Transgender Naming Ceremony Still under Consideration by Anglican General Synod

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Raphael Jauregui

Episcopalian, liberal Anglican, Mdiv
May 3, 2017
United States
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The Church of England is still considering a transgender naming ceremony in the General Synod. The Diocese of Blackburn had already voted in favour of the motion and congregations have already begun recognising the ceremony of affirmation for trans* people. This is a way for Christians to affirm and recognise a person who is transitioning to match their gender psychology.

Church of England to consider transgender naming ceremony

frienden thalord

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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And the churches think we aint in the last days.
GOD spoke the whole of all into existence.
But in these days.............the chuch limits him to not even being able to create a man a man or a woman a woman.
What sin has the church not let in , and what saying of jesus has it not twisted.
For all this judgment will not be delayed. Man making god into one of us , with our carnal standards.
Will you Raphael , help me, to correct the churches and peoples.
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Raphael Jauregui

Episcopalian, liberal Anglican, Mdiv
May 3, 2017
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And the churches think we aint in the last days.
GOD spoke the whole of all into existence.
But in these days.............the chuch limits him to not even being able to create a man a man or a woman a woman.
What sin has the church not let in , and what saying of jesus has it not twisted.
For all this judgment will not be delayed. Man making god into one of us , with our carnal standards.
Will you Raphael , help me, to correct the churches and peoples.
I support equality, and affirm trans* people. Aren't you the one limiting God by claiming that God cannot create diversity? Gender psychology is a well documented and proven science.
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frienden thalord

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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I support equality, and affirm trans* people. Aren't you the one limiting God by claiming that God cannot create diversity? Gender psychology is a well documented and proven science.
Has GOD not made foolish the widom of this world, let he who would be wise , become a fool to the wisdom of this world.
science is mans religion as is physcology.
but man will not be our judge Raphael. GOD IS.
He set the standards He sets the rules.
And HE desires our obedience to Him, not science, Him.
I am just warning you as best I can. We will all stand before GOD one day.
And it wont bode well for any who tried to make void what HE says.
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Nov 16, 2011
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I will pray that they stop considering. God made male and female. Even non-scientist actor Bill Nye the Science guy did a show on male & female and nothing else... but has now editted it to accommodate societal norms.

Gender psychology might be science but there's nothing scientific about "gender" as it IS psychological and subjective. It has nothing to do with genes, DNA, nor physical anatomy. People in the world are confused because they have left God and His wisdom and knowledge. That any church or religion kowtows to society rather than adhere to the Word of God is pitiful; no, it's apostasy.

I have nothing against the people who are needing guidance in this area, but I cannot condone the sinful conduct against God. "As in the days of Noah were..."

2nd Timothy 3 says: This know also, that in the lat day perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemeres, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
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frienden thalord

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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And since I love you I warned you.
FOR love desires none to perish , but rather that the wicked repent of his ways.
I was one of the worst things that ever walked the earth.
GOD changed ME..............he can change ANYONE.
so I beg and I plead with you, to repent of all beliefs contrary to what GOD has called good or evil.
I love you, so I warn with all the love in my heart. Come to the TRUE CHRIST
and be saved and changed .
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2013
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Well it's good to know that all those who identify as attack helicopters will now have a Church to baptize them. To me, all this stuff is completely ridiculous but who am I to tell them that they aren't an Apache? I'm happy to see the Anglican Club considering something so progressive. :help:
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To God be the Glory!
Dec 20, 2011
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I support equality, and affirm trans* people. Aren't you the one limiting God by claiming that God cannot create diversity? Gender psychology is a well documented and proven science.
Actually, it is far from being proven science. It is actually recognized as a mental disorder and instead of trying to help these people, the politically corrupt are exploiting them for their own benefit. They play on the good nature of people and get them to buy into it. Over 40% of these people attempt suicide every year, of course the blame for that goes to those who don't support their agenda. Do you want to give them the blessing of God? Stop encouraging their sinful lifestyle and help them to see the wonderful people God made them to be.
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Raphael Jauregui

Episcopalian, liberal Anglican, Mdiv
May 3, 2017
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Actually, it is far from being proven science. It is actually recognized as a mental disorder and instead of trying to help these people, the politically corrupt are exploiting them for their own benefit. They play on the good nature of people and get them to buy into it. Over 40% of these people attempt suicide every year, of course the blame for that goes to those who don't support their agenda. Do you want to give them the blessing of God? Stop encouraging their sinful lifestyle and help them to see the wonderful people God made them to be.
Bullying is one of the leading causes for people to contemplate self-harm. People say horrible things about these individuals and to these individuals and then they blame the self-harm on the people themselves when, the entire time, they've been bullied and harassed.
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Raphael Jauregui

