I put my faith in God and he abandoned me [moved from Christian apologetics]

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Feb 1, 2010
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Have you made personal success in a chosen field the only barometer of how God is working in your life? If so, you have a very shallow view of God.

I'll give you a hint. Once you come to faith in the Lord, the goal of your life is no longer having your personal dreams or goals met. Real faith, real religion, is aligning your goals with the goals of the Father. And the goal of the Father is to bring every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth to their knees before their Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

What did Jesus tell the rich young man what he must do to inherit eternal life? Did he say, go into the City, spend all of your money on yourself and life a self-actualizing life full of contentment? ... No. He said, sell all of your possessions, give it to the poor and then come and follow me. And the young man went away sad, because he had many possessions. And I'll bet you could say he had many plans as well.
(Matthew 19:16-28)

Have you ever taken the time to consider what God's will for your life is, without simply telling Him what it is you want to do and expecting Him to give it to you? You are right that the Bible tells us that faith like a mustard seed could move a mountain. That whatever we ask for God will give it to us. But what I think is telling is that of all the people in the Bible, including those who lived and walked with Jesus, I don't read any stories about mountains getting up and moving into the sea... So if those men, who are the men entrusted with carrying the faith into future generations after Jesus died, didn't have that kind of faith, then what makes you think that you do? And why do you think that somehow you have been without sin long enough to somehow justify God giving you something?

The fact of the matter is, my man, that God doesn't owe you anything and God isn't going to give into each of our selfish desires simply because we claim to believe in Him. If that was how it worked, wouldn't the world be in utter chaos? I'm reminded on the scene in Bruce Almighty where Jim Carey, as God, simply responds "Yes." to all prayer requests in his "holy inbox". What happens the next day? Everything is so totally screwed up because people's individual wishes are not cohesive with everyone else. If I ask for something totally contrary to what you ask for, and our wishes intersect in some way, how would God give us both things? You can't have every team in the league win the championship, you know? It just doesn't work that way.

God is not subject to our will. We are subject to His. And if you think you are supposed to be a writer and if that's God's plan as well; then so be it. More power to you and God will certainly be giving you those things all in good time. But if that's not God's plan for your life then you need to be open to idea that what God wants for you is better than what you want for you. (Father knows best, right?) And if you are losing faith simply because God isn't granting your wishing in a manner that is fast enough for you, then whose fault is that? .... It's not God's.
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Oct 4, 2010
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Hi Echopark,

You know, I've been a born again believer for about 14 years now. Reading your post gives me some indication that you may not be. Please don't be angry at this statement, it is said with care for you. It may well be that God doesn't find your choice of career as any benefit to Him. Are you going to write godly scripts? Does you repertoire literally ooze love of God in all that it says. Just because YOU want to be a writer and you've thrown down the gauntlet to God to either make it happen or else, shows an attitude of one who doesn't really appreciate what God expects of His children. Jesus told Satan that it wasn't wise to test God. Is this your test?

"God, I'm going to leave home with literally nothing, ($3000 doesn't go far anywhere, but the worst place would probably be California) no prospects, no nothing, no friend or family there to help me out and I expect you to set me up."

Friend, what God offers is salvation for those who love Him. He doesn't promise us success in this life, based on what it would seem you are looking for as success. Look at everyone of the New Testament believers; Paul, Peter, John, Matthew, Jesus, etc. Not a one of them was given worldly success as their reward or promise from God. The things you do for your career should be well thought out, well planned and prayed over. Do not expect that you can just run out in the middle of some busy interstate in the middle of LA and God is just going to miraculously make all the cars go around you or somehow otherwise miss you, if you don't absolutely love God with absolutely all that is you! Once you do love God with absolutely all that is in you, you wouldn't even consider throwing such a test as you have done, before God.

