My encounter with the Unification Church

Right after I was saved a Unification Church "missionary" came into our restaurant selling peanut brittle for $3.00.
{I didn't know anything about the Moonies at the time.}
Because he was a missionary I gave him a $20.00 bill. That was all I had. He was so excited by my giving and enthusiasm he wanted to recruit me into his church.
He invited me to a bible study at their base. The base was a very large old home in my home town.
His name was Philippe. He had been a Moonie for 16 years.
When my fiancee and I went there were about a half dozen or more of other people present they had evangelized and were trying to recruit.
Philippe and Suzanna talked about the retreat center in upstate NY and how wonderful it was.
They insisted that we go. I told them I would but that I wanted them to come to my Church first.
I guess he figured it was a small price to recruit an Evangelist full of zeal. LOL
Several weeks passed before he came. No one in the Church knew of my deal with him.
I had only been attending there a short time myself.
What Philippe didn't know was that this was not your every day Sunday go to meeting Church. It was a Church that was on fire! About 5 to 6 hundred attended each week.
He arrived just after the service started. He sang, clapped, and even raised his hands. Towards the end of the service there was a message in tongues on the other side of where we were sitting. The interpretation came from somewhere behind us.
All I remember of the interpretation was, "There is someone here who is trying to deceive my children" "Why are you resisting me, soften your heart and I will forgive you also."
He was exposed. His face turned white. When the service ended, he was at a loss for words. He literally ran out of the service. I never saw him again.
They closed their base and left town. I still pray for Philippe. God has a purpose for him.
I never did go on that retreat.
A few months later a young man named Stephen who was at their bible study saw me in a parking lot. He asked if he could talk to me.
He said there was just something about Philippe and Suzanna that he didn't trust, but that I was different. I had the privilege of leading Stephen to the Lord right there in the parking lot.
God watches over His own. And is not willing that ANY should perish.

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