I got no where else to turn...


Senior Veteran
Feb 15, 2004
Salvation Army
Dear tlozsm94. This is just for you. In Matthew 22, verses 35-40, Jesus tells a Lawyer: The first and great Commandment is: Love God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. The second is like it: Love thy neighbour as thyself." Then Jesus states this great truth: " On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." They are very important.
What do you do now? Treat all you know and all you meet, as you would love to be treated: with kindness and friendly words. Overlook what you think others are thinking, just keep on being kind and friendly, and smile. If others are being unkind and unloving to you, it is their fault, and God will remember.
Always remember that God Loves you and Jesus died for all of us. God made us all in God`s imagine and God Loves us all the same.
Jesus will give you His Love and Joy, and the Holy Spirit will empower you with His Love, also. Jesus told us in Matthew 7, verses 7-8,: " ask and ye will
receive," then thank God and share all Love and Joy with your neighbour.
Keep asking God and thanking God and sharing all Love and Joy with all around you. Always remember, tlozsm, with God on your side, no-one can be
against you, and God will give you the strenght you need. Just let Jesus lead
you, Jesus Is The Way.
You might stumble and forget some time, but get up, ask God for strenght to
carry on loving and caring for your neighbour: keep asking God and thanking God and sharing all Love and Joy with your neighbour. God will notice your love and joy, and God will approve and bless you: AND your love will grow and change you into the person which God wants us all to become:
Loving children/sons and daughters which God wants to have with God in His Kingdom. I say this with love. Greetings from Emmy, your sister in Christ.
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Jul 11, 2009
United States
Marital Status
Ok heres my story:i cant pray to god because i lust so much, i am a gym addict and a glutton...so with all this sin in front of me...i cant face god and ask for forgiveness....i just cant....knowing that i will do the same sin again makes me feel ashsmed and guilty and stupid..

I'm getting the impression that you make the assumption that God is cruel, harsh, and judgmental toward His children, i.e. very much like fallen humanity in its self-serving criticism. If you truly repented before Him 1.5 years ago and accepted Christ as the one who justifies you before the Father, reading in scripture about His pure love for you will build spiritual intimacy with Him, which helps change your heart. Learning to trust Him with your innermost sinful thoughts, motives, etc. will go a long way of cleansing your conscience and free you of burdensome guilt. Remember, God is an all-consuming fire - that is, He cleanses your heart of sinful junk so you can build anew.
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Restless mind, peaceful soul.
Feb 28, 2010
Marital Status
i failed at just about everything in life (playing an instrument, going to gym, school, etc)...i feel useless to god,..

But it's actually the opposite! You may feel that God wouldn't be interested in you, but He sent Jesus to Earth for all of us that fail and are weak.

Jesus spent a lot of time with the poor, the sinners, the unloved, the sick, etc. So much so that the smart people and teachers of the time asked Him why. He answered, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." (Luke 5:31). So you see? God is a lot more interested in you than the self-righteous person that has no need for Him.
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I am a friend of God
Jan 12, 2013
Marital Status
Ok heres my story:

I found Christ about 1.5 years ago..but only during the last five months did I take it seriously and not as a joke. Today in church, I was with my fellow belivers when I realized that some of them were kinda hinting at demeanor and how much of a stumbling block i am to them...I also realized that everyone in the church had a talent and purpose there...i was always that guy sitting doing nothing while everyone else was growing in the faith and talking about serious issues...Everytime i was in the conversation, it would kinda change topics as I am seen as someone not very serious (more of a joke)...i feel rejected by my church and loved ones...i cant pray to god because i lust so much, i am a gym addict and a glutton...so with all this sin in front of me...i cant face god and ask for forgiveness....i just cant....knowing that i will do the same sin again makes me feel ashsmed and guilty and stupid....im in college and things r not getting better as my grades r poor, i have no idea why i am even in college...i failed at just about everything in life (playing an instrument, going to gym, school, etc)...i feel useless to god,..i cant even explain simple sccripture to others...and i have been following Christ for the wrong reasons(i followed Christ for a better material life). ..if my grammar is bad, forgive me..i probably suck at writting as well......i just need help..i feel like commiting suicide or going to prison just so that i can escape all this...this is honeslty my last resort....
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Nov 4, 2012
Marital Status
LWOG: I don't even want to use your pen name because you are not without God. Your struggle for even the slightest holding on gives us hope. Your words almost sound like clinical depression, but then I am not an MD. Perhaps some questions should be asked and medication considered as an option. And yes Jesus will love you if prescribed drugs become part of the battle plan. Things can be chemical...simply stated. Hopefully the church within your contact is nor parroting "healing, healing, prosperity" ad nauseum. That does not help. Trust, dialogue and a sense of the loving Lord will help. He has a special place in His heart for things that are broken for a time. I refer you to 2 ebooks. They are not magic, but they might help.

