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Who is America in Bible Prophecy

Who is America in Bible Prophecy

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America is the beast that rises out of the earth (Revelation 13:11-17). The beast has two horns like a lamb but speak like a dragon (Satan). The two horns represent republicanism and Protestantism. The constitution guarantees a free elected government, and religious freedom. The earth beast exercises all of the power of the sea beast, using its power for Christian persecution; freedom of religion is taken away, and false worship is enforced on pain of death.
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I think it's possible that America is inferred as the "eagle" defending the Woman/Israel in Rev 12. Currently, the U.S. is in the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf regions to defend Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah. It would truly be amazing if we're seeing the fulfillment of Zech 12, a prophecy more than 2500 years old!

I don't really know because so many wish to fit old prophecies into their own times, but it does appear unique to our times that Israel exists today, after about 2000 years of non-existence, and nations are being gathered to Jerusalem, which sounds very strange for the world to obsess with a small city in the Middle East.

And it is amazing that Jerusalem is, in fact, fighting off the surrounding nations, successfully! The fact that an "eagle" is there to help defend her could represent anything, as far as I know. But the US, an "eagle," is certainly there to defend her!
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nations are being gathered to Jerusalem, which sounds very strange for the world to obsess with a small city in the Middle East.
Not so strange when you realize that Jerusalem is a religiously significant city for three world religions. However, I would not call it obsession. Middle East is important for the world economy (oil).
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Not so strange when you realize that Jerusalem is a religiously significant city for three world religions. However, I would not call it obsession. Middle East is important for the world economy (oil).
Yes, there is a reason for the world to focus on the relatively small city of Jerusalem (population approx. 1 million). There are a great many larger cities in the world that are important to the whole world, including the capitals of the major powers, China, India, the US, Russia, etc. But as you suggest, Israel's place in the Middle East is uniquely situated, geographically, to interrupt trade and commerce for Islamic powers among themselves and with others. Oil plays a big role in this.

However, it still seems strange to me that the prophetic Scriptures indicated this would be the culminating issue of the world in history, well before "oil" became a big issue there. At the time Israel was tiny among the great powers present in the world.

And yet, the great powers today are indeed focused on a power so small and yet supported by powers so strong that they mitigate a virtual consensus in the world that "Israel is an oppressor." If you don't find that odd, from the perspective of biblical prophecies over 2500 years old, I have to wonder why?

Whether ancient times or modern times, why would you think the relatively tiny religion of the Jews presented a "world threat?" Again, I call it "odd!" ;)
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Whether ancient times or modern times, why would you think the relatively tiny religion of the Jews presented a "world threat?" Again, I call it "odd!" ;)
The stability of the region (not just of Israel) is important for the world economy (oil). So its an economical threat. Inflation is already high as it is. Until the world transforms to another kind of fuel, the Middle East will stay important and industrial countries will be willing to be militarily involved there, to protect their interests.

Because of that, oil is both the blessing and the curse of the Middle Eastern countries.
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I think it's possible that America is inferred as the "eagle" defending the Woman/Israel in Rev 12. Currently, the U.S. is in the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf regions to defend Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah. It would truly be amazing if we're seeing the fulfillment of Zech 12, a prophecy more than 2500 years old!
The Eagle in Prophecy is almost always God.
I'm just curious how everyone interprets America's identity in the end-time prophecy. Please cast your vote and if the option isn't available please comment. If you're ambitious to, feel free to explain why you voted as you did.
America is the 1/3 (part of it) mentioned in Rev. 8 where the fires burn 1/3.

You see, Jesus/God are not going to burn the old world where Jesus will rule from (logically) the 1/3 that burns is the New World. In this way God gives us the destination of the Apophis Asteroid impact. It is just done vaguely, I was just guessing and looked up my theory, and guess what, North & South America have almost exactly 1/3 of the worlds landmass, I thought to myself, Wow, but how about the Pacific ocean. I looked that up and the Pacific ocean has 1/3 of the worlds surface water. But then I told myself, well, those boundaries are just made up, BUT NO !! I found out the oceans have different PHD levels, they will not cross over into each other. Hmmm.

