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Being tested by The Holy Spirit (?)

Jul 10, 2023
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Long story short: I am, slowly but surely , dying. My body is getting weaker and weaker each day, I started to sleep a TON .... I'm diagnosed with something which triggers cancer in early to mid 30s , and I am in early 30s now so ..... Basically - illness is a death sentence and nothing I can do about it ... So I am cool with this from long time ago. :D Everybody dies anyway so ... xD

Anyway ... few weeks ago I was searching for some stuff on YouTube, and video bumped into my recommendation with title something along the lines - " The Holy Spirit test when you leave Earth , and you can't skip it . ". Something along those lines ...

So I wanna know , what does Bible or your belief say about this matter ?

I am dying ... and I know someone will wait for me after my spirit leaves body .... But how can I prepare for " test " , cause I assume death is not " straight forward thing " , sure there is some like .... " trap " there. xD

So ... any thoughts? Thanks. <3
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Jun 8, 2021
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Long story short: I am, slowly but surely , dying. My body is getting weaker and weaker each day, I started to sleep a TON .... I'm diagnosed with something which triggers cancer in early to mid 30s , and I am in early 30s now so ..... Basically - illness is a death sentence and nothing I can do about it ... So I am cool with this from long time ago. :D Everybody dies anyway so ... xD

Anyway ... few weeks ago I was searching for some stuff on YouTube, and video bumped into my recommendation with title something along the lines - " The Holy Spirit test when you leave Earth , and you can't skip it . ". Something along those lines ...

So I wanna know , what does Bible or your belief say about this matter ?

I am dying ... and I know someone will wait for me after my spirit leaves body .... But how can I prepare for " test " , cause I assume death is not " straight forward thing " , sure there is some like .... " trap " there. xD

So ... any thoughts? Thanks. <3
We can scarcely comprehend God's mind as if it was an enormous computer program, constantly feeding into it decisions that people make all over the world, keeping promises that have been made by God, and dishing out consequences for each and every particular. So we can hardly change our destiny with the exception that our own choices matter.

What we do in the right spirit, in the Spirit of God and in His love, matters for all eternity, as well as on this planet presently. It doesn't require many years to accomplish this. If we are destined for a shorter life, then we may be able to accomplish our contribution in a very short time.

How do we know that what we do actually accomplishes something of merit? We don't, except that when we walk with the Lord, leading a clean life, our words and our actions matter to God. And God, doing His part, adds His purpose so that what we do in conjunction with His Spirit *must* accomplish something that God intends to accomplish through us. God's word does not go forth void!

All we can do is walk with the Lord. What we accomplish is God's design, since He created us. And He did not fail when He created us. Keep praying. God hears. Let the results be His.
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Dec 31, 2018
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First of all I am sorry to hear of your situation.
All of life is a test. When we were expelled from the Garden we were to learn the consequences of putting our will ahead of God's. We are to learn that putting our will first was a selfish and self serving move, a move that has led to every sin in the world simply because we wanted something for ourselves, no matter who it hurt or even if it disobeyed the will of God. We should in the process learn what we did was foolish and hurtful and not a good way to live especially when we see those who take it to the extreme and oppress the world. Our natural reaction should be to reject these self serving ways mankind has adopted and turn to the will of God and the ways of the Kingdom He intends to establish. Abandon the thoughts of selfishness and focus on goodness to all in personal need. Our change in attitude is a sign of our allegiance to Him. It is unfortunate when life seems cut short, but focus should be in the bigger picture and the hope it brings for a new world opposite to the one we made in our own image. Forward that hope in whatever way you feel led to.
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Apr 19, 2013
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Secure passage believing in Jesus, and seek Him and the Holy spirit, you could go to a church where the presence of God is there, there is no things as comforting than His presence, you could ask to be filled with the Holy spirit, you could also ask for healing, if you believe in Jesus you could believe also in what the bible teaches, that those who believe would pray for the sick and they would heal and cast out demons etc.

The wife of one my pastors, i don't go no more to that church but ok, was with cancer and the doctors said she would die, she could barely stand, and the husband would tie her to him when they had to travel in a motorbike. He married her with this illness, and everyone called him crazy for doing that, she was healed and lived for another 30 years or so.
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Simul Justus et Peccator
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Jan 28, 2002
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Hello @RainySunflower, the only Biblical (postmortem) "testing" that comes to mind is described in the passage below. It involves receiving rewards (or the lack thereof) at the Bema Seat of Christ for all of the things that we did (or failed to do) in Christ during our lives here as believers.