God bless you and I hope all things work out for you, but my encouragement would be to find some other employment where you are that will help pay the bills while you find out what is really needed to be what you desire to be. Pray for God's guidance and blessings, but make sure that whatever it is that you wind up doing that you love the Lord your God with all that is in you, if you want to receive the promises that come from Him.
In Christ, Ted.
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Blind Faith
Nov 2, 2010
Marital Status
From all of your posts, mine included, it's clear that we all have our own view on what God expects from us, and what we can expect from him. The only difference between mine and all of yours is I take the words in the bible as simple truths. If it is written that man can move mountains, man can move mountains. If it was written that the sea was parted, then the sea was parted. You guys don't seem to take the words as fact, instead you take it as some sort of over-embellished fairytale.
I think that shows a lack of fear. I could be wrong, but of course I don't think I am.
I don't think there's anything to "interpret" in the bible. So it was written, so it is. Simple.

I know I'm blessed. I own a great car, I graduated from a top school. My brother attends the top school. I left behind a beautiful apartment. Sickness eludes me, I have every gadget I can ask for- New Macbook Air, Burberry Watch, Iphone 4 etc. The bottom line, I got all of those things because of the way I practice the Lords words. Now I expect more from him and I'll get it because the bible said I will.
I was just down earlier because it took longer than expected, but it will come.
Thanks for reading.
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Sep 25, 2009
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From all of your posts, mine included, it's clear that we all have our own view on what God expects from us, and what we can expect from him. The only difference between mine and all of yours is I take the words in the bible as simple truths. If it is written that man can move mountains, man can move mountains. If it was written that the sea was parted, then the sea was parted. You guys don't seem to take the words as fact, instead you take it as some sort of over-embellished fairytale.
I think that shows a lack of fear. I could be wrong, but of course I don't think I am.
I don't think there's anything to "interpret" in the bible. So it was written, so it is. Simple.

I know I'm blessed. I own a great car, I graduated from a top school. My brother attends the top school. I left behind a beautiful apartment. Sickness eludes me, I have every gadget I can ask for- New Macbook Air, Burberry Watch, Iphone 4 etc. The bottom line, I got all of those things because of the way I practice the Lords words. Now I expect more from him and I'll get it because the bible said I will.
I was just down earlier because it took longer than expected, but it will come.
Thanks for reading.

"Do not wish for many things, whether they are within or out of reach. Instead, take care to sanctify the little you have."

--Mother Gavrilia
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Jun 15, 2006
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I know I'm blessed. I own a great car, I graduated from a top school. My brother attends the top school. I left behind a beautiful apartment. Sickness eludes me, I have every gadget I can ask for- New Macbook Air, Burberry Watch, Iphone 4 etc. The bottom line, I got all of those things because of the way I practice the Lords words. Now I expect more from him and I'll get it because the bible said I will.
I was just down earlier because it took longer than expected, but it will come.
Thanks for reading.

Thats not what the scriptures mean when they talk about God's blessing everything you have quoted is earthly, what the scriptures mean by blessing is more love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness.....basically the fruits of the spirit. We are blessed when we become more like Christ (I must decrease so that he can increase - John the baptist) and it is that that is being talked about when the bible tells us to pray so that we may receive.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
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From all of your posts, mine included, it's clear that we all have our own view on what God expects from us, and what we can expect from him. The only difference between mine and all of yours is I take the words in the bible as simple truths. If it is written that man can move mountains, man can move mountains. If it was written that the sea was parted, then the sea was parted. You guys don't seem to take the words as fact, instead you take it as some sort of over-embellished fairytale.
I think that shows a lack of fear. I could be wrong, but of course I don't think I am.
I don't think there's anything to "interpret" in the bible. So it was written, so it is. Simple.

I know I'm blessed. I own a great car, I graduated from a top school. My brother attends the top school. I left behind a beautiful apartment. Sickness eludes me, I have every gadget I can ask for- New Macbook Air, Burberry Watch, Iphone 4 etc. The bottom line, I got all of those things because of the way I practice the Lords words. Now I expect more from him and I'll get it because the bible said I will.
I was just down earlier because it took longer than expected, but it will come.
Thanks for reading.


Brother, while I sympathize with your pain, and I really hope something good will come to you in due time, I do think that your main problem is in assuming that the Bible is filled with 'simple' truths. If this was the case, Jesus' disciples would have understood everything Jesus taught with no problems in understanding. As it is, there are plenty of places in the Gospels that indicate that the attempts of the disciples to fully understand what Jesus meant were, more often that not, ineffective.

