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Discussing Theology, and Everything Else

Discussing Theology, and Everything Else


Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that “We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up.
~1 Corinthians 8:1

I love theology.


Because I love God and theology is another tool God can use to help us get to know Him and his ways better.

There can be misconceptions about we “lovers of theology”. Some would have you believe that we are a pitiful bunch with a lust for knowledge. Well, at times that can be the case, but overall I believe many of us believers love theology because we want to know God and his ways better. Knowledge alone cannot lead us to God, but God can and does use it to draw us to Him.

It can be a challenge to have a theological discussion without the conversation heading south, but what a wonderful source of knowledge when the conversation is rooted in the love of God, which includes loving our neighbors as ourselves. Over the years I have considered what makes for a rewarding theological discussion (or any discussion for that matter as these challenges are not limited to theology). Here are some pointers:

1. Know what motivates you.
This is very important. The force that is driving us is at the foundation of our faith. We are to be driven by love for God found in Christ. You know, loving God with all and neighbor as self. The Word of God tells us that without love we are just making a lot of annoying noise. Don't leave out the love, that's the most important part. It's the glue that holds it all together and how God's Spirit works.

2. Maintain humility.
Talking down to others as if they are morons is a recipe for disaster. Without Jesus we are all morons so there is really nothing to be boastful about but Him. The attitude of the heart speaks louder than words and when we are looking down on others their heart can go on autopilot and close off. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it can protect them from unnecessary and harmful injury so we shouldn't assume that they need to be open to us even if we meant no offense. God knows what they are dealing with so don't force the issue. Would you want someone barging into your home when you haven't put out the welcome mat? I think not, so do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

3. Know that we all see in part.
None of us knows it all. We all are a part and see in part. Familiarize yourself with the different views.

For instance, some have insider information, or a more intimate view from being on the inside. Some have a more objective view that can come from being on the outside. Some are equipped with both. Prayerfully consider how each can be a benefit or hindrance. Why do we want to embrace one and toss out the other? A better view may be to understand the limitations in each, but they can both live in harmony in Christ. In Him we find the best view.

4. Know God’s part and your part.
We plant and water, God makes the seed grow. He does the most important part. We make a mess of things when we try and do God’s part. Let Him do the revealing and convincing.

There are times you may feel the need to repeat yourself, or clarify. One can do that, but be aware when you're being pushy.

5. See the heart behind it.
We don't always have it all right and that is ok. He who does, feel free to cast the first stone.

There is breathing room for growth found in the blood of Jesus. Sometimes our knowledge is terribly off too, but with God we can see our own hearts, and others as He reveals. Don't just focus on the words. There is a human being that God loves dearly behind the words. Just remember, just because our hearts may be in the right condition it isn't right until it is at One with our Lord's Heart, but it is pleasing to Him that it is in the right condition to receive from Him.

And don't be afraid to hit the eject button from a discussion if you sense trouble brewing, but that's up to you and God. Just saying, don't get sucked into emotional and spiritual drainers.

On another note, unless God personally tells you differently, or you are in another's home who doesn't welcome it, feel free to stretch your wings and learn to fly.

That is it for now, but feel free to check back for any additions. It can be a challenge to discuss topics near and dear to our hearts without things getting hairy, but it isn't impossible and quite rewarding when we find those we can share with. It just requires quite a bit of maturity in Christ. You know, dying to our selfishness and being driven by his love. Now that's a recipe for success.

And through it all let us remember Paul's instructions to Timothy found in the Holy Scriptures: Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith. ~1 Timothy 6:20-21

Further Reading: Food Fight

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