• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

  • With the events that occured on July 13th, 2024, a reminder that posts wishing that the attempt was successful will not be tolerated. Regardless of political affiliation, at no point is any type of post wishing death on someone is allowed and will be actioned appropriately by CF Staff.

Blasphemous OCD

Serendipitous Waffle

Active Member
Jul 18, 2023
Marital Status
I've suffered from OCD for a very long time, well over a decade. At times it has been literally debilitating. My OCD will go through "stages", it attacks what I value deeply and hold near. And once I'm able to get past a certain form of OCD, it pokes and prods until it finds something that hurts me and then goes to work. First it was my family, then my child, and now, the Lord.

I have constant, evil, vile, blasphemous and heretical OCD intrusive thoughts that have almost broken me. They are 100% unwanted and I do my best to ignore them, however I feel as though I offend the Lord in an unforgivable manner, and perhaps not only my soul is at stake, but that he'll punish the ones I love because of me.

I'm fairly certain that isn't the case, as the Lord knows what I'm going through and that I would never willingly have these thoughts or disrespect him. I guess I'm just looking for others who may be in the same boat, or people who have an opinion on this. All is welcomed and greatly appreciated!

Thank you for stopping by and reading.


243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
United States
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Take thoughts captive until they go away. 2Cor 10:3-5 . If you put out the effort to keep going away and fight them then God will see you doing a good thing. Pray about it. It’s done amazing things for me.
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Serendipitous Waffle

Active Member
Jul 18, 2023
Marital Status
Thank you Unqualified. I do pray, constantly. But I have to watch my prayer as well as that can become a part of my OCD as well. But praying has helped me, and knowing that the Lord listens and knows my struggles have been immensely beneficial.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
United States
Marital Status
I've suffered from OCD for a very long time, well over a decade. At times it has been literally debilitating. My OCD will go through "stages", it attacks what I value deeply and hold near. And once I'm able to get past a certain form of OCD, it pokes and prods until it finds something that hurts me and then goes to work. First it was my family, then my child, and now, the Lord.

I have constant, evil, vile, blasphemous and heretical OCD intrusive thoughts that have almost broken me. They are 100% unwanted and I do my best to ignore them, however I feel as though I offend the Lord in an unforgivable manner, and perhaps not only my soul is at stake, but that he'll punish the ones I love because of me.

I'm fairly certain that isn't the case, as the Lord knows what I'm going through and that I would never willingly have these thoughts or disrespect him. I guess I'm just looking for others who may be in the same boat, or people who have an opinion on this. All is welcomed and greatly appreciated!

Thank you for stopping by and reading.
Thank you for reaching out! Intrusive thoughts like these are actually very common. And you are right, praying or trying to control thoughts can easily become a compulsion for people with OCD. Are you currently getting help for your OCD, or have you in the past? I am happy to answer specific questions you may have, but for now I will give you links to several resources that I hope you might find helpful.
Scrupulosity Articles - Scrupulosity.com
OCD and Scrupulosity Archives - ACCFS
Christianity and Anxiety Disorders - Let's Talk | Facebook (private/closed support group for people with anxiety disorders, has a lot of people with OCD)
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Lost Witness

Ezekiel 3:3 ("Change")
Nov 10, 2022
New York
United States
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Thank you for reaching out! Intrusive thoughts like these are actually very common. And you are right, praying or trying to control thoughts can easily become a compulsion for people with OCD. Are you currently getting help for your OCD, or have you in the past? I am happy to answer specific questions you may have, but for now I will give you links to several resources that I hope you might find helpful.
Scrupulosity Articles - Scrupulosity.com
OCD and Scrupulosity Archives - ACCFS
Christianity and Anxiety Disorders - Let's Talk | Facebook (private/closed support group for people with anxiety disorders, has a lot of people with OCD)
Mental health issues aren't natural...
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Former Prodigal.
May 22, 2011
Oxford, MA
Marital Status
We're not alone. Martin Luther had intrusive thoughts about Satan's ass. (Yes, seriously.)

It's important to realize that intrusive thoughts are exactly that: intrusive. Don't let Satan convince you that those thoughts are a reflection of your true spiritual self.
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Nov 11, 2021
Cape Town
South Africa
Marital Status
I've suffered from OCD for a very long time, well over a decade. At times it has been literally debilitating. My OCD will go through "stages", it attacks what I value deeply and hold near. And once I'm able to get past a certain form of OCD, it pokes and prods until it finds something that hurts me and then goes to work. First it was my family, then my child, and now, the Lord.

I have constant, evil, vile, blasphemous and heretical OCD intrusive thoughts that have almost broken me. They are 100% unwanted and I do my best to ignore them, however I feel as though I offend the Lord in an unforgivable manner, and perhaps not only my soul is at stake, but that he'll punish the ones I love because of me.

I'm fairly certain that isn't the case, as the Lord knows what I'm going through and that I would never willingly have these thoughts or disrespect him. I guess I'm just looking for others who may be in the same boat, or people who have an opinion on this. All is welcomed and greatly appreciated!

