Lord Blessed me with dreams, need help interpreting

Jonathan Lantin

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Jul 6, 2022
United States
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Hello everyone I am new here and found this forum by random in search for clues on interpreting my dreams. First all Ive had dream by which I can make up on my own lol and 95% of them are either prophetic or Spiritually natured.

Ill be posting all my dream that Ive had up till now but most recent was last night. The night before I had a nightmare which left me in more turmoil and deep depression. That day I was frustrated with The Lord as I express my thoughts and emotions then he gave me this dream.

(What I do for living is Commercial Hvac)
It began me being at what looks like a large repair shop focusing on hvac related things and it made me feel my current work place but much bigger application, in this large shop I began diagnosing certain equipment and repairing/Cleaning as needed then at some point my coworker david was showing me how to calculate coordinates like that of gps for example using mathematical numbers and a dialing device of some sort and couldn't make out what it was, I started writing down that looks to be random like this 5,31,42,6,7,12 and so on.
Then suddenly the shop started flooding higher and higher which I was able to swim with ease and everyone was watching me for guidance for survival and as I was swimming I saw a yellow floating device that looks to have a small person maybe a child trying to get on it for support and I grabbed it out of instincts but the small person fell off and was drowning I then jump to that child and gave that person the yellow floating device like u use to swim and lay on in a pool or lake etc.. and I decided to swim on my own then I saw these staircase with only exposed railing for the stairs going up and beyond the water as yet to reach and everyone else was following me doing the same thing as me and when I got to the top I look over the rail I see bunch of people doing this dance of precision related to coordinates it felt like , So with this dance of precision and organization a form shape of human arose from the middle like they performed a dance to summon a beast but I interpreted of it being satan and right as he tried to launch at me like a Lion with its prey I was able to do the same but much faster towards him and I jumped so powerfully that I left a wake of explosive force so much so the building wall I was in got destroyed and I launched at him like an eagle attacks its prey with their claws but I launched at him with the form of an eagle attacking its prey and I landed on his head instantly vaporizing his entire body leaving only his skull by which I held with my right hand and raised it in the air like a victory pose and saw everyone looked at me with amazement and awe including the ones that made the dance .

so theirs more but to much to say

I know theirs a lot here and Im sorry about that but most of my dreams are like this.

I understand my victory over satan but Id like to hear everyones perspective
Any would be highly appreciative.

Thank you and let The Holy Force be with you!! :)


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Concerning dreaming - "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:" Acts 2:17

'For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; 16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction," Job 33:14-16

Everything God does has a purpose. When they're from Him, He'll give the purpose. As you've indicated,. He can use folks to interpret as He did with Joseph and Daniel. (Gen 40; Dan 1-4, 7). Plus they said the interpretations were from the Lord.

Once you're given an interpretation, you can test it, does it point to the Trinity? Would prayerfully consider it.
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Jonathan Lantin

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Jul 6, 2022
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Oh definitely I do know of these verses and always been on mind, currently I am the only one among friends of friends and family of families that I know have dreams like I do. Infact evidence points that I am the first True Christian in my bloodline as my ancestors and up to these current days are catholics who worship Saint Mary more then Jesus Christ Our Lord and to my knowledge anyway.
I grew up with atheist family and I I found the Lord at the age of 5 when The Holy Spirit came to me! At that time I didnt know or ever heard of the book of bible or the name of jesus or even god, I just knew immediately in my spirit what it was I felt and I described it as a higher power and….Actually for a long time I always thought I found God but truly The Lord found me and I was never the same again.
At that time Only now I know but then I was getting depressed because I seeked the Lord to feel him like I once did but for 20 years later I still searched for it and came close a few times.

I grew up mostly alone, walking to seek the path of righteousness and holiness but failed to do so everyday and became a failure, to walk in shame everyday as I felt unworthy but the only thing that held me together was a invisible indestructible string that my heart and spirit was attached to the Lord that I hung to with my Life and I thank God for His Mercy and Love everyday for that one morning almost 33 years ago. I still remember what I was doing and wearing that day.

Lord is Good, Trust in Him with all your HEART and SPIRIT!!
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Possibly the larger than usual workplace can represent that you grow and then God trusts you with more. But with more with God we need perspective of all that is around us, therefore needing to know where our work is in relation to all else; and so you need GPS coordinating to keep what you are doing in proper relation with all else God is doing.

