How do I reconcile my desire with God's will?


Senior Veteran
Feb 15, 2004
Salvation Army
Dear BelieverInMostHigh. God is Love and God wants our best, we were given God`s Commandments, and we have free will to follow them, or go our own way. The two great Commandments on which hang all Law and Prophets,
are 1) Love God with all hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds. Also
2) Love our neighbour as we love ourselves. (Matthew 22: 35-40:) God wants our love freely given and NO conditions tagged on. ( Matthew 7: 7-10:)
tells us: " ask and you shall receive," we always have to ask, pray for:
In Luke 10: 25-28: Jesus is asked: " Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered: " You know the two Commandments to Love God with all your beings, and to love your neighbour as you love yourselves? DO THIS AND
YOU SHALL LIVE. All we say or do, all we advice or stand for, SHOULD BE FROM LOVE AND COMPASSION. You can ask God to find a wife for you, but then you must abide by whatever God chooses for you, but if you want to have the wife you want, you cannot blame God if she is the wrong one.
God gave us His Commandments and we choose to follow them or not, God does NOT FORCE US, God love us and God wants our best. We have God`s Commandments, and we choose to follow them or not.
I say this with love, BelieverInMostHigh. Greetings from Emmy, your sister in Christ.
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Jul 23, 2014
Marital Status
Thank you all for your posts, I have read each and every single post in here at least two times each today.

The problem here is me, you have helped me see that now.

This is the same for each of us..."the problem is me" if we learn to surrender and trust God...not just ok I'll go along...but I am desperate to trust and rely on only him...then christian would mean what its name implies....we would not need to tell people "I am a christian." for they would tell us we are like him.
This that you have realized is the first step to true up on self gives the opportunity to trust him to move in and through us....
"...if a man will lose his life, he shall gain HIS life."
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UPDATE : I suspect that my fears came true, but I am not sure yet.

There is a girl in my bible study group. She likes me. She has made it clear.....

So she like you. That does not mean anything other than: she likes you. That's all. :)

And it might be a sign.....

No, it's not a sign of anything except: the girl likes you.

.....but personally, she's not my type. So I don't want to even waste my time there.

No need to. She has a crush on you. You don't share the feelings. No need to take it further than that. She just likes you. (See a pattern here? :D)

Sigh. Why can't God allow me this one thing and allow me to be sexually satisfied and happy with my wife????

Because, looking at the way you are going about choosing a wife, it would be unwise to allow you to choose by yourself. :D

OK, only joking. But first: just slow down, my friend! Just because a girl is a Christian and she happens to have a crush on, does not mean she is your future wife. God knows better than you what you want. You desire a wife? Then delight yourself in God, and He will give you the DESIRES of your heart. Trust Him. And WAIT on Him, and He will show you the way.

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