Is touching yourself an inappropriate topic for discussion in this forum?

Is touching yourself an appropriate topic for this forum?

  • No, it is not appropriate and should not be discussed here!

  • Yes, it's ok to talk about in here.

  • I don't know.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
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:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Your response to this thread is rude...You insult the intelligence of yourself and others when you reply with such insolence.

This is a forum to dicuss topics that are of christian, biblical amd faith based nature regarding the discipline of our faith in a Non-denominational manner. Minors contribute there questions and opinions to this forum and when the topic is explicit then there needs to be a closer monitoring source to regulate the converstation or we could be dabbling with felonious behavior that innocentely disguises itself with a christian label.

Tread lightly when talking about anything sexual when minors are on board..........It is illegal to have conversation with them regarding this topic it is called EXPLOITATION and if you think Im venting off steam to entertain the masses you're wrong check you Cyber laws regarding exploitation of a minor.
I don't think his response is rude at all, but yours certainly is. He is advocating practicing "viewer discretion". You remember that right? If you're offended by something, you are encouraged to not watch it or listen to it, or read it. I'm sure you've seen the messages that precede most programs on tv now. If you're unable to talk to a minor about something like masturbation without exploiting them in some way, then by all means abstain from the conversation.
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Heaven Bound
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Nov 28, 2004
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I am posting as I hope an accepted member of your forum, and as an advisor, someone who is concerned.

I think the ongoing discussion about touching yourself is upsetting many people here. While it is within forum rules, I would like to say two things about this discussion.

Because this is upsetting some ND members and offensive to them , since it has clearly been well discussed and is now nothing more then debate, what purpose does it serve? Is it serving God and those who love Him, or is it harming some members?

Paul stated in scripture:
1Co 6:12 "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.

So is this serving some usful purpose in God's kingdom? If not, wouldn't it be better to use your time to discuss scripture and building one another up, instead of offending some here as I have found?

I will not vote in your poll, but I would like you to consider what useful purpose this dicscssion could possibly serving.
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Daughter of the King of Kings
Jun 21, 2007
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I don't think his response is rude at all, but yours certainly is. He is advocating practicing "viewer discretion". You remember that right? If you're offended by something, you are encouraged to not watch it or listen to it, or read it. I'm sure you've seen the messages that precede most programs on tv now. If you're unable to talk to a minor about something like masturbation without exploiting them in some way, then by all means abstain from the conversation.

With the exception of a dozen or so believers in Christ, this Nono-Denominational forum is a sham. You would rather expose a youth to liberal, secular norms than stop the thread and remind everyone that this is what the word says and this is final. This forum debates the word like a liberal college course does on personal ethics. The "if you dont like it, dont look" policy on personal choices is an excuse to carry on lude conversations under the guise of "Christian fellowship" is blasphemous. Woe to you who do vile things, and justify them under the cloak of sanctification of unspoken truth. WWJD or WWJS !!!!

Im done with this thread, Im done with deceivers and fence walkers. Its people like you who confuse God with a fool.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
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With the exception of a dozen or so believers in Christ, this Nono-Denominational forum is a sham. You would rather expose a youth to liberal, secular norms than stop the thread and remind everyone that this is what the word says and this is final. This forum debates the word like a liberal college course does on personal ethics. The "if you dont like it, dont look" policy on personal choices is an excuse to carry on lude conversations under the guise of "Christian fellowship" is blasphemous. Woe to you who do vile things, and justify them under the cloak of sanctification of unspoken truth. WWJD or WWJS !!!!

Im done with this thread, Im done with deceivers and fence walkers. Its people like you who confuse God with a fool.
"With the exception of a dozen or so believers in Christ, this Nono-Denominational forum is a sham."

I have plenty of problems with it too.

"You would rather expose a youth to liberal, secular norms than stop the thread and remind everyone that this is what the word says and this is final."

Just what does the word say about talking about masturbation specifically or talking about masturbation in a non-denominational Christian forum. NOTHING specific. This is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. This is an issue about whether or not it is okay to discuss this in a forum that is not specifically set up to do so. If you have such a bee in your bonnet about this issue, contact a mod and request that the thread be moved. Do you have an idea of where a topic like this is giong to be appropriate? And in this new place that you pick, will minors have access to it? Are we going to have 18+ forums now for certain topics?

"This forum debates the word like a liberal college course does on personal ethics. The "if you dont like it, dont look" policy on personal choices is an excuse to carry on lude conversations under the guise of "Christian fellowship" is blasphemous."

