IF you object to worshipping the Lord


I close my eyes and see you smile
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Apr 11, 2005
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Worshipping the Lord is more understood in knowing it is self love to worship Him Who pours out Love onto us in exchange for our Love FROM Him.

The soul desires to be constantly grateful, without a single stop.
The soul keeps thanking Him... for the LOVE [rapturous love the earth doesn't comprehend] HE pours out into, onto us without fail.

In turn we give thanks and praise for the fountain of all LOVE.

HE gives to us first.
God is without ego. He just loves and we in turn are eternally grateful and it is so full it pours out and spills out onto all.

What pleases Him is that it pours out from Him, into us and unto others.
The more grateful a soul is, the more we are given LOVE in unending amounts.
So in turn we 'worship' Him in all gratitude.
Kneeling before Him fills us even more because we show love he can then pour in more as the vessel empties of self and ego.


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Dec 9, 2012
United States
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I hear in your words - or maybe better "behind" your words - a beautiful desire to love God as we are commanded: to love Him with all the heart, all the soul, all the mind and with all the strength we have. But in your desire to explain or help others "understand" this absolutely complete and total gift of ourselves to Him, you reference the act to "self" - seeing true (?) worship and love for God as "self love," and thereby (I guess) supposedly O.K. and even good for us.

Certainly it is better to love God than not to! It is better for me to love Him in any way, than not to love God at all. But to love God because it is in my self-interest to do so is called "mercenary love". "Mercenary" meaning "I do it because I get paid for doing it." It is like being a hired man in the Court of the King - not a willing slave, or servant who serves purely because God deserves my service, but instead a hired man paid to serve.

But there's the key to the love that God is pleased to receive: God is due our love and worship and adoration. In justice He deserves all our love and of course more. He is the perfection of all that is good, beautiful and true; He created us gratuitously from nothing but the fecundity of the perfection of HIs love, but His desire is to love more.

So any concern for self-interest in our hearts or minds, diminishes the purity of our love for Him. Indeed, the entire journey of our vocation to holiness is a process of renouncing, rejecting, minimizing and finally extinguishing all self-love so that our love for God be pure, loving Him because simply of WHO HE IS, and for His sake alone. Then our holiness would become worthy of communion with Him in the Holy Trinity, and with all others also in Him. "He must increase, and I must decrease." The final enemy we must conquer, in our fallen human nature, is disordered self-love - the foundation of self-idolatry, pride, arrogance: all that ultimately rejects God, and is seen to be all from satan himself.

I say all this hoping, in Him, that you receive it well, without resentment. I mean it to help, as we all do need help along the way we are called to travel. May the Lord bless you.
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