So, in Rev. 8 this Asteroid Apophis breaks apart as its coming in setting fire in the new world via Trump #1 and it makes impact just off the California coastline, in the Pacific ocean in Trump #2 and in Trump #3 we see the FALLOUT that hits 1/3 of the fresh water rivers and finally in Trump #4 we see 1/3 of the sun blotted out, this happens of course via the smoke, but it affects the hole world because of the jet stream.

We are not a major player, the Pre Trib Rapture takes out the Christians, so the USA will really get loony then. We will fall soon anyway, monetarily speaking we are about to go poof if the night.
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The Eagle in Prophecy is almost always God.

America is the 1/3 (part of it) mentioned in Rev. 8 where the fires burn 1/3.

You see, Jesus/God are not going to burn the old world where Jesus will rule from (logically) the 1/3 that burns is the New World. In this way God gives us the destination of the Apophis Asteroid impact. It is just done vaguely, I was just guessing and looked up my theory, and guess what, North & South America have almost exactly 1/3 of the worlds landmass, I thought to myself, Wow, but how about the Pacific ocean. I looked that up and the Pacific ocean has 1/3 of the worlds surface water. But then I told myself, well, those boundaries are just made up, BUT NO !! I found out the oceans have different PHD levels, they will not cross over into each other. Hmmm.

So, in Rev. 8 this Asteroid Apophis breaks apart as its coming in setting fire in the new world via Trump #1 and it makes impact just off the California coastline, in the Pacific ocean in Trump #2 and in Trump #3 we see the FALLOUT that hits 1/3 of the fresh water rivers and finally in Trump #4 we see 1/3 of the sun blotted out, this happens of course via the smoke, but it affects the hole world because of the jet stream.

We are not a major player, the Pre Trib Rapture takes out the Christians, so the USA will really get loony then. We will fall soon anyway, monetarily speaking we are about to go poof if the night.
Things can go south quickly, but I seriously doubt it's time to give up. God doesn't start countries only to destroy them. At some point He will, however, seriously judge them. There are just too many Christians here in the US to believe God will strike us all dead. If He was willing to save Sodom and Gomorrah for just one family, then He will likely save the US for many families.

I'm not a Pretribber either. I don't find that in Scriptures, and that eschatology is a modern theory, not rooted in Christian history. But what we believe on this is not a litmus test for Christian fellowship. Take care...
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Things can go south quickly, but I seriously doubt it's time to give up. God doesn't start countries only to destroy them. At some point He will, however, seriously judge them. There are just too many Christians here in the US to believe God will strike us all dead. If He was willing to save Sodom and Gomorrah for just one family, then He will likely save the US for many families.

I'm not a Pretribber either. I don't find that in Scriptures, and that eschatology is a modern theory, not rooted in Christian history. But what we believe on this is not a litmus test for Christian fellowship. Take care...
You belief or non belief of course isn't going to change the facts brother, I think we agree on that. If I am wrong or right on an issue, that's also not going to sway God, we are just fragile clay humans beings.

God doesn't have to destroy a nation in full to judge it. But Gog & Magog is at hand, as soon as Israel joins the E.U. (in my opinion that is the Dan. 9:27 agreement) that kicks off the pre trib rapture.

Then God is going to set ablaze the 1/3, which I think is the New World.
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You belief or non belief of course isn't going to change the facts brother, I think we agree on that. If I am wrong or right on an issue, that's also not going to sway God, we are just fragile clay humans beings.

God doesn't have to destroy a nation in full to judge it. But Gog & Magog is at hand, as soon as Israel joins the E.U. (in my opinion that is the Dan. 9:27 agreement) that kicks off the pre trib rapture.

