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Jan 8, 2008
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It is now understood that the Big Bang was not only the beginning of matter and energy, but it was also the beginning of time and space; and this confirms that God transcends time, an incomprehensible reality which was always indicated in the Bible. Since God transcends time, any change that creation provides to God was always part of God; and this means that creation is not about us; creation must be an inevitable product of God's essence. Creation must be about how God is “completed”.

It is clear in the Bible that God created evil and God saw the end from the beginning; but this is not only consistent with a Loving God, creation is exactly what should be expected from a Loving God since emotions must be experienced and by hiding His presence from us, God is able to experience emotions through us. It is unimaginable that God doesn’t know what it is like to lose a loved one, and this understanding is a necessary “completion” that creation provides to God.

It should be understood that God created the world for the emotions of the survivors not for the suffering of the victims. God is with victims of oppression and tragedy and He helps them so that their suffering was not necessarily as great as it appears to have been. It is the survivors who are the real victims and grief is the real suffering, but grief is not evil; grief is an aspect of love. As someone who has lost loved ones, I know that we have been blessed to experience all aspects of love and to gain an understanding of love that only life in this world provides, but in the end God takes all our pain upon Himself. Since God transcends time, all the sorrow of all the Children of God throughout history is already part of God, and this means that God knows what we are going through. God fully understands sorrow far better than we do individually since God takes upon Himself the sorrow of all His children of all time. It is this essential understanding of love, which is part of God, for which creation was necessary.

To achieve the objectives of creation, Satan was given power, but was not given the ability to love others. Humans were given the ability to love, but were made weak. God established a Law that will cause all hatred to be destroyed in the end. Satan must be careful to avoid violating the Law while he brings a spirit of self-love into the world causing humans to violate the Law. By doing this Satan believes he has shown that power is the true measure of worth and that love is insignificant since powerful but loveless Satan can live up to the Law while weak loving humans cannot, and this is true even though the Law is based on love.

Satan's actions are exactly what God expected. Evil is the absence of love like darkness is the absence of light which means a creature cannot be both good and evil. With weak loving humans influenced by a powerful self-centered spirit, conditions are created for the existence of creatures capable of both good and evil. We had to be evil for there to be suffering and death, but we had to be good to feel the emotions that are caused by the suffering and death.

Satan lives up to the letter of the Law and is still in Heaven, but we have violated the Law...we have been hateful at times and self-righteous at times and when fairly judged even by our own our own expectations of others; we do not deserve eternal life. Satan thinks he has won, but in the end it is revealed how God turns the tables on Satan.

God exists at the highest level of reality, transcending time and space, and there is only one God. This means that the Messiah is not a separate God, but the Messiah is a part of God that came from the essence of God into the universe of time and space. The Messiah is separated from God only on the timeline, but is already one with God in the infinity that transcends our universe. Jesus can say that He and the Father are one since they are already one at the highest level of reality, but Jesus can also say that only the Father knows the day and hour of the end since Jesus is a part of God that lives in time like us.

The spirit of love within us was created by God, but the Spirit that came into the body of Christ was a small piece of the essence of God. When Jesus was on the cross, God looked away and the devil who thought Jesus was only human felt it was safe to unload his hatred on Christ. This evil that was directed at Him is why Jesus was repulsed by the cross and this should be clear considering that Jesus is Lord and He has power over death and an infinite ability to endure physical pain.

In His infinite Love and Compassion, God is repulsed by evil, but through Jesus, God put Himself in a position where He had more hatred directed at Him than we can comprehend. This too is an understanding that creation provides to God; that God forced Himself to confront evil, and God forced Himself to make this great sacrifice for His children whom He loves. We cannot grasp how significant this sacrifice was, but the Lord in His infinite Love is so repulsed by evil that Jesus was sweating blood at the prospect of the cross. The physical pain that Jesus experienced would surely be nothing for the Creator of Heaven and Earth although it provided a cover for the real reason for His revulsion to the cross. Satan did not realize that Christ was more than human, that Jesus had the ability to witness the hatred that the devil unloaded on Him even as Christ responded to that evil as if He was in physical pain.