And we calculate our place in His large and complex all-working of things, by simply being humble and submissive to Him who keeps track of us along with all else . . . doing this by simply submitting to how our Father personally guides each of us in His peace, guiding us according to all He knows is going on >

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)

His ruling in His peace coordinates us "in one body" according to His own intelligence and overall and detailed knowledge of all that is going on.

And you don't get this guding from God's perspective by yourself. But we help one another with the help of ones like King David who sought God's heart and could stay with how God guided him according to God's overall plan. And to signify this your helper is named David :)

But the flood comes, covering so much, and this relates to how John says "the whole world lies under the sway of wicked one," in 1 John 5:19. But "he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world," we have in 1 John 4:4.

With God you are above Satan's flood of "foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition." (in 1 Timothy 6:9)

And not only can you survive, but you can help the little child who is humble enough to receive that yellow float of resting in God's wisdom > yellow in street signs is the color of signs which help us to drive wisely where I am in New England; so I consider yellow to be the color of God's wisdom.

And the little humble child does not have to keep depending on you, but you ministered so the child has one's own rest in wisdom . . . though you did help.

And yes God can make us like eagles to smite Satan. In God's grace we are above the devil.

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

So, how do we have our good success against Satan and his flood of evil?

We have quality . . . not mere quantity of works trying to control and overcome the vast kingdom of Satan's evil world. But we have quality of the character of Jesus growing in us. And our example of this spreads to help others become the same way.

So, possibly those people were amazed at how you were not trying to use a bucket to fight against all that flood of evil. But instead you aimed straight at the cause who is Satan . . . by taking the rail which God gave you to safety . . . of humility which simply exalts above the flood.
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Jonathan Lantin

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Jul 6, 2022
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Mmm Very interesting. I have to say I have not looked at it in those certain aspect of the dream in the same way.

It never crossed my mind of King David as the David I know is Luke Warm who knows the truth but does not walk it. David in my dreams was trying to teach me how to learn and calculate coordinates. Ill be looking into more K-David. I appreciate the time spent deciphering my dream.

Would you consider this dream a positive one for me like a sign of good luck sort of speak or a warning?

I also if you wouldnt mind I have several other dreams Id like some perspective.
Let me know if thats ok.

Thank you very much
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Well, King David did go worse than lukewarm, maybe we could say, by getting with Bathsheba and arranging for her husband to be murdered.

But there was time while he did quite well and can be used as our good example.

One good one is 1 Samuel chapter 30, where David had a major problem, but he did not take things in his own hands, but got encouraged with the LORD first, then did what God had him do. And then some nasty guys tried to get David to treat some soldiers better than others, but David had them do things in an equal and family sharing way.

Plus, one time David was getting ready to handle trouble in a bloody and violent way, but at least he was able to listen to a real woman who straightened him out, and helped him to rule with kindness > 1 Samuel 25.
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Would you consider this dream a positive one for me like a sign of good luck sort of speak or a warning?
I just look for how a dream can have a scriptural interpretation that can help us. And if we do what God means by His word, we are guaranteed better than human good luck.

And a scriptural understanding can have both encouragements and warnings . . . which we all need.

I have offered things which can go for all of us. But I used your dream's personal details as symbols of what is in God's word for all of us.

I also if you wouldnt mind I have several other dreams Id like some perspective.
Let me know if thats ok.
It's fine with me if you put one more dream, right here, and we can check it out.

Thank you very much
You are welcome :) But if anything is good for you, let us offer the credit and thanks to God.
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Jonathan Lantin

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Jul 6, 2022
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I just look for how a dream can have a scriptural interpretation that can help us. And if we do what God means by His word, we are guaranteed better than human good luck.

And a scriptural understanding can have both encouragements and warnings . . . which we all need.

I have offered things which can go for all of us. But I used your dream's personal details as symbols of what is in God's word for all of us.

It's fine with me if you put one more dream, right here, and we can check it out.

You are welcome :) But if anything is good for you, let us offer the credit and thanks to God.