Question: How many mountains have been literally moved by Christians over the last 2000 years? Please, learn something about hermeneutics, for your own sake, before you wake up tomorrow as an atheist. You will continue to be disappointed if you go the rest of your life with a simplistic approach to understanding God's Word. I'm not saying this to shame you, rather, I'm trying to point something out before you turn you back on God in anger, and/or plod through life with a simple view of God's will.

I really do sympathize with your frustration. I have a degree right now myself that I just completed and no job niche for me to 'jump' into. It just doesn't exist because the market is saturated with people, and layoffs have taken their toll. I continue to ask God to get me something, and I will pray for you too.
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Blind Faith
Nov 2, 2010
Marital Status
"Do not wish for many things, whether they are within or out of reach. Instead, take care to sanctify the little you have."

--Mother Gavrilia
"be grateful for the blessings received, and take pity on those without such blessings for their only downfall is lacking faith.":wave:

Thats not what the scriptures mean when they talk about God's blessing everything you have quoted is earthly, what the scriptures mean by blessing is more love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness.....basically the fruits of the spirit. We are blessed when we become more like Christ (I must decrease so that he can increase - John the baptist) and it is that that is being talked about when the bible tells us to pray so that we may receive.
lol. i'm sure you're more right.

Brother, while I sympathize with your pain, and I really hope something good will come to you in due time, I do think that your main problem is in assuming that the Bible is filled with 'simple' truths. If this was the case, Jesus' disciples would have understood everything Jesus taught with no problems in understanding. As it is, there are plenty of places in the Gospels that indicate that the attempts of the disciples to fully understand what Jesus meant were, more often that not, ineffective.

Question: How many mountains have been literally moved by Christians over the last 2000 years? Please, learn something about hermeneutics, for your own sake, before you wake up tomorrow as an atheist. You will continue to be disappointed if you go the rest of your life with a simplistic approach to understanding God's Word. I'm not saying this to shame you, rather, I'm trying to point something out before you turn you back on God in anger, and/or plod through life with a simple view of God's will.

I really do sympathize with your frustration. I have a degree right now myself that I just completed and no job niche for me to 'jump' into. It just doesn't exist because the market is saturated with people, and layoffs have taken their toll. I continue to ask God to get me something, and I will pray for you too.
WOW. I came here thinking I had little faith. But after hearing all of you I see now where my faith lies compared to others.
While I try to explain that everyone has different interpretations of the bible, but you people cannot admit that. You all believe your interpretations are the correct ones.
Mountains haven't moved because people lack faith. In Matthew a disciple walks on water yet loses faith right before the Lords eyes. How can people like you and the other members of the world have even the sinking disciples faith when the Lord isn't even standing in front of you? Clearly you can't thus you must interpret differently to suit you. I guess that's understandable, but still wrong...imo

lol, a "christian" warning another about waking up Atheist. How you see no wrong in your words scare me. Lol, you people are worse than Atheist, believe me. The word Pharisee comes to mind when I read what you people type.

"Man can't move mountains, that's ludicrous. The Lord was lying, he was exaggerating for some reason that only I and the other Pharisee's understand and you EchoPark don't!"

To that I say. LOL!:wave::p^_^
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Sep 25, 2009
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"be grateful for the blessings received, and take pity on those without such blessings for their only downfall is lacking faith.":wave:

Yes, but you are making the mistake to think that you are entitled to specifically material blessings. :doh:

WOW. I came here thinking I had little faith. But after hearing all of you I see now where my faith lies compared to others.

Oh come on, ad hominems are just ridiculous.

While I try to explain that everyone has different interpretations of the bible, but you people cannot admit that. You all believe your interpretations are the correct ones.

Well, yes. There is orthodoxy, and then there is falsehood. Not every interpretation is going to be correct.

Mountains haven't moved because people lack faith.

Because God hasn't willed it.

In Matthew a disciple walks on water yet loses faith right before the Lords eyes.

Because God willed it and in fact explicitly told St. Peter to come out to him.

lol, a "christian" warning another about waking up Atheist. How you see no wrong in your words scare me. Lol, you people are worse than Atheist, believe me. The word Pharisee comes to mind when I read what you people type.

