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The believer’s emulation….

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
John 5:30 (NKJV)
“I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.

In these words are put forth the ultimate denial of own will, which, we as believer’s are to emulate…. For as Christ said; ‘not my will but the Father’s’, the believer is to say; ‘not my will but Christ’s’…. For when one obeys what the will of the peace of Christ in one’s heart speaks, to that degree will their judgments be according to the will of God…. For giving up one’s own will for the expression of righteousness is the call set before all of fallen humanity…. For this is the end of all endeavors, that the will to righteousness would overcome the will to own will….

For this is being led by the Spirit of Christ which has come to make its abode in all those that would be willing to receive Him, which being the end of all things is also the beginning of all things… For this obedience to this peace, is obedience to the new life that is being brought to life in one, this being, where all the old things have passed away and all things become new….This, that new voice of peace that speaks forth righteousness is the voice of Christ in one which is to direct one to the right or left…. For this peace being listened to, is the end of one life and the beginning of another…

Which all sounds fine and dandy, but the how escapes many believer’s….

We, as believer’s are called to faith, faith being that that looks away from itself to something or someone stronger than itself…. Our being crucified with Christ is that stronger that we are called to look towards… For believing that one has died with Christ and raised to a new life in Him is the faith that will see this come to fruition in one’s life….

For it is seeing oneself as the failure that one is that humbles one’s heart before God…. For it is the will to righteousness in the face of failure that lays open all of the heart before God… It is then the Son of righteousness shines forth in the heart and the heart grabs unto ‘it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me’….

And thus the will to righteousness has its accomplishment where the end has met the beginning, time goes into eternity and thus the restoration of all things…..

Unto Him be our all, Not me
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Sometimes we can live in religeous doctrine for so long that it becomes our way of life, but forgetting that the true way is in Christ. How to break out of the shell of self and into the surrender to Christ? He can only do that for us as we again pursue Him. His love, His humility in life, by responding to His "Come" to abide in Him. He will maintain us as His branch as we are rooted in His Love. Learning of Him is contained in the rest that He bids us to. For He is meek. That is Christ's humanity that we are to emulate. Full of Grace. That is the tree that we are grafted into. Learning of Him in His power to maintain us there, it is His job. Our job is to consecrate our selves to remain in Him as dead to the old nature. The Spirit is Love, and as we remain in that place that He told us to abide the full fruit of the Spirit flows in to replace the dead wood that has caused Him and us so much grief. Learning of His grace in service to others is a blessing that surely does need the peace of the Lord as a guide. So blessed to be safe in Him as the abiding place! All Glory to Him!
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
Sometimes we can live in religeous doctrine for so long that it becomes our way of life, but forgetting that the true way is in Christ. How to break out of the shell of self and into the surrender to Christ? He can only do that for us as we again pursue Him. His love, His humility in life, by responding to His "Come" to abide in Him. He will maintain us as His branch as we are rooted in His Love. Learning of Him is contained in the rest that He bids us to. For He is meek. That is Christ's humanity that we are to emulate. Full of Grace. That is the tree that we are grafted into. Learning of Him in His power to maintain us there, it is His job. Our job is to consecrate our selves to remain in Him as dead to the old nature. The Spirit is Love, and as we remain in that place that He told us to abide the full fruit of the Spirit flows in to replace the dead wood that has caused Him and us so much grief. Learning of His grace in service to others is a blessing that surely does need the peace of the Lord as a guide. So blessed to be safe in Him as the abiding place! All Glory to Him!
Many blessings as you, me, we all learn of Him…

To the growing in Him, Not me
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