Hey, All credit goes to Our Lord.
To my other dream I need help with and its short

The dream:
It began of me being in this realm of open endless pure white place and to my slightly right I saw 2 lines of people on either side of this what it appears to be a altar with steps 4 steps. As I approach by going in between the 2 lines, in front of me is double sided door wide open and from below the steps point of view looking whats inside this door is clear blue sky with some clouds and a sunset like colors like pink,red,orange,blue that displays a sunset with no visible actual sun and I wanted to see more so I approach further to walk up the steps to see more and when I get to the first step to the line of people on my left the very first person on that line drop something off on the first step and I so happen to walk right by him and he finished dropping the item and as he turned to leave the line we made eye contact, His eyes of emotions and thought was described as honor and slightly surprised and his ethnicity was that of asian and resembles a Japanese male. I then continue to walk up the steps to be at the very front entrance of the door and saw to my left a ship moving from left to right moving up and down like as if it was on water with medium size waves which caught all my attention to it and watched it and immediately in that moment I thought of myself being the Noahs Ark presentation . Then I woke up.

what I forgot to mention is that I came a realization of that I was aware I was not breathing nor a heartbeat as if in that dream I was in this place in spirit. I also felt really good and safe, calm and of course amazed.

Hope I detailed this well enough for you.
Again Thank you so much for taking the time as for years Ive had dreams of unable to find help by others
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May 22, 2013
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Hi, Jonathan > please remember that I am not claiming to give you a practical message from God about something in your life. I simply look at your details and think of how something might be symbolic of a Biblical meaning.

And what I think you are telling me might not be what you actually saw. So, for all I know, I could be interpreting things which you did not actually see!! Plus, I see more than one possibility for what certain things could mean; so I have given you more than one possible meaning for certain details. And parts might not fit with other parts, but I put them in, anyway.

So, maybe this will be a scrambled-egg thing, but we will see.

It began of me being in this realm of open endless pure white place
Of course, this could be Heaven . . . so white or pure.

I now think of how it could mean in you . . . how you are pure with God, not only morally right, but pure in the sense that God is welcome to put in you and your life whatsoever He pleases to create . . . including in this dream. So, let's see what we might get for a God and love meaning >

and to my slightly right I saw 2 lines of people on either side of this what it appears to be a altar with steps 4 steps.
Genesis 41:32 > a double of something can mean it is established by God > two lines, in this case. And you have the number 4. Four is the only number which you can get by multiplying or adding the same number by itself, to my knowledge > 2+2 or 2X2 gives you four. Oh - - well . . . zero, of course, would get the same result, any way you do a zero with a zero. Ok :)

Why have two lines, for doing the same thing . . . at the altar? I suppose, they can be next to each other, for company, while going through the line, plus it is more productive than only one line. God wants us to share with one another as we do things for Him. But this might not be what the lines of people is about.

I approach by going in between the 2 lines,
We can play with this. Going between the two can mean you aren't choosing sides. Not that the ones in line mean opposing sides, of course . . . but we don't have to limit how we use this.

It could mean you do not have to wait in line, for access to God. But this does not mean only you, like you are superior to all others!! Any child of God can have immediate access. Through Jesus "we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand," we have in Romans 5:2. My opinion is that grace includes God Himself working in us, producing the results of His own love in our character and in our lives; and this is Heaven's own love, in this grace in the Holy Spirit who is Heaven's Spirit > Romans 5:5.

in front of me is double sided door wide open and from below the steps point of view looking whats inside this door is clear blue sky with some clouds
Two-sided . . . the number two, again. Also, it can be simpler and more efficient and easier to open the door. Two halves of the door can look more welcoming, I feel, opening to each side :) And Heaven is welcoming, not trying to be superior and frightening and distant. Possibly Jesus is the door, and ones need to enter in, not only drop off prayers and offerings at steps.

And opening with two sides might symbolize a mouth opening to take you in and keep you, like food is not meant to come back out. lolololololol Jesus wants us to come and stay, not only to visit!!!

And, for me, the color blue is my code color symbolic of Heaven . . . like how the sky is blue and above like Heaven is above and better than this world.

a sunset like colors like pink,red,orange,blue that displays a sunset with no visible actual sun
It is beautiful with different colors. From the white sunlight come different colors. Love has all colors :)

So, you don't actually see the sun, but you see the beauty of light coming from the sun and effected and revealed by the clouds. I suppose we could take this to mean how God shines the light of His love through His children, and then we can see the light in its colors coming through one another children of God.

and I wanted to see more so I approach further to walk up the steps to see more and when I get to the first step to the line of people on my left the very first person on that line drop something off on the first step
I guess this person is dropping off a sacrificial offering.

Of course, God does not want only our sacrifices > He wants us. And so, on you should go, possibly leaving behind the two lines of people?

I so happen to walk right by him and he finished dropping the item and as he turned to leave the line we made eye contact,
So, may be he is simply leaving something off, and then planning to get on with his life.