You will not insult, belittle, mock, use derogatory nicknames in reference to other members, or personally attack other members or groups of members. Do not goad another member or start call-out threads. Do not state or imply that another member or group of members who have identified themselves as Christian are not Christian. Avoid using sarcasm to attempt any of the above. "

"Man can't move mountains, that's ludicrous. The Lord was lying, he was exaggerating for some reason that only I and the other Pharisee's understand and you EchoPark don't!"

To that I say. LOL!:wave::p^_^

Beginning with insults and finishing by putting words into another's mouth is not a good sign.
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Blind Faith
Nov 2, 2010
Marital Status
Yes, but you are making the mistake to think that you are entitled to specifically material blessings. :doh:

Oh come on, ad hominems are just ridiculous.

Well, yes. There is orthodoxy, and then there is falsehood. Not every interpretation is going to be correct.- lol

Because God hasn't willed it.- lol

Because God willed it and in fact explicitly told St. Peter to come out to him.- lol

You will not insult, belittle, mock, use derogatory nicknames in reference to other members, or personally attack other members or groups of members. Do not goad another member or start call-out threads. Do not state or imply that another member or group of members who have identified themselves as Christian are not Christian. Avoid using sarcasm to attempt any of the above. "-- lol lol lol:p

Beginning with insults and finishing by putting words into another's mouth is not a good sign.
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Feb 1, 2010
Marital Status
Have you not caught on that all of the advice coming to you is saying essentially the same thing? It's advice coming, perhaps not often through the best channel, from people who are pretty knowledgeable in the Word and have a good bit of Biblical understanding.

What I think you are failing to realize is that your current interpretation and understanding is already leading you to question and doubt the faith that you have established. I mean, it took time to come on here, create a heading like "God abandoned me...", and then tell us your story. And then, over the course of just a few hours, you have figured everything out, you don't need any advice, you know more about scripture than anyone else and you are belittling our efforts at showing your the logical fallacies of your current understanding.

Show me one disciple who was given earthly riches as a reward for following Jesus.
We are called to suffer and sacrifice ourselves for our brothers and fellow man. We, as Christians, are called to emulate Christ. And what did Christ come to do? He came as a sacrifice for all... Not to give us iPhones and blackberry's and Mac books and writing careers. Those things come for some people, sure, but what do physical and Earthly blessings bring?

Luke 8:13-15
Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
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Blind Faith
Nov 2, 2010
Marital Status
Have you not caught on that all of the advice coming to you is saying essentially the same thing? It's advice coming, perhaps not often through the best channel, from people who are pretty knowledgeable in the Word and have a good bit of Biblical understanding.

What I think you are failing to realize is that your current interpretation and understanding is already leading you to question and doubt the faith that you have established. I mean, it took time to come on here, create a heading like "God abandoned me...", and then tell us your story. And then, over the course of just a few hours, you have figured everything out, you don't need any advice, you know more about scripture than anyone else and you are belittling our efforts at showing your the logical fallacies of your current understanding.

Show me one disciple who was given earthly riches as a reward for following Jesus.
We are called to suffer and sacrifice ourselves for our brothers and fellow man. We, as Christians, are called to emulate Christ. And what did Christ come to do? He came as a sacrifice for all... Not to give us iPhones and blackberry's and Mac books and writing careers. Those things come for some people, sure, but what do physical and Earthly blessings bring?

Luke 8:13-15
Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

You are the only one to make a decent argument. But a lot of what you said is still opinion based. I liked the quote from the book of Luke.

Why you would ask for me to point out a "disciple" that got rewarded with "earthly riches" is beyond me. The definition of the word answers your question/statement. That's not to say the Lord doesn't give earthly riches to people. Read the old testament, there were many kings. The Jews asked for a king and they were given a king. We all know the story of David. We all know the story of Samson. God blesses those that follow him or those that he chooses with earthly rewards. It's not me that wrote the book, but it was written.
The argument that many of you should raise is the story of Job. The Lord blessed, Satan took away, Job did not waiver. Weak men waiver. I waiver. But the old testament is CLEAR in showing that those that follow the Lord are blessed with "earthly rewards"

