Apocalypse: Testimony And Cause And Effect Part Ii

In this post, we will continue building on understanding from the previous. I will also give more testimony on Spiritual Cause and Effect with God Almighty.

The Lord is a Shepherd

Given The Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not WANT. What do you want? Money? Power? If The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not want. God provides.

God has a Staff leading to Joy and Hope and Good things. God has a Rod of Misery. Do you feel comfortable in between? (Psalms 23)

When David did something wrong, he was punished. Jesus chastises and rebukes those he loves. (Hebrews 12:6)(Revelations 3:19) As a father disciplines his son, so The Lord your God disciplines you. (Deuteronomy 8:5)

Given I am a teacher in a classroom, I am like a shepherd. I work to maintain order of my lambs. I give rules and set standards. Given someone doesn't meet my standards, or breaks the rules, they may be punished. This is fair. Everyone knew the rules. The rules were clearly explained. Anyone can read the rules at any time. They may have been posted around the classroom. Some may have signed a piece of paper where they acknowledge and accept the rules and expectations. Those who do well are rewarded. Those who break the rules find discipline. Someone may learn to feel comfortable in this structured environment. He learns to be internally or self-motivated to do well because it makes him feel good, is healthy, and brings about good things and various benefits. He knows that if he is weak or makes a mistake, there will be punishment and there is a bit of fear. Perfect love knows no fear. You are doing the right things? What do you have to fear?

God's Rod and Staff are like Santa Claus or Saint Nickolas. Saint Nickolas brings good presents for good children. He brings coals for the bad children or beats the bad children with a rod until they cry. Santa Claus sees everything. He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you are awake. God knows these things. An Apocalypse would be like a visit from Santa Claus? Article: "Saint Nickolas."

Acts of Fortitude

Your Body is a Temple. Jesus lives inside of you. How does someone learn to tap into more of God's Spirit, and learn to listen? Acts of Fortitude. God is long suffering.

What is an Act of Fortitude? Everyone is a little different. God knows every individual. It may be a little different from man to man. Men of God in the Bible fasted. Jesus fasted 40 days. Daniel fasted. Catholics have Lent. In the past, Christians wore hair shirts and engaged in flagellation. These Acts of Fortitude play on Enduring Spiritual Themes. Your Body is a Temple. Jesus lives inside of you. God is long suffering. Did you bear your cross?

Acts of Fortitude or trials may come from day to day trials. People dealing with work and family and so forth. God guided me to The Friends of God from Germany. They believed through Bible study and daily trials they would grow in Faith.

Personally, I found that Body Weight Exercises like someone may do in the military, and running, are also Acts of Fortitude when done right or they can be. I would go on 4 mile runs or so, and challenge myself, and near the end of the run, when I didn't quit, I may receive something profound from God.

Acts of Fortitude may be a variety of things. A Christian man should learn to live stoically for a while. It may mean that a young man gets taken away from mom, and technology, and comforts of home, and goes camping for awhile within a Christian Framework. Why is he going camping? He is internally motivated to seek out God and grow in Faith. He rejects the comforts of life for some time. As a man deals with not having these comforts and good things, he may come closer to God. He may learn to joyfully endure his trials over time. (James 1:2-4) He may learn to appreciate more the good times when they come. God also likes us to celebrate often.

Hierarchies of Authority

After May 24, 2014, I received some gifts from God. I worked to grow in Faith. I kept going. What are the limits of Faith? In homelessness, I became a servant to my sorrow or misery. I hit the bottom. I went through the Eye of the Needle. I had nothing but God. I had no where to go but up?

There are Hierarchies of Authority. What is a Hierarchy of Authority? A CEO-District Manager-Manager would be a Hierarchy of Authority. A General-Colonel-Captain would be a Hierarchy of Authority. A District Superintendent-Principle-Teacher would be a Hierarchy of Authority. Do those people give authority to God? No? They are not in the Kingdom of God. I was shepherded outside these Hierarchies of Authority. I put my treasures in heaven. Anything I hoped for, going into homelessness, I put in Heaven. I worked to make it "On earth as it is in Heaven," or go to heaven. Having a Prophet calling, God built me up so that I could talk to people in authority. My chain of command was God-me. Given God needed me to communicate to a Judge or President or someone, being outside of Hierarchies of Authority, and in God's Kingdom, I may do so. I rejected the world and embraced God. Working for God on my iphone4, I could be on Twitter or Facebook or a variety of social media where governments, major corporations, banks, and celebrities were. God and I worked to build a "Symphony of Destruction."

Understanding Cause and Effect and the Spiritual.

About a week after my May 24, 2014, where I talked to God settled around the middle of my forehead. I called this my Diamond. Why? In the movie Apocalypse Now, Colonel Kurtz has a diamond in the middle of his forehead. God hardened Ezekiel's Head. Video Clip: "Apocalpyse Now."

For me to grow in Faith, I utilized what God had been giving me, enduring spiritual themes, my Bible, and worked to be teachable with the Holy Ghost. I did no Eastern Mysticism or "New Age." I had received a calling. I was going where God lead me. Some months later, I realized I had a Third Eye. I started doing some research.

A Prophet is a Seer. He sees into the Spiritual. In Eastern Mysticism, someone who sees into the Spiritual is a Seer. That would make him a False Prophet or someone that may of had something in common with Court Sorcerers in Egypt or Babylon? Part of the Occult was working to rediscover what those court sorcerers knew. They could have turned to God and accepted God's Spirit, but they went a different way? Getting into all this third eye stuff, and The Spiritual there is proof of God and how God works. There is also proof of other spirits. Getting into it, someone needs to really be centered on God and God's love. The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor. Your average Christian may not need to know any of this stuff, but it is good to know for purposes of spiritual warfare and dealing with "New Age" and Eastern Mysticism. God is a square, and there are spiritual laws. Someone that squared themselves away may have a tongue like a double edged sword, or a tongue like an angel, and be able to slay with The Truth.

To be very clear...in no way am I suggesting any Christian do any Eastern Mysticism or New Age. All you need to grow in Faith is your Bible, the Spirit of God, and maybe some dots I connected for you. Clarification.


"Understanding The Third Eye and God"

"Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel)"

The most important part of the second link, in my view, for Christians, is the comments I made. The clarifications where I work to show Enduring Spiritual Themes.

Ladders give and snakes take. A ladder would be something that helps you grow in understanding. It helps you grow in faith. It helps you up to God. A snake takes. A snake thinks he is special. He wants to be seen as "Enlightened." He deceives and steals away knowledge and understanding. Many people who have been receiving cause and effect with the Spiritual outside of God do so through Demons. They do not want you to know about it? They have secrets. Given people knew their secrets, they would not be special. They would not be enlightened? Given people knew the Truth of certain "Secret Groups" they may have formed a lynch mob.

There is cause and effect to the Spiritual. Someone growing in Faith, like a Christian Mystic, receives cause and effect. Someone getting into other Spirits like demons may be receiving cause and effect. What cause and effect? What spirits are they of? Christians are instructed to test the spirits.

There is Proof of God here. God is self evident. In Romans 1, there is no excuse not to believe. God made himself clear. It is nobodies fault but yours.

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