Search results

  1. C

    Women working after having children?

    I plan on working if I ever have any kids & I see nothing wrong with not being a stay at home mom. My mother actually didn't work until after my brother and I was of school age...I think she was tired of staying at home all the time and said she needed to do something. She's a preschool teacher. :)
  2. C

    Who is a true Christian?

    i totally agree :thumbsup:
  3. C

    How do you live for Jesus

    simply by putting Him first in your life ^-^
  4. C

    Where would you like to live?

    mountains definitely ^-^
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    The Confederate States of America {history revised}

    I dont think that slavery would've existed much longer.
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    New to Young Adults Ministry

    hey i'm new too!
  7. C

    First and last.

    morning: praise God its a new day! night: usually what I'm worried about and God
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    What do you like/dislike the most about your residence?

    Like: close to home, can easily walk to classes, near ppl i know Dislike: its a dorm room for crying out loud!!! *laughs*
  9. C

    Your conviction!

    to serve God daily, abstain from sexual relations before marriage, to be a light to others and so on ^-^
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    Do you Blog?

    yep..i have one blog and its on xanga..i use it to put down my personal thoughts and daily goings ons and yes, its a way for me to keep in contact with my real-life friends! ^-^
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    Going out to clubs?

    I've never been clubbing either and no, I don't think dancing is a sin. ^-^
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    inter-denomination dating?

    well..erhm...hate to say it, but when it comes to beliefs, I think its best to find someone that shares closely the same beliefs, if not, there will be problems. However, if you two both love each other and have much of the same interests, it is possible to work it out, and by that I mean, you...
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    yes..i have myspace. i'll add you as one of my friends then since you have it.^-^
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    Introduce Yourself

    Hi everyone! my name is Heather, I just happened to come upon this forum's a nice site ^-^
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    Help for those Depressed ....

    thanks for posting this....I'm just now recovering from depression...i've been on Zoloft for a few months now, but i know i would not have survived it without God's help.
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    Urgent prayer

    praying for you!
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    hi, nice to meet you!
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    How did you come to be a Baptist?

    I came from a baptist family, and after much searching, I decided that the baptist faith was the closest to my own beliefs.