Help an Agnostic who wishes to find God

Aug 30, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I'm an agnostic, which means I am unsure about the existence of God, but to be honest I think that the existence of God is about as likely as the existence of any other God that people believe in, such as Allah, etc.

I love the concept of people going to Heaven and I really do wish I believed in it, so please convince me.

I think the issue I have is that I'm not one to believe something without proof. I've personally read much of the Bible and I don't see any reason to just take the Bible's stories as fact, seeing as nowadays there are much better explanation for creation of the earth and of man.

What troubles me about religion is that it disagrees with much of modern science. For example, we know Earth was created by the accumulation of star dust from an ancient supernova a billion or so years ago, and that humans evolved from ancient species. We also know the Earth is not a mere thousands of years old, but is in fact MUCH older.

If the Bible was true, it seems to me that God would have included these things in it.

What also concerns me is that there seem to be two versions of the Christian God. That from the Old Testament, and that of the New Testament. One is a vengeful and violent God while the other is loving. It seems to me that most people follow the New Testament nowadays but which do we believe?

All these questions scare me away from religion but I've love to see them answered so I can believe. If I believed I would feel much better about life in general.

Help convince me!
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Feb 13, 2009
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Hi there, SeekingAgnostic

One thing I know with all my heart is that the God I serve is very much alive and well. I've had several encounters of the divine kind - some that saved me from dying quite violently. You really can't go wrong with Christianity - it's sort of a "come as you are" party - you don't have to be perfect at all. If you like, you're more than welcome to PM me if you want me to share some testimonies.

I get you on the apparent difference between the account of the creation in Genssis to what science says. Personally, I believe the Big Bang happened right after God said "Let there be light" (Gen 1:3). Also, we don't know how long a time elapsed between the earth being created first, (Gen 1:1) and the first day (Gen 1:5). It could have been a long time indeed.

There is indeed a difference between the old and new Testament - the main thing is that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins, which made re-concilliation between man and God possible.

You really don't have anything to lose with Christianity - I can testify to that. When I need help, I ask my Creator - and He always comes through for me - whether it's help with getting a job after being laid off, help with a tough problem or whatever. Christianity is the real deal - I can honestly testify to that.
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Aug 28, 2010
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I've recently been trying to find God myself.
Just believe. Try believing even for a few days. And try praying. Ask God questions.
There are a lot of conflicting statements in the Bible based on what is sin and what is not. I asked God "If there is something you don't want me to do, then tell me". And he has. Yesterday evening my friend offered me a cigarette. While I was smoking it, my hair caught on fire. I'm sorry, but that's a bit freakish.. And that's just one example of the odd things that have happened.
I don't know if these things are strange coincidences or if God is actually trying to tell me something, but I feel like He is.
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Mar 16, 2008
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What troubles me about religion is that it disagrees with much of modern science. For example, we know Earth was created by the accumulation of star dust from an ancient supernova a billion or so years ago, and that humans evolved from ancient species. We also know the Earth is not a mere thousands of years old, but is in fact MUCH older.

How do we "Know" That the world was created from "star dust?" Aren't Stars big balls of fire? Has anyone been able to collect Star dust? How do we know what is left over after a supernova? Has anyone witnessed one? Have we collected samples from one? How do we know that the molecular structure of "Star dust" does not change any of the course of billions of years?

Do you get the point I am trying to make? or should I continue? Their are alot of assumptions and faith in any version of creation you choose to believe in. For instance the age of the earth was not set in scripture, it was simply deduced by the genealogies found in scripture. We assume that the records are complete and that the ages of the men recorded were counted in the same way our ages are.

Faith is apart of any belief, because truthfully no one really knows. Just like a few hundred years ago science knew the earth was flat, and that the sun revolved around the earth. To the people who lived their at the time These facts were considered truths. But know we can see them for what they were. Statements of faith based on the available evidence. Which in essence is what any theory really is. No matter how popular it is to believe it.
So if all things are equal then it only boils down to a matter of preference as to which account of creation you want to subscribe to.

