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Aug 20, 2020
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~2 am, Jul 14th 2019

“I (for AI – my nickname in family), please take me to hospital. I fell from my bed”
“HA? You’re bleeding ‘pah’. How can you fall?”

Never thought that it would happen and be the last conversion between me and him. After that, he was in coma and went to his eternal home in heaven after several brain surgeries which he had to undergo due from falling out of bed.

For a month, my father was being hospitalized in ICU MAYAPADA Hospital, struggling to survive, fighting for his condition so he would not disappoint us ….. Although no words have been said, but I knew, it was very hard for you. Thank you, Papa – Thank you for everything especially for your great love for me, mom ('Ibu'), and sisters ('Kaoko and Jenni').

Sad that you can’t be with me anymore in this world, but HAPPY knowing that you are now in heaven with Jesus, healthy and happy! See you in the next life in heaven! We love you and will always remember you!

It happened so sudden and papa’s condition were not possible to be taken to a distant hospital, we decided to take him to the nearest hospital. A hospital that we never went for a treatment or check-up, so we didn’t know if there was a good doctor there, and/ or whether the equipment and medical care were adequate. But we did not have other choice …..

We met with the doctor and he said that papa must undergo for surgery immediately (brain surgery). My family and I were afraid, confused, worried, did not know what to do
- Was it true what the doctor said?
- Was there any other way than surgery?
- It was a complex operation, brain surgery. What would happen?
- Was he a good doctor?
- And many other questions popped up in our heads

When we were full of confusion and fear, the doctor said that we must immediately make a decision. The longer we decided, the lesser chance the surgery will succeed. So, we finally made a decision to let papa undergo brain surgery.

The 1st surgery lasted for about 4-6 hours resulting neither good nor bad output. The doctor explained how the surgery has gone. We did not sure we understood everything except that Papa was still alive and it’s more than enough. Praise GOD!

Days passed by, he was still in coma with ups and downs condition. One day he showed us movement on his leg to respond to our conversation, but on the other day he showed no responses that we could only hear the sound of machine in the room. Until one day, the doctor came to us and mentioned that papa need to be in the (second) brain surgery. The first surgery was not optimal because there was still a lump in his brain and had to be operated before it got worse. We were so sad because the wound on his brain & head has not dried yet, but he had to go back to surgery.

We were not sure if the 2nd surgery was the best for him at that time. Seeking for a second opinion by going to doctor Jose in Medistra Hospital (papa’s personal doctor for the past 6+years) to consult about having another surgery, whether we need to transfer him to Medistra or other hospitals and asking his help to connect us with the best neurologist in town. But God is GOD & He is amazingly GOOD, He has planned everything perfectly. Dr Jose mentioned that the current hospital was fine, even better than Medistra, as every patient has a dedicated ICU room. In fact, it turned out that dr. Jose also practiced in that hospital so that he could take care of papa directly. He also said that he would ask his colleague (neurologist) at that hospital to also see papa condition. Surprisingly, his colleague is one of the best neurologists in town (Prof. Dr. dr. Satyanegara).

We planned to bring papa to the best doctor, but in the end, the doctor, himself, visited papa free at no cost. I know for sure that this was not a coincidence, but this was God’s plan that went beyond all our thoughts.

Finally, the second brain surgery was performed, and the results were very good and more satisfying than the first. His consciousness had gotten better, he was able to open his eyes, and showing signs of responding to us. This went on for a few days until his condition started to become unstable and the doctor told us that papa had to have another surgery to insert a tube into his brain to remove excess water in his brain. This was a third brain surgery within +/- 2 weeks for papa.

That was really a tough time, not only for us but especially for papa who needed to experience it altogether at once. We would have given up on the situation if we relied on our own thoughts and strength. But deep inside us, we knew that God has never forsaken us. If God is with us through the 1st and 2nd surgeries, He will also lead us go through the third surgery. So, we surrendered, wait for Him to renew our strength and show us His great work in this 3rd surgery.

And the time has come, the 3rd surgery was successfully performed. Right after the surgery, papa was brought back to the ICU room and we thanked God for the smooth process on this third surgery. God keeps His promises for us that He is the Immanuel, God is with us from the beginning till the end. He will give new strength to those who wait for Yahweh (Isaiah 40: 31).

