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Dec 15, 2007
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I think that is an unfair assumption... just because I question the ideals and ambitions of our previous leaders, does not make me a Protestant.

I think it was for the same reason that many Catholic leaders did what they did. Not because of love, but for the most part, because of hatred. Hatred of those who are different.

I think i know what ur talking about....... the roman sort of government leaving religious issues to the religious that sort of thingy?
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Virgil the Roman

Young Fogey & Monarchist-Distributist . . .
Jan 14, 2006
United States
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Most rulers destroyed heresy mainly because the heresy usually meant that the heretics would rebel in sedition against their respective crowns, because the heretics would declare that their orthodox Catholic Kings were not of the true faith, and encourage other fellows of like mind to rebel against the Crown. Furthermore, Heresy as it did then and NOW, threatens the salvation of each and EVERY soul. All must be brought unto the fold that is Christ's One True Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. The only difference is that in the Middle Ages the Church had the inquisition to persuade heretics to confess their sins and repent, and reveal pseudo-converts. Now the wide-reaching abilities of the Inquisition, sadly are no longer possible, and thus the Spread against heresy is now more diocesian-based to quell its spread unite all heretics, schismatics, and infidel in Christ through his One Holy Catholic Church. As in the middle ages, as now secular governments execute criminals , the SECULAR governments and local bishops wrongly against the admonition of the Holy Pontiffs would proceed to torture, maim, or threaten with death in a desperate attempt to force confessions from the pseudo-converts or alledged pseudo-conversts. This does not mean that the Church condoned torture-----on the Contrary she DOES NOT! However, fallible sinners are present within the Church especially laity and clergy---many of whom in their zeal use immoral means to erradicate the vile pernicious Heretical sects contrawise to the desires of the Holy Mother Church. However, with the mobs of overzealous peasantry, local bishops, and rulers, the Holy Mother Church is often implicated as whole as condoning these inhumane tortures, when in fact she never has. The Church is always a loving mother caring for her children, please don't paint her as a secretive clandestine cabal----she is NOT!

Additionally, I gave you the catechisms as it appears, that you are seeking to learn more about the One Holy Catholic Faith. Thus to prevent the Protestant propaganda from mis-leading you (it seems that the lies that their propaganda spreads seems to influence many ---including yourself-----thus, I didn't want you to become overwhelmed by them) and to educate yourself I thus provided you with a wealth of Catechisms. I gave you Reverend Stephen Keenan's catechism as it refutes most Claims of the protestants' against the Holy Mother Church.

Pax Christi,
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