Episcopalian, liberal Anglican, Mdiv
May 3, 2017
United States
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Well it's good to know that all those who identify as attack helicopters will now have a Church to baptize them. To me, all this stuff is completely ridiculous but who am I to tell them that they aren't an Apache? I'm happy to see the Anglican Club considering something so progressive. :help:
We welcome all people to be baptised into Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus said to do, go out and baptise people in the name of the Trinity. Why wouldn't we baptise certain people?
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May 5, 2012
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The Church of England is still considering a transgender naming ceremony in the General Synod. The Diocese of Blackburn had already voted in favour of the motion and congregations have already begun recognising the ceremony of affirmation for trans* people. This is a way for Christians to affirm and recognise a person who is transitioning to match their gender psychology.
We have church rites to mark other important moments of passage in people's lives, so it seems appropriate to design a rite to mark this transition of identity as well. It's a way of saying that we recognize who you are, and we care for you and reaffirm our commitment to supporting you in your life in Christ.
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Raphael Jauregui

Episcopalian, liberal Anglican, Mdiv
May 3, 2017
United States
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Legal Union (Other)
We have church rites to mark other important moments of passage in people's lives, so it seems appropriate to design a rite to mark this transition of identity as well. It's a way of saying that we recognize who you are, and we care for you and reaffirm our commitment to supporting you in your life in Christ.
I agree. At my congregation, we offer services of prayer for people going off in the military, for students enrolling in college, for couples at their anniversary, for engagement rings, and, so, it only makes logical sense pastorally that we would offer prayer to support a person in this transition.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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But in these days.............the chuch limits him to not even being able to create a man a man or a woman a woman.

Your gripe should probably be directed toward biology. Beyond the issue of transgenderism, there's the simple fact that not everyone, biologically, is XX or XY chromosomally.

The most obvious example are intersex people, such as "hermaphrodites". Another often overlooked example are those who have AIS (androgen insensitivity syndrome), a person with AIS may be XY but never develops masculine sexual traits, for example a person with AIS has a vagina, not a penis, and will develop breasts during puberty. Without fairly invasive surgery there's no way to know that the person in question is biologically male as they are from all external and obvious indicators female: but lacking a uterus and having internal testes rather than ovaries.

The pretty obvious question therefore is: For such people how is male-ness and female-ness defined? Is it defined by one's chromosomes? In which case that then brings up the case of those born with aneuploidy (XXXY, XXY, XXX etc). Are genitals the defining feature? In which case what proportion or sort of genital configuration is necessary to make the determination--is an individual with AIS male because they have internal testes, or is an individual with AIS female because they have a vagina?

By refusing to even address these sorts of things one is, from the outset, excluding millions of people based solely on their genetics, biology, and/or physiology.

If one is upset that these questions seems to call into question whether God is capable of creating men as men and women as women, then as I said one's gripe is with biology; because these things happen and have always happened in nature.

Where the question of transgenderism then comes into play is when we can acknowledge that sex and gender are complicated, and not always simple and binary (because they are not simple and binary in nature) then we can have legitimate conversations on that topic. But as long as someone insists on, in essence, denying the plain facts of observable biology and trying to misuse God for their own agenda or to support their own ignorance or prejudices then no viable conversation is even remotely possible.

As I see it: Either we admit that in God's creation things are not always as simple as we think maybe they ought to be, and deal with that honestly; or else we deny God's creation and deal with matters dishonestly.

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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
Pacific Northwest
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Well it's good to know that all those who identify as attack helicopters will now have a Church to baptize them. To me, all this stuff is completely ridiculous but who am I to tell them that they aren't an Apache? I'm happy to see the Anglican Club considering something so progressive. :help:

Last I checked attack helicopters aren't living organisms, they aren't conceived, born, and alive. But last I checked men and women are.

And if you don't understand the difference, I'll do my best to try and explain it for you.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2013
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We welcome all people to be baptised into Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus said to do, go out and baptise people in the name of the Trinity. Why wouldn't we baptise certain people?
It's not about Baptism, it is about rebaptism as if they are somebody new. I think it is immoral and no Church should promote or endorse it. They should not be turned away but a Church should not attempt to justify their sins either.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2013
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Last I checked attack helicopters aren't living organisms, they aren't conceived, born, and alive. But last I checked men and women are.

And if you don't understand the difference, I'll do my best to try and explain it for you.

