Deluded World

We live in a deluded world. Perhaps the most deluded world since the beginning of time.

This piece is being written during what many are calling the great ''plandemic' of our lifetime. It has shone a light on the values of many today. Those values seem not to be care or concern for the well being of others, but of self and personal rights. It is fairly obvious how we got here considering 'responsibility' was cashed in a short while back in trade for 'rights'.

One only needs to look back a short time in history to see the position we are in. We live in the most advanced culture in the history of the world, starting basically right after WW II. Some may argue the industrial revolution, but that only affected the well being for the rich or affluent. Here lies my point.

Considering the last, let's say, hundred and forty years, the impoverished and working classes of the people never really benefited until after WWII. That was the rise of a large middle class and even the poorer people grew to benefit and gain personal freedoms although still often at a price. The result is a technological age today where we have reached the tipping point of that good life over the last 75 years. Personally I am glad to have grown up before the recent technological boom of the last couple decades. It gives me an advantage over those now who know nothing but that technology, and where their very survival depends on a battery. But most of us alive now don't even think about what it was like to live a short time ago, let alone remember how to duplicate it if needed.

A good life I speak of that is, if compared to any other time in history for the working classes and the impoverished. Think about a time only 75 years ago when all but the most well off or an almost non-existent middle class had to struggle for survival, not only to stay warm and sheltered but often needing to grow their own food or forage in order to survive. That goes back to the beginning of time, yet for the last 75 years the pressure for survival diminished a great extent, going from self sustainment to now opening a package and depending totally on others for various and even simple means of survival. We enjoy the luxury but this generation is overlooking the pitfalls of dependency on others.

Ironically it is still only the poorest or aggressive who will survive any catastrophe that disrupts our fragile system of so called prosperity. If one thinks back over the last say two thousand years, only a handful of the elite survived as parasites on the backs of the masses. This while the masses themselves struggled often just to live another day, and died in ways unimaginable today.

We take so much for granted in our desire to reach old age that we rarely consider how well off we, not of the 1 %, have been for roughly 75 years. It is time where a civilization, that has become so dependant upon systems which cannot now function in the analog ways of only 25 years ago, needs to reassess itself and see whether the majority of us stand a chance if this fragile system is threatened. As we are seeing now it doesn't take much to topple the castles made of sand that man has built. If the power goes out, so does our society as the third world countries carry on without notice.

It is time to get past this era of self delusion and learn the fear our ancestors had that kept them alive and moving forward. We as a species, except for the unprivileged few who still struggle, have lost the ability to move forwards without technology and technology does not know how to survive or feed itself once the resources run out. Those who never learned the will of God in serving others will have no concept of working together, the most likely scenario for them instead being gain at the expense of others.

Except for the few who still live in the ways which God intended, self sustaining to an extent rather than depending on others to provide for them, this world is doomed. It is back to square one, providing of course we even survive this time the onslaught fuelled by self preservation that is to come. The young and what is left of the middle classes will be the first to go as the elite become so bloated they may burst while they hunger still for more. Funny how every time we start over, there is always a handful of the robber barons still riding on the backs of the broken. Such is the way of man.

© ...timothyu

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