Do you think it's Christian to own guns?


Aug 12, 2007
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It's not a tool friend - it's a lethal weapon! that you are prepared to use on your neighbour or anyone else that comes in your way and that you store - enabling your family to do the same.

I see a bunch of opinions, but I don't see any scripture from you on this?

You see, what I personally believe does not supersede The Holy Spirit's writings. The same Holy Spirit that spoke through Jesus also spoke through all the other apostles and prophets of our NT. Not a single one of them make a mention about owning a tool as some sort of fleshly sin that will expel me out of the book of life.

Additionally, I'm humble enough to ensure I'm in agreement with what I bible says and also what it doesn't say. I don't massage it's passages to come into agreement with my worldly views or personal beliefs. As a Christian, I have to accept what The Holy Spirit has stated and not add to it.
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Aug 22, 2014
South Australia
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I see a bunch of opinions, but I don't see any scripture from you on this?

You see, what I personally believe does not supersede The Holy Spirit's writings. The same Holy Spirit that spoke through Jesus also spoke through all the other apostles and prophets of our NT. Not a single one of them make a mention about owning a tool as some sort of fleshly sin that will expel me out of the book of life.

Additionally, I'm humble enough to ensure I'm in agreement with what I bible says and also what it doesn't say. I don't massage it's passages to come into agreement with my worldly views or personal beliefs. As a Christian, I have to accept what The Holy Spirit has stated and not add to it.
Fair enough friend if that gives you peace of mind. In my bible Jesus (who lived his life as an example for us to follow) was no sadist. If He had been I would never have become a Christian
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Aug 12, 2007
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Fair enough friend if that gives you peace of mind. In my bible Jesus (who lived his life as an example for us to follow) was no sadist. If He had been I would never have become a Christian

See, you're still attaching your worldly views to your form of Christianity. Do I seem the least bit worried about what someone else thinks about me? Am I so easily manipulated by guilt from others who name-call when they have no real facts?

Not in the least bit.

What you "feel" about something has nothing to do with mature Christianity. We have been circumcised from our flesh by The Holy Spirit when we were born again, and we are to get past our fleshly feelings about people and the events happening down here, we are not to remain in the flesh and be led by it. Our focus is Jesus and what He desires for us and our lives, not the world around us.
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Aug 12, 2007
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See, you're still attaching your worldly views to your form of Christianity. Do I seem the least bit worried about what someone else thinks about me? Am I so easily manipulated by guilt from others who name-call when they have no real facts?

Not in the least bit.

What you "feel" about something has nothing to do with mature Christianity. We have been circumcised from our flesh by The Holy Spirit when we were born again, and we are to get past our fleshly feelings about people and the events happening down here, we are not to remain in the flesh and be led by it. Our focus is Jesus and what He desires for us and our lives, not the world around us.

It is the will of GOD that matters, not feelings.
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Aug 12, 2007
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and God has more feelings than you've had hot dinners

You seem upset all the time.

Mature Christians are not led by the flesh, but by The Holy Spirit. Take up your cross instead of your personal opinions or feelings. Deny yourself (soul-life) for your friends, that's the greatest love according to Jesus.

Anger and wrath are things that you should have dealt with many years ago.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Friend you are reading far too much What have I got to be upset about? I'm not the one that has so much to say here it's you

No I happen to be right on the mark here. Remember saying this,..

Whoa! we have one of our click-happy Republicans here... who not only love their guns but cry over poor people getting health-care and those out of a job.

Normally folks on here are more mature being that this is the Spirit-filled section. We have grown to be more mature in our discussions, not lashing out and name-calling folks in the name of politics. The world and it's cares are not what you are suppose to be so enthralled with here, lady. It's enmity with GOD, remember?

I still haven't seen you post any scripture relevant to the sin listed in the bible for owning a gun. Surely you are following your bible in this and not running off of ideology? Right?
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Aug 22, 2014
South Australia
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No I happen to be right on the mark here. Remember saying this,..

