
Active Member
Aug 11, 2004
Hi everyone. I'm in very very big trouble and i dont know where to go. I need christian views and opinions on this issue.I desperately need to talk to somone but i don't know who. I can't call mY mum and talk to her cos i don't want to scare her. I can't talk to my aunty who i live with cos the issue has something to do with her family and i might end up getting thrown out.

The problem is that i work for my aunty's husband (my aunty who i live with's sister's husband )I.He recently started been too friendly and coming really close to me and i can't understand it. I thought i was raeding meanings into his niceness but obviously it has gotten just a weeny bit wierd. Yesterday, we were supposed to go out on a picnic.(me, my aunts kids and my boss's family) He insisted that i work, even though it was a bank holiday.He said i would fifnish early.Wel at work he came in and sat down to chat with me and started asking questions, made me lie to his wife(my aunty) that he wasn't around when he was sitting just in front of me, asked me when the best time would be to call me privately,asked me whether i had a boyfriend...then i started to wonder.

I really dont know what to do except pray .I need advice and i hardly have any christian friends i can talk to. People think im all closed up inside and stuff but thats not true , its just that i don't feel comfortable telling personal stuff to non-christains cos we r not of the same family....

I really need to talk to someone before i do something i will regret for the rest of my life.Before the devil pushes me into sin.



I'm what Willis was talkin' bout.
Mar 10, 2004
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Hey Sweety _ I am really sorry you are stuck in this awkward, awful situation.

Your boss/aunt's husband is definitely abusing his position, because not only is he coming on to you, but also because of the connection you have with family and him being your boss, he seems to think he can get away with whatever he wants and he thinks there is nothing much you can do about it.

I ask you, how important is this job? Is there a human resources dept you can contact ( you can file a complaint/sexual harassment) or another supervisor you can go to? If at all possible start looking for another job now, so that you can separate yourself from this man. Pray to God about this and ask that He provide you with the means of finances so that you can get yourself out of this home you live in with your aunt.

Speak to your mom. Don't worry about scaring her- you need support, someone who can back you up when you confront your aunt or her husband. If she doesn't react well....have faith that God will get you through this, and she will see.

Just make sure you confide in someone of higher status - either another older family member, or someone at work, it helps to have someone on your team.

When your boss tries to get you alone find reasons to leave- if he calls you back into the room, stay in the doorway and act as if you are in a rush to do something, and say so if he insists you sit down. Just make sure you aren't caught alone with him.

I don't know what else I can tell you right now. I will pray for you in this situation, that it improves and hopefully will clear up entirely.

Be strong lady!

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Active Member
Aug 11, 2004
Thanks so much for your advice and support, Heather.I know i really need to tell someone but i think if it gets any worse i will run away.My spirit tells me that if i can't confront him for any reason, i should pack my things and run away from where i live and out of their lives but not forver. I will just call my aunt whom i live with and tell her that im ok and i can't explain why i ran away but its all for the better.

And i feel for his kids as well(my boss's) im close to them and i'll rather that they despise me than they despise their father.I simply cannot come in the way of family.

Thanks again, Heather
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2004
N. Ireland
I'll pray for you, and for him because if he is doing this then he obviously doesn't have his life straight with Jesus at the moment. I would agree with traingosorry that you really really need to talk to someone in a position to do something about it. You don't have to make a big deal of it, just tell them exactly what has been happening and say it is making you feel very uncomfortable. You could run away, but then he would get away with it and then might do the same with your replacement. In the meantime, avoid as far as possible being alone with him, although this could be hard considering you work for him. You need to take action as soon as possible, and you need to stay close to God, He will protect you.
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Karl - Liberal Backslider

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Jul 16, 2003
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This is sexual harrassment and illegal under British law.

I suggest you tell him straight that his advances are unwelcome and must stop immediately.

Your problem is that the work situation is directly tied to your family situation. Could you find another job and move out? Not run away as such, just defuse the tangled situation by having your home and work lives seperated, and this rather unpleasant individual out of the picture.
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