Then God is going to set ablaze the 1/3, which I think is the New World.
Yea, we'll have to wait and see, I guess. In the meantime we should strengthen ourselves in the Lord so as to remain true witnesses in the hope others will join us. I've entertained the idea that Russia may join NATO at some point. It could be way off the wall, but if Putin goes, who knows?
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Livin' in yesterday's tomorrow
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But Gog & Magog is at hand
When ou say it's "at hand" do you mean the same thing the apostles mean when they said it was "at hand" nearly 2000 years ago, or are you using a different definition of "at hand" than the apostles used?
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When ou say it's "at hand" do you mean the same thing the apostles mean when they said it was "at hand" nearly 2000 years ago, or are you using a different definition of "at hand" than the apostles used?
You might want to name the scriptures you are referring unto. Just saying something does not help me understand your point. Context always matters.
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Livin' in yesterday's tomorrow
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You might want to name the scriptures you are referring unto. Just saying something does not help me understand your point. Context always matters.
Sure thing. Here's a small sample:

You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” (Jms. 5:8)
"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matt. 3:2)
"The kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 4:17)
"The kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 10:7)
"The kingdom of God is at hand." (Mk. 1:15)
For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay.” (Heb. 10:37)
The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.” (I Peter 4:7)
It is the last hour.” (I Jn. 2:18)
“…to show to His bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place.” (Rev. 1:1)
The time is near.” (Rev. 1:3)

I've got another 90 or so, if you want them, but these should suffice.

Take each of these and show us why the context is different from when you say it?
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Sure thing. Here's a small sample:

You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” (Jms. 5:8)
Yes, well this verse is in error according to the KJV, vs. 7 says be patient until the coming of the Lord and vs. 8 says the coming of the Lord draws nigh. Well, drawing nearer is a subjective term, it can be a year away, 100 years or 2000 years away and drawing nigh or nearer, all at the same time.

"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matt. 3:2)
Here John the Baptist is referring to Jesus being alive on earth.

"The kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 4:17)
This is Jesus saying the same thing, Jesus was at hand. Remember, in John 16:33 Jesus tells us in him will shall have continual peace, because we are a part of his kingdom, but in the world we will have troubles, so we are a part of the kingdom of heave while living on earth.

"The kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 10:7)
Again, Jesus is teaching his disciples how to gain converts, basically tell them Jesus is he Kingdom of Heaven, and this is true, we gain eternal life in Christ Jesus, no one can pluck us from him.

For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay.” (Heb. 10:37)
This is Paul telling them Jesus will come in a little while, to prop up there faith, because he knows even if they die and rest in the grave, it will seem like a moment before we are there. Paul did not know when the rapture was coming, he only knew it was coming.

The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.” (I Peter 4:7)
Peter seems to be relaying that Jesus preached to the dead in vs. 6, so he's saying the end must be at hand, in other words he is not speaking, imho, about Eschatology here, but instead he is saying there is nothing left to do except accept Christ and wait, the end is at hand means there is nothing left except for Christ to return, he has already made the sacrifice, I do not think he's trying to pin down a Rapture point however. He's just letting them know they better be ready at all times, Jesus has already went and preached to the dead, next on the agenda is the rapture or first resurrection.

It is the last hour.” (I Jn. 2:18)
Well it is the last hour in a sense, we had three great periods of time, Adam to Noah, Noah to Jesus and Jesus to the Second Coming. We are in the last hour. The Beast also rules with the 10 kings one hour, when its rally 3.5 years, this might have been an old axiom of sorts.

“…to show to His bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place.” (Rev. 1:1)
The time is near.” (Rev. 1:3)
This one is easy, I have done a deep dive on this verse before. The word shortly here is more akin to in a hurry, speedily, in haste. From my online Hebrew/Greek Parallel/Strong's bible.