Normally folks on here are more mature being that this is the Spirit-filled section. We have grown to be more mature in our discussions, not lashing out and name-calling folks in the name of politics. The world and it's cares are not what you are suppose to be so enthralled with here, lady. It's enmity with GOD, remember?
I still haven't seen you post any scripture relevant to the sin listed in the bible for owning a gun. Surely you are following your bible in this and not running off of ideology? Right?

Well I happen to be a straight person that's the difference
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Aug 12, 2007
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Well I happen to be a straight person that's the difference

You mean that you think what you do is ok, and you'll make whatever excuse you need to make to justify it.

Sorry, love of the world is enmity with GOD, he's not going to just ignore it. You're suppose to be denying yourself, and taking up your cross, not adding worldly ideologies to your biblical repertoire.

I'm still not seeing any proof from you that my guns are listed as sinful in our bible. Maybe your scripture knowledge on things is not all that up to par against others? You've been a Christian for a while now, present your case. What's the worst that could happen?
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Aug 22, 2014
South Australia
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You mean that you think what you do is ok, and you'll make whatever excuse you need to make to justify it.

Sorry, love of the world is enmity with GOD, he's not going to just ignore it. You're suppose to be denying yourself, and taking up your cross, not adding worldly ideologies to your biblical repertoire.

I'm still not seeing any proof from you that my guns are listed as sinful in our bible. Maybe your scripture knowledge on things is not all that up to par against others? You've been a Christian for a while now, present your case. What's the worst that could happen?[/QUOTE

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Aug 12, 2007
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If you get close to the Lord you will have all the proof you need - it does seem you are worried about your guns as you can't leave it alone. I pray that you will find peace

I take it that you never really had any scripture proof in the first place, and were just shooting off at the hip to argue with people for no good reason.

Whenever you find that scripture verse that says that my guns are sinful to GOD, post it.
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Aug 22, 2014
South Australia
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I take it that you never really had any scripture proof in the first place, and were just shooting off at the hip to argue with people for no good reason.

Whenever you find that scripture verse that says that my guns are sinful to GOD, post it.

You can take it how you like. I know what my bible tells me about turning the other cheek and about the Love of Jesus I don't need to find scriptures for you to spend your time trying to make them look like they agree that it's ok for you to own guns
If you knew Jesus you will see that most of the time the 'sword' he referred to was symbolic of The TRUTH - that is what the sword was The Truth which is in fact HIM
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Oct 17, 2009
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You can take it how you like. I know what my bible tells me about turning the other cheek and about the Love of Jesus I don't need to find scriptures for you to spend your time trying to make them look like they agree that it's ok for you to own guns
If you knew Jesus you will see that most of the time the 'sword' he referred to was symbolic of The TRUTH - that is what the sword was The Truth which is in fact HIM

Malvina, if you absolutely refuse to present scriptures to support what you're saying, then you may as well admit that you don't have any. What you're doing is adding to scripture to come up with your own doctrine. The Pharisees did the same thing in Jesus's time, and He rebuked them for laying added burdens on the people that way by adding man's rules to God's.
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Aug 12, 2007
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I don't need to find scriptures for you to spend your time trying to make them look like they agree that it's ok for you to own guns

Oh,... so you think I would just twist any scripture reference you presented? Well I'll present one and let others decide,...

1Co 6:9 Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men,

1Co 6:10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

About the only thing you could possibly claim guns would fit under in that list would be idolatry, and that would be true if I spent all my time polishing my guns and talking to them instead of bible reading, fasting, praying to GOD, and going to church.

There's no literal scripture reference against gun ownership, nor is there any teaching in the body of scripture that we can glean from that bars ownership of guns from our daily lives because it is a sin.

This instead, comes down to personal feelings and personal beliefs, which do not hold up against the authority of GOD's word. A persons feelings on earth are not going to somehow become greater than what GOD said in heaven.

