• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Any Physically Challenged?

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Repenting Sinner
Mar 30, 2004
I am an individual confined to a wheelchair.

God has givien peace for me to deal with my disability.
He has blessed me in many many ways... I have travelled the world in sport competition... met many friends, great family... I have also served Him as youth president, Sunday School teacher.

6 years ago, He blessed me with a great wife: pretty and kind.

I put her #1 in my life. My sin.

Now she has left. I am sadden that it had to happen like this to wake me up from my sin.

I continue on the path which He leads while He fills me with stregthns.
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Kira Faye

Spiritualist Witch
Aug 27, 2003
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I suppose my disablities kidna weird and different........ For a reason un explained I lost feeling down the right side of my body, I'm still left with extreme pain in my right arm and residual numbness. There was also alot of etxra's like weird thigns happenign with ym eyes, my digestion and stuff like that. What we seem to have got is I have some nerves caught and after 6 yrs they might be dead. One huge problem with it was doctors refused to do anythign and just left me. I had to learn to balance totally again.(I couldn't stand on one foot or walk heel to toe without falling) I had to learn to write again and use my left arm for alot of things as I'm right handed. It ended up gettign prgressively worse and alot of times I can not physically move my arm and have to carry it around with my other cvause I can't have a slign cause it affects other problems in my neck. I spent a year off school from being so sick and have chronic fatigue from it all. I can tell u it does get hard, but I suppose its preachign to the choir hey Well I am tryign a new threapy that has reduced the constant pain for awhile, we'll see where that takes me. Good luck everyone else.
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Mar 31, 2004
South Carolina
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I have Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, severe Arthritis, Sleep Apnea and have had an ANA Test that showed a possibility of Sclearoderma. Need more test to be sure about the Sclearoderma. I also, have the early stages of Macular Degeneration. I used to work long hours and then spend as much time as I could working around my church or hunting with my Beagles. I can barely walk now. I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I am no worse than I am. I still do as much as I can. It isn't much somedays. I had to give up trying to work. Had to sell my house that I built and lived in 25 years. Then I was divorced after 32 years. I sat and stared at the floor of my old run down mobile home many long sleepless nights and talked with my Lord. I know he will take care of me. I know too he has a purpose for me if I will just follow His will. I haven't had a good night's sleep or a minute without pain for years, but my live is better now than it was. My Lord sent me a wonderful Christian Lady to share my life with. He has shown me what a wonderful son, understanding friends and good Christian family I have. I do have to pray hard for help to remember my blessings, forget the past and enjoy the present. I am just glad my Lord Jesus is always near and hears my prayers.
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Loves Dogs!
Jan 18, 2004
Land of Hiawatha
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You have a faithful testimony, "truckman." We will understand it all when we cross the river and enter Heaven. Until then, we must be thankful and praise God no matter what comes (as you are doing). Thank you for your strength of commitment to Jesus our Lord.
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Nov 7, 2003
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I have a mild form of Cereberal palsy. I have seen a whole lot worse, though, I am blessed in that way I guess. I walk different than most people, but it's all the same to me . I also do not have very good balance, some of my reactions are delayed as well, I especially notice this while playing sports and instruments. Also, if an officer ever told me to walk in straight line I would be in trouble.

Last Summer I had surgery at a Shriner's hospital, they've been helping me ever since I was 5 or 6. I have only had 2 surgeries in my life, thank God, I have had to learn how to walk three times in my 17 years, and I didn't even start walking until I was almost 6.

I had my first surgery at 5, I was very tight and walked on my tiptoes. Shriners in Kentucky cut some ligaments and stretched me out and I had to learn how to walk again. Therapy is the worse part of all the surgeries, but it is how the changes happen. If they just sent you off after surgery you would be stuck in a wheelchair till only God knows when. I am thankful for the help I have recieved through shriners, though I do not agree with the masons, I appreciate what God has allowed to be done through their Children's hospitals.

I think the worse part of the whole ordeal was I had no one to talk to! Most of the kids at the hospital only spoke Spanish and I was just a white kid who only knew how to ask where the bathroom was in spanish.

Anyway, now I am pretty much fully recovered. I still have excercises to do, but other than that it's over. I have a check up in May, I think, should be fun and exciting .

Everyone enjoy their weekend,
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Active Member
Apr 12, 2004
Vancouver, BC
I have cerebral palsy. Some type with an excessively complicated and long name that I cant' remember. I can walk, talk, bike, thiink excessively sometimes, and do pretty much everything a *cough*normal*cough* person can do. Except tie my shoelaces and trim my toenails. Or get a low-income McJob. Kinda sucks when you're in school and trying to pay as little debt as possible, but not having a job really makes paying off debt hard. Anyhoo... umm.... yeah... Not much else to say...

OH! Irony time! I can't speak too clearly (read: garbled at worst) but I'm studying Communications in school, and going into PR work. Teh IRONY!!! Not being able to speak clearly is probably the most stressful thing with my kind of CP, but since I dislike worrying so much, it's no biggie.
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Nov 7, 2003
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I am so jealous! I have cereberal Palsy too, but I have never had the balance to ride a bike.

have a nice day!
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Dec 11, 2003
Tampere, Finland
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I have a neuromuscular condition and I have used a ventilator and wheelchair for over 15 years.

I've been surprisingly well treated in my church which is Pentecostal. I think sometimes charismatics tend to think too much about healing. However, that isn't the most important issue.