Papa was getting better again, he was able to open his eyes and responded to us at the same level of consciousness after the second surgery. Less than a week after the 3rd surgery, the doctor decided to perform another minor surgery to put in a breathing apparatus on his neck to help him getting used to breathe on his own and not using tools/ machines anymore. For another ~2 weeks, he showed his big effort to survive and recovered. But we did know that he was tired. There was one day when I was alone in the hospital, and the nurse called me to come to papa’s room, I saw he vomited his drugs and food. I was panic but moreover I couldn’t bear to see how hard this had been for him. The doctors and nurses came right away to check on him, and I was by his bed singing:
“Tuhan Jesus si parmahan, au biru-biru na do, Jesus gok di ho rohangku. Sai ihuthononhu Ho. Sai ihuthononhu Ho, sai ihuthononhu Ho. Jesus gok di Ho rohangku, sai ihuthononhu Ho.”

“Jesus ngolu ni tondingku, Ho do haporusanki. Gok di Ho na ma diringku, ro di nasa langkaki. Lam tangkas ma patuduhon, tu au on panghophopMi. Asa I huhalungunhon, hot ma au di lambungMi.” --> songs from our hometown in Sumatera (Indonesia).

It was one of my best times with him, hoped that he can hear and sing with me even though it was a very tough moment.

Fast forward to Aug 11, 2019 at around 8 pm – papa’s condition dropped significantly. He got sepsis after a month in ICU. The sepsis attacked most of his organs and caused his blood pressure hits the bottom line, the lowest ever since papa’s got hospitalized. We were very panic. All of us (me, my mother & sisters) shout out to give him strength (hoping that he can hear us). Prayed and hoped that God will one more time show us His mercy and miracle for papa.

The doctor took action, gave him medication, and his blood pressure slowly returned to normal (THANK YOU GOD). After that, me & my younger sister had a small holy communion with papa. It might be not a perfect one, but we knew God was there and made it as perfect. I stayed in his room all day until the next day. Could not sleep, fully awake to always check up his condition.

Aug 12, 2019 (Monday very early morning), I was still in his ICU room and I felt that day was very different. I can’t find his fighting spirit anymore. I can only feel that Papa was TIRED, VERY TIRED. And God also seemed to tell me something. He started by asking me to open the bible to read Psalm 91 to him. Usually, I read this verse at 9 am or during my morning visit. But that day, God asked me to read the verse NOW at So, I read it anyway.

Starting on 9 am, the four of us were in the hospital again. This was not normal as usually only me who will be in the hospital in the morning as my sisters & mother will come to the hospital during visit time (12 pm – 1 pm) and after 5 pm. So, we were all the hospital, waiting patiently until the visit time to see papa in his room. But before the visiting time, (at ~11 am) the doctor asked all of us to come to ICU room. We found that papa was in a coma, his eyes were closed, no more movement, and all graphics in monitor were flat. We spent ~30-40 mins to say our last words to him, to sing & pray for him, and to feel the touch of his hand on our heads. Never thought that this would be our last & best time with papa. And at exactly 11.37 am, papa went to heaven, was completely healed and sat next to Jesus.

He finished his fight well, and God made it perfect. Without us knowing it, all the close families, relatives were there to accompany him at a critical time until his last time. And it turned out, a pastor was already there to pray for his departure from this world. This was not our plan, but God has arranged it in such beautiful way for papa and our family.

The story of Him as a good God, the great Father who is always with us, continues. When I took care of administration and payments, I knew it would cost a lot of money (a whole month in the ICU with 4 surgeries would never be cheap), but I was amazed that we were able to pay 100% of the bill without having to borrow or sell any of our assets. He did not stop there, He even made a funeral process that was very beautiful for him. Until now, I couldn’t understand how it all happened. But once again God showed His greatness as Jehovah Jireh – the God who provides.

For some people, this story might be about the loss of our family because the passed away of our ‘papah’. But for me & my family, this is much more than that. This is the story of how God shows His majesty in our family.

A test of losing a father turns into a TESTIMONY of how great OUR GOD is. We declare that our God is Immanuel, a God who is always with us. Our God is powerful, He arranges and controls of everything in our lives, from the beginning to the end. Our God is Jehovah Jireh who provides all of our needs and even more than we have ever asked for.

Thank You Jesus for everything. Thank you for healing papa completely and bringing him to Heaven with you. Thank you for your perfect plans for our family, nothing is out of Your sight. Thank you for Your abundant blessings for us. And Thank you for always be with us. Lead us into Your ways, holds us into Your palms. Let me and my family praise your name forever. All glory be to God. Amen!
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