"I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them"


Check the signature
Jan 9, 2009
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God is love, so anything that contradicts this must be rejected. The Bible is not infallible and certain portions must be rejected outright.

I don't know how you can say this when ALL scripture is given by inspiration of the Spirit.

Taking some and throwing out some is the reason why the church is in the mess that it's in.
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Check the signature
Jan 9, 2009
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I... agree? lol

High five! :)

Maybe not rejected outright, but rather, "reintrepretted?" Jesus often reinterpretted the old testament. So did the pharisees. Heck, so did the new testament writers (like Paul!) He was notorious for that.

Correction: Jesus never reinterpretted the OT, rather He taught it the way it was meant to be understood due to the reinterpretation that was being taught by the religious leaders.
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Daughter of the King
Dec 11, 2003
"And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them."
- Jeremiah 13:14

That seems pretty harsh, doesn't it?

And no, I'm not an atheist. Not at all. Just someone who wonders how on earth any christian can try to say the bible is a book of God's love for anyone. Doesn't make much sense to me. God seems pretty ticked off at humanity, so it makes me wonder why christians ever try to say that God is good, loving and kind? Where does that nonsense come from?

Did you read the whole of Jeremiah in it's entirety? Jeremiah was the prophet around the time of Josiah, Jehoiakim and until the end of 11th year of Zedekiah until Jerusalem was captured (Jeremiah 1:1-3), so I suggest you read those kings who came after King Solomon (when the kingdom was split in two and they had Kings of Judah and Kings of Isreal).

Not all the Kings were righteous, and in fact most of them were evil and turned their hearts away from God and the children of Israel did the same (Israelites can be very easily persuaded). The children of Isreal turned to depravity and they were doing many things that went against God's will, like cannibalism (which interestingly enough, they were told that if they turned away from God than such a thing would happen when they were in the wilderness in Deuteronomy 28, the warning for the Israelites starts on verses 15 and continues all throughout the chapter but verses 52-59 is what I mean about cannibalism).

If God had not destroyed them, it would have been much worse. It was getting to the point that they were burning their children and eating their young. Sometimes, we look at God and we place definitions on Him, that a "loving God would not do this" or a "loving God would never do that" but we must remember that God knows our hearts and He knows what would happen if we allow us to continue in our sins. And remember, our loving God knows exactly what to do and when to do...because otherwise, it could very well be that if God did not put an end to what was going on in Israel, we could very well be part of the depravity that Israel had become.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Correction: Jesus never reinterpretted the OT, rather He taught it the way it was meant to be understood due to the reinterpretation that was being taught by the religious leaders.

Agree with this, and your post right before this too!
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