I say that to say that God is not an academic activity to be conquered. You will not be able to compare or construct a belief in God the same way as you would with belief in science. Science is constructed to separate itself from the type of faith it takes to believe in God. Scientific "faith" heavily depends on the perception of the tangible. Faith in God depends on one's willingness to seek and accept what is currently beyond one's understandings. Their is Proof to be found, but it is not the irrefutable proof that scientists want. But to the one who seeks that proof it is enough for them. I like to think of it as personalized proof tailored just for you.

This is supported by Luke 11:
5Then he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, 6because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.'

7"Then the one inside answers, 'Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.' 8I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man's boldness[e] he will get up and give him as much as he needs.
9"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. 11"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for[f] a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

We Ask Through Prayer

We Seek in places like this forum, and in the bible

We Knock by repeating this process till we get what our heart truly wants.
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Mar 16, 2008
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If the Bible was true, it seems to me that God would have included these things in it.
To whom would he be speaking to? How many thousands of years of human history would have past, and how many billions of people would He have alienated just to speak to us? That is assuming that our current start dust theory is not another proclamation that the earth is flat..
Perhaps the truth is something this generation can not even comprehend yet.

What also concerns me is that there seem to be two versions of the Christian God. That from the Old Testament, and that of the New Testament. One is a vengeful and violent God while the other is loving. It seems to me that most people follow the New Testament nowadays but which do we believe?
Both, The vengeful God Sent His son to die in our stead so as not to be "vengeful" to those who seek Him.

Help convince me!
As i pointed out before:
Ask, Seek, and Knock if you truly want to be convinced.
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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I'm an agnostic, which means I am unsure about the existence of God, but to be honest I think that the existence of God is about as likely as the existence of any other God that people believe in, such as Allah, etc.

I love the concept of people going to Heaven and I really do wish I believed in it, so please convince me.

I think the issue I have is that I'm not one to believe something without proof. I've personally read much of the Bible and I don't see any reason to just take the Bible's stories as fact, seeing as nowadays there are much better explanation for creation of the earth and of man.

What troubles me about religion is that it disagrees with much of modern science. For example, we know Earth was created by the accumulation of star dust from an ancient supernova a billion or so years ago, and that humans evolved from ancient species. We also know the Earth is not a mere thousands of years old, but is in fact MUCH older.

If the Bible was true, it seems to me that God would have included these things in it.

What also concerns me is that there seem to be two versions of the Christian God. That from the Old Testament, and that of the New Testament. One is a vengeful and violent God while the other is loving. It seems to me that most people follow the New Testament nowadays but which do we believe?

All these questions scare me away from religion but I've love to see them answered so I can believe. If I believed I would feel much better about life in general.

Help convince me!

Man cannot convince you of God's existence. The Holy Spirit does. Moses also had questions about God, and sought Him, and found Him. For if we seek God with ALL our heart, we WILL find Him. God looks on the heart, the motives behind it. There is not a different God for the new testament and a different God of the Old Testament. The same God gave His only begotten Son as propitiation for our sins, just as was promised in Genesis. The same God Who walked in a garden in the cool of the day, a long long time ago, with Adam, before the fall. What is horrendous is sin, and the ravages of it. God is holy. That's why the sacrifice of His only begotten Son was required, because the "Sacrifice" had to be spotless, without sin, in order to be the propitiation for our sin, and to re-unite us with a holy God, and to resume walking in a garden, in the cool of the day, with His beloved.

"But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul." ~Deuteronomy 4:29
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Feb 16, 2007
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Hi everyone,

I'm an agnostic, which means I am unsure about the existence of God, but to be honest I think that the existence of God is about as likely as the existence of any other God that people believe in, such as Allah, etc.
You think the God of the Bible is as likely as Vishnu, or Shiva, or Zeus? Hmmm...A remark like this suggests you haven't looked very deeply at the nature of the various deities in comparison to the God of the Bible. Anyway, I get what you're saying: The Christian God is just one among many from which you could choose. So, why should you believe He is the One True God, right?

I love the concept of people going to Heaven and I really do wish I believed in it, so please convince me.
Wish I could. God reserves the convincing to Himself, however. I can offer you good reason to believe, but it is God who will convict you of the truth of what I tell you. Like everyone else, you have too many prejudices, too many moral and cultural barriers and/or filters, too many firmly-held presuppositions for the mere transfer of information from me to you to be sufficient to change your mind. Only God can do all that is required to produce in you the fundamental thought-shift and heart transformation that is necessary to believe in Him. Consequently, I would urge you to ask God as sincerely as you're able to reveal Himself to you.

