used to promote self and self interest calling itself prosperity, but it's main function is to trap us in the adversarial system which mankind has created in rebellion to the Kingdom of God. There is irony in the fact that, although the poor may feel oppressed by the lack of it, the rich are far worse off as they are the ones more deeply immersed and imprisoned in the adversarial ways of mankind.

The cornerstone of this thinking and this world is loving self above all others, directly opposite to the second commandment of Jesus and the alternate cornerstone which His Father's truth was built upon. That love of self or self interest leads to all the so called sins in this world. This world thrives on that backwards to the Kingdom mentality and everything is geared to keep us selfish including institutional religion which itself sold out the Kingdom to re-join the world of man. Not long after being given the example of the original church based on truth from the Father only, it was betrayed at the hands of selfish men seeking power and control, and they returned us to the god of this world and the lies of the system. Control of the adversarial narrative was resumed and censorship of God's truth returned.

Prosperity, if based upon this world, is a lie like everything else this world offers or proclaims as truth. It keeps us trapped in the illusion we can be free here in this prison designed to keep us not only from the will of God and wrapped up in our own, but also as a result, our direct connection to Him, an ability we all could have. Even our so called charity reinforces the notion by tying loving all as self to use of finance over simply giving of self. Prosperity based on the Kingdom has a totally opposite meaning and once people realize this world is a trap policed by all institutions of man, they are individually free to open themselves to the will of God and His ways, thus tied to no system of man. The prison doors swing open. We don't need the ways of this world that tie us down. We've been duped by adversarial blind creating more blind to carry on the tradition, and in most cases they not even realizing it, the illusion being so complete.

Realizing the lie brings change, and that change is the repentance we are told to achieve. If we no longer set the traditional example of a world designed to keep us imprisoned in a lie, we can then set the example of the outside Kingdom in order that others might awaken and also become free. Spoiler. The world and those who promote it's ways won't be happy that light has been shone into the darkness and will naturally seek to snuff out that lamp on a hill, as it was called. They do it all the time. As the saying goes, they can kill the flesh but can't stop the spirit of truth.

Forgive them, for they simply are too lost in the lies of this world taught since birth, to know any better. A time will come when, if enough rejecting the traditional self serving ways of mankind, the scales will fall away and the Kingdom will come, not individually to some as now, but as a whole. We just have to wake up and dawn on that fact and to who we really are.

© ...timothyu

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