Sin is nothing more than putting our will ahead of God's will. In doing so we put the focus on self and all of its faces such as self interest, self servitude, selfishness etc. When Eve (and Adam) put their will ahead of the will of God, they committed the original sin. What made it worse was the fact she opened the knowledge of good and evil, which in the hands of the wrong being, becomes fuel for sin, as sinners will self justify their deeds seeking gain at the expense of others ( theft, adultery, greed etc) by self determining what is good or evil to suit their own desires, ignoring others contrary to what the second commandment says. Worst of all it ignores what God, the ultimate Truth says is good or evil, whenever man want to create loopholes in His system (contrary to the first commandment).
Should we not let go of our self serving ways?
© ...timothyu
Should we not let go of our self serving ways?
© ...timothyu