I think the issue I have is that I'm not one to believe something without proof. I've personally read much of the Bible and I don't see any reason to just take the Bible's stories as fact, seeing as nowadays there are much better explanation for creation of the earth and of man.
Well, I think you need to go farther back with your inquiry - right to the beginning, in fact. Where did everything come from? Why is there a universe instead of nothing at all? These are the questions I think you really ought to be asking, if you want to find God.

What troubles me about religion is that it disagrees with much of modern science. For example, we know Earth was created by the accumulation of star dust from an ancient supernova a billion or so years ago, and that humans evolved from ancient species. We also know the Earth is not a mere thousands of years old, but is in fact MUCH older.
THese are theories you've expressed here, not necessarily hard, proven fact. Why have you adopted these theories over others? Remember, scientific fact is always interpreted. Scientists are constantly taking raw facts of science and telling us what they mean. And they do this in accordance with what their presuppositions are.

If the Bible was true, it seems to me that God would have included these things in it.
Millions of thoughtful, intelligent people have believed in Him without them being included in the Bible.

What also concerns me is that there seem to be two versions of the Christian God. That from the Old Testament, and that of the New Testament. One is a vengeful and violent God while the other is loving. It seems to me that most people follow the New Testament nowadays but which do we believe?
The God of the OT is the God of NT. He didn't change from one testament to the other. It is only people who have given the Bible merely a cursory inspection, who desire to see God in caricature so that they may feel justified in rejecting Him, who suggest that God is like you describe above. God is merciful, just, holy, compassionate, and gracious in both the OT and NT. His jealousy over His own, His holy hatred of sin, His wrath, and judgment are consistent throughout the entire length of Scripture.

All these questions scare me away from religion but I've love to see them answered so I can believe. If I believed I would feel much better about life in general.
Yes, doubtless you would feel better. But this isn't, by any means, the sole reason why one should believe.

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Feb 27, 2008
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If you are looking for “scientific proof” to the existence of God there is none and never will be on this earth. The reason God remains hidden to the skeptic and is never beyond the shadow of all doubt, is because of the need man has for faith in helping man to fulfill His objective.

You say: “there are much better explanations”, will not really. The modern scientist theory now is the universe had a start, but how something could start from nothing is not even logical. There is all the fine toning of the universe that makes it highly unlikely (impossible) to have ever happened. There is also the huge problem of life getting started. After you have life there is at least evolution as a mechanism for change, but pure chemicals do not “evolve” so there is no mechanism for chemicals to ever become alive and science is showing that DNA life had to start shortly after the first liquid water remained on earth, which seems impossible.

All scripture can be resolved, but you have to keep the objectives in mind to understand why these things happened.

First, God is doing what He can to help you first and foremost want to trust in His existence (not know but trust). If you do not really want to know then knowing would be detrimental to you and God does not want to do that to you. If you want to know “the concept” because it sound nice, that is not a good reason and will not make a real change in your life. If you feel the burden of your transgressions (the hurt you have caused others) on your conscience or want to be lifted from your pit and want relief from that burden.

God is not trying to get something from you but give something (the greatest power in all universes) to you.
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Jul 15, 2010
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I think the issue I have is that I'm not one to believe something without proof. I've personally read much of the Bible and I don't see any reason to just take the Bible's stories as fact, seeing as nowadays there are much better explanation for creation of the earth and of man.

What troubles me about religion is that it disagrees with much of modern science. For example, we know Earth was created by the accumulation of star dust from an ancient supernova a billion or so years ago, and that humans evolved from ancient species. We also know the Earth is not a mere thousands of years old, but is in fact MUCH older.

If the Bible was true, it seems to me that God would have included these things in it.

There are Christians that believe these things as well. You should check out the Theistic Evolution forum under General Theology.

What also concerns me is that there seem to be two versions of the Christian God. That from the Old Testament, and that of the New Testament. One is a vengeful and violent God while the other is loving. It seems to me that most people follow the New Testament nowadays but which do we believe?

All these questions scare me away from religion but I've love to see them answered so I can believe. If I believed I would feel much better about life in general.

Help convince me!