If anyone feels I'm twisting scripture here, do call me out on it. I welcome your critique.
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Oct 17, 2009
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If you get close to the Lord you will have all the proof you need - it does seem you are worried about your guns as you can't leave it alone. I pray that you will find peace

What it sounds like you're saying here is that if you feel the Lord has told you something, then it applies to everyone else as well. If that were the case, we'd all be the same (cookie-cutter Christians). Remember, the body of Christ has many parts. Not all of them can be a hand, or eye, or anything else. We all have a place, and not all are alike.
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Full Gospel believer
Mar 27, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
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You can take it how you like. I know what my bible tells me about turning the other cheek and about the Love of Jesus I don't need to find scriptures for you to spend your time trying to make them look like they agree that it's ok for you to own guns
If you knew Jesus you will see that most of the time the 'sword' he referred to was symbolic of The TRUTH - that is what the sword was The Truth which is in fact HIM
I'm not that sure that you are being all that consistent with your views Malvina; how can you 'turn the other cheek', when you previously stated that you would reluctantly call an armed police officer to come to the aid of a neighbour's family who was about to be assaulted by an armed intruder. I would have thought that a consistent application of Matt 5:39 would have you 'turning the other cheek' to your neighbour's plight where you would allow the assailant to do whatever he wanted with your neighbour's family!

For that matter, if an armed intruder was banging at your front door, would you call the police so that someone with a gun could come to your aid, or would you turn the other cheek and allow the assailant to enter into your home?
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Full Gospel believer
Mar 27, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
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It's probably time to insert some commentary with Matthew 5:39 regarding "turning the other cheek" which should help to clarify a few points.

Matthew appears to be saying that we are not forbidden from stopping someone from doing what is bad, but that we are not to take things personally, where we are to take the dishonour and to avoid vengeance.

Matthew: Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Grant R. Osborne, Clinton E. Arnold (2010) 1154 pgs


5:39 But I am telling you not to resist an evil person ' at all (εγώ δέ λέγω ύμίν μή όντιοτήναι τω πονηρώ). This is similar to Jesus’ prohibition of oaths (v. 34) in its shock value. On the surface it seems to reject the principle of justice, and many have rejected it throughout history (e.g., liberation theologians) for that reason. However, most agree that Jesus is speaking at the level of personal vengeance rather than legal rights. This principle of nonresistance or nonretaliation means in effect that the believer refuses to descend to the level of the aggressor and return evil for evil.· Keener adds that Jesus uses hyperbole throughout; it is not that one must never fight back but that the Christian must “value others above themselves in concrete and consistent ways.”5 They must renounce the right to confront a hostile person with violence but rather should depend on God for justice (cf. Rom 12:17-19; Rev 6:9-11).

Moreover, the thought of the whole is not to allow evil to occur unopposed but rather to answer evil with good. Bruner makes a good point when he says this involves evil done to you, not to your neighbor. Confrontation is mandated when we see mistreatment of the poor and other situations Robert Tannehill speaks of vv. 39-42 as “focal instance,” calling the commands examples that form a pattern, extreme situations that demand the hearer imaginatively leap not to the specifics but to commensurate behavior in which retribution is re-placed with forgiveness and generosity. Withering- ton shows that while Moses limited revenge, Jesus taught the total abandonment of vengeance and its replacement with loving-kindness seen in action.'

5:39 Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn your other cheek to them as well (όλλ όοτις σε ραπίζει εις τήν δεξιάν σιαγόνα σου. οτρέψον αύτφ και την άλλην). In a culture where the right hand was the dominant one, this would involve a person striking you with a backhanded blow. In the first century that would be an intended insult.'' “Turning the other check" would mean not only a refusal to retaliate but also placing one’s self in a degrading and vulnerable situation. One takes the dishonor rather than the personally satisfying but morally wrong act of reprisal.
Edit: Replaced word on line 1
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