Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
Colossians 3:23-24(NASB)
Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for people, knowing that it is from the Lord that you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.

‘from the Lord you will receive’

God being the giver, man being the receiver..

In the depths of these words, will one find the foundation of being set free from all things that one would be set free from...

For all the things that man is to receive from God, begins with the understanding of that which already has been given to man by God... Knowing that any qualifier added to the receiving from God, is a result of the receiving, and not the cause of it..

This is why all faith starts with from the knowing of something... For in the knowing of what God has already done, is the faith of all to stand in.. For in the faith which grows from the knowing, one will find the doing being done in them....

This is the inheritance of the saints of God... The Divine nature really and truly being brought to life in one...

Which all comes from the knowing and believing what God has already done for the saving of one...

As in the example given in the above scripture, where the cause and effect and then the fruit of faith is put forth, that is;

‘work...... as for the Lord, etc’...

Which is an act of faith..

‘Knowing that it is from, etc..’

Being the cause of that faith..

And then the results, or the fruit of that faith...

‘it is the Lord Christ whom you serve’...

Be blessed in the fruit of faith, which will be found to be the serving of Him, in which serving, will be the receiving the reward of the inheritance..

Which is the growing of the Christ in us, our hope of glory...

A fellow follower of His, Not me