It can be difficult to understand but God is the same throughout the Old and New Testaments. Maybe this will help: Why is God so different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament?
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Lord forgive me
Apr 20, 2006
Raleigh, NC
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The summation all the seeming coincidences in my life convinced me of God's existence. Just sit down over all the life changing things...good and bad...that have happened and retrace how you have become who you are...that's where I found God.
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Jun 14, 2006
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First, religion does agree with modern science. Please visit, Science is just men interpreting what God has done.

I suggest you research the credibility of the bible concerning overwhelming evidence which is very high even though it’s a spiritual decision first.
Visit:, (you will need acrobat reader for this), read The Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell a former agnostic- (its overwhelming circumstantial evidence of bible) and Examine the Evidence by Muncaster a former athiest/The Case for Christ and The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel a former athiest., (articles),

500 eye witnesses of Jesus Resurrection

***Christian concept, Are you a good person?
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Oct 21, 2009
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Hi everyone,
I'm an agnostic, which means I am unsure about the existence of God, but to be honest I think that the existence of God is about as likely as the existence of any other God that people believe in, such as Allah, etc.

I love the concept of people going to Heaven and I really do wish I believed in it, so please convince me.

I think the issue I have is that I'm not one to believe something without proof. I've personally read much of the Bible and I don't see any reason to just take the Bible's stories as fact, seeing as nowadays there are much better explanation for creation of the earth and of man.

What troubles me about religion is that it disagrees with much of modern science. For example, we know Earth was created by the accumulation of star dust from an ancient supernova a billion or so years ago, and that humans evolved from ancient species. We also know the Earth is not a mere thousands of years old, but is in fact MUCH older.

Hi, John. It is a pleasure to know you.

I am starting this not apoligizing, but I promise - cross my heart - I have NEVER in my life written such a lengthy reply to a post. I am usually a 1 or 2 par. reply.

All of it isn't mine, I used Wikipedia some.

Concerning your beliefs on how the Earth formed and when; and the approximate age and origin of humans:

The Big Bang theory has had many dissenters including the British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, the Nobel Prize winner Hannes Alfven, and astronomers Geoffrey Burbidge and Halton Arp.In 2004, an "Open Letter to the Scientific Community" disputing the Big Bang theory was signed by 33 leading scientists has been published on the internet and in the science journal New Scientist. The dissent letter has subsequently been signed by hundreds of individuals around the world.

The sun is powered by nuclear reactions which gradually burn up the sun's fuel and shrinks its core. As this occurs, the nuclear fusion should occur more readily and expel even more amounts of energy, causing the sun to shine brighter even as it ages. This also means that the sun was much dimmer in the past, but on a timescale of 3.8 billion years (the time when evolutionists believe life began on earth) the sun should have been 25% fainter back then. If this were the case, the earth would be frozen around –3ºC; also, the majority of paleontologists believe that the earth was warmer, not cooler, in the past.

Interplanetary dust is abundant in the solar system. The solar wind, solar gravitation and the Poynting-Robertson effect remove dust from the solar system, while comets and asteroids can contribute to the dust. Robertson and Slusher issued an argument in a 100-page monograph confirming that equations derived nearly fifty years earlier were essentially correct and the solar system was limited to a few thousand years without some hitherto unknown massive replacement method. At least half of this conclusion is supported by secular scientists who hold that the lifespan for a typical dust particle is about 10,000 years.

Paleontologists have so far failed to identify the transitional forms that the theory of evolution requires. There are over one hundred million identified and catalogued fossils currently in the world's museums. If the theory of evolution is true, then there should be transitional forms or “missing links” in the fossil record that show the intermediate life forms. William R. Corliss catalogued numerous anomalies in the old earth uniformitarian geology paradigm.

The population of the world, based upon the Berlin census reports of 1922, was found to be 1,804,187,000. The human race must double itself 30.75 times to make this number. This result may be approximately ascertained by the following computations:
At the beginning of the first period of doubling there would just be two human beings; the second, 4; the third, 8; the fourth, 16; the tenth, 1024; the twentieth 1,048,576, the thirtieth, 1,073,741,824; and the thirty-first, 2,147,483,648. In other words, if we raise two to the thirtieth power, we have 1,073,741,824; or to the thirty-first power, 2,147,483,648 Therefore, it is evident that, to have the present population of the globe, the net population must be doubled more than thirty times and less than thirty-one times. By logarithms, we find it to be 30.75 times. After all allowances for natural deaths, wars, catastrophes, and losses of all kinds, if the human race would double its numbers
30.75 times, we would have the present population of the globe.