I don't think masturbation is a fellowship issue but rather a sin issue that affects for the most part minors!!! How old are people when they generally start masturbating? What twelve, thirteen, right around the age of puberty isn't it? What good is it going to do to restrict children from participating in a discussion about a problem that is directly related to them for the reason of "oh you're not old enough." And when you get right down to it, it's not the children you're worried about. You're worried about havin' your butt possibly tossed into prison for "explotation of a minor".

"Woe to you who do vile things, and justify them under the cloak of sanctification of unspoken truth. WWJD or WWJS !!!!"

How about this? How about instead of speculating what Jesus would do or say, nice little Christian catch-phrase by the way, how about doing what Jesus did. He did not turn away the children and neither should you. If you can't talk to a child about sex without sexually exploiting them, the problem is not the forum or the thread but YOU! In this case, it really is about YOU.

"Im done with this thread, Im done with deceivers and fence walkers. Its people like you who confuse God with a fool."

Yeah it's always somebody else's fault isn't it? It's easier to call someone names than to admit your own shortcomings. So feel free to call me names, it says more about you than it does about me.
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Daughter of the King of Kings
Jun 21, 2007
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"With the exception of a dozen or so believers in Christ, this Nono-Denominational forum is a sham."

I have plenty of problems with it too.

"You would rather expose a youth to liberal, secular norms than stop the thread and remind everyone that this is what the word says and this is final."

Just what does the word say about talking about masturbation specifically or talking about masturbation in a non-denominational Christian forum. NOTHING specific. This is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. This is an issue about whether or not it is okay to discuss this in a forum that is not specifically set up to do so. If you have such a bee in your bonnet about this issue, contact a mod and request that the thread be moved. Do you have an idea of where a topic like this is giong to be appropriate? And in this new place that you pick, will minors have access to it? Are we going to have 18+ forums now for certain topics?

"This forum debates the word like a liberal college course does on personal ethics. The "if you dont like it, dont look" policy on personal choices is an excuse to carry on lude conversations under the guise of "Christian fellowship" is blasphemous."

I don't think masturbation is a fellowship issue but rather a sin issue that affects for the most part minors!!! How old are people when they generally start masturbating? What twelve, thirteen, right around the age of puberty isn't it? What good is it going to do to restrict children from participating in a discussion about a problem that is directly related to them for the reason of "oh you're not old enough." And when you get right down to it, it's not the children you're worried about. You're worried about havin' your butt possibly tossed into prison for "explotation of a minor".

"Woe to you who do vile things, and justify them under the cloak of sanctification of unspoken truth. WWJD or WWJS !!!!"

How about this? How about instead of speculating what Jesus would do or say, nice little Christian catch-phrase by the way, how about doing what Jesus did. He did not turn away the children and neither should you. If you can't talk to a child about sex without sexually exploiting them, the problem is not the forum or the thread but YOU! In this case, it really is about YOU.

"Im done with this thread, Im done with deceivers and fence walkers. Its people like you who confuse God with a fool."

Yeah it's always somebody else's fault isn't it? It's easier to call someone names than to admit your own shortcomings. So feel free to call me names, it says more about you than it does about me.

Have you ever worked in Law Enforcement? Have you ever had to clean up after a rape of an individual who has been first stalked and prepped by internet perverts. Probably not. I have worked in Juvenile Law and I am a legal advocate for representation of minors in juvenile/domestic court. I have seen far too many cases where youth from 13-and up who have been used and abused. MY intentions where for the protection and privacy of minors, not in anyway or form did I hide behind name calling and Christian bashing to state my purpose and reasoning.

According to your profile you have no wait until they are about 11 and someone wants to talk to your child about masturbating and sexual sin and they start confiding in a perfect stranger how there sexual desires are manifesting and puberty is making their bodies feel strange tell me if you are alright with your babygirl on pc talking to a 36 yearold strange man....................I hope as God as your witness you can stand to watch that dialogue take place and remember me when it happens.....your heart is going to break because your daughter did not go to you first and then your going to want to vomit because your babygirl was talking to an adult man about this without your protection of censorship.

Like I said woe to you if something happens to your own!
What is your thinking on this????

I am not getting it! I dont understand why a parent or a thinking person who has good logical and reasoning skills can be so blawzay about it.

