
Well-Known Member
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To make the wrong desires leave, can't be accomplished by trying to make them leave.

This actually causes it to get worse in your head,= the LUST desire becomes stronger and more relentless.
And that is because....Of yourself you have no power over that issue.

Notice........ if i tell you to ride a blue Plastic elephant......
See it?
Now make that leave your head.

You only think about it more.

That what sin does...when you try not to do it, again., and its the same for the Believer,....... however, you're not sinning, you're committing a work of the flesh, but that's for another Thread.

So, its the same... The Blue Elephant or the LUST in your head.
You see it, and then you do it.

...= This is the "curse of the Law"., and "Christ came to deliver us from the CURSE OF THE LAW"..

What is it?

Its 2 Things..

1.) Its "The LAW is the power of sin", and "the power of sin is the Law"..


2.) Its the Law that defines you as a sinner.

That's the curse of the Law.
That is the dominion of the Law.. It keeps you there, in bondage to your LUST.

So, when you hear some deceiver telling you that the reason you are born again, or "saved" is so that you can now go and keep the Law... then they are trying to get you back under it, and its a curse.

The Law is made for sinners, not for Saints.
Remember that.,,,
The Law , (613 of them) are not made for the Born again. They are made for sinners... = to lead them to go to the Cross and find God's Grace.

So, listen to ..(Paul the Apostle) and get this revelation instead.

1.) "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness, to every one who Believes".

So, here is the issue..
You have sin consciousness. And that is... you think about some Lust.. A Lust thats in your head.
Therefore, if its not in your head.....then guess what happens next?

A.) Right. You are FREE from it. The Yoke of bondage is gone, broken, removed.

So, the CURE for sin, isn't confessing it again.. .Its to have no LUST consciousness in your head at all.

How do you end all that, and the condemnation, and guilt?

"its by my Spirit, sayeth The Lord"......same as everything else, within Christianity, as Christianity is 100% Spiritual. Its 100% built on God's Grace.

Christianity is God in you, Christ in you, The Holy Spirit in you, doing it through you.
That's REAL CHRISTianity.
And when you instead.... put yourself there.... striving, trying, resisting, working...PERFORMING....
Here is what happens...

= When you work, God rests.
= When you rest in God's Grace, the God works through you.

You can do ALL Things through CHRIST.
You can do NOTHING through You but fail to live holy.

You have to get your "SELF" out of God's Righteousness.
See, A deceived believer keeps putting the "SELF" there ....and all that happens to you, is that you "fall from Grace".

So....The way you get your head cleared and cleaned, ... = Your Soul realm, (mind, will, emotions), is to learn to have as your Mind, the very same eternal perspective of yourself, that God has of you, all the time.

THIS : "i am the righteousness of God in Christ"

"I am the righteousness of God in Christ".

I am "made Righteous".

I have become "the righteousness of God in Christ".

See that MIND?
You have to get that mind and keep it, always... as that is your heart found here.... = Hebrews 13:9
That is God's perspective regarding all the Born again..... and once the believer gets this same mind, then they have "worked out their salvation"< and they are finally "walking in the Spirit".

Get your mind right, and that Lust consciousness, will fade, fade, fade, and you will see it go away, and you will KNOW the Power of God that delivers from bondage.


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Jun 21, 2023
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The second you are born again, you are sanctified, justified, and made righteous.

So, you "start finished".

You will never be more righteous in God's perspective, then you have been "made righteous" by the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.
Its INSTANT "imputed righteousness".

Jesus became all your sin, and you the born again, became "The Righteousness of God in Christ".

A.) Done

So what is the next step?

The next step is to "work out your salvation, in awe and wonder".

This means, Now that you have been Given Salvation, .. you learn what you have, you...learn how to exist in it, by the knowledge of God that is Revelation knowledge.
This is why you find a good Teacher, and a good bible believing Local Assembly, who teach PAUL's Doctrine, and you "study the bible to show yourself approved", which is Paul's verse.

Reader, when you understand that your salvation is Jesus finished, 2000 yrs ago, and GOD given to you, as "the Gift of Salvation" then you never have to worry about that.........and instead you rejoice IN what you have... and what you have become.
You find rest there, and this rest is God's Grace, and its God's empowerment.
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For many years, I experienced and believed Christianity had no real down side. It was a happy, easy and rewarding life, everyone should jump in.