Now, according to the chronology of Hales, based on the Septuagint text, 5077 years have elapsed since the flood, and 5177 years since the ancestors of humanity numbered only two, Noah and his wife. By dividing 5177 by 30.75, we find it requires an average of 168.3 years for the human race to double its numbers, in order to make the present population. This is a reasonable average length of time.

Moreover, it is singularly confirmed by the number of Jacob’s descendants. According to Hales, 3850 years have passed since the marriage of Jacob. By the same method of calculation as above corroborates the age of the human race and of the Jewish people, as gleaned from the word of God by the most proficient chronologists. If the human race is 2,000,000 years old, the period of doubling would be 65,040 years,

In addition, the 25,000,000 descendants of Abraham must have doubled their numbers every 162.275 years, during the 3,988 years since the birth of his son Ishmael. The correspondence of these figures, 168.3, 161.251 and 162.275 is so remarkable that it must bring the conviction to every serious student that the flood destroyed mankind and Noah became the head of the race.

Now the evolutionists claim that the human race is 2,000,000 years old. Let us generously suppose that these remote ancestors, beginning with one pair, doubled their numbers in 1612.51 years one-tenth as fast as Abraham’s seed. That would equate to1240 times in 2,000,000 years. If we raise 2 to the 1240th power, the result is 18,932,139,737,991 with 360 figures following. The population of the world, therefore, would have been 18,932,139,737,991 decillion, decillion, decillion. decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion; or 18,932,139,737,991 vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion.

What also concerns me is that there seem to be two versions of the Christian God. That from the Old Testament, and that of the New Testament. One is a vengeful and violent God while the other is loving. It seems to me that most people follow the New Testament nowadays but which do we believe?

Concerning the OT God and a common misconception that He is vengeful and violent:
I thought I would provide quite a bit of secular historical data.
The following is a partial list of false gods that were worshiped by various nations from 2250 – 1300 BC. The names of the idols correspond with idols in the OT. The secular articles on the history also corresponds with OT scripture, as does the description of the forms of worship to particular false gods. In addition, this information helps a great deal in understanding why God used warfare so often in the OT.

This info is supposedly recorded in the Phoenician Pantheon and the Ras Sharma Tablets . Not all of the dates are exact, but approximate. Ancient Phoenician an Canaanite secular gods - BC

Year BC Name of false gods

2250 Aether, Philo, Byblius
2200 Mot
2175 Sun (Beelsamen), Moon, Stars,
2150 Colpius Baau
2125 Aeon, Protogonus
2100 Genos, Genea
2075 Cassius, Libanus, Brathy,
2025 Memrumus, Hypsuranius, Ousous
1975 Agreus, Halieus
1925 Chrysor, Hephaestus Zeus
1900 Technites (Artificer), Geinos
1875 Agros, Agrueros
1850 Aletae, Titans
1825 Amynos, Magus
1800 Misor, Suduc
1775 Taautus, Dioscuri
1758 Elioun and Beruth
1740 Epiqeius/Baal-Shamen and Gia
1733 Uranus and Ge
1715 Elus or Kronos, Baetylus, Dagon

1710 – 1300 There are 34 more names.

Phoenician/Canaanite --- More than 81
Babylonian --- More than 39
Egyptian --- More than 36
Greek --- More than 37
Levantine --- More than 20
Mesopotamian --- More than 24

Total --- More than 237
These were taken from only two documents.

Many of the idols in OT were worshiped with the sacrificing of children. I thought only one was worshipped that way.

Ba’al was so popular and fast-growing it had hundreds of prophets and priests, and the people eventually began to call God the cheif Ba’al and sacrificed children to Him in the name of Ba’al.

Topeth was worshipped also with child sacrifice. The figure was huge and a fire was kept inside it’s belly. Children and infants were placed on the coal-hot arms of the figure, and the arms would shift so that the child rolled into the statue. Parents did this to their own children. The worshippers indulged in sexual acts while listening to the screams. Topeth was located at the Valley of Ben Hinnon but is also referred to as the ‘Valley of Children’.