Just because it is in any forum for that matter does not make it a legitimate topic to discuss with a minor. Who are protecting our young in here? YES there's an immediate need for a forum to be put in place for such issues with educated morally apt people running it.
This willie nillie posting is moronic.
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Civil rights activist
May 12, 2007
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I think it should be allowed. I don't see any harm comeing from it. Its going to happen at some point.

Alot of 13 year old boys have already masterbaited, I don't think they all are going to get raped if they talk about it online.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
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"Have you ever worked in Law Enforcement?"

Nope, piano parts are my forte.

"Have you ever had to clean up after a rape of an individual who has been first stalked and prepped by internet perverts. Probably not. I have worked in Juvenile Law and I am a legal advocate for representation of minors in juvenile/domestic court."

Yeah I detected that "legal vibe" about you.

"I have seen far too many cases where youth from 13-and up who have been used and abused. MY intentions where for the protection and privacy of minors, not in anyway or form did I hide behind name calling and Christian bashing to state my purpose and reasoning."

You called other peole in this forum vile and fence-sitters simply for the reason that they had the audacity to disagree with you. There is a way to handle this that would be a lot less stressful the whole way around. Ask a mod or a supervisor to move the thread to a more appropriate place. I did it all the time when I was a mod in another forum.

"According to your profile you have no wait until they are about 11 and someone wants to talk to your child about masturbating and sexual sin and they start confiding in a perfect stranger how there sexual desires are manifesting and puberty is making their bodies feel strange tell me if you are alright with your babygirl on pc talking to a 36 yearold strange man...................."

There's a bigger problem here than the child talking to a 36 year old on the internet and the problem is what has driven the child to do that in the first place. Absentee parents. While I understand your deep concern and do respect your passion, I do think the horrors you have seen may be causing you to have a knee-jerk reaction here. My children, if the good Lord ever decides to bless me with some, will be monitored closely and will know about sex from what my wife and I choose to teach them.

"I hope as God as your witness you can stand to watch that dialogue take place and remember me when it happens.....your heart is going to break because your daughter did not go to you first and then your going to want to vomit because your babygirl was talking to an adult man about this without your protection of censorship."

Censorship has never been the answer to anything. In fact, I remember when the PMRC wanted those little warning stickers on records, tapes and CD's to protect our kids from the dangers of the adult world. What happened? Sales of explicit albums skyrocketed. Every time censorship is employed it always backfires. My child won't have to come to me first, because I wil have gone to her, as a responsible parent. Just like my parents did with me and yes I was on the internet as a child, but it was a lot different back in those days than it is today.

"Like I said woe to you if something happens to your own!
What is your thinking on this????"

I have explained it above. I have also given you an option to take. You can request that the masturbation threads be moved to a more appropriate place, but I don't know how you're going to monitor who has access to them. Will there be age-restricted forums on here? I think thats a valid question concerning this issue and one you have not yet answered.

"I am not getting it! I dont understand why a parent or a thinking person who has good logical and reasoning skills can be so blawzay about it."

Because, I don't see a discussion on masturbation as sexually exploiting a child. That's a claim made by you with nothing to back it up other than RL experience that has nothing to do with what goes on in this forum. Is there a big problem with sexual predators here? If there is then that's the problem that needs to be dealt with first before the moving of threads on masturbation to other areas of the forum. I think a Christian forum is a great place to come seeking advice about questionable activities like masturbation because we are concerned for the well being of the person asking the questions, not to exploit them for our own selfish sexual desires and purposes. How little do you think of your brothers and sisters in the faith? I really have to wonder.

"Just because it is in any forum for that matter does not make it a legitimate topic to discuss with a minor."

Then put an age restriction on the thread. The OP has that ability, don't they?

"Who are protecting our young in here?"

What are our young children doing in an adult forum without adult supervision to begin with? It's not my job to raise other people's kids and make sure they stay out of adult conversations. That would be an area for the mods and the parents to address.

"YES there's an immediate need for a forum to be put in place for such issues with educated morally apt people running it."

Who gets to decide who is educated and morally apt? You? No offense, but you're so blinded by rage right now, I don't think you're in any position to be making decisions of that magnitude. So, again, who gets to decide?

"This willie nillie posting is moronic"

Especially from someone who claimed they were done with this thread and cried "woe unto thee" as she supposedly left.
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Jun 26, 2004
Elizabethtown , PA , usa
Since we are at a point within the forum where you guys are able to make rules for your forum. I thought i might ask a probeing question, also out of curiousity.