His eyes of emotions and thought was described as honor and slightly surprised and his ethnicity was that of asian and resembles a Japanese male.
Well, Japanese are known for their historical tradition of honor, I think we could say. So . . . here is a case where one might be of great human honor, but not staying with God like he could. May be he is surprised that you are not leaving a gift, but you are staying, giving yourself.

Of course, God wants ones of all nations and ethnic groups. And the Japanese maybe have been put down a bit, by the Second World War, but a little known Japanese person is welcome at the alter of Heaven, along with anyone else; but why only drop some thing off??

I then continue to walk up the steps to be at the very front entrance of the door and saw to my left a ship moving from left to right moving up and down like as if it was on water with medium size waves which caught all my attention to it and watched it and immediately in that moment I thought of myself being the Noahs Ark presentation .
You have moved on from those two lines of people, perhaps. If this is the case, possibly this means you have sacrificed yourself on the altar of love. And now you can see things that lines of sacrificial people might not ever see.

Waves can be the troubles of this life, but you are safe in the ark, being with God in control of the waves. And we are better off with the waves, than the ones drowning down under > in their "many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition." (in 1 Timothy 6:9)

Then I woke up.
Wake up to Jesus in your real life. All the time, we can share with Jesus and one another.

But I see a possible lesson here > there can be big lines of people hoping to gain favor for Heaven. But they make so many gestures, without actually entering in to the love which is Heaven's love in us who are God's children >

"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:5)

So, already we can be in God's love which is Heaven's love . . . now. And we do not only make gestures and sacrificial gifts to God, at times, but all the time be sharing with Him, always sacrifice to living in this love, seeing what the light of love has us seeing, discovering how love's light has us seeing things and people.

And there is more than might be practically necessary, by the way. But this is not only for while we might be dreaming, but wake up and enjoy God in love all through each day . . . and each dream :)

By the way, may be your family members are not able to appreciate this sort of a dream. So, they are left with the ones they wish not to hear. Ones are ready to receive what is good, others are not.
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Jonathan Lantin

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Jul 6, 2022
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Thank you so much for your insight and will pray about what you said and ask if it is or any correlation.

Again it was very pleasant to read and how detailed you were at every section. I can say Ive never looked at a dream the way you have and will add that perspective in my arsenal in everyday life specially deciphering dreams and messages from God.
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Also the 2 lines in my dream that I first came to mind is Gentiles and Jews
good :) We can always get more and better, with God.

By the way, I was still reworking on my post #10 when maybe you read it. So, you might want to check it out now that I think it is better.

At first, it seemed mixed up too much. But then I think I got blessed with more clarity and a more edifying meaning, right while doing it.

Good to see you :)
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Gregory Thompson

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Hello everyone I am new here and found this forum by random in search for clues on interpreting my dreams. First all Ive had dream by which I can make up on my own lol and 95% of them are either prophetic or Spiritually natured.

Ill be posting all my dream that Ive had up till now but most recent was last night. The night before I had a nightmare which left me in more turmoil and deep depression. That day I was frustrated with The Lord as I express my thoughts and emotions then he gave me this dream.

(What I do for living is Commercial Hvac)
It began me being at what looks like a large repair shop focusing on hvac related things and it made me feel my current work place but much bigger application, in this large shop I began diagnosing certain equipment and repairing/Cleaning as needed then at some point my coworker david was showing me how to calculate coordinates like that of gps for example using mathematical numbers and a dialing device of some sort and couldn't make out what it was, I started writing down that looks to be random like this 5,31,42,6,7,12 and so on.
Then suddenly the shop started flooding higher and higher which I was able to swim with ease and everyone was watching me for guidance for survival and as I was swimming I saw a yellow floating device that looks to have a small person maybe a child trying to get on it for support and I grabbed it out of instincts but the small person fell off and was drowning I then jump to that child and gave that person the yellow floating device like u use to swim and lay on in a pool or lake etc.. and I decided to swim on my own then I saw these staircase with only exposed railing for the stairs going up and beyond the water as yet to reach and everyone else was following me doing the same thing as me and when I got to the top I look over the rail I see bunch of people doing this dance of precision related to coordinates it felt like , So with this dance of precision and organization a form shape of human arose from the middle like they performed a dance to summon a beast but I interpreted of it being satan and right as he tried to launch at me like a Lion with its prey I was able to do the same but much faster towards him and I jumped so powerfully that I left a wake of explosive force so much so the building wall I was in got destroyed and I launched at him like an eagle attacks its prey with their claws but I launched at him with the form of an eagle attacking its prey and I landed on his head instantly vaporizing his entire body leaving only his skull by which I held with my right hand and raised it in the air like a victory pose and saw everyone looked at me with amazement and awe including the ones that made the dance .

so theirs more but to much to say

I know theirs a lot here and Im sorry about that but most of my dreams are like this.

