Netflix Sucks! And Here's Why.

Is anybody else on a monthly Netflix subscription? My wife and I got one some time ago, when Netflix was just getting started. It was novel, was commercial-free, net-based, and had a better offering of movies we liked than most other comparable sources of movies and t.v. shows. But this has changed. Now, my wife and I have to surf through dozens and dozens of Netflix offerings for something we want to watch. Increasingly, we just don't use Netflix at all. We've been talking seriously about ditching it.

So, what, exactly, is the problem? Well, have you seen the latest Netflix series and movies? Yikes! How does the series "Lucifer" strike you? Does that appeal to your Christian sensibilities? It doesn't to mine. He's not the devil you know, though. Apparently, he's a wicked but likable Prince of Darkness. He even solves crimes! Wow. I recall the Bible describing Lucifer (aka - the devil) as a murderer, liar, a predator seeking prey to devour, a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. It seems Netflix wants to give the evilest being in God's creation a new, less heinous image. I wonder why...

Most of Netflix's line-up isn't quite so in-your-face about the social and ideological agenda they promote. Be clear, though, that Netflix definitely has an agenda that can be seen in its choice to regularly promote homosexual/lesbian relationships, climate fear-mongering, shows that pit children against adults or eradicate adults entirely, that present nearly every conceivable configuration of a "family" except a nuclear one (that's a family with a Mom, Dad, and children), and that are even thinly-veiled propaganda for the European Union. Many of Netflix's shows are inane almost beyond belief, too. Their recent game-show series "Flinch" is a good example. Awful. I could feel my brain cells turning to ash all throughout the five minutes I endured the show. Not only was the basic idea of the show idiotic but everything was so...contrived. No one ever seemed to be behaving in a truly spontaneous or natural way. Gave me the creeps.

Anyway, I digress. My other big beef with Netflix is how much of their programming is violent. I mean, REALLY violent. Every Marvel or D.C. comic-based show is "gritty" which is just code for "extremely dark and gory." From what my friends tell me, and from what little I've seen, "Gotham," "Daredevil," "The Punisher," and the other comic-based shows are swimming in blood and corpses. Apparently, in an episode of "Daredevil," the evil Kingpin decapitates a man by repeatedly slamming closed a car door on his head and neck. A recent cartoon compilation called "Love, Death, and Robots" is also supposed to have horribly gory scenes in it - with a side dish of graphic lesbian foreplay thrown in. Nice, eh? Maybe you can understand now why I'm ready to toss Netflix. The worst sorts of ideas, morals and behaviours fountain out endlessly from this cesspool of an organization.

I get that Netflix never claimed to be anything but what it is. Certainly, it has never even hinted that it has the slightest interest in promoting a Judeo-Christian worldview or morality, but I did not think that it would become such an avid and overt purveyor of the very worst of human imagination and inclination. As a Christian, I simply can't watch Netflix and think I'm honoring God. The two are now very obviously and diametrically-opposed to each other.

Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Psalms 101:3
3 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.

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