The state of modern day Christianity is sad.


Senior Veteran
Feb 15, 2004
Salvation Army
Dear ChrisHolland619. Yes you are right, but what use is complaining? Let us all do
something about it. Jesus gives us the best advice in Matthew 22,
verses 35-40. " The first Commandment is: Love God with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds. The second is like it: Love our neighbour as ourselves," all we know and all we meet, friends and not friends.God wants our Love, freely given and no conditions tagged on. How best to start and keep it up? Remembering that God Loves us and we are His representatives.
Treat all others, all around us, treat them as we would love to be treated,
kindly and with friendly words, helping hands, when needed, and generally be a good neighbour to all. We might not like it much, but that is what God wants from us.
Jesus will give us His Love and Joy, and the Holy Spirit will empower us with His Love, also. Jesus told us to: " ask and ye will receive," then we thank God and share all Love and Joy with our neighbour. ( Matthew 7, verses 7-10)
God will see our sincere efforts, and God will approve and bless us,
and people will treat us the same. We might stumble and forget at times, but then we ask God to forgive us, and carry on loving and caring, and asking God and thanking God, and sharing all with our neighbour.
A Christian`s sword is Love, it overcomes all enmity and wrong behaviour,
and with God on our side who, or what could be against us? I say this with love, Chris. Greetings from Emmy, your sister in Christ.
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Dec 17, 2006
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I totally agree with your post Emmy. But I would propose I am doing something about it, not complaining. I am making it known so people might see the truth.

Thats one thing I had learned even in respects to what I was sharing, the Lord would say speak up for the cause of the poor and widow, where you see James doing just that And so he speaks up (among them) in respects to the poor man in vile clothing coming into one of their assemblies. James points out how they are become judges with evil thoughts and partial in themselves. So to me, James is an example of speaking up for the cause of the poor. They cause the cry of the poor to come unto him, and he heareth the cry of the afflicted, thats how I see it. God was like, take this up! Because it says... Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

Jesus also speaking to the devouring the homes of the widow and the apostles likewise when (in Acts) there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. They took care of the situation.

For example James says...

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Because God had said...

Isaiah 1:23 Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them

An example of such...

Mat 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

Various other examples, but you can at least catch them speaking up for these specifically and adressing these things
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At your service....
Jun 19, 2012
Northern Florida
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I agree with you . Essentially, its Satans ploy to get us centered on rituals, madeup traditions, past church Fathers, performing this n that , and other things that serve to get our Mind off of Christ and his finished work on calvary for total and completed justification ...which is the Gospel Message ., that we can have all our many sins dealt with and forgiven in an instanteous manner and have our names written down in the Lambs Book of eternal life.
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Nov 29, 2011
Backwoods, Ohio
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Christians these days are getting caught up in the crisis of religion. Forgoing their liberty in Christ, and trading it in for man made chains and rules. A sad truth when observing the nature of the modern day church.

Careful, brother. Everyone bemoans the state of today's church, and everyone believes that everyone else is a Pharisee (or that they all have 'itching ears'). Everyone except those who agree with me, of course.

The Lord has decreed that the tares must grow up with the wheat. The harvest belongs to Him. So speak the truth in love, and walk in the light of His grace. And let the Lord do the sorting.
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Aug 24, 2010
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I often wish I was born in a early time, perhaps after Jesus went back to heaven. Because today there are SOOOO many denominations it feels that we all fight more then we do talk about what our views are. I can't go one day without someone saying (in short) "Your a sinner because MY views are the right ones!!!". >.<

What happened to people discussing things and actually saying "Hmm, your view does make sense, maybe I am wrong about this particular subject!". I think alot of it has to do with alot of people don't want to admit to being wrong because as christians we are told to be good christians. So if we are questioned we get defensive because we don't want to be seen as being wrong about something.

I find it particularly hard today because more and more are either twisting versus to meet their views, picking and choosing versus that fit their views or they are listening to preachers who tell what they want to hear. So if you point it out they get enraged. The facts are we will never be perfect in what we know or understand about being a perfect christians. So its best to discuss things and grow spiritually. Because if we claim our views are always right... then we never grow. It show my dads become. Who doens't want to hear others views anymore. Even if its our own pastors sermon.