Now I really don't understand why so many people are angry because I expect "earthly rewards" from the Lord. The bible states such, I expect such. That's my interpretation. If any of you have some other interpretation, I wouldn't mind hearing it. However, to chastise my interpretation will only result in a bitter argument that I will not lose- because
"what I believe is written, what you believe is interpreted."
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Senior Member
Jan 8, 2006
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Dear Echopark,

I am sorry to hear of the pain you have faced. A few questions comes to mind. Please bear with me. Have you asked God if writting is what He wants you to do for Him? And have you asked Him what He wants you to do? Have you waited for His answer without taking matters into your own hands?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Now I really don't understand why so many people are angry because I expect "earthly rewards" from the Lord. The bible states such, I expect such. That's my interpretation.

That is your problem, Christianity isn't about pushing God's buttons and having him spit out candy like a vending machine.

He's our Heavenly Father, not our Heavenly Pushover.

If any of you have some other interpretation, I wouldn't mind hearing it. However, to chastise my interpretation will only result in a bitter argument that I will not lose- because

"what I believe is written, what you believe is interpreted."

Personal Infallibility, huh?
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good brother

Echo, why did you "give up on God" so quickly? You went out to Cali for a couple days and God didnt land you the dream job, so what? You went home -broke-, why didnt you just have more faith that God would land some cash in your lap? Why didnt you have more faith that God would drop you into a fancy crib?

Okay, so I had to get that out of my system, but seriously man, do you really want to talk about lessons in faith from the Bible? Here are some to ponder:

Noah built a huge boat and waited 120 years for God to act.

Abraham had to wait 100 years to have a son just to have God ask him to sacrifice Isaac.

Moses led a bunch of whiny Hebrews around for "a few" years and screwed up once so he wasnt able to ever enter the Promised Land.

Sampson decided to be honest with his girl and tell her the secret of his strength and it made a slave out of him for years.

David was a man after God's own heart, yet he was chased and hunted down like a dog by Saul.

Joseph was a great brother to his brothers and got sold into slavery by his brothers.

Stephen had a lot of faith and he was killed by stoning.

Paul was a great missionary and was thrown in jail numerous times and beaten for his faith.

John the Baptist was a preacher announcing Jesus' entrance into the world scene and he got his head chopped off for that.

John the Beloved had faith and was exiled to an island prison.

Bartholomew (one of the apostles) had faith and was skinned alive then hung on a cross upside down.

Should I go on?

What you have stated in earlier posts sure sounds alot like prosperity theology. While those verses you quoted are true (ask and it shall be given... if you have faith the size of a mustard seed...), they depend on where your heart is. Are you asking God to make you a writer so you can be a beacon of Christ to the cesspool of Hollywood, or wanting to do this for yourself? What you should do, brother, is ask God what He wants you to do, not tell Him what you want to do. Love in Christ, G.B.
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Feb 1, 2010
Marital Status
You are the only one to make a decent argument. But a lot of what you said is still opinion based. I liked the quote from the book of Luke...

..Now I really don't understand why so many people are angry because I expect "earthly rewards" from the Lord. The bible states such, I expect such. That's my interpretation. If any of you have some other interpretation, I wouldn't mind hearing it. However, to chastise my interpretation will only result in a bitter argument that I will not lose- because
"what I believe is written, what you believe is interpreted."

If we are going to use the word "opinion", and if you are going to take the stance that your interpretation, or opinon, is better than everyone else on here, then at least acknowledge that my opinions are coming directly from scripture.

The reason that I asked you to give me an example of Jesus followers receiving and expecting Earthly riches is because of the fact that they didn't. Please read through the entire New Testament and find me one of them who was treated fairly, who didn't live a life of constant suffering, who wasn't jeered for their faith, who didn't die a ghastly death, alone and pennyless. Do you not think that they prayed to the Lord to please take away their pain? I mean, even Jesus prayed that prayer in Gethsemane. And even though Jesus asked for this cup to be lifted, or passed, he also said "Not my will Father, but yours..."

The prayers of Jesus are model prayers for us as believers. And we can see from his words that Jesus knew better than try and force something upon God that wasn't in His plans. Jesus also didn't lose faith when it became obvious that what his flesh wanted, which was to avoid the pain and death that he was about to suffer, not happen, he still accepted it because he knew that ulitmately "Father knows best."