Jesus was perfect and overcame the Law and returned to God; but in the end Jesus will return to complete Oneness with God. This return to Oneness with God is made clear by understanding the true nature of the Messiah, and for this reason the true nature of the Messiah had to be kept secret. Since the Messiah is only separated from God on the timeline and is fully one with God in infinity then it is obvious that the Messiah returns to Oneness with God at the end of the timeline. With the memories of Christ becoming the memories of God, God is a witness against Satan.

Since Jesus returns to being completely one with God at the end of the timeline, He must discard His flesh, and this provides eternal life in Heaven for all the children of God. An infinitely righteous God must respect us as individuals and not alter us or use us like we are toys, but Jesus is one of us, so it is complete justice that our flesh also be discarded. This means our spirit will be judged separately, like a separate person. Our spirit has lived up to the deserves eternal life, and is given a new body. This includes all people who have the ability to love unselfishly regardless of their religious belief or non-belief. This means that every good person, even though not perfect, will be made perfect and will be redeemed by God through Christ.

Love is shown to be the true measure of worth since billions of tiny spirits of love were all able to overcome powerful Satan, but powerful Satan could not overcome his inability to love.

Heaven cannot be achieved by merely transporting us to another place, but by changing us so that we truly love God and each other...a perfection that can never be achieved by any amount of gradual refinement in this lifetime or the next. Our coming perfection is a gift from God. We will be able to enjoy Heaven while any creature that is less than perfect would eventually become miserable in eternity. This is why the Law must destroy all imperfection, and why our redemption must go beyond mere forgiveness to include our being transformed into perfect creatures.

Satan is still in Heaven since he always stayed within the letter of the Law, but Satan becomes enraged and must be cast from Heaven as this revelation of the truth shows how Satan will be condemned in the end. This revelation is remarkably consistent with the actual text of the Bible. So consistent with the Bible, that it causes all the pieces to fit together.

Jesus is now reconciled to the Scriptures, and now we can understand that all the animal sacrifice was merely pointing to Christ, but God doesn't want us to wastefully kill helpless animals. Not only is Jesus consistent with the Scriptures, but we can see how Jesus defeated the enemies of God and this will establish the kingdom of God in this world and this was accomplished with His “first coming”. It makes sense that God was a harsh disciplinarian in ancient times since this encouraged Satan to aggressively condemn humanity which eventually led to his downfall.

The Bible says that we are judged by our works, but it also says that we only make it to Heaven through Christ, and it says that God predetermined who would go to Heaven. Christians deal with these contradictions in their Bible by changing some definitions in those verses that are not consistent with their particular interpretation. Changing the words in the Bible to make things fit is basically saying that God made poor word choices as He wrote or inspired the writing of the Bible. The true solution to a riddle must be consistent with all the clues...without changing the clues to make them fit.

God predetermined who would be born with a spirit of love within themselves; so God did predetermine who would go to Heaven since those are the ones who have something inside themselves worthy of eternal life once it is judged separately. We are each one person and only through Christ can the separation of our spirit from our flesh be justified, so we only make it to Heaven through Christ even though being a Christian is not necessary since this redemption can be described as being through Christ even when applied to an atheist or a Buddhist. On the Day of Judgment, both the spirit and flesh will be judged by their works, so we are judged by our works but the spirit within us is perfect. These “contradictions” in the New Testament do not contradict each other anymore.

The Bible says that God created evil and this is explained. It is explained how we can achieve the seemingly impossible perfection that is demanded by the Law. It is explained how we make it to Heaven through Christ without an unfair transfer of responsibility for our sin to Christ which would violate passages in the Bible.

Any solution to the riddle of the Bible must explain why the Bible was given as a riddle. We had to be kept in the dark so God could experience emotions through us. Satan had to be kept in the dark. As Satan learns the truth, there will be conflict or debate in Heaven, and Satan is cast from Heaven; and there is Armageddon. This is why the book of the end is called the Revelation.

The Bible talks of the truth being revealed in the end and it talks of a veil being lifted. This means the true interpretation of the Bible is simple. It is something we should be able to see since God had to veil our eyes to keep us from seeing it. This solution is so simple and the Biblical support for this revelation is so overwhelming that it is impossible...without Divine is impossible that no one has noticed it.