Check again. It's 2017. Don't bring logic or reason into the equation, just accept it or else you hate choppers.
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frienden thalord

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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Bullying is one of the leading causes for people to contemplate self-harm. People say horrible things about these individuals and to these individuals and then they blame the self-harm on the people themselves when, the entire time, they've been bullied and harassed.
Raphael, you should see the hateful names I get called for my beliefs.
People flat out wont associate with me,
all the bullying I get from so many. Yet, I have hope..
No depression, just rejoicing in the LORD.
The reason they get down when bullied, is because they have no hope.
the world is their hope, their circumstances are their hope.
they do take their own lives
But how come I don't , how come I suffer not a ounce of depression
from all the worlds hatred and harsh language against me.
Because I have REAL HOPE. HOPE that endures all things that come against me.
These people have no hope, NOT real hope, because they DONT know GOD
they reject him and their mind is not free. For they are not and have not been made
free from Sin in Christ .
You will be held accountable , not to me, I am not GOD
they will too. The solution is CHRIST , the answer is Christ , the whole sum of what they and all
mankind needs IS Christ .
but this is the condemnation. That light has come into the world
but many loved darkness rather than Light
they wont come to the Light of Christ , because they love their darkness, their sin.
Not only will they not know the abundant life of knowing Christ right now
but the end will be far worse .
The answer is not supporting the sin, ITS sounding the alarm
of the dire need for a savoir who can change them and give them real hope that endures forever.
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Pardoned Rebel
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We welcome all people to be baptised into Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus said to do, go out and baptise people in the name of the Trinity. Why wouldn't we baptise certain people?

Baptism is one of three things mentioned in the "Great Commission". Making disciples is first, and disciples are followers and students. The curriculum is scripture. In it one first learns that God is Creator; that He created man; that He created male and female. Clear in the creation account is that God is the one who makes this distinction, and that at least part of the reason for it is so that mankind will reproduce and "fill the earth". Therefore, homosexuality and the idea that people may ignore their God-given gender.

Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.. . ." (Matt. 28:18-20)

1) Make disciples
2) Baptise
3) Teach them to observe all that He commanded
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frienden thalord

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2017
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Your gripe should probably be directed toward biology. Beyond the issue of transgenderism, there's the simple fact that not everyone, biologically, is XX or XY chromosomally.

The most obvious example are intersex people, such as "hermaphrodites". Another often overlooked example are those who have AIS (androgen insensitivity syndrome), a person with AIS may be XY but never develops masculine sexual traits, for example a person with AIS has a vagina, not a penis, and will develop breasts during puberty. Without fairly invasive surgery there's no way to know that the person in question is biologically male as they are from all external and obvious indicators female: but lacking a uterus and having internal testes rather than ovaries.

The pretty obvious question therefore is: For such people how is male-ness and female-ness defined? Is it defined by one's chromosomes? In which case that then brings up the case of those born with aneuploidy (XXXY, XXY, XXX etc). Are genitals the defining feature? In which case what proportion or sort of genital configuration is necessary to make the determination--is an individual with AIS male because they have internal testes, or is an individual with AIS female because they have a vagina?

By refusing to even address these sorts of things one is, from the outset, excluding millions of people based solely on their genetics, biology, and/or physiology.

If one is upset that these questions seems to call into question whether God is capable of creating men as men and women as women, then as I said one's gripe is with biology; because these things happen and have always happened in nature.

Where the question of transgenderism then comes into play is when we can acknowledge that sex and gender are complicated, and not always simple and binary (because they are not simple and binary in nature) then we can have legitimate conversations on that topic. But as long as someone insists on, in essence, denying the plain facts of observable biology and trying to misuse God for their own agenda or to support their own ignorance or prejudices then no viable conversation is even remotely possible.

As I see it: Either we admit that in God's creation things are not always as simple as we think maybe they ought to be, and deal with that honestly; or else we deny God's creation and deal with matters dishonestly.

Their are some BORN eunachs. I have seen these too. both body parts.
But that is HOW GOD created them. NOT how they try to RE create themselves.
HUGE DIFFERENCE. How GOD created us , IS WHO and what we are. and to justify this to enable any who is born man to become woman
or vice versa, is a huge sin . We had better cease trying to change God into the image of man.
and let HIS WORD transform us, instead. Let us stop trying to change the word of GOD
and instead let the WORD change us. any who tries and reason God as a man with mans carnal wisdom
is simply twisting destruction unto them own selves.
And I desire none to perish. Its why I POINT to Christ .
and I leave us all with a good word to ponder concerning WHO is to be baptized .
and the eunach said, see here is water, what does HINDER me to be baptized.
and phillip said IF ye believe with the whole heart on JESUS ye may be baptized.
But beware this................if any is being baptized in a JESUS that allows sin
ITS NOT JESUS , its just a concept of a lie.
and I flat out wont baptize any , lest they believe in the biblical JESUS who also said, Now go and SIN no more.
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