I want all sorts of things. But I also can realize that when I don't get them, they probably weren't in my best interest anyway. I trust the Lord to give me exactly what I need. Not exactly what I want. and if what I want doesn't line up with what I need, then I just accept it because it's the Lord's will and, let me say it again, "Father knows best."
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Blind Faith
Nov 2, 2010
Marital Status
Dear Echopark,

I am sorry to hear of the pain you have faced. A few questions comes to mind. Please bear with me. Have you asked God if writting is what He wants you to do for Him? And have you asked Him what He wants you to do? Have you waited for His answer without taking matters into your own hands?
To answer your main question. I moved out here because I believe the Lord told me to. I'm not confident enough to travel across the country with nothing. I travelled across the country because I was under the impression the Lord wanted me to. I still think he does.

Many of you are under the impression that I want something and thus expect it. I was told to want this, for the past few months everything which I needed in order to follow this path came to me.

When you all begin to notice that not many people will travel across the country with so little, your questions will be answered on why I did the journey.
To make it clearer for many of you. I'm no "fool," the American education system clearly states I'm no "fool"
That is your problem, Christianity isn't about pushing God's buttons and having him spit out candy like a vending machine.

He's our Heavenly Father, not our Heavenly Pushover.

Personal Infallibility, huh?
Echo, why did you "give up on God" so quickly? You went out to Cali for a couple days and God didnt land you the dream job, so what? You went home -broke-, why didnt you just have more faith that God would land some cash in your lap? Why didnt you have more faith that God would drop you into a fancy crib?

Okay, so I had to get that out of my system, but seriously man, do you really want to talk about lessons in faith from the Bible? Here are some to ponder:

Noah built a huge boat and waited 120 years for God to act.

Abraham had to wait 100 years to have a son just to have God ask him to sacrifice Isaac.

Moses led a bunch of whiny Hebrews around for "a few" years and screwed up once so he wasnt able to ever enter the Promised Land.

Sampson decided to be honest with his girl and tell her the secret of his strength and it made a slave out of him for years.

David was a man after God's own heart, yet he was chased and hunted down like a dog by Saul.

Joseph was a great brother to his brothers and got sold into slavery by his brothers.

Stephen had a lot of faith and he was killed by stoning.

Paul was a great missionary and was thrown in jail numerous times and beaten for his faith.

John the Baptist was a preacher announcing Jesus' entrance into the world scene and he got his head chopped off for that.

John the Beloved had faith and was exiled to an island prison.

Bartholomew (one of the apostles) had faith and was skinned alive then hung on a cross upside down.

Should I go on?

What you have stated in earlier posts sure sounds alot like prosperity theology. While those verses you quoted are true (ask and it shall be given... if you have faith the size of a mustard seed...), they depend on where your heart is. Are you asking God to make you a writer so you can be a beacon of Christ to the cesspool of Hollywood, or wanting to do this for yourself? What you should do, brother, is ask God what He wants you to do, not tell Him what you want to do. Love in Christ, G.B.
Clearly you have preconceived notions of me and what I'm doing. You believe what I want is all me me me. I've read my posts and nothing displays that that is was drive. For you to assume the worst in me (not just you but also your peers) tells me that many of you would cross the street when an injured "beggar" approaches. You all(most) assume the worst. Show me otherwise in your post where your asking me questions that you haven't come up with your own negative, sinful, unkind, and unloving answer to.

If we are going to use the word "opinion", and if you are going to take the stance that your interpretation, or opinon, is better than everyone else on here, then at least acknowledge that my opinions are coming directly from scripture.

The reason that I asked you to give me an example of Jesus followers receiving and expecting Earthly riches is because of the fact that they didn't. Please read through the entire New Testament and find me one of them who was treated fairly, who didn't live a life of constant suffering, who wasn't jeered for their faith, who didn't die a ghastly death, alone and pennyless. Do you not think that they prayed to the Lord to please take away their pain? I mean, even Jesus prayed that prayer in Gethsemane. And even though Jesus asked for this cup to be lifted, or passed, he also said "Not my will Father, but yours..."

