The Hebrew Nation as an Analogy of the Chosen of God Today


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Mar 10, 2021
United States
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Quick overview here.

The Hebrew nation, AKA Israel, in the flesh, was used as an analogy for when the election would begin, so that each of the elect could learn, spiritually, what to avoid and what to accomplish.

Hebrews, composed of the lineage of Jacobs(Israel-man ruling with God) sons, were enslaved to Pharaoh who was representative of Satan.
They were sold into that slavery by the design of God through Joseph and the subsequent famine. Just as the entire human race has been enslaved to disobedience by Gods wisdom.
When the time came He sent Moses to free the people from Egyptian captivity. Represents Jesus freeing us from captivity to sin. Fear of death.
The Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on dry ground (Miracle), represents the individual as well as the masses who are washed in the blood(Red) of the lamb.
They then were given instructions to go possess the land that was given to them. Represents your spirit overcoming your carnal mind (dust)
They were instructed to kill every thing living and leave nothing alive. This represents the things that will eventually pollute you internally.
The tribes of the Canaanites represent the human bodies senses that feed the mind, physical carnal nature.
If Israel had done what they were told to do the land would have been theirs, but since it was for analogy that did not take place so that we could learn from their error.
That error was initially being fearful and not trusting that God would be with them to help them accomplish what seemed to be an insurmountable task.
So they were turned out to the wilderness to wander and eventually die. This is representative of the one who gets ensnared in Organized religion and/or will not follow along with the Holy Spirit in order to possess his/her own personal land.(Your body/mind)
Joshua and Caleb did believe they could do what the Lord requested and were the two left alive of the spies. Represents those who are willing.

I don't want to go too far here for I wanted to show some things about the above.

1) The Hebrew nation was individually born into that nation(selected). They had no say so as to their birth nationality, just as the elect have no say so in it either. God elects you to either be in the group or not. That will never change, as it is His election. His order.
2) You as a new creature are commanded to kill everything that is an enemy of your soul, and God is there with you to help accomplish that. Be not fearful but take the battle to your enemies. Spiritual wickedness in high places. Your own carnal mind. Be ye renewed and put on the new man. Spiritual strength.
3) Jesus made the statement that "The Prince of this world cometh and hath NOTHING in Me." This is your goal, to purge all things contrary to faith in God
and Love of the Father, let the devil have no foothold in you. Perfect your faith, be found perfect in love. Do not be ensnared by making treaties with those things you are to destroy, for you will find yourselves defending the very things you were supposed to destroy. False doctrines, false concepts of God, false concepts concerning the Son, your destination.
4) Do not let the wilderness of Organized Christianity be the place where you fall over and die. Be alone with the Holy Spirit and learn from Him.
Thats why He was given to you. To guide you into ALL TRUTH. You do not need a man to teach you. 1 Jo 2:26-27
"Come out of her my people" is a command to the elect who are there now. She teaches falsehood, another Jesus, do not partake of her lies, much less spread them as truth.
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We are saved purely by the work and grace of God.
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Dec 13, 2015
United States
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Quick overview here.

The Hebrew nation, AKA Israel, in the flesh, was used as an analogy for when the election would begin, so that each of the elect could learn, spiritually, what to avoid and what to accomplish.

Hebrews, composed of the lineage of Jacobs(Israel-man ruling with God) sons, were enslaved to Pharaoh who was representative of Satan.
They were sold into that slavery by the design of God through Joseph and the subsequent famine. Just as the entire human race has been enslaved to disobedience by Gods wisdom.
When the time came He sent Moses to free the people from Egyptian captivity. Represents Jesus freeing us from captivity to sin. Fear of death.
The Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on dry ground (Miracle), represents the individual as well as the masses who are washed in the blood(Red) of the lamb.
They then were given instructions to go possess the land that was given to them. Represents your spirit overcoming your carnal mind (dust)
They were instructed to kill every thing living and leave nothing alive. This represents the things that will eventually pollute you internally.
The tribes of the Canaanites represent the human bodies senses that feed the mind, physical carnal nature.
If Israel had done what they were told to do the land would have been theirs, but since it was for analogy that did not take place so that we could learn from their error.
That error was initially being fearful and not trusting that God would be with them to help them accomplish what seemed to be an insurmountable task.
So they were turned out to the wilderness to wander and eventually die. This is representative of the one who gets ensnared in Organized religion and/or will not follow along with the Holy Spirit in order to possess his/her own personal land.(Your body/mind)
Joshua and Caleb did believe they could do what the Lord requested and were the two left alive of the spies. Represents those who are willing.

I don't want to go too far here for I wanted to show some things about the above.

1) The Hebrew nation was individually born into that nation(selected). They had no say so as to their birth nationality, just as the elect have no say so in it either. God elects you to either be in the group or not. That will never change, as it is His election. His order.
2) You as a new creature are commanded to kill everything that is an enemy of your soul, and God is there with you to help accomplish that. Be not fearful but take the battle to your enemies. Spiritual wickedness in high places. Your own carnal mind. Be ye renewed and put on the new man. Spiritual strength.
3) Jesus made the statement that "The Prince of this world cometh and hath NOTHING in Me." This is your goal, to purge all things contrary to faith in God
and Love of the Father, let the devil have no foothold in you. Perfect your faith, be found perfect in love. Do not be ensnared by making treaties with those things you are to destroy, for you will find yourselves defending the very things you were supposed to destroy. False doctrines, false concepts of God, false concepts concerning the Son, your destination.
4) Do not let the wilderness of Organized Christianity be the place where you fall over and die. Be alone with the Holy Spirit and learn from Him.
Thats why He was given to you. To guide you into ALL TRUTH. You do not need a man to teach you. 1 Jo 2:26-27
"Come out of her my people" is a command to the elect who are there now. She teaches falsehood, another Jesus, do not partake of her lies, much less spread them as truth.

Fantastically put I completely agree.
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