I understand my victory over satan but Id like to hear everyones perspective
Any would be highly appreciative.

Thank you and let The Holy Force be with you!! :)

So a flood happened in a repair shop because revival was a wash.

The lion tried to eat you, but God protected you, so that's good.
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Jonathan Lantin

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Jul 6, 2022
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So a flood happened in a repair shop because revival was a wash.

The lion tried to eat you, but God protected you, so that's good.

Hello, thank you for your reply.
Are you perhaps referring to the Rapture by any chance?
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Gregory Thompson

Change is inevitable, feel free to spare some.
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Hello, thank you for your reply.
Are you perhaps referring to the Rapture by any chance?
No, not the rapture.

The first part was general surroundings, the repair shop was the church's attempt at revival, but it failed. However, that didn't get you down, the dream is telling to keep fighting even if a congregation you're acquainted with loses theirs.
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Jonathan Lantin

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Jul 6, 2022
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Hi, Jonathan > please remember that I am not claiming to give you a practical message from God about something in your life. I simply look at your details and think of how something might be symbolic of a Biblical meaning.

And what I think you are telling me might not be what you actually saw. So, for all I know, I could be interpreting things which you did not actually see!! Plus, I see more than one possibility for what certain things could mean; so I have given you more than one possible meaning for certain details. And parts might not fit with other parts, but I put them in, anyway.

So, maybe this will be a scrambled-egg thing, but we will see.

Of course, this could be Heaven . . . so white or pure.

I now think of how it could mean in you . . . how you are pure with God, not only morally right, but pure in the sense that God is welcome to put in you and your life whatsoever He pleases to create . . . including in this dream. So, let's see what we might get for a God and love meaning >

Genesis 41:32 > a double of something can mean it is established by God > two lines, in this case. And you have the number 4. Four is the only number which you can get by multiplying or adding the same number by itself, to my knowledge > 2+2 or 2X2 gives you four. Oh - - well . . . zero, of course, would get the same result, any way you do a zero with a zero. Ok :)

Why have two lines, for doing the same thing . . . at the altar? I suppose, they can be next to each other, for company, while going through the line, plus it is more productive than only one line. God wants us to share with one another as we do things for Him. But this might not be what the lines of people is about.

We can play with this. Going between the two can mean you aren't choosing sides. Not that the ones in line mean opposing sides, of course . . . but we don't have to limit how we use this.

It could mean you do not have to wait in line, for access to God. But this does not mean only you, like you are superior to all others!! Any child of God can have immediate access. Through Jesus "we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand," we have in Romans 5:2. My opinion is that grace includes God Himself working in us, producing the results of His own love in our character and in our lives; and this is Heaven's own love, in this grace in the Holy Spirit who is Heaven's Spirit > Romans 5:5.

Two-sided . . . the number two, again. Also, it can be simpler and more efficient and easier to open the door. Two halves of the door can look more welcoming, I feel, opening to each side :) And Heaven is welcoming, not trying to be superior and frightening and distant. Possibly Jesus is the door, and ones need to enter in, not only drop off prayers and offerings at steps.

And opening with two sides might symbolize a mouth opening to take you in and keep you, like food is not meant to come back out. lolololololol Jesus wants us to come and stay, not only to visit!!!

And, for me, the color blue is my code color symbolic of Heaven . . . like how the sky is blue and above like Heaven is above and better than this world.

It is beautiful with different colors. From the white sunlight come different colors. Love has all colors :)

So, you don't actually see the sun, but you see the beauty of light coming from the sun and effected and revealed by the clouds. I suppose we could take this to mean how God shines the light of His love through His children, and then we can see the light in its colors coming through one another children of God.

I guess this person is dropping off a sacrificial offering.

Of course, God does not want only our sacrifices > He wants us. And so, on you should go, possibly leaving behind the two lines of people?

So, may be he is simply leaving something off, and then planning to get on with his life.

Well, Japanese are known for their historical tradition of honor, I think we could say. So . . . here is a case where one might be of great human honor, but not staying with God like he could. May be he is surprised that you are not leaving a gift, but you are staying, giving yourself.

Of course, God wants ones of all nations and ethnic groups. And the Japanese maybe have been put down a bit, by the Second World War, but a little known Japanese person is welcome at the alter of Heaven, along with anyone else; but why only drop some thing off??