Moloch was another idol worshipped by the sacrificial burning of children; as was Kronos, Chemosh (Moabite), Mot, and Milcam (Ammonite).

I think any decent person would be willing to kill person throwing a child into a fire. God saw all of it, and I guess there was a series of years when He just cleaned house and got rid of the depravity.

Here is one of my favorite scriptures from the OT:

Psalm 91 (New Living Translation)

1. Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 This I declare about the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him.
3 For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
4 He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor the arrow that flies in the day.
6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
7 Though a thousand fall at your side,
though ten thousand are dying around you,
these evils will not touch you.
8 Just open your eyes,
and see how the wicked are punished.
9 If you make the LORD your refuge,
if you make the Most High your shelter,
10 no evil will conquer you;
no plague will come near your home.
11 For he will order his angels
to protect you wherever you go.
12 They will hold you up with their hands
so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.
13 You will trample upon lions and cobras;
you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!
14 The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me.
I will protect those who trust in my name.
15 When they call on me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
16 I will reward them with a long life
and give them my salvation.”

Why Christians follow NT –
The OT contains the Law of Moses which is what man obeyed in the OT. There was punishment for breaking the laws. Once every year, the people brought animals to be sacrificed at the Temple. God used the blood of the animals as a means of atonement for sin for another year. This happened every year until Christ died on the cross. He was the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind, and it was done once for all time. Now we are free from the penalties and punishments of the law because we do not need it to be righteous. He abides within us now. We have been cleansed and given new life in him. It is supernatural.
The loftiest position I could ever hope to attain is to be 1/1000 the example Christ was when he walked the earth as a man.

All these questions scare me away from religion but I'd love to see them answered so I can believe. If I believed, I would feel much better about life in general.
Help convince me!

It isn’t religion but a real relationship with Jesus. I have never loved anyone so much, nor has anyone ever done so much for me.
John, I do believe that soon your life will be different somehow… better than it’s been in a while. God bless you today, John. I’ll be checking in if you need to ask anything else.
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Feb 5, 2007
Las Vegas NV
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Hi everyone,

I'm an agnostic, which means I am unsure about the existence of God, but to be honest I think that the existence of God is about as likely as the existence of any other God that people believe in, such as Allah, etc.

I love the concept of people going to Heaven and I really do wish I believed in it, so please convince me.

I think the issue I have is that I'm not one to believe something without proof. I've personally read much of the Bible and I don't see any reason to just take the Bible's stories as fact, seeing as nowadays there are much better explanation for creation of the earth and of man.

What troubles me about religion is that it disagrees with much of modern science. For example, we know Earth was created by the accumulation of star dust from an ancient supernova a billion or so years ago, and that humans evolved from ancient species. We also know the Earth is not a mere thousands of years old, but is in fact MUCH older.

If the Bible was true, it seems to me that God would have included these things in it.

What also concerns me is that there seem to be two versions of the Christian God. That from the Old Testament, and that of the New Testament. One is a vengeful and violent God while the other is loving. It seems to me that most people follow the New Testament nowadays but which do we believe?

All these questions scare me away from religion but I've love to see them answered so I can believe. If I believed I would feel much better about life in general.

Help convince me!

Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved. Allah is a God that the proponents of Islam believe in. It is not the God of the bible. God is a God of judgment and He gave people fair warning by the prophets in the past. He also had to burn like a consuming fire against wickedness, when it got out of control.

One point about believing is that it opens the door to understanding God's word. Jesus Christ takes away the veil of the old testament. We are able to go from glory to glory and to really be the light that shines in a dark place without the veil that Moses had to wear over His shining face when He was with God on mount Sinai.

Say this prayer: Lord Jesus, I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I have tried to be a good person on my own merits and fail time and time again. I want to know that you are real by the fact that if any two agree on anything it will be done by the Father in heaven. Show yourself to me in a powerful way. Give me your Holy Spirit, your comforter and counselor that leads me into all truth. Wash me in the blood of Jesus so that I may stand before you perfect on Jesus holy merits and not my own. I sincerely want to come into your fold, the body of Christ. Lead my steps, bring me to a place that preaches your word and give me divine appointments. I trust you to lead me in the path of righteousness and still waters, restore my soul. In Jesus name. Amen.
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Aug 30, 2010
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Thanks for the comments everyone.