I use to teach “we (Christians) all sin lots of times especially lusting and cannot keep from it, but we are constantly being washed by the blood of Christ, so we are without sin in that case.” That was before I met a group of Christians that risked death for themselves and others by sinning, just any sign of not doing what Christ would be doing in that moment could result in being beaten to death. Here is what happened:

I got thrown into (volunteered to substitute teach) with the youth (13-21 age) prisoners program teaching Bible (one hour on Sunday morning to a group of 14 with three other Christians teaching groups of 14) and I was teaching three groups of “Christians”. The first group were guys (“going to school”, it is called), they start out causing trouble and getting thrown in the tank. Then they start increasingly attending the Bible services, carrying their Bible, being nice, eventually being baptized and saying they are Christian. By the time the parole board meets, they have this glowing report showing continued improvement tied to their increased spirituality and are released. These guys still carry weapons, are members of a gang, and every prisoner knows they just “went to school” to get out. The second group were converted before they went to prison (granny conversions), but on their first day they are seen watching raunchy TV, hanging with a loss group, laughing at off colored jokes, they were not always talking about Jesus and were not trying to convert others. On their first day in prison the snitches see this, the snitches talk to the Bulls who then approach these “Christians” saying: “you are not a Christian” (doing everything Christ would do) and make them a slave (often sexual) or at best a gang member. They still come to Bible study on Sunday, so they can tell Granny (who visits them Sunday afternoon) what they learned, but they are slaves (sometimes sexually) to some bull. The third group is fanatical, they stick close to each other, they: study, pray, witness to everyone, and avoid even a hint of insincerity that the snitches could see. They carry no weapons, but step between those that are being beaten especially persecuted. This group had grown over the last 3 years from just a couple of guys to now 42, but it came at a high price. Each convert had on the day he was baptized, given up the protection of his gang membership, turned over his weapons along with all his possessions (the gang owns everything including them), they were beaten if not by the gang they left, then by other gangs looking for payback and then they were watched constantly looking for any sign the snitches might interpret as weakness (anything less than what Christ would do in the situation, would result in a beating and it could lead to death). There is absolutely no privacy and these Christians never wanted to be found alone. They slept in barracks where at least one stayed awake all night praying over the others, so they could sleep without the fear of being smashed in the head in the middle of the night. These guys believed and counted on power from the Holy Spirit, I did not know existed. They come battered and bruised each week hungry for some real meaningful Christ like lesson that goes beyond their group study of 40+hours that week on the same subject, which I could not provide. They mostly helped me with my poor example of Christianity and lack of knowledge and lack of wisdom. They mentored me even though they were only Christian for a few months, but I was a poor disciple and could not keep up with them.

I had many hard nights praying over those young men. I Loved them and empathetically to some degree suffered with them.

They really did not talk about “not sinning”, but what better thing they could be doing each and every minute of the day and night. If they did sin, even with their thoughts, they confessed immediately to everyone (all around so the snitches could hear it also), asking for help, prays and ideas on doing better, yet this was not a daily action for everyone.

It is not so much not wanting to sin, but wanting to be a Christ like Christian (witness). This was not done to please the guards because the guards did not like them witnessing to them and the fact others might beat on them caused the guards added work to break up the beatings.

Maybe we do not see the Spirit working in us because we quench Him or are not in situations of really needing Him. Severe persecution brings out the Spirit in those who have the Spirit.
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Jun 21, 2023
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Let me show you something reader.

Just consider this...

"Where there is no LAW, there is no SIN... no iniquity".

Now, does that mean that you wont do things that are carnal?
Is that verse saying that you will never think about a lust, or even do it?
That verse is not saying that you wont ever again commit a carnal deed....
Its teaching that the LAW has no more dominion to define what you do as a sin, or you as a SINNER.... once you are born again.

This is why the NT defines the Born again as a "Saint".

Now, can you understand what i just told you?

See....... a lot of believers, do not understand what "not under the law, but under GRACE"... means.

It does not mean you will never again commit a work of the flesh.......it means that you now exist, spiritually, were the Law can't define your misdeeds as sin.

Notice... "Christ is the END OF THE LAW.....for Righteousness, for/to, everyone who BELIEVES".

= Christ is the end of the law, and all the born again are "IN CHRIST" and there is no sin found there, as there is no Law found there that can define sin.

See it?

And once you can get that revelation, that revelation will become the Grace of God, as your Faith, and THEN this empowers Christ in you, to give you this..

A.) = "Christ always gives me the Victory".. over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
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Feb 27, 2008
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Let me show you something reader.

Just consider this...

"Where there is no LAW, there is no SIN... no iniquity".

Now, does that mean that you wont do things that are carnal?
Is that verse saying that you will never think about a lust, or even do it?
That verse is not saying that you wont ever again commit a carnal deed....
Its teaching that the LAW has no more dominion to define what you do as a sin, or you as a SINNER.... once you are born again.

This is why the NT defines the Born again as a "Saint".