You have moved on from those two lines of people, perhaps. If this is the case, possibly this means you have sacrificed yourself on the altar of love. And now you can see things that lines of sacrificial people might not ever see.

Waves can be the troubles of this life, but you are safe in the ark, being with God in control of the waves. And we are better off with the waves, than the ones drowning down under > in their "many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition." (in 1 Timothy 6:9)

Wake up to Jesus in your real life. All the time, we can share with Jesus and one another.

But I see a possible lesson here > there can be big lines of people hoping to gain favor for Heaven. But they make so many gestures, without actually entering in to the love which is Heaven's love in us who are God's children >

"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:5)

So, already we can be in God's love which is Heaven's love . . . now. And we do not only make gestures and sacrificial gifts to God, at times, but all the time be sharing with Him, always sacrifice to living in this love, seeing what the light of love has us seeing, discovering how love's light has us seeing things and people.

And there is more than might be practically necessary, by the way. But this is not only for while we might be dreaming, but wake up and enjoy God in love all through each day . . . and each dream :)

By the way, may be your family members are not able to appreciate this sort of a dream. So, they are left with the ones they wish not to hear. Ones are ready to receive what is good, others are not.
good :) We can always get more and better, with God.

By the way, I was still reworking on my post #10 when maybe you read it. So, you might want to check it out now that I think it is better.

At first, it seemed mixed up too much. But then I think I got blessed with more clarity and a more edifying meaning, right while doing it.

Good to see you :)

Hey, I have a question for you, I many other dreams but instead Id like to ask you certain parts of my dream and tell me your opinion.

Short Version I had a dream of me doing my daily thing at work and I was trying to take my kids to my wife for safety by towing with my work van a turquoise volvs wagon Beatle with pure white interior
And my kids were inside. I then droff and the hitch came off and went downhill to a house that were pure in happiness and told me they are right here its ok they are safe
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your opinion.
The vehicle is blue on the outside, white on the inside. If you are pure inside you are in Heaven's . . blue . . . kingdom in Heaven's love.

Your children can be trusted purely to Heaven's care >

"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

And you can't really keep your children safe; only God keeps us alive and well. And actually you could have cared for them in an unsafe way - - - by hitching them in a separate carrier behind you. I think there are laws against carrying people in a hitched trailer. And, lo and behold, your children got loose and down the hill they went.

But they were safe, purely thanks to God. They went downhill > meaning you were humbled for depending on your own way and ability. But God brought a happy ending.

He used a home, not an ambulance and the police; because our Father is about family :)
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Jonathan Lantin

Active Member
Jul 6, 2022
United States
Marital Status
The vehicle is blue on the outside, white on the inside. If you are pure inside you are in Heaven's . . blue . . . kingdom in Heaven's love.

Your children can be trusted purely to Heaven's care >

"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

And you can't really keep your children safe; only God keeps us alive and well. And actually you could have cared for them in an unsafe way - - - by hitching them in a separate carrier behind you. I think there are laws against carrying people in a hitched trailer. And, lo and behold, your children got loose and down the hill they went.

But they were safe, purely thanks to God. They went downhill > meaning you were humbled for depending on your own way and ability. But God brought a happy ending.

He used a home, not an ambulance and the police; because our Father is about family :)
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Jonathan Lantin

Active Member
Jul 6, 2022
United States
Marital Status

Hey man I got another one for yea lol

I was in a place that appears to be a area of 5 anchors (I guessing the size)
In this place was this large building/factory and looked like I worked their and I can tell the people were trying to tell me what I could do or couldnt do but also I knew they had no authority over me as I did what I wanted and didnt say anything. Also they tried to make me live in this nice houses. They also wouldnt let me leave this property so I end up doing something to cause the factory blow up or catch on fire and when I left the and walked about say half of mile away I walked this little hill with a drive way made of dirty and sand etc.. into this little shack and inside this shack I saw as if someone been living their with personal stuff and saw a long gun holder that held 2 guns one was a BB gun rifle and the other a lever action rifle like the old school. Ill post a pic of it below for reference and looked like hasnt been used in a while. Then I saw a large rectangle window and looking threw the windows I can see from this hill the factory up and smoke and burning and in front of that factory was the houses they tried making me live in started to catch fire as well and I was hoping it would catch fire and completely burn up and then I woke up by my alarm so I can get ready for work today.

Lol I swear this dreams I get.
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