Thank you for stopping by and reading.
Hi Serendipitious,

Many Christians are affected by Religious OCD, you are definitely not alone. Some believe their condition is medical related, My experience indicated that the issue was spiritual. What worked for me was that I renounced a lot of generational sin. After I did this, my intrusive thoughts decreased significantly. I also trained my mind how to ignore any ungodly thoughts that were not coming from me. I am no longer tormented by those evil intrusive thoughts that kept me bound for so may years. From what I've seen, in many cases, Religious OCD is triggered by the unpardonable sin. A few months ago I published my testimony in my book which is available on Amazon if you are interested. Thanks. https://www.amazon.com/Tourettes-De...rds=tourettes+or+demons&qid=1705525498&sr=8-1
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Serendipitous Waffle

Active Member
Jul 18, 2023
Marital Status
Hi Serendipitious,

...Religious OCD is triggered by the unpardonable sin.

Thanks, have a hard time reading currently (double vision) thanks to medication. May I ask what that sin is? I do intend on checking out your book though down the road when things get better for me health wise.
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Nov 11, 2021
Cape Town
South Africa
Marital Status
No problem thanks. My grandmother was involved in witchcraft or more accurately, she consulted with witch doctors and had rituals performed. I had to confess this to God and had to denounce it. After I did that my intrusive thoughts dropped from 90% to 10% I would say. By God's grace I met a lady who could hear very accurately from the Holy Spirit to reveal what the source of my problem was (The sin of my ancestors). Mind you, she never knew me nor my family prior to meeting her. What she told me was later confirmed by my mother in a conversation so I knew she was speaking the truth. Please note that she was an anointed person who was in ministry for years, God showed her these things. If you know someone like this then reach out to them to help you identify if there is a spiritual source to your problem. if you don't know someone then just confess the sins any way just to be safe. I'm not saying your problem is spiritual too, perhaps its medical, however in my case it was a spiritual problem, because once I dealt with it, I was set free instantly. Something I battled with for over 10 years, was resolve by a 20min confession prayer.
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Follow of Jesus Christ
Jun 24, 2014
Marital Status
Yes but I don’t think you are quite getting it. Taking thoughts captive is in the Bible and is very helpful.
What exactly does that mean though?. Because i was suggested to do that too and doing so my thoughts become ocd. And I "pray" repetitive ritual prayers instead of actually talking to and trusting God. Sorry to take over their thread, it's just something i am frustrated with when people tell me that, but don't tell me exactly how to do it. Someone (an old apostolic friend who meant well) once told me to say I rebuke those things and the enemy in Jesus name, but that turned into an obsessive compulsion that made my unsaved family think i was a religious nut. How does one practically take our thoughts captive?especially us with ocd who obsess over our thoughts more than normal people???
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
United States
Marital Status
What exactly does that mean though?. Because i was suggested to do that too and doing so my thoughts become ocd. And I "pray" repetitive ritual prayers instead of actually talking to and trusting God. Sorry to take over their thread, it's just something i am frustrated with when people tell me that, but don't tell me exactly how to do it. Someone (an old apostolic friend who meant well) once told me to say I rebuke those things and the enemy in Jesus name, but that turned into an obsessive compulsion that made my unsaved family think i was a religious nut. How does one practically take our thoughts captive?especially us with ocd who obsess over our thoughts more than normal people???
You are right, that kind of thing CAN become a compulsion for people with OCD. So we have to be careful of that.

What do you find is helpful in dealing with your intrusive thoughts?
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Nov 11, 2021
Cape Town
South Africa
Marital Status
What exactly does that mean though?. Because i was suggested to do that too and doing so my thoughts become ocd. And I "pray" repetitive ritual prayers instead of actually talking to and trusting God. Sorry to take over their thread, it's just something i am frustrated with when people tell me that, but don't tell me exactly how to do it. Someone (an old apostolic friend who meant well) once told me to say I rebuke those things and the enemy in Jesus name, but that turned into an obsessive compulsion that made my unsaved family think i was a religious nut. How does one practically take our thoughts captive?especially us with ocd who obsess over our thoughts more than normal people???

Replying to each and every thought is what is going to drain you mentally every day. You need to get to a point where you no longer take ownership of those thoughts and where you identify them as coming from the demonic realm. These are thoughts that you do not want to have so its not originating from you.

The bible states very clearly that Satan and his angels were cast onto earth where they now operate from the invisible spiritual realm.They attack our minds with negative, evil, thoughts. If that is the case, why do you accept the thoughts as your own. What I do is, when a thought comes in, I immediately identify an unwanted thought as come from the demonic realm, because it's contrary to what I and God would want, then I let it pass and don't accept it. It don't rebuke it, I don't repent, I ignore them and think to myself, that is not from me God, but from Satan. The more you do it, the easier it will become

Another important thing you need to do is to make a list of sins that you or your ancestors (e.g. grand parents or mother of Father) may have committed and repent of it anyway just to be safe. E.g Confess and ask for forgiveness for any involvement in Witchcraft, Occultism, Tarot card readings, Astral Projection, Yoga, etc. These things open doors for people to be in bondage. Once you have done this, command any demons / evil spirits to leave you in the name of Jesus (Say it out loud).

Many people in the Religions OCD forums don't believe in what I am saying but I'm telling you, this worked for me. I struggled for over 10 years with this, After I did these prayers, my blasphemous thoughts dropped from 90% to 10% and after I used the "Not owning the thoughts" mechanism, I have no issues with Religious OCD anymore. If you are in USA, my book is available on Amazon at the link below where I explain the torment and went through and how God set me free. If you were in South Africa, I would even give it to you for free. I want peope to be free from this turmoil because I know how it feels to not have hope.

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