I can't help to notice that so many of you are misinformed about things such as the formation of the solar system, the beginning of life, and evolution. It's kind of disconcerting when people's arguments for God cite false science as backing.

The temperature of the earth has more to do with its atmosphere than the sun (the greenhouse effect), the universe can exist with the laws of physics which allow us to exist simply because if we it didn't we wouldn't be here to see it, procreating molecules WILL eventually form on one of billions of planets in the universe (we inevitably will exist on one of them), and evolution does not require "missing links", it happens very gradually and only small changes happen over tens of millions of years. There are no real missing links, the creatures flow into each other over millions and millions of years of natural selection.

With that said, I would like to point out that I don't KNOW that those theories are true and I don't absolutely believe them to be facts. I think that they could definitely be wrong, but I find them to be more acceptable than, say, Scientologist beliefs, because science is falsifiable. Science can be TESTED and does not have to be taken without proof.

I'm also curious how a Christian could believe in evolution. If they did, they would believe that humans evolved from simple organisms over millions and millions of years, which would conflict with the idea that God created man in his image, and that earth was created in a relatively short timespan.

Also, how can Christians believe that humans are created in God's image when we share 98% the same as a chimpanzee's? Why are there fossilized Neanderthals, etc, that look very similar to humans and also predate humans? How can Christians refute carbon dating which proves the Earth is much older than said in the Bible, and that dinosaurs and other ancient species existed long before humans?

I can accept the possibility that a God created the laws of physics and just let the universe play out, but that theory is no different than having no creator at all and doesn't really answers any questions.
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Apr 24, 2010
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Thanks for the comments everyone.

I can't help to notice that so many of you are misinformed about things such as the formation of the solar system, the beginning of life, and evolution. It's kind of disconcerting when people's arguments for God cite false science as backing.

The temperature of the earth has more to do with its atmosphere than the sun (the greenhouse effect), the universe can exist with the laws of physics which allow us to exist simply because if we it didn't we wouldn't be here to see it, procreating molecules WILL eventually form on one of billions of planets in the universe (we inevitably will exist on one of them), and evolution does not require "missing links", it happens very gradually and only small changes happen over tens of millions of years. There are no real missing links, the creatures flow into each other over millions and millions of years of natural selection.

With that said, I would like to point out that I don't KNOW that those theories are true and I don't absolutely believe them to be facts. I think that they could definitely be wrong, but I find them to be more acceptable than, say, Scientologist beliefs, because science is falsifiable. Science can be TESTED and does not have to be taken without proof.

I'm also curious how a Christian could believe in evolution. If they did, they would believe that humans evolved from simple organisms over millions and millions of years, which would conflict with the idea that God created man in his image, and that earth was created in a relatively short timespan.

Also, how can Christians believe that humans are created in God's image when we share 98% the same as a chimpanzee's? Why are there fossilized Neanderthals, etc, that look very similar to humans and also predate humans? How can Christians refute carbon dating which proves the Earth is much older than said in the Bible, and that dinosaurs and other ancient species existed long before humans?

I can accept the possibility that a God created the laws of physics and just let the universe play out, but that theory is no different than having no creator at all and doesn't really answers any questions.

Actually that position is Open Theism. It answers a lot of questions, and it is a start.
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Aug 30, 2010
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Actually that position is Open Theism. It answers a lot of questions, and it is a start.
I don't believe that for certain (I don't believe anything ABSOLUTELY), but I am open to it.

However, I am just as open to the idea that our universe is merely a very advanced computer simulation.
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Feb 16, 2007
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The temperature of the earth has more to do with its atmosphere than the sun (the greenhouse effect),

Uh, I'm pretty sure that if the sun were any closer, we'd fry and if it were much farther away, we'd freeze. This has been common knowledge for a long time. It makes your comment above about the Earth's temperature a little odd...

the universe can exist with the laws of physics which allow us to exist simply because if we it didn't we wouldn't be here to see it,

Hmmm...The universe cannot have created itself, if this is what you're suggesting. The idea that it could is logically incoherent - as well as scientifically impossible.

procreating molecules WILL eventually form on one of billions of planets in the universe (we inevitably will exist on one of them),

Procreating molecules? What are you talking about?

and evolution does not require "missing links", it happens very gradually and only small changes happen over tens of millions of years.