The prayers of Jesus are model prayers for us as believers. And we can see from his words that Jesus knew better than try and force something upon God that wasn't in His plans. Jesus also didn't lose faith when it became obvious that what his flesh wanted, which was to avoid the pain and death that he was about to suffer, not happen, he still accepted it because he knew that ulitmately "Father knows best."

I want all sorts of things. But I also can realize that when I don't get them, they probably weren't in my best interest anyway. I trust the Lord to give me exactly what I need. Not exactly what I want. and if what I want doesn't line up with what I need, then I just accept it because it's the Lord's will and, let me say it again, "Father knows best."

I can only answer your first statement because I'm using my phone.
I made it clear many times that I don't look down on your "interpretations" I look down on that fact that you must interpret. The lord is clear and concise, I don't believe interpretation is needed. That's my opinion. If you think I'm wrong that's yours. But there's nowhere in the bible that says "don't take this words as truths, interpret the way you like. "

Many of you(including yourself) are bitter because I choose not to interpret. How you can be angry at that is beyond me. Maybe the Lord can help?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Echo, why did you "give up on God" so quickly? You went out to Cali for a couple days and God didnt land you the dream job, so what? You went home -broke-, why didnt you just have more faith that God would land some cash in your lap? Why didnt you have more faith that God would drop you into a fancy crib?

Okay, so I had to get that out of my system, but seriously man, do you really want to talk about lessons in faith from the Bible? Here are some to ponder:

Noah built a huge boat and waited 120 years for God to act.

Abraham had to wait 100 years to have a son just to have God ask him to sacrifice Isaac.

Moses led a bunch of whiny Hebrews around for "a few" years and screwed up once so he wasnt able to ever enter the Promised Land.

Sampson decided to be honest with his girl and tell her the secret of his strength and it made a slave out of him for years.

David was a man after God's own heart, yet he was chased and hunted down like a dog by Saul.

Joseph was a great brother to his brothers and got sold into slavery by his brothers.

Stephen had a lot of faith and he was killed by stoning.

Paul was a great missionary and was thrown in jail numerous times and beaten for his faith.

John the Baptist was a preacher announcing Jesus' entrance into the world scene and he got his head chopped off for that.

John the Beloved had faith and was exiled to an island prison.

Bartholomew (one of the apostles) had faith and was skinned alive then hung on a cross upside down.

Should I go on?

What you have stated in earlier posts sure sounds alot like prosperity theology. While those verses you quoted are true (ask and it shall be given... if you have faith the size of a mustard seed...), they depend on where your heart is. Are you asking God to make you a writer so you can be a beacon of Christ to the cesspool of Hollywood, or wanting to do this for yourself? What you should do, brother, is ask God what He wants you to do, not tell Him what you want to do. Love in Christ, G.B.

Beautiful post. :thumbsup: :angel:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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EchoPark, there is nothing wrong with asking God for material things.

Remember to work as hard as you can with God.

God provides. He cares for our spiritual needs as well as our materials needs.

Praying for you that you will succeed.

And, your travelling ... maybe, God wanted you to travel. Who knows, you might have said something kind to people you meet that made a difference in a small way etc...

Everything has a reason or a purpose. Keep focused on what you want.

Ask God to guide you. Grow in faith and love and serve God.
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Jun 15, 2006
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Now I really don't understand why so many people are angry because I expect "earthly rewards" from the Lord. The bible states such, I expect such. That's my interpretation. If any of you have some other interpretation, I wouldn't mind hearing it. However, to chastise my interpretation will only result in a bitter argument that I will not lose- because
"what I believe is written, what you believe is interpreted."

Colossians 3

1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

Originally Posted by MarkEvan
Thats not what the scriptures mean when they talk about God's blessing everything you have quoted is earthly, what the scriptures mean by blessing is more love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness.....basically the fruits of the spirit. We are blessed when we become more like Christ (I must decrease so that he can increase - John the baptist) and it is that that is being talked about when the bible tells us to pray so that we may receive.

lol. i'm sure you're more right.

At least try and answer my point with scripture if you don't believe it.

You ask for help and people are trying to help you, just because that advise isn't what you want to hear doesn't mean a/ it is wrong b/ it is given in an unloving way.
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