Now, can you understand what i just told you?

See....... a lot of believers, do not understand what "not under the law, but under GRACE"... means.

It does not mean you will never again commit a work of the flesh.......it means that you now exist, spiritually, were the Law can't define your misdeeds as sin.

Notice... "Christ is the END OF THE LAW.....for Righteousness, for/to, everyone who BELIEVES".

= Christ is the end of the law, and all the born again are "IN CHRIST" and there is no sin found there, as there is no Law found there that can define sin.

See it?

And once you can get that revelation, that revelation will become the Grace of God, as your Faith, and THEN this empowers Christ in you, to give you this..

A.) = "Christ always gives me the Victory".. over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.

We might like to define “sin” as not being “sin”, but God defines what displeases Him.

Do you today do stuff that displeases God or are you always doing what Christ would have done in your place?

1 Cor. 4: 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.
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Psalm 27

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Let me show you something reader.

Just consider this...

"Where there is no LAW, there is no SIN... no iniquity".

Now, does that mean that you wont do things that are carnal?
Is that verse saying that you will never think about a lust, or even do it?
That verse is not saying that you wont ever again commit a carnal deed....
Its teaching that the LAW has no more dominion to define what you do as a sin, or you as a SINNER.... once you are born again.

This is why the NT defines the Born again as a "Saint".

Now, can you understand what i just told you?

See....... a lot of believers, do not understand what "not under the law, but under GRACE"... means.

It does not mean you will never again commit a work of the flesh.......it means that you now exist, spiritually, were the Law can't define your misdeeds as sin.

Notice... "Christ is the END OF THE LAW.....for Righteousness, for/to, everyone who BELIEVES".

= Christ is the end of the law, and all the born again are "IN CHRIST" and there is no sin found there, as there is no Law found there that can define sin.

See it?

And once you can get that revelation, that revelation will become the Grace of God, as your Faith, and THEN this empowers Christ in you, to give you this..

A.) = "Christ always gives me the Victory".. over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
The Lord gives divine power to deliver from carnality. He takes away sin...to the point that it is abhorrent.
He who The Son sets free, is free indeed
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
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I'm kinda dubious on this because it seems mostly like mental gymnastics.

I could see a lack of consciousness about a sin resulting in not sinning for some sins, like say stealing, if you're not thinking about something you can't afford you're not thinking about stealing it, you let it go.
But sexual sin, not thinking about it doesn't eliminate physical needs related to it, you can go days maybe weeks perhaps, but after awhile your body will demand something be done, and if you're a single man.. there's really not a lot that can be done. You will think lustful thoughts as you sleep, as you wake up, it'll start distracting you throughout your day, because a need is not being met, it can physically hurt down there, for me, it hurts so much I can't sit down or lay on one of my sides or back, I have to prop a leg up while trying to sleep.

So "just don't be conscious to it" only works until my body demands it.
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Psalm 27

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Aug 21, 2020
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I'm kinda dubious on this because it seems mostly like mental gymnastics.

I could see a lack of consciousness about a sin resulting in not sinning for some sins, like say stealing, if you're not thinking about something you can't afford you're not thinking about stealing it, you let it go.
But sexual sin, not thinking about it doesn't eliminate physical needs related to it, you can go days maybe weeks perhaps, but after awhile your body will demand something be done, and if you're a single man.. there's really not a lot that can be done. You will think lustful thoughts as you sleep, as you wake up, it'll start distracting you throughout your day, because a need is not being met, it can physically hurt down there, for me, it hurts so much I can't sit down or lay on one of my sides or back, I have to prop a leg up while trying to sleep.

So "just don't be conscious to it" only works until my body demands it.
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
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like, prayer doesn't just take away physical needs. It can help you cope with mental and emotional stress, or God might provide for that need through prayer but it won't take the physical need away.
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Jun 8, 2021
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To make the wrong desires leave, can't be accomplished by trying to make them leave.
Absurd. Why would God tell Cain that he can overcome or resist sin if it was impossible? In making Man in His image God enabled Man to obey His Word. That didn't stop after the Fall of Man.

You're superimposing a false sense of what Paul said about this upon things unrelated to it. Paul said the Law was used to enhance a sense of Sin--it did not mean there was not a sense of Sin already.

The Law was also used to encourage righteousness until atonement for Sin could remove the legal disqualification of our obtaining Eternal Life. These things were both true, that the Law shows us our need for a Redeemer, as well as the way to live Right.
This actually causes it to get worse in your head,= the LUST desire becomes stronger and more relentless.
And that is because....Of yourself you have no power over that issue.

Notice........ if i tell you to ride a blue Plastic elephant......
See it?
Now make that leave your head.