Yes, it does.

There are no real missing links, the creatures flow into each other over millions and millions of years of natural selection.

Yes, this is the theory - but there is precious little evidence for it.

With that said, I would like to point out that I don't KNOW that those theories are true and I don't absolutely believe them to be facts.

Well, that's a relief!

I think that they could definitely be wrong, but I find them to be more acceptable than, say, Scientologist beliefs, because science is falsifiable. Science can be TESTED and does not have to be taken without proof.

It sounds here like you're saying you'd believe a plausible lie over an implausible one.

I'm also curious how a Christian could believe in evolution. If they did, they would believe that humans evolved from simple organisms over millions and millions of years, which would conflict with the idea that God created man in his image, and that earth was created in a relatively short timespan. would, wouldn't it?

Also, how can Christians believe that humans are created in God's image when we share 98% the same as a chimpanzee's?

Our similarities to God are not biological in nature. God is Spirit, the Bible says. Consequently, we understand that when the Bible tells us we are made in God's image, it means this figuratively. We are like God insofar as we possess self-awareness, a conscience, the capacity to love, to admire beauty, etc.

Why are there fossilized Neanderthals, etc, that look very similar to humans and also predate humans? How can Christians refute carbon dating which proves the Earth is much older than said in the Bible, and that dinosaurs and other ancient species existed long before humans?

Answers in Genesis - Creation, Evolution, Christian Apologetics
The Institute for Creation Research

I can accept the possibility that a God created the laws of physics and just let the universe play out, but that theory is no different than having no creator at all and doesn't really answers any questions.

Quite right.

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Aug 30, 2010
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Uh, I'm pretty sure that if the sun were any closer, we'd fry and if it were much farther away, we'd freeze. This has been common knowledge for a long time. It makes your comment above about the Earth's temperature a little odd...

What the person was saying was that somehow the fusion reactions in the sun should produce more heat over time, making the earth unbearably hot. Obviously if we lived on Venus, it would be too hot and if we lived on Mars it would be too cold. That wasn't the nature of the misinformed person's statement.

Hmmm...The universe cannot have created itself, if this is what you're suggesting. The idea that it could is logically incoherent - as well as scientifically impossible.

That isn't what I'm suggesting. There is currently no way to prove how the universe began. What I am saying, though, is that it is more likely that we are here BECAUSE the universe is right for us, rather than the universe being here BECAUSE of us. I don't think humanity is at all special in the grand scheme of the universe. We're a group of slightly advanced monkeys who live on an average star in an average solar system.

Procreating molecules? What are you talking about?

Molecules which recreate themselves. The first organic life would be simple combinations of chemicals which have the sole purpose of making more of themselves.

Yes, it does.

What kind of missing link are you looking for exactly? You can actually observe natural selection slowly taking place now. You could take the different species of birds of the galapagos islands which evolved to have larger beaks or smaller beaks depending on their food sources for an example. Also, you could use the example of a Homo Erectus being a missing link between Homo Sapien and an ealier ancestor.

Yes, this is the theory - but there is precious little evidence for it.

There is plenty of insight that can be gained through the fossil record. No evidence has been found which refutes the theory. (That's why it's a scientific theory, it is able to withstand criticism)

It sounds here like you're saying you'd believe a plausible lie over an implausible one.

What I'm saying is that I'd be much more likely to believe something which has proof behind it than something which does not. That is why I believe in wearing a seat belt and airbags (they have been shown to reduce injury in car accidents), but do not believe in using dream catchers. would, wouldn't it?

And yet many Christians believe in evolution...

Our similarities to God are not biological in nature. God is Spirit, the Bible says. Consequently, we understand that when the Bible tells us we are made in God's image, it means this figuratively. We are like God insofar as we possess self-awareness, a conscience, the capacity to love, to admire beauty, etc.

The Bible also says that God has actually appeared to men in physical form. It's up to interpretation, but I think what is happening here is that you are bending what the Bible says to fit modern day science. In the days of Moses, the Bible was taken literally.
Also, how do I get to know God? Is there a way of communicating with Him directly?
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