Reuelation 1:1 The Reuelation 602 of Iesus 2424 Christ, 5547 which 3739 God 2316 gaue 1325 z5656 vnto him, 846 to shewe 1166 z5658 vnto his y846 x848 seruants 1401 things which 3739 must 1163 z5748 shortly 1722 5034 come to passe; 1096 z5635 and 2532 he sent 649 z5660 and signified 4591 z5656 [it] by 1223 his y846 x848 Angel 32 vnto his y846 x848 seruant 1401 Iohn, 2491

Notice the two numbers behind "Shortly" lets look at that. I know people who become preterists because they can not do deep dives on "English translations" and just run with these things.

#1722 ἐν en {en}

a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time
or state),
and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or
constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between
G1519 and G1537); TDNT - 2:537,233; prep
Greek Word Study (Transliteration-Pronunciation Etymology & Grammar)

A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality
Strong's (Greek Dictionary of the New Testament)

So, EN means a fixed position in place, time or state, in other words in essence its pointing to a future point in time, even one not known (only the Father knows the day and hour)

#5034 τάχος tachos {takh'-os}

from the same as G5036; TDNT - n/a; n n
Greek Word Study (Transliteration-Pronunciation Etymology & Grammar)

1) quickness, speed
Thayer's (New Testament Greek-English Lexicon)

From the same as G5036; a brief space (of time), that is, (with G1722 prefixed) in haste:— + quickly, + shortly, + speedily.
Strong's (Greek Dictionary of the New Testament)

TACHOS is the Greek word we get "Tachometer" from as in zoom, zoom.

So, this word does not mean shortly as we think of it, that meant in a short or brief space of time, as shown above, it is grouped with, in haste, quickly, and speedily for a reason. The Greek word tachos of course is where tachometer came from, so it is evident that this means in haste, speedily, quickly, or SHORTLY, which means in a short time burst. So overall here is the gist.

Jesus is pointing towards a future point in time, one only the Father knows, and at that time, when Jesus is told to return for his bride, he will return in haste, speedily, in a short time frame, as in zoom, zoom, zoom.

This is why context with what the original text means is so very important.

As per my reference unto a time is at hand above, if one believes Apophis is the Day of the Lord Asteroid, I do, and that it will hit on April 13 2029, then we can take off 3.5 years and understand we can look for a fall 2025 rapture, which thus never mentions any day nor hour. Most do not even understand that reference anyway tbh, its about how the New Moon phases were never an exact known entity, and all of God's Feasts started on the New Moons as in "God time", or the Lunar cycle, and they were never on certain days per se, like we know when Christmas is or the New Year, they didn't, Israel had to wait and see when the new moon came in, thus no man knew the exact day nor hour of the Feast of Trumps, or any other feast.
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Benjamin Müller

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As per my reference unto a time is at hand above, if one believes Apophis is the Day of the Lord Asteroid, I do, and that it will hit on April 13 2029, then we can take off 3.5 years and understand we can look for a fall 2025 rapture, which thus never mentions any day nor hour. Most do not even understand that reference anyway tbh, its about how the New Moon phases were never an exact known entity, and all of God's Feasts started on the New Moons as in "God time", or the Lunar cycle, and they were never on certain days per se, like we know when Christmas is or the New Year, they didn't, Israel had to wait and see when the new moon came in, thus no man knew the exact day nor hour of the Feast of Trumps, or any other feast.
While anything can happen at any time and Apophis doesn't need to be the determining factor--or it could be in Biblical Prophecy, Apophis only has like a 2.7% chance of hitting earth. So . . . . I'm not entirely convinced it's relevant to the Day of the Lord. But I agree with you that fall of 2025 seems significant.

Perhaps you would appreciate Isaiah 23:15, which states Tyre (A Babylon-Like Figure) would be forgotten 70 years the years of one king (sovereign) And Queen Elizabeth reigned 70 years. It says to go about the city like harlot (Babylon Mother of Harlot Vibes) and be remembered. So there seems to be a transitional period from the death of the sovereign to the appearance of Mystery Babylon, The Great. Is Queen Elizabeth that sovereign?
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