1 Corinthians 3
10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds.
11 For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
12 If any man builds on this Foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw,
13 his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will ~test~ the quality of each man’s work.
14 If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.
15 If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; yet he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

As far as "Preparation 101" for the "testing" and the life to come goes, there is nothing to prepare for, no altruistic works that can be done, nor a single command of God's that we can lovingly obey until each of us is certain that we have passed the test that is described in the following verse (because NOTHING else matters until then :preach:).

2 Corinthians 13
5 ~Test yourselves~ to see if you are in the faith*; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?
*(Just FYI, the ongoing command above is one that should be obeyed by ALL of us who claim & believe ourselves to be Christians, because I can't think of anything that is more important for us to know about ourselves than that :oldthumbsup::oldthumbsup:)
In all likelihood you already know this, but I thought that I should mention it as the first/foremost point of concern for making eternal preparations.

If/when you are sure that you have passed the "test", then you may find some of the following verses useful concerning your walk with/growth in Him in the here and now, and as a means of general preparation for the testing that we will all face at the Bema Seat, too :) .. Psalm 1:1-3, 37:4, 119:9, 11, 105; Proverbs 3:5-6; Lamentations 3:24; Matthew 7:12; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, 15:58; Galatians 6:9-10; Ephesians 4:22-24, 28-29; Philippians 2:3-4;1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17; 1 John 1:9, 2:15-16 (this is but a few of them).

As far as specifics go, witnessing/sharing your faith should be at the top of all of our lists (IMHO anyway), as sharing your faith with others (witnessing/evangelism/apologetics) is the one thing that God calls/commands us to do that can only be done in the here and now/on this side of the grave. As a bit of encouragement along these lines, please check out the two Christian quotes at the bottom of this post.

(You have probably heard of pastor/theologian Charles Spurgeon, but if you don't know who Joni Eareckson Tada is, I believe that you will enjoy and be blessed by looking her and her AMAZING story up :))

Finally (concerning your declining health), I've seen INCREDIBLE and seemingly IMPOSSIBLE medical miracles happen over the years (most recently for a number of people in my church). Praying to God often results in the most amazing things happening in even the most difficult of circumstances:amen:, so you should ask your pastor and your church to pray regularly for you/your health (if they are not doing so already), and I'll pray for you too. In fact, if you can, please go to our Prayer Wall (here at CF) and let us know how we can be praying for you (and update us as often as you need to or want to) :oldthumbsup: See James 5:16.

Perhaps God has more things in store for you in this life/more things still to be done by you than you know?

Praying for you!

God bless you!!

p.s. - I forgot to ask (a couple of paragraphs back) if you know some of the various ways to test yourself (to see if you are born again and have come to true, saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ)? If you do not, or if you'd like to hear more, just ask and we'll be happy to discuss it with you, of course :)

Spurgeon - If Sinners - No One Unwarned-Unprayed for..jpg

Joni Eareckson Toda - fight the good fight.jpg
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Jul 10, 2023
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Finally (concerning your declining health), I've seen INCREDIBLE and seemingly IMPOSSIBLE medical miracles happen over the years (most recently for a number of people in my church). Praying to God often results in the most amazing things happening in even the most difficult of circumstances:amen:,


Naaaaaaaah , future of this planet is totally a dog p00p, so I'm literally not missing anything by staying alive. :D

You know how they say it in Matthew 24: wars and rumors of wars. ;) But that's not the topic of this topic. :D
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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Long story short: I am, slowly but surely , dying. My body is getting weaker and weaker each day, I started to sleep a TON .... I'm diagnosed with something which triggers cancer in early to mid 30s , and I am in early 30s now so ..... Basically - illness is a death sentence and nothing I can do about it ... So I am cool with this from long time ago. :D Everybody dies anyway so ... xD

Anyway ... few weeks ago I was searching for some stuff on YouTube, and video bumped into my recommendation with title something along the lines - " The Holy Spirit test when you leave Earth , and you can't skip it . ". Something along those lines ...

So I wanna know , what does Bible or your belief say about this matter ?

I am dying ... and I know someone will wait for me after my spirit leaves body .... But how can I prepare for " test " , cause I assume death is not " straight forward thing " , sure there is some like .... " trap " there. xD

So ... any thoughts? Thanks. <3
We're in the same boat, RainySunFlower. I've said this prayer for both of us:

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
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