Most importantly you need someone to talk to, someone who is not part of the "cool crowd". They seldom get over themselves and yet they name the Name of Christ. What a paradox!

The Healing Comes

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Jul 13, 2012
Marital Status
Ok heres my story:

I found Christ about 1.5 years ago..but only during the last five months did I take it seriously and not as a joke. Today in church, I was with my fellow belivers when I realized that some of them were kinda hinting at demeanor and how much of a stumbling block i am to them...I also realized that everyone in the church had a talent and purpose there...i was always that guy sitting doing nothing while everyone else was growing in the faith and talking about serious issues...Everytime i was in the conversation, it would kinda change topics as I am seen as someone not very serious (more of a joke)...i feel rejected by my church and loved ones...i cant pray to god because i lust so much, i am a gym addict and a glutton...so with all this sin in front of me...i cant face god and ask for forgiveness....i just cant....knowing that i will do the same sin again makes me feel ashsmed and guilty and stupid....im in college and things r not getting better as my grades r poor, i have no idea why i am even in college...i failed at just about everything in life (playing an instrument, going to gym, school, etc)...i feel useless to god,..i cant even explain simple sccripture to others...and i have been following Christ for the wrong reasons(i followed Christ for a better material life). ..if my grammar is bad, forgive me..i probably suck at writting as well......i just need help..i feel like commiting suicide or going to prison just so that i can escape all this...this is honeslty my last resort....

I don't even know if you will be reading my reply now as you have posted during November of last year.

Oh! Please don't condemn yourself like this. I have a youtube channel message just for you. It was published yesterday. The youtube channel is heiscoming12 and the title is 'The sheep that was different'. The basic message in it was that the Lord looks at our heart and not our talents. He looks at our heart first before He looks at the deeds. Please go and take a look.

About the area of your sins, you don't have to feel ashamed to go before the Lord because of them. We all have committed sins that we are ashamed of or regret doing. Inorder to be set free from this chain of sins you MUST bring it before the Lord, confess it before Him, repent of it and hand it over to Him so that He can help you overcome it. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. I realize now that God is helping me get over my problems as I am handing it over to Him rather than me trying to fix it myself. We cannot fix it ourselves. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all you ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

You need to study the Word more and get it in your heart. Ask God for understanding when you read your Bible.

And about lusting, Job 31:1 says "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl." This is a great verse for you to apply and ask God to help you with it.

Well if you followed God for the the wrong or selfish reasons but have now realized it and if you are truly sorry about your intentions and motives then God will truly forgive you. Just confess it to Him. God is close to the broken hearted and the contrite in spirit. As long as you feel true remorse for your sin He will forgive you. He looks at the heart and not at fake words.

There was a time when I felt like committing suicide because things never went my way or the way I wanted it. But now I realize things will only go in God's way and according to His perfect plan for us. Thats His way of doing it. Fighting it will not help. You cannot fight against God and win. For the Lord works for the good of those who love Him; for those who have been called according to His purpose.

Just hand your sins over to God, study The Word and try to apply it in your life. The book of Proverbs will also help you in your practical life. May God bless you abundantly.
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