Name: Naaman Bravmire
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Naaman is of average height, of average build, and of average appearance. He is the "face in a crowd" sort, the kind that does not leave much of an impact or lasting impression. His face is plain and of normal, health angles. He keeps clean-shaven, and his hair is cut normally and evenly. His eyes are an amber colour, but they lack any sort of special sparkle, as if the window to his soul is locked and barred.

Characteristics(+): Naaman is helpful, willing to aid anyone who is in need. He is reliable, the sort you know that "has your back." He has a keen mind, is good with riddles and puzzles. He has a vast, if passing, knowledge of a great deal of subjects, and is more than willing to share what he knows, if it will help. He is a relatively good cook.

Characteristics(-): Naaman is aloof, not speaking of his past, and avoiding it with a certain amount of what seems to be shame. His emotional palette is muted, and it is hard to know how he feels by looking at him. He tends to be harsh or gruff with people, often criticizing, rebuking, or just plain insulting them for no real reason. Naaman has little or no qualms with resorting to violence if he thinks it will solve a problem. He tends to be impatient. He has something against the colour yellow.

Special Abilities: Naaman is a skilled healer, both magical healing and medicinal healing. He has a good knowledge of poisons, and thusly of antidotes. He is a capable fighter with a staff, although he does better with knives and daggers.

Possessions: Naaman wears a white smock to signify that he is a healer, and he carries a metal staff as a walking stick, but also as a combat weapon. It is hollow forged, so it is light, but it lacks in durability as a weapon, and has broken and been reforged on a number of occasions. He also carries two daggers as backup weapons.

Occupation: Healer for his mercenary band.

Motivation: To heal the sick and wounded, although when pressed, he says for "atonement," but atonement for what he does not say.