Do you guys think that touching yourself is an appropriate topic for this forum?

I consider it as an appropriate topic . However , more than one thread at a time is rather silly ... imo .:)
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This world has nothing for me...
Feb 27, 2007
Cedar Hill, TX :)!!
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I DO NOT consider this appropriate. Not at all. It's sin and the Bible calls it as such. It's under the heading of self-control and other sexual sins. If a person is a having a problem with it here, then the appropriate place to discuss it is not here, but a pastors office at church. It needs to be dealt with with your religious leader. Not by lay people here who are flawed and no real authority. Now, I realize that I'm going to start something with what I just said, but this is my opinion and I stand by it even if people get mad. Oh well, it's what I believe. And LeliAne makes very good points. I would prefer a little more censorship. Censorship is not a dirty word and sometimes it is nescessary. Neither is conservative a dirty word. It means that there is something worth conserving which is values and a safe place where people can gather without being offended and I am offended by this conversation. In the very least it should be relegated to another forum.
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This world has nothing for me...
Feb 27, 2007
Cedar Hill, TX :)!!
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If people feel guilty then it's thier own guilty conscience. Because the Bible says that acting on those feelings when you're not married is wrong. I won't apologize for taking the Bible literally. I'm going to tell the truth even if it isn't popular and even if it does make people feel bad. Doing the right thing isn't about feeling good and sometimes neither is telling the truth.
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This world has nothing for me...
Feb 27, 2007
Cedar Hill, TX :)!!
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Thats only in your own personal opinion. Not everyone feels the same way.

IT'S NOT MY PERSONAL OPINION. It's a truth based on Biblical teaching. I take my beliefs from the Bible. I guess we don't have the same versions. Mine, says this kind of thing is WRONG!
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Civil rights activist
May 12, 2007
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God doesn't care if someone masterbaits or not. A few years ago when I was in highschool, my youth group went to a Christ camp. And one of those days a Person talked to us about Masterbaition being a sin. It was the first time me and my friends heard about it. So, from then on after we got back me and my friends vowed to stop touching yourself for the rest of our lives. And before school we would ask each other how many days had we done without doing it. Usually the number would be 10-20, then they masterbait and start at 0 again. It went on for some months. Then I finnaly came to the conclusion that there was no point for me to be doing this because, God does not care if you masterbait.
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This world has nothing for me...
Feb 27, 2007
Cedar Hill, TX :)!!
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God doesn't care if someone masterbaits or not. A few years ago when I was in highschool, my youth group went to a Christ camp. And one of those days a Person talked to us about Masterbaition being a sin. It was the first time me and my friends heard about it. So, from then on after we got back me and my friends vowed to stop touching yourself for the rest of our lives. And before school we would ask each other how many days had we done without doing it. Usually the number would be 10-20, then they masterbait and start at 0 again. It went on for some months. Then I finnaly came to the conclusion that there was no point for me to be doing this because, God does not care if you masterbait.

Then, what more can I say? It sounds as though you've become numb to the Holy Spirit's leading your conscience. You're justifying your sin as though God doesn't care. I'll leave you with this: This is a sin against your own body. That, in turn is a direct sin against God. I just want to include this:

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

12 "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.

13 "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"—but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.

14 By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.

15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!

16 Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."[a]

17 But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit.

18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.

19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

I am truly sorry for you. You are so blind to the sin that's right in front of your face. I pray one day you will see the truth.
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Jun 26, 2004
Elizabethtown , PA , usa
You don't have to try to make people feel guilty for something that is normal.

I would agree partly with bonnet ... If people feel guilty just because some mere human says that they should not do something , it is their own fault for looking to people for their moral guidance . They should know by now that you can never please people who wish control in this manner. Their control is wrapped around keeping the people down with an occasional small sample of appreciation now and again . So many pulpiteers use that method .
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This world has nothing for me...
Feb 27, 2007
Cedar Hill, TX :)!!
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Why then do men get prostate cancer if they never masterbait. Why do guys have wet dreams if they don't masterbait for a long time.

And those scriptures didn't mention masterbaition.

Again, you're justifying sin. Cancer exists because of sin. Sin equals death. Death comes in many forms, cancer being one of them. You can look for all the wiggle room in the world, but with God there is no wiggle room and one day we'll all have to account for the excuses we made no matter how intelligent they sounded at the time.
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