Me and my pastor are good friends and respect each other - also when we disagree. I do some practical task for the church and sometimes he visits me even 5 times a week!
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Mar 31, 2004
South Carolina
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I have had a few extra problems for the past few weeks. I found out a couple of days ago I am a diabetic. My sugar level wasn't too bad but high enough to need treatment. I am trying to use diet and a low dose pill to try to control it. I pray I can stick to the diet and the pills work. Jesus will take care of me according to His plan.
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Solider of God
Dec 17, 2003
Western NC
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Hmmm well I thought I put something on here but guess I didn't. I am disabled physically and mentally (yes I am nuts but thats a new story I will share later hehe j/k only in a good way I am crazy ) Physically when i was born my muscles weren't full deleveloped and the drs just cause it a unknown muscle disease and when I was born both my feet were born crooked because the heels were to short. I had surgery on one of them but it didn't do any good i still kept on falling.I also have a learning disability with comprehension of reading and slow reflexes and comprehending on something I need to do and when i need to do it. My disabilities are hidden but are there. You have to live with me all time or have me tested to really see it cause to other ppl I don't have disabilities if they can't see them because I walk and talk just fine. God has helped me through my disabilities and I have climbed over many obstacles because of it.
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Active Member
May 14, 2004
HOLYisHISname said:

I have Cereberal Palsy as well. Though i have a mild case...i still am facing a number of surgerys and the cruel words of my fellow class mates. I can't play sports or anything that requires a hand or leg.

talk to me...i would love to share
have a disability that maybe I'll share in a bit (as I'm still a newbie). question..... how does your faith in god help...lost mine

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I have Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative disk disease, and am continually having disks herniate in my lower back. I have had 3 major back surgeries in the last year, numerous epidural nerve block injections and am facing another major surgery before the end of summer.
I have been on disability for 18 months now, I can't work, and I am home 24/7 raising my 2 year old son while my wife works. I live on a 200 plus acre farm, have 30 head of Black Angus beef cattle and can't let things get run down. So, I do what I can on the days that I can move with a little difficulty and mow pastures, cut and bale hay, (I operate the equipment and pay high school kids to stack the hay and do the real strenuous stuff.) and do the mechanical work that needs to be done on the equipment. (Since I can't lift much anymore, I use my chain hoists and stuff all the time.) The rest of the time, which accounts for about 50 to 60 percent of the time, I am inside taking care of my son. On the days that I go out and can do things, He comes along with me, Like today, I had an injection yesterday, So, I felt good enough to mow about 25 acres of pasture. My son sat on my lap about half the time until he decide it was time for a nap. He loves his vroom vrooms and to be with his daddy on the tractor was very exciting for him. I do get a bit depressed from time to time cause of my constant back problems, But, I somehow manage to deal with things and try not to overdo things on the good days. I wish that I could go back to work and be relatively normal again, But, I know that God has a purpose for me being this way and someday he will reveal that reason to me. I have had the pleasure of working with several of our younger kids(teens to mid 20's) here at CF that have problems with depression, SI, and other problems. Who knows whats going to happen except God himself ? I hope I didn't write a small novel here. I didn't mean too.
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For Those About To Rock....We Salute You
Jan 26, 2004
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hey soulwinner, tht almost sounds like da disease i have, when i was born my muscles weren't full deleveloped but i had heaps of operations when i weas young. ive been able 2 walk since i was bout 5 with walking frames, now i need no support. i do most things any1 else can, i go out with my friends to moviues, nightclubs and im doin a course in marketing now.
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Active Member
May 21, 2004
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I know I posted somewhere else on the board about the fact that I have been told I have fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome and Osteoarthritis. All this was diagnosed at one time although I had the symptoms for years.

I went back to college at the age of 47 with the hopes of getting the two degrees I needed to become a social worker. I am not able to go to school now or work and am filing for disability. However, even in this present trial God has drawn me closer to Him, and I am always reminded that in our weakness He is shown to be strong. I am so grateful for the opportunity to sit before His throne in worship and in prayer for others. I truely believe that if we seek God first and His righteousness He will add everything else that we need to our lives. I praise Him for He is my source of strengh and my all in all. He truely does turn all things to the good for those who love Him and are called according to his purpose

(Rom 8:35 ASV) Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

(Rom 8:36 ASV) Even as it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

(Rom 8:37 ASV) Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

(Rom 8:38 ASV) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,

(Rom 8:39 ASV) nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Active Member
Nov 22, 2003
The Desert
Hello everyone. It is a blessing to find a place where we can fellowship with others who struggle with the afflictions of the flesh and find others who are moved to assist and support those in need.

Regardless of the affliction, we seek to fellowship with others who can understand some of what we deal with daily, that most of the general population does not understand.

Pappa encouraged activity and said we could accomplish anything, if we set our minds to it. "If there is a will, there is a way", "Have faith in God".

Many times I have heard "you don't look handicapped." Ok, what am I 'supposed' to look like?! May God bless them anyway. If they only knew, they would not say a word. Trying to explain, has never worked.

I watched as my mother went through countless back surgeries, and have seen her recover, to the extent that she is able. She uses a wheel chair alot of the time.

God has shown me compassion through my own experience, and strength when I thought there was no way.

nemesis855 said:
question..... how does your faith in god help...
For me, when I am stricken with mind numbing pain or hurt by someones words, I rely on God and talk to Him. He is the one who gives me strength to move, to walk, to breath. God gives us only as much as we can handle. In my 'down' times, there is more time for conversations with Him. I try to mention as many people as I can remember, which have crossed my path through life and ponder their situations, asking for their safety and care. Maybe they needed that prayer to endure some trial in their life.

I have often pondered the "Why.." and have concluded that God's purpose is yet unknown to me. But, with hope, I look forward to the time when we will be whole, for eternity with God. The present seems like forever, but, in the broad spectrum of this planet, it is just a brief moment.

My mother said to me as a child 'You may have to go through trials and tribulations throughout life, which enable you for something still ahead in the future. Someone who needs your experience to help them.' There have been countless times this has been true. In the end, God was able to move in their lives, giving hope, health, and eternal life.

In His Service..
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