You only think about it more.
That is false logic. To think more about something does not mean we have to do anything. The thing we use to overcome Sin in our lives is God's Word, which commands us to do Right. If we depend on our own strength, rebelling against God's Word, then we will weaken our ability to resist Sin.

Not everybody who is a non-Christian is internally opposed to God's Word. Salvation is a matter of accepting God's Word as a whole, as opposed to those in the world who only *partly* accept God's Word.

Everybody accepts God's Word to some degree. So the war really is about making God "Lord" such that we *always* have to obey Him, rather than just serve Him when it's convenient for us.

If Satan and his angels require the support of God's Word for their existence, for whatever they have authority over, then they cooperate with God's Word to some lesser degree. So they cannot 100% resist God's Word. But they do resist His authority over them.

So righteousness is available to everybody who is under God's Word, and that includes everybody. But God rejects all so-called "righteousness" if it rejects and rebels against His complete sovereignty over them.

His Kingdom cannot endure rebels. The rebels will be thrown out, or "burned in a fire," as has been said. This will simply remove them to somewhere else, outside of His blessed Kingdom.

Those who choose to live in Righteousness by accepting *all* of God's Word, and all of His authority, obtain a new nature that produces character changes in the individual. Not only does he *do good,* but he also *becomes good.* He reflects not just charitable giving, but he becomes compassionate and kind. That's who God wants in His eternal, blessed Kingdom.
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Consider doing what He offers here:

NKJ Heb4:14-16 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Our times of need are what you're expressing. They begin in the mentality being influenced by the flesh. When we recognize thoughts that are against His will, we are to reject them. When we're struggling, these verses apply. Don't ever fall into the mindset that instruction in verses like this are not real. I can tell you personally they are very real. He is here to help. He also knows who is not sincere, but also knows it takes time to bring growth into effect.

NKJ Gal5:16-18 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Under Law all men had was a losing battle. It was in part meant to teach what was going on inside them. We're not under Law. We have instruction about what is taking place in us. As was said by others here, we have the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit will battle the flesh and prevail. It takes time to be developed in this and not submit to the passions. The struggle is real, and it can be intense. It is won by the Spirit and not by focusing on the "Thou shall not". Part of walking in Spirit is using verses like Heb4 above and when necessary 1John1 when we might succumb. But take care not to abuse 1John1 as if we don't have a perfect Father who sees through our nonsense and self-deceit.

As was said above somewhere, over time what was interesting even intensely interesting, will become even disgusting as we are changed more and more into His likeness.

You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions." (Heb. 1:9 NKJ)

My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you, (Gal. 4:19 NKJ)
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Nov 16, 2023
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I dont believe that trying to obey the words of Christ and his apostles is a curse. Even if we fail. I do however think we need God to help us overcome. Perhaps the reason we are trapped in sin is because we have not obeyed God in things we can overcome. Or maybe we must spirituality die first. After we lose all hope in ourselves we then find God's grace, perhaps, im not sure. I felt like I died once. It wasnt long ago. I lost all hope. All reason, everything was gone. I was in darkness. I was overcome by my sin and the suffering in the world. I sat there in that darkness and heard the voices of those atheists who said that Jesus was just an imaginary friend. So I asked myself, where is God? I dont see him anywhere in this world. Surely, I don't see himself in me because I'm a slave to sin. I sat there and felt utterly hopeless. I said without God what hope do we have? We suffer with the life that we ruined, and then we go to that cold, dark, grave. But in all that darkness where I couldn't see God or any hope, I was talking to someone and noticed that I was speaking God's wisdom. It wasn't me but the word in me. It was guiding my beliefs and words although I lost all hope in God and myself. Then it was like a revelation came to me. I saw that word in me, and its like God said to me, I'm right here, inside you. My hope shined then. Before this happened I gave up on trying to stop sinning in a certain sin that i was a slave to. I told God I can't do it unless you changed me. And after my experience with the darkness I feel like I can now overcome that sin by God's power in me. Now let me say that I haven't yet proved myself. I'm still wondering if I actually overcame that sin but time will tell. It's still a battle to overcome it but somehow I feel empowered over it. Maybe it was me giving up that helped, or maybe it was God showing me my idolatry in politics and love for this world and I repented of that, and it helped me be free of my bondage. Maybe that helped me overcome it. Or maybe it was both. I dont know but today I'm walking again, praise the lord. But if I threw out God's holy command or didn't follow his command against idolatry which I could more easily overcome than my other sin, where would I be now? In that horrible pit of darkness or in bondage to that sin. I'm not saying that giving up was right or wrong but I know turning from that idolatry was right.
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