As many have said though Satan has done a good job at making brother turn on brother so that we lose focus of God. But as the bible says, things will only get worse before God returns. In the end the only thing that matters is that we realize everything we say and do we have to account to God for.
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Bella Vita

Sailor in the U.S.N
May 18, 2011
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The op and all the junk he mentioned that goes on in modern churches is one of the main reasons I don't go to church anymore. I got tired of the legalistic bullcrap that went on everywhere.

So why don't you attend one of these church and try to push for change it won't happen over night but it is possible. Not going to church at all does nothing changes nothing and is not God honoring or Biblical.

Be part of the solution not the problem...
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Dec 24, 2012

Because wherever you go, you have to submit to the leadership. It's not my place to go into churches that are wayward and correct them. Let God deal with them. Actually, God doesn't even care that these churches are wayward as long as the message of the cross and resurrection goes forth. God works through imperfect people every day to accomplish his will. Different churches exist for different people. I just will not be a part of what goes on in many of these churches, that is all.
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Bella Vita

Sailor in the U.S.N
May 18, 2011
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Obviously you would need to feel out the church and make relationships and gain trust there. I am not telling you to barge in that would do nothing. But sitting at home being bitter about church is not helping anything. Especially when scripture is clear that one of the main reasons Jesus came here was to not only die on the cross but to establish the church. Church is clearly very important for the journey of a believer you need that fellowship, guidence, and accountablity and scripture is clear in that. You can find a church that is decent they are not all bad but none are perfect as they are ran by human beings. We all sin even you so go try to help make it better give your ideas be involved.
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Dec 24, 2012

The church is a worldwide body of believers, the called out ones Ecclesia, not a building.
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Bella Vita

Sailor in the U.S.N
May 18, 2011
Marital Status
The church is a worldwide body of believers, the called out ones Ecclesia, not a building.

Yes the church body should be an exention of the building. But the building is important for meetings and events ect. Even in the Bible they established buildings for churches. It's kind of an important detail.
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Senior Veteran
Aug 24, 2010
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Because wherever you go, you have to submit to the leadership.
I guess that depends on your denomination. We love out current church. It has its fair share of issues. The pastor himself believes differently then we do about the tribulation. But it doesn't mean we submit to his view of it. If anything he tells anyone if they disagree with him he wants to know because as a pastor it doesn't mean hes always right. Hes as human as the rest of us.

I used to be angry about going to church because I got tired of the clicks and back stabbing by a few members. Which is what my mom did. She found something to complain about every church we went to (we tried like 30 churches in my lifetime). I realized after awhile she is so obsessed with finding the perfect church that she forgot the point of going to church. You will never find a perfect church. Its just something we have to accept. I've accepted it and feel much better because when I go I feel so much better. It quenches my thirst.

Now, do we have to go to a church? Well thats up to people to decide on. But you have to ask, without going to church what are we missing on? We are missing on praising God, singing to Him, outreach, helping local people, missionary work...etc. So having a building does have a purpose.
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Feb 3, 2012
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Mankind as essentialy known for our ability to screw stuff up. While it does sound that a lot of these could easily be from personal conviction, ruling these things isn't right. Mankind tries to add rules and regulations to add something to their salvation in reality, all it does is pressure people to do or not do something for things that are probably not even that important.
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The Lamb is gone
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I don't know too many Christians who follow those man-made rules myself, nor are they preached in the churches I've attended. I do think there is one extreme Baptist church locally that preaches that stuff...but none of the others.

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The Fire Rises

Via, Veritas, Vita
Jul 19, 2012
United States
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Agree with most of the above comments. There ARE aspects of certain parts of christianity (and I'm not just talking about the extremists) that rely too much on the law. I think that can be partially remedied by reminding people how we are not to "earn" our salvation as a prize, but rather accept it as a gift.

The other side is apathy, not necessarily in sin (although I'm sure that exists too) but being apathetic about faith in our daily lives.

I think a BIG part of this problem is the sheer fact that many christians simply don't know what faith is really about. They don't know HOW to show faith or what it really even means to "be faithful".

That is an issue that must be made a priority
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