Recent content by sarahbethcole

  1. sarahbethcole

    The Hangout Coffee Shop

    Since it looks like we're talking about favorite coffee drink is an iced mocha (living in Houston, I don't drink hot coffee very much). But I am more of a tea person than anything.
  2. sarahbethcole

    Here's Me

    Oh cool! My husband goes to Liberty University online. Wow that sounds really cool and really tough at the same time. I'm sure God is blessing your work in people's lives!
  3. sarahbethcole

    Here's Me

    Oh maybe I did figure out that quote! haha I'm going to a small school in Houston called the College of Biblical Studies, so my degree is actually a split major of Biblical Studies and Biblical Counseling. What school did you graduate from? I'd love to hear about how you've used your counseling...
  4. sarahbethcole

    Here's Me

    Thank you guys!! :) It's so great to have such a warm welcome!! A big thing that I haven't figured out how to do is quote people in thread replies. Would someone be able to tell me how to do that?
  5. sarahbethcole

    Is it okay for a person to be proud of their race?

    I think it can be taken a little legalistic when people are saying the Scriptures warning against pride are talking about not being proud of one's ethnicity. For example, I'm proud to be a Texan and I don't believe that's the kind of pride that's being referred to in the Scriptures. When God's...
  6. sarahbethcole

    Here's Me

    Hello! I saw this introduction thread and thought I'd use it to go ahead and introduce myself. Even though I've had an account on Christian Forums for a few months, I'm still not too familiar with how it works. But I'd like to get more active on it. My name is Sarah and I'm a 21 year old wife...
  7. sarahbethcole

    He Will Provide!!

    Hello! I am praying right now the God is taking care of your finances to go to Bible College. I would love to know if you have started attending and how things worked out! I can completely relate. I do not have the finances, but I am pursuing a degree in Biblical Counseling at my local Bible...
  8. sarahbethcole

    loneliness ...

    I absolutely love the encouragement on this thread! Loneliness is a feeling I struggle with on a regular basis and have struggled with since I can remember. I once wrote a blog post titled Letter to the Lonely (found at It's comforting to know that although I may be lonely...
  9. sarahbethcole

    Two Christians "Unequally Yoked"

    Original Post Deleted (I couldn't figure out how to delete it, so I am just editing it to say it is deleted).