Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Donald Trump's funding for Border Wall


Jun 24, 2003
St. Louis, MO.
United States
Marital Status
I certainly understand the Christian idea of forgiveness. However, personal forgiveness is not the same as societal forgiveness. I as an individual believer are to forgive those that have sinned against me. That does not mean that society must forgive those that have broken societal law.

But there’s nothing that prevents a society from enacting a process to pardon crimes. State governors have that authority. As does the President in regards to federal crimes. S744 doesn’t confer blanket suspension of deportation. Each applicant for RPI status is evaluated individually. As it should do, the bill grants forgiveness to individuals—not to an entire population.

The border should be sealed off first. Then we can work on the other stuff.

I didn’t mention it, but that’s covered in the bill. S744 stipulated that the border security enhancements go into effect first. The process